Objective C send message to creator - objective-c

I don't quite understand about how to deal with next kind of task:
#implementation SomeInterface
MyObj * mo = [MyObj new];
[mo doJob];
The question is - how can mo send message back to SomeInterface after doJob is finished?
Should I use NSNotificationCenter?

As of iOS 4, probably the easiest thing to do is to pass a block to doJob that dictates what it should do upon completion. So, for example...
// create a typedef for our type of completion handler, to make
// syntax cleaner elsewhere
typedef void (^MyObjDoJobCompletionHandler)(void);
#interface MyObj
- (void)doJobWithCompletionHandler:(MyObjDoJobCompletionHandler)completionHandler;
- (void)doJobWithCompletionHandler:(MyObjDoJobCompletionHandler)completionHandler
/* do job here ... */
// we're done, so give the completion handler a shout.
// We call it exactly like a C function:
/* alternatives would have been to let GCD dispatch it,
but that would lead to discussion of GCD and a bunch of
thread safety issues that aren't really relevant */
Within SomeInterface.m:
MyObj * mo = [MyObj new];
[mo doJobWithCompletionHandler:
^() // you can omit the brackets if there are no parameters, but
// that's a special case and I don't want to complicate things...
NSLog(#"whoop whoop, job was done");
// do a bunch more stuff here
I assume that in reality you're doing something that ends up being asynchronous in DoJob (or else you'd just wait until the method returns); in that case you might want to use GCD's dispatch_async with the result of dispatch_get_main_queue to ensure the completion handler takes place back on the main thread.
Joachim Bengtsson has written a good introductory guide to blocks. As to how they interact with Grand Central Dispatch (and how to use GCD in general), Apple's documentation is good.

yes, you can use NSNotificationCenter or write callback method


Objective-C define block after passing it to a method

Is it possible to define a block after passing it to a method? I want to do this so the code is in somewhat the order it runs in:
// Declare the block
void (^doStuffBlock)(void);
// Pass the block.
[self prepareToDoStuffWithCompletion:doStuffBlock];
// Define the block.
doStuffBlock = ^void() {
// Do stuff
doesn't work because inside prepareToDoStuffWithCompletion: the block doStuffBlock is nil.
you should first define the block then pass it to the method:
// Declare the block
void (^doStuffBlock)(void);
// Define the block.
doStuffBlock= ^void() {
// Do stuff
// Pass the block.
[self prepareToDoStuffWithCompletion:doStuffBlock];
You could use a typedef.
typedef void (^TypeName)(void);
- (void)bar:(TypeName)completion {
TypeName foo = ^() { /*...*/ };
[self bar:foo];
(My obj-c syntax might be a little rusty, but what you want to do is possible in both Objective-C and Swift.
If you are certain that the method will run your doStuffBlock after you "define" it, what you could do is have your doStuffBlock capture a variable holding a second block with the real logic of what it should do. You can set the real-logic block after you create doStuffBlock, and you need to make sure that the variable holding the real-logic block is a __block variable, so that changes to the variable in the function scope are seen in the block scope.
__block void (^realLogicBlock)(void);
[self prepareToDoStuffWithCompletion:^{
if (realLogicBlock)
realLogicBlock = ^void() {
// Do stuff
You might have to be careful about retain cycles though -- if inside realLogicBlock, you capture a reference to self or to something that will reference the prepareToDoStuffWithCompletion: completion handler, you would have a retain cycle, in which case you may have to introduce a weak reference somewhere.
If you supply the completion handler closure, you are effectively saying “here is the closure I want you to use”.
If you are going to supply the closure later you would probably define a property:
#property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) void (^doStuff)(void);
Then, do not supply the closure when you call the method, but rather refer to this property:
- (void)prepareToDoStuff {
[self somethingAsynchronousWithCompletion:^{
if (self.doStuff) {
// if completion handler, you’d often release it when done, e.g.
// self.doStuff = nil;
And, then you can call this method and supply the closure later:
[self prepareToDoStuff];
self.doStuff = ^{
NSLog(#"do stuff done");
A few additional considerations:
Make sure you synchronize your access to this doStuff property. E.g., in the above, I am assuming that the somethingAsynchronousWithCompletion is calling its completion handler on the main thread. If not, synchronize your access (like you would any non-thread-safe property in a multithreaded environment).
There is a logical race if you first call the method that will eventually call the block, and only later set that block property. Sometimes that is perfectly fine (e.g. maybe you are just trying to specify what UI to update when the asynchronous process finishes). Other times, the race can bite you. It depends upon the functional intent of the block property.
I would give the block property a name that better reflects its functional purpose (e.g. completionHandler or notificationHandler or didReceiveValue or whatever).

