Best practice: what to do when view controller is loading very long? - objective-c

I need an advice what to do when my view controller is loading quite long?
In my situation I have an offline map made with route-me and it takes several seconds to load the map from about 100mb database, then load a lot of markers, put them on the map, etc.
If I run this code in viewDidLoad UI seems unresponsive, because after pressing on tab or button nothing happens for a few seconds while everything is loading. If I put it in viewDidAppear map somehow doesn't get shown at all until I quit this view controller and go back to it.

If it takes so long you should show a spinner or other "busy" indicator while you load your data on a background thread.
Once your time-intensive process is complete, update the UI back on the main thread and hide your spinner/busy indicator.
Executing code on a background thread is extremely easy - there are several ways to do it - but the easiest/most straight-forward way is probably with performSelectorInBackground:withObject: as in this example:
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(loadMap) withObject:nil];
When you're ready to run on the main thread again - it's the same thing, but in reverse using performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone::
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(wrapupLoadMap) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
Good luck.


NSView setNeedsDisplay causing a performance hit even when draw rect is commented out

I have a Cocoa app that draws a lot data to the main screen(31000 samples by about 315 channels) so we are being very studious about profiling and getting everything as efficient as possible. I have a window controller that when opened updates it's view every 2 seconds based on the data. I am using an NSTimer and specifying the view update method.
The problem I am having is every time the timer fires the method, the main display hiccups slightly. I thought it would just be a matter of optimizing the drawRect method in the view subclass, but when I could not find any specific area in the draw rect method where the performance was bad, I decided to try commenting out the contents of the drawRect method.
If I comment out the contents of the drawRect method, I will still get a hiccup.
If I comment out the call to [view setNeedsDisply: YES] in the calling method, it resolves the hiccup.
What Ive Tried:
1) I modified the method calls so that when the timer fired I was using performSelectorOnMainThread to call the view
2) I then tried to use the main dispatch queue with async.
neither of these things worked.
There is some kind of lag happening here even when there is no drawing work to do.
Any help is appreciated.

Best practice for a long-running foreground operation that uses Core Data?

I have an app that imports a potentially large amount of data from the web after the user explicitly presses a Sync button, and stores that data using Core Data. Since I want to show feedback and I don't want the user interacting with the rest of the app while this happens, pressing the Sync button brings up a Modal dialog. Since I want the operation to happen immediately, the operation executes in the viewDidAppear method. I'm sure this is frowned upon.
There are a bunch of problems with the approach right now:
Everything happens in the main thread. The user kind of gets feedback because there is an activity indicator that continues to animate, but there's no way to indicate progress or show intermediate messages. This is not the right way to do things.
But, I am told that when using Core Data, everything has to use the main thread, so breaking off the work into another thread does not seem like it will be straightforward.
If the app enters the background state (user hits Home button or iPad falls sleep), it's game over - the operation dies. It's clear to me from the documentation why this is the case.
I know there are "I'm about to enter the background" events that you can handle, but it's not as though I can move execution of code from one place to another in the middle of a file download. Whatever solution I use has to be a continuous action that executes in the same way both before and after the transitions to/from the background.
I want the operation to execute in the foreground as far as the user is concerned. It does not make sense for them to interact with other parts of the app while this operation is taking place.
I am reading the Apple documentation on this, but I'm asking this in hopes of finding more concise guidance on this particular combination of needs. Thanks.
You really should not freeze the main thread. You can still "prohibit" certain UI actions.
Create a separate context, as a child, and do all your work in there. When done (or at certain intervals), save the context to the main context, and notify the main thread to do some UI update interaction... maybe a progress bar or something...
NSManagedContext *backgroundContext = [NSManagedContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
backgroudContext.parentContext = [self mainManagedObjectContext];
[backgroundContext performBlock:^{
// This block is running in a background thread.
// Go get your data from the web
// Call this to push data to the main MOC (either at end, or at intervals)
[backgroundContext save:&error];
// When you want to do something on the main thread...
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// This block is running on the main queue... I can do anything with the UI...
Couple of things to note... your mainMOC needs to be private or main queue concurrency type. If you are using the Core Data template, where it is in the app delegate, just change the alloc/init to initWithConcurrencyType:NSMainQueueConcurrencyType.
I would, however, suggest using the canonical main/parent relationship. Create a private MOC, assign it to the persistent store, then create a main MOC, set its parent to be that private MOC. Now you are ready to handle any I/O with background operations, without blocking your UI.
Still, when loading from the web, use the pattern above: create a child MOC, then load objects into the main MOC.
Note, that the data is not saved to disk until the "root" MOC calls save.

Why do my interface objects respond out of order?

