Unable to determine IP address from host name - apache

We have an iMac running as an internal dev server with Apache, PHP & Mysql.
It has a number of virtual host files and when accessing on the iMac, these work brilliantly.
We're also running Squid proxy server http://web.me.com/adg/squidman/ so that we can access the web through our connection when we're mobile.
General web browsing and such is fine when accessed via proxy, however when we try access a virtualhost url like ourtestsite.dev we get the following message:
he following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://ourtestsite.dev/
Unable to determine IP address from host name "ourtestsite.dev"
The DNS server returned:
Name Error: The domain name does not exist.
This means that the cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL. Check if the address is correct.
Your cache administrator is webmaster.
Can anyone shed any light on how we make these urls accessible via the proxy?

within the network config on the iMac, I told it not to use the proxy for addresses that were *.dev
I had this working before with .local addresses but *.local is added as an exception automagically.
So adding the wildcard has solved and we're golden :-)

Just add an entry to the hosts file on your squid server pointing all the virtually hosted domains to the IP address of the iMac. This will bypass DNS lookups for those domains.


Cant access my website through its IP address

I have hosting with godaddy with a private IP address. I am able to access my websites and others via the domain name, but not via IP Address.
I am now trying to access the HTTP via port 80 but it gives an error that the website is not setup.
Are there any workarounds on turning allowing accessing the website and other folders through the IP address over http?
This sounds to me like you were on a managed webpack that grants you access to the to-be-served content but not to the webserver or its config itself.
What you are experiencing there is an effect of a technique called virtual-hosts in which multiple sites are tied to one IP address. For this to work in the realm of HTTP, the Host header got introduced in HTTP/1.1. It allows clients to send a domain name for which they want to receive content.
If you request a raw IP, though, the Host header won't look like Host: example.com but rather like Host: The server will not be able to associate a domainname with this as it is unlikely to be found elsewhere in the request. Therefore, it will be forced to serve content out of its default document directory which usually contains further documentations regarding the further configuration of the webserver in question. Linux distributions like to add additional informations specific to them. Check if you see any mentioning of e.g. Debian, RedHat, or Centos.
I am not sure if this is fixable. Usually webservers like Apache support IP-based virtual hosts. If a masshoster like godaddy is really going to address this is uncertain. Try to contact their support and see.
1]If you are using host headers, make sure you have a DNS entry pointing your URL to your IP
2]Telnet port 80 from a machine outside your network.If it fails then check with your ISP that port 80 should not block in firewall.

DNS entry for third level domain

I am trying to create a third-level domain virtual host on my server. I hope the configs are set up correctly, but I am getting a ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error.
I have read that I have to "add DNS entry" somewhere so that the name would get resolved, but how do I do that? Where do I do that? The server is running on Ubuntu .
I suppose you get that ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error from Chrome. This means that Chrome is unable to find the subdomain in DNS.
You are correct, registering your subdomain in DNS will require DNS changes. Specifically, you have to add a DNS A resource record for your subdomain to become "visible" to browsers over IPv4. For IPv6, add an AAAA, too. Both record types point to an IP address and it will be the IP address of your web server. (Technically, you can also use a CNAME type record, but make sure to read up on how that works.)
Subdomain DNS will be served by the authoritative DNS servers for your domain, so you can register the required record(s) through your DNS service provider. If you are not sure who they are, look up the NS records for your domain, this will give you the list of authoritative name servers for your domain and you can work from there.
I understand you have already configured your Apache to work with the subdomain, so setting up DNS completes the setup process.

website can be accessed using ip but not with the url(domain name) in wamp

from default httpd.conf to updating the host file and httpd.conf i tried but the website fails to open with domain name give
in host file
<my current public ip address> <domain name>
in httpd.conf
Listen [my public ip]:port
then restart of wamp server and finally restart of PC and of-course change of ip is done in above all.
But of no use
Please help
Thanks for time and response
I think you are misunderstanding the function of the HOSTS file.
The hosts file acts a little like a local DNS Server. Any changes you make to it will only effect the single PC that you made the change on.
What the HOST file actually does
When windows starts it starts a service called DNS Client also known as dnscache. That service reads the HOSTS file and seeds the dnscache with any domain names you put in it and the ip that should be connected to for each domain name.
Any program (the browser in this case) that wants to connect to a domain, checks this cache first, to reduce accesses to an actual DNS Server out on the web and therefore speed up the conversion of domain name to Ip Address.
So if you want external users, i.e. anybody on the internet to be able to access your site you have to either purchase a real domain name and get it pointed to your WAN ip address, or use a Dynamic DNS service like DYNDNS or NO-IP, to mention only a few, and get that dynamic dns service to point to your WAN IP.
You will also have to change your Apache config so it will serve that domain name, my suggestion would be to create a Virtual Host to do this.
This post may help with the process of creating a Virtual Host

Error Code: 502 Proxy Error. The ISA Server denied the specified Uniform Resource Locator

I have installed apache HTTP server and after when i browse to localhost i am getting this error. Apache server is started. Port is configured to 80 and seems to be no one use it. I can't figure out what is the problem. Can someone?
The problem is that you're routing your localhost traffic through your upstream gateway proxy. The upstream gateway proxy refuses to send the traffic back, either because "localhost" has a different meaning to it, or because it's trying to prevent a security threat called "proxy bounceback." What URL are you using to access your site? Put that URL's hostname in your proxy exemption list.
Open the ISA server2006 and create a role and allow networks internal to allow internal and external .And restart the isa services .It will work fine
I tried this and it is working fine.


I've got an issue when accessing a web site, I can access it by using the NetBIOS name, but when accessing with the FQDN i get an error.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?
(There is no DNS configured yet, we have modified the Hosts file to enter the related names and IP.)
First, check the obvious: are there any typos in the file?
Next, test out the name resolution. Something simple like pinging the web server by it's FQDN will do. See if the right IP is mentioned.
If you get "unknown host", your client's hosts file does not have an entry for the FQDN you entered (check for typos in the host name), or, for some reason, your computer isn't reading your hosts file.
If you get the wrong IP address, then you have the wrong IP in your hosts file (check for typos in the IP address), your computer's DNS cache is polluted (try: ipconfig /flushdns on a Windows machine), or something else is overriding the lookup (duplicate entries in the hosts file?).
Next up, try communicating with your web server. Using Telnet, speak HTTP to it, and see how it responds:
telnet 80
Substitute your web server's IP address instead of Provide the following lines:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: fqdn.mywebserver.com
Try the server's IP, server's netbios name, and finally the server's FQDN in place of fqdn.mywebserver.com. Be sure to press return twice after entering the host header.
If the response is different between the netbios name and the FQDN, then it's a web server configuration issue; you need to adjust you virtual host settings (in Apache, the ServerAlias directive should be used to add additonal names. In IIS its in Web Site (tab) -> Advanced (button)).
After that... I'm really out of ideas.
Just to make sure, you have something like this othermachine othermachine.mydomain.local
with both the netbios and the FQDN in it and not just the IP and netbios name?
Assuming, as dragonmantank mentioned above, that the FQDN is in your hosts file, I'd look at whether the web server software itself is configured to accept requests with the FQDN in the Host field.