How to implement a reentrant locking mechanism in objective-c through GCD?

I have an objective-c class with some methods, which use a GCD queue to ensure that concurrent accesses to a resource take place serially (standard way to do this).
Some of these methods need to call other methods of the same class. So the locking mechanism needs to be re-entrant. Is there a standard way to do this?
At first, I had each of these methods use
dispatch_sync(my_queue, ^{
// Critical section
to synchronize accesses. As you know, when one of these methods calls another such method, a deadlock happens because the dispatch_sync call stops the current executing until that other block is executed, which can't be executed also, because execution on the queue is stopped. To solve this, I then used e.g. this method:
- (void) executeOnQueueSync:(dispatch_queue_t)queue : (void (^)(void))theBlock {
if (dispatch_get_current_queue() == queue) {
} else {
dispatch_sync(queue, theBlock);
And in each of my methods, I use
[self executeOnQueueSync:my_queue : ^{
// Critical section
I do not like this solution, because for every block with a different return type, I need to write another method. Moreover, this problem looks very common to me and I think there should exist a nicer, standard solution for this.
First things first: dispatch_get_current_queue() is deprecated. The canonical approach would now be to use dispatch_queue_set_specific. One such example might look like:
typedef dispatch_queue_t dispatch_recursive_queue_t;
static const void * const RecursiveKey = (const void*)&RecursiveKey;
dispatch_recursive_queue_t dispatch_queue_create_recursive_serial(const char * name)
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create(name, DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
dispatch_queue_set_specific(queue, RecursiveKey, (__bridge void *)(queue), NULL);
return queue;
void dispatch_sync_recursive(dispatch_recursive_queue_t queue, dispatch_block_t block)
if (dispatch_get_specific(RecursiveKey) == (__bridge void *)(queue))
dispatch_sync(queue, block);
This pattern is quite usable, but it's arguably not bulletproof, because you could create nested recursive queues with dispatch_set_target_queue, and trying to enqueue work on the outer queue from inside the inner one would deadlock, even though you are already "inside the lock" (in derision quotes because it only looks like a lock, it's actually something different: a queue — hence the question, right?) for the outer one. (You could get around that by wrapping calls to dispatch_set_target_queue and maintaining your own out-of-band targeting graph, etc., but that's left as an exercise for the reader.)
You go on to say:
I do not like this solution, because for every block with a different
return types, I need to write another method.
The general idea of this "state-protecting serial queue" pattern is that you're protecting private state; why would you "bring your own queue" to this? If it's about multiple objects sharing the state protection, then give them an inherent way to find the queue (i.e., either push it in at init time, or put it somewhere that's mutually accessible to all interested parties). It's not clear how "bringing your own queue" would be useful here.

main() not called in non concurrent NSOperation

When creating an NSOperation and putting it into an NSOperationQueue, I never see main() being called. Only start() is getting called. I'm not doing anything fancy, really. As a simple test, I wrote this:
NSOperationQueue *testOperationQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
MyTestOperation *testOperation = [[MyTestOperation alloc] init];
[testOperationQueue addOperation:testOperation];
in MyTestOperation.m:
- (void)main
NSLog(#"testing if main is getting called");
- (void)start
NSLog(#"testing if start is getting called");
MyTestOperation.h looks like this:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface MyTestOperation : NSOperation
Am I missing something obvious?
[Edit Note: I actually meant non concurrent, not concurrent (as written in the previous title).]
I played around with your code and noticed that if I commented out your start method entirely, the main method would run. After reading the documentation for start more closely, I found this line:
The default implementation of this method updates the execution state of the operation and calls the receiver’s main method.
Thus, by overriding start with an implementation that didn't call main, you effectively short-circuited the operation and never allowed it to actually begin working! Therefore, you either need to explicitly call main within your start method, or you need to eliminate start all-together if you're not actually using it to do setup/update execution state/etc.