I have an IBAction for when a button is clicked:
- (IBAction)importButtonClicked:(id)sender
And I want a series of events to take place like:
[_progressLabel becomeFirstResponder]; // I tried this but to no effect
_progressLabel.stringValue = BEGIN_IMPORT_STRING;
[_importButton setEnabled:FALSE];
_fileField.stringValue = #"";
[_progressIndicator startAnimation:nil];
But what ends up happening is the _progressIndicator animation takes place before the _progressLabel text appears. And often times the text won't appear untili the _progressIndicator animation has stopped. How do I fix that?
Put the work you're doing which takes time (I assume that's what the progress indicator is for) on a separate thread. You don't have to do this manually in Cocoa, but instead, use Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), NSOperationQueue or such a construct available. You'll find lots of resources on GCD.

Update screen in Cocoa/Objective C following button press

Newbie Objective C/Cocoa question: I have an application with some data entry fields and a "do it" button. When the button is pressed, some computation takes place and output data is displayed in a table view and some text fields in the same window. What I'd like is that when the button is pressed that the text fields and the table view are both cleared while the computation takes place.
I've tried making the appropriate calls as the first few statements of the action routine for the button press, but that doesn't work. I would imagine that the runtimes don't get called to do the screen update until after my action routine is finished.
Is there a simple way to do what I want to do? Thanks.
You imagine correctly.
The usual way to do this sort of thing is to use NSObject's performSelectorInBackground:withObject: to start the heavy calculation in the background. Then once the background code finishes doing its work, use performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: to call another selector on the main thread to update the UI (remember, UI calls may only be done from the main thread).
You're correct about the screen updates not taking place until after your routine finishes. Most drawing to the screen is queued to improve performance.
When you change the value in an NSTextField, it knows to call [self setNeedsDisplay:YES] in order to queue its need for redrawing. If you want to force it to display, you can call [textField display]. (Note that calling [textField setNeedsDisplay:YES] will not cause immediate display). Things get a bit more difficult with an NSTableView, as this -display method is unlikely to work for it.
While you could create a secondary thread to do your processing, that would create a lot of complexity that may not be worth it. You might consider using -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: to begin your processing routine rather than calling it directly.
- (IBAction)buttonClicked:(id)sender {
[textField setStringValue:#""];
[tableView reloadData];
// instead of doing the following:
// [self processData:nil];
// do
[self performSelector:#selector(processData:) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
- (void)processData:(id)sender {
// process the data
[textField setStringValue:#"the results"];
[tableView reloadData];
Using -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: is different than calling the method directly, as it causes the method to be called not immediately, but scheduled to be called "ASAP". In many cases, your app will be able to squeeze in the updates to the UI before it can get to performing that computation method. If testing reveals this to be the case, then you can avoid having to go to the trouble of creating a secondary thread to do the processing.
If you want to force updating screen then call setNeedsDisplay from your UIView.
I would imagine that the runtimes
don't get called to do the screen
update until after my action routine
is finished.
Bingo. Your button's action method is called on the main thread, which is the same thread that is responsible for updating the user-interface. So the interface will not update until after your action method returns.
To get around this, you can split your action method into two parts. The first part makes the calls to clear your previous view and set whatever new state you want to use for rendering. The second part does the new calculations, and is moved to its own method. Then, at the end of the first part, add something roughly like:
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(myActionSecondPart) withObject:nil]; run the computation part in the background. Then your UI will update while the computation runs.

Creating a custom loading screen on iPhone

I'd like to create a View/Window that performs some inital loading in my application. I tried something like this:
StartWindow *start = [[StartWindow alloc] initWithNibName:#"Start" bundle:nil];
self.startWindow = start;
[start release];
[window addSubview:startWindow.view];
And in the viewDidLoad event inside StartWindow for the time being I just have [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:3.0]; to simulate my loading.
The problem is that my view doesn't display until after the thread finished sleeping. why?
The above code is inside didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.
Because the framework is waiting for you to finish initialising the view in viewDidLoad. If you want loading to happen in the background you have to use some kind of background processing facility, like a separate thread or NSOperationQueue.
BTW, sleepForTimInterval doesn't actually run in a separate thread. It makes the calling thread sleep (in this case, the main UI thread).
The problem is that you block the main thread and thus the OS can't refresh the window and display your new view.
You could try to perform the loading in a second thread, or, if you need to call a lot of non threadsafe functions, you could start the loading after a short amount of time via an NSTimer so that the OS has time to refresh the window.
Another way is to perform the loading in viewDidAppear: which gets invoked when the view is displayed while viewDidLoad gets invoked when the view got loaded from the nib file.