GNOME Dia UI layout - dia

I'm starting to use Dia as a Linux diagramming solution. I'm using 0.97 (which comes with Ubuntu Oneiric). I saw images of its user interface (UI) showing the whole application with tabs instead of the classic GIMP UI (Main window and one window per diagram).
Anyone knows how to do this?

Use the commandline parameter --integrated to start the tabbed interface:
dia --integrated


Programmatically signal LXDE desktop manager to hide its start panel?

I'm working on a RaspberryPi with a 3.5 inch LCD screen. I have a Qt 5 based application that operates in kiosk mode without a title bar. The app uses the entire 320x480 screen. I want to hide the LXDE start panel to reclaim the pixels for my app.
I found several posts that detail configuration changes for LXDE to hide the start panel. For example, here and here. They provide answers like edit /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart and restart.
I'm trying to do the same programmatically. LXDE has a Wiki but I don't see an API to dynamically configure it.
My first question is, how do tell LXDE to hide its start panel? I'd like the start menu go away, or ensure my app is layered on top of the start panel. I would like to do something like this:
MainForm::MainForm(QDialog *parent)
: QDialog(parent)
LXDE* lxde = getDesktopManager();
If it is not possible to do at runtime, then my next question is, can I run the RPI with only X11? In this case I can remove the desktop manager because I don't need it. Qt can talk to X11 the window manager directly.
PCManFM and friends are pretty much useless on the 3.5 screen, so I don't really care if the solution is to remove the desktop manager.
A workaround is to use showFullScreen() that makes the GUI occupy the entire window.

App modeller, Identify button not showing up in blueprism spying

I am creating calculator VBO in blueprism object studio.
In application modeller I gave calc.exe path and able to launch calculator, but I am not getting identify option to spy on any element..
In Element, After clicking Launch buttion, identify is appearing for a split of sec and Launch button is coming back instead of Identify
PS- As mentioned in videos and links, I have launched calc via application modeller not directly via windows..
I am using windows 10, BluePrism V. versionenter image description here
Windows 10 calculator is complicated case, please consider using different application in your training. For example paint is much simpler to get started.
If you really need to get that going, then you may need to launch application first, using one object, and afterwards use second object to attach and interact with it.
can be two reasons
1. Either your application is not launched properly.
2. Sometimes we face problems with some versions of applications.
The best way to fix your problem is
Edit your settings remove the application path from the navigate stage.
Launch the application separately
Open Navigate stage > Action > Attach
Provide the window title within quotes (example: "Calculator")
Click OK then run the object
Now if you go to application modeller
You will be able to see the identify button under the element.
Hope this will help you.
I resolved this by unchecking "Disable invasive techniques (hooking)".
The Windows 10 calculator runs with process name win32calc which is also located under c:\windows\system32.
So when you launch the application please make you identify the applications process name and its location
I resolved this by circumventing to windows 7 calculator instead of a windows 10 calculator on windows 10.
Link to download win 7 calculator for win 10-
This will be installed in the same place as your default calculator.
The name of the app in my case was "calc1.exe" to avoid collisions with the default calculator.
I used this as my base reference app for spying and it worked.
Also note, the hover to highlight button seems to be a bit buggy, try a bit hit and trail to get you required button to be highlighted and mark using "Ctrl+LeftClick"

How to create the same GUI as Avast Version7 has deployed for LEFT MENU PANE(Summary,Scan Computer, Real Time Shield)) in WPF using XAML?

I have to create the same GUI(for Desktop Application) which has used in Avast -Version 7 for the "Left Menu Pane(Summary,Scan Computer, Real Time Shield) etc".
I tried it a lot Already and at last I am asking the name of control that has customized in a way where each tabs on very Left Pane has sub tab like "Summary tab" that listed down following Sub tabs On click
1)current Service
2)Cloud Service
3)Statistics and other Tab sub-option collapse automatically?
Will you please give me guideline in brief to achieve Such effect through WPF?
or If you have some other solution for such GUI than please also suggest.
It is just a left aligned Tabs, larger tabs comprise of following smaller tabs, as in WPF we can customize shape of controls.
Such GUI also has been deployed for Intel Graphics Control Panel(window 7 64 bit).
This kind of GUI is very advantageous, as it holds lots of information in simplest and easier manner for end user.

What programming languages have access to the WinAPI?

I'm looking to start a new programming language and for my first task I want to overlay some text on another applications window, similar to the guy in this post:
Overlay text on some else's window - HUD
Clearly from that post, this can be done in VB.NET, and extrapolating from that, I can probably safely assume that C++\C# can also do this similarly.
My question is; are there any other languages that can do the same? Can Ruby do it? :)
I'm looking for the following capabilities:
Enumerate open windows to find the one I want to overlay on top of.
Overlay text on the 3rd party apps window. (Rich text is a bonus)
Detect window bounds so I can resize the text when the user resizes the window.
Allow click-through of my created text so it doesn't interfere with the 3rd party apps functionality.
Any ideas?
If you want to use Ruby, you have two options: IronRuby and "classic Ruby".
I guess IronRuby would be the preferred option on Windows as it runs on top of .NET and has access to full Windows API through that.
If .NET is too much for your needs and you need to do something simple, then classic Ruby might be a better fit.
For classic Ruby, check out these pages:
Ruby and Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows Support
Beware: argument packing and unpacking is not very convenient.

How do I create a preferences window in Objective-C?

I would like to create a preferences window like in the standard Mac OS X apps (Safari etc.). I have found resources like DBPrefsWindowController from back in 2008 that matches the Apple HIG.
Just wondering if there is a new way to accomplish this? I can't locate any standard windows in Interface Builder so I assume Apple doesn't provide those, nor can I locate a official Apple sample code for providing this standard UI.
Thank you
It seems DBPrefsWindowController is no longer available.
For now, I would recommend the up to date RHPreferences framework.
Available on GitHub. BSD Licensed.
It’s a simple and easy Preferences window controller with multiple tabs for your next Mac application.
It also provides:
Auto resizing between different sized tab views (With animation)
Custom NSToolbarItem support
Persistence of the last used tab
Support for placeholder NSToolbarItems (eg NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier & NSToolbarShowFontsItemIdentifier)