Granularity status of an NSBlockOperation

I have extended NSOperationQueue to allow adding NSBlockOperation with a specific NSString as identifier.
The identifier value is held in a NSMutableArray serving as a registry. This is how I implement the registry.
-(void)addOperation:(NSOperation *)operation withID:(NSString*)operationID
[self.queueReference addObject:operationID]; // <-- just a mutable array
[operation setCompletionBlock:^(){
#synchronized(self.queueReference) {
[self.queueReference removeObject:operationID];
[self addOperation:operation];
Basically I am adding a completion block which is cleaning the registry when that particular operation has finished.
However, while this works, I am in need to add more granularity to the queue.
I only use the queue with block operation, and during the execution of the block I may send different NSNotification to the listener depending how the execution went.
What I was trying to achieve:
A caller try to add a particular NSBlockOperation with identifier to queue. If queue already has such identifier just don't add block, and the calling class set itself as listener.
What is missing ? Checking for the identifier is not enough, there may be case when the NSBlockOperation already dispatched the NSNotification but the completion block has not yet being called.
So the caller class ask the queue, which is saying the identifier exists in registry, and caller wrongly set itself for listening to a notification that will never arrive because it's already being sent.
The scenario would be instead: caller ask the queue, which is saying 'identifier is in registry' but NSNotification is sent. And the caller put NSBlockOperation to queue.
The check of registry is made by means of a simple method:
return [self.queueReference containsObject:operationID];
but at this point I have not much idea on how to extend such method. The code I am working on is kind of 'academic', it does not serve any particular purpose, it is just me trying to experiment. Therefore I have great flexibility within the code. But this is quite new subject to me, so please be as much specific as possible of any downside of suggested implementation.
It looks like your current system has three fundamental events:
Operation is added to the queue
Operation sends notification while executing
Operation completion block is called
Unless the queue itself explicitly listens for any NSNotifications that might be sent by the blocks, it has no way of knowing whether they have happened yet. But even if it does listen, the ordering in which observers of NSNotifications are called is non-deterministic. In other words, even if the queue listens for the notification and interlocks its callback with enqueue/dequeue operations, it could (and eventually would) still be too late for another client to start listening for that NSNotification, and you would falsely reject an operation.
Consider this alternative: Instead of using the completion block to manage the identifier list, use the notification itself -- have the queue handle sending the notifications. Put differently, let's get rid of the third event and have the notification sending do double duty for identifier list maintenance. The simplest way I came up with to do this looked like:
// SONotifyingOperationQueue.h
// NotifyingOpQueue
typedef void (^SOSendNotificationBlock)(NSDictionary* userInfo);
typedef void (^SONotifyingBlock)(SOSendNotificationBlock sendNotificationBlock);
#interface SONotifyingOperationQueue : NSOperationQueue
- (BOOL)addOperationForBlock:(SONotifyingBlock)block withNotificationName:(NSString*)notificationName;
// SONotifyingOperationQueue.m
// NotifyingOpQueue
#import "SONotifyingOperationQueue.h"
#implementation SONotifyingOperationQueue
NSMutableSet* _names;
- (BOOL)addOperationForBlock: (SONotifyingBlock)block withNotificationName: (NSString*)notificationName
notificationName = [[notificationName copy] autorelease];
BOOL shouldAdd = NO;
_names = _names ? : [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
if (![_names containsObject: notificationName])
[_names addObject: notificationName];
shouldAdd = YES;
if (shouldAdd)
NSBlockOperation* blockOp = [[[NSBlockOperation alloc] init] autorelease];
__block SONotifyingOperationQueue* blockSelf = self;
SOSendNotificationBlock notificationBlock = ^(NSDictionary* userInfo){
[blockSelf->_names removeObject: notificationName];
// Sending the notification from inside the #synchronized makes it atomic
// with respect to enqueue operations, meaning there can never be a missed
// notification that could have been received.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: notificationName object: blockSelf userInfo: userInfo];
dispatch_block_t executionBlock = ^{
[blockOp addExecutionBlock: executionBlock];
[self addOperation: blockOp];
return shouldAdd;
- (void)dealloc
[_names release];
[super dealloc];
This approach makes several changes to your original approach. First, the API here adds blocks and not NSOperations. You could do the same thing with an NSOperation subclass, but it would be more code, and wouldn't change the overall pattern. It also merges the notion of the identifier and the notification name. If an operation could send multiple, different NSNotifications, this won't work without modification, but again, the overall pattern would be the same. The important feature of this pattern is that your id/name check is now interlocked with the notification sending itself, providing a strong guarantee that if someone goes to add a new block/operation to the queue, and another operation with the same id/name hasn't fired its notification yet, the new operation won't be added, but if the notification has been fired, then it will be added, even if the preceding block hasn't yet completed.
If having the NSOperation object was somehow important here, you could also have the method here return the operation it creates for the supplied block.

NSOperation & Singleton: Correct concurency design

I need an advice from you guys on the design of my app here, basically I would like to know if it will work as I expect ? As the multi-threading is quite tricky thing I would like to hear from you.
Basically my task is very simple -I've SomeBigSingletonClass - big singleton class, which has two methods someMethodOne and someMethodTwo
These methods should be invoked periodically (timer based) and in separate threads.
But there should be only one instance of each thread at the moment, e.g. there should be only one running someMethodOne at any time and the same for someMethodTwo.
What I've tried
GCD - Did implementation with GCD but it lacks very important feature, it does not provide means to check if there is any running task at the moment, i.e. I was not able to check if there is only one running instance of let say someMethodOne method.
NSThread - It does provide good functionality but I'm pretty sure that new high level technologies like NSOperation and GCD will make it more simple to maintain my code. So I decided to give-up with NSThread.
My Solution with NSOperation
How I plan to implement the two thread invokation
#implementation SomeBigSingletonClass
- (id)init
// queue is an iVar
queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
// As I'll have maximum two running threads
[queue setMaxConcurrentOperationCount:2];
+ (SomeBigSingletonClass *)sharedInstance
static SomeBigSingletonClass *sharedInstance = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedInstance = [[SomeBigSingletonClass alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
- (void)someMethodOne
SomeMethodOneOperation *one = [[SomeMethodOneOperation alloc] init];
[queue addOperation:one];
- (void)someMethodTwo
SomeMethodTwoOperation *two = [[SomeMethodOneOperation alloc] init];
[queue addOperation:two];
And finally my NSOperation inherited class will look like this
#implementation SomeMethodOneOperation
- (id)init
if (![super init]) return nil;
return self;
- (void)main {
// Check if the operation is not running
if (![self isExecuting]) {
[[SomeBigSingletonClass sharedInstance] doMethodOneStuff];
And the same for SomeMethodTwoOperation operation class.
If you are using NSOperation, you can achieve what you want be creating your own NSOperationQueue and setting numberOfConcurrentOperations to 1.
You could have also maybe used an #synchronized scope with your class as your lock object.
EDIT: clarification---
What I am proposing:
Queue A (1 concurrent operation--used to perform SomeMethodOneOperation SomeMethodTwoOperation once at a time)
Queue B (n concurrent operations--used for general background operation performing)
EDIT 2: Updated code illustrating approach to run maximum operation one and operation two, with max one each of operation one and operation two executing at any given time.
static NSOperationQueue * methodOneQueue = nil ;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken ;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
queue = [ [ NSOperationQueue alloc ] init ] ;
queue = 1 ;
[ queue addOperation:[ NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{
... do method one ...
} ] ];
static NSOperationQueue * queue = nil ;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken ;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
queue = [ [ NSOperationQueue alloc ] init ] ;
queue = 1 ;
[ queue addOperation:[ NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{
... do method two ...
} ] ];
per our discussion:
I pointed out that isExecuting is a member variable and refers only to the state of the operation being queried, not if any instance of that class is executing
therefore Deimus' solution won't work to keep multiple instances of operation one running simultaneously for example
Sorry, I'm late to the party. If your methods are called back based on timers, and you want them to execute concurrently with respect to one another, but synchronous with respect to themselves, might I suggest using GCD timers.
Basically, you have two timers, one which executes methodOne, and the other executes methodTwo. Since you pass blocks to the GCD timers, you don't even have to use methods, especially if you want to make sure other code does not call those methods when they are not supposed to run.
If you schedule the timers onto a concurrent queue, then both timers could possibly be running at the same time on different threads. However, the timer itself will only run when it is scheduled. Here is an example I just hacked up... you can easily use it with a singleton...
First, a helper function to create a timer that takes a block which will be called when the timer fires. The block passes the object, so it can be referenced by the block without creating a retain cycle. If we use self as the parameter name, the code in the block can look just like other code...
static dispatch_source_t setupTimer(Foo *fooIn, NSTimeInterval timeout, void (^block)(Foo * self)) {
// Create a timer that uses the default concurrent queue.
// Thus, we can create multiple timers that can run concurrently.
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_source_t timer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, queue);
uint64_t timeoutNanoSeconds = timeout * NSEC_PER_SEC;
dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, timeoutNanoSeconds),
// Prevent reference cycle
__weak Foo *weakFoo = fooIn;
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(timer, ^{
// It is possible that the timer is running in another thread while Foo is being
// destroyed, so make sure it is still there.
Foo *strongFoo = weakFoo;
if (strongFoo) block(strongFoo);
return timer;
Now, the basic class implementation. If you don't want to expose methodOne and methodTwo, there is no reason to even create them, especially if they are simple, as you can just put that code directly in the block.
#implementation Foo {
dispatch_source_t timer1_;
dispatch_source_t timer2_;
- (void)methodOne {
- (void)methodTwo {
- (id)initWithTimeout1:(NSTimeInterval)timeout1 timeout2:(NSTimeInterval)timeout2 {
if (self = [super init]) {
timer1_ = setupTimer(self, timeout1, ^(Foo *self) {
// Do "methodOne" work in this block... or call it.
[self methodOne];
timer2_ = setupTimer(self, timeout2, ^(Foo *self) {
// Do "methodOne" work in this block... or call it.
[self methodTwo];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
In response to the comments (with more detail to hopefully explain why the block will not be executed concurrently, and why missed timers are coalesced into one).
You do not need to check for it being run multiple times. Straight from the documentation...
Dispatch sources are not reentrant. Any events received while the
dispatch source is suspended or while the event handler block is
currently executing are coalesced and delivered after the dispatch
source is resumed or the event handler block has returned.
That means when a GCD dispatch_source timer block is dispatched, it will not be dispatched again until the one that is already running completes. You do nothing, and the library itself will make sure the block is not executed multiple times concurrently.
If that block takes longer than the timer interval, then the "next" timer call will wait until the one that is running completes. Also, all the events that would have been delivered are coalesced into one single event.
You can call
unsigned numEventsFired = dispatch_source_get_data(timer);
from within your handler to get the number of events that have fired since the last time the handler was executed (e.g., if your handler ran through 4 timer firings, this would be 4 - but you would still get all this firings in this one event -- you would not receive separate events for them).
For example, let's say your interval timer is 1 second, and your timer happens to take 5 seconds to run. That timer will not fire again until the current block is done. Furthermore, all those timers will be coalesced into one, so you will get one call into your block, not 5.
Now, having said all that, I should caution you about what I think may be a bug. Now, I rarely lay bugs at the feet of library code, but this one is repeatable, and seems to go against the documentation. So, if it's not a bug, it's an undocumented feature. However, it is easy to get around.
When using timers, I have noticed that coalesced timers will most certainly be coalesced. That means, if your timer handler is running, and 5 timers fired while it was running, the block will be called immediately, representing those missed 5 events. However, as soon as that one is done, the block will be executed again, just once, no matter how many timer events were missed before.
It's easy to identify these, though, because dispatch_source_get_data(timer) will return 0, which means that no timer events have fired since the last time the block was called.
Thus, I have grown accustomed to adding this code as the first line of my timer handlers...
if (dispatch_source_get_data(timer) == 0) return;