HTML5 Server-Sent Events prototyping - ambiguous error and repeated polling? - apache

I'm trying to get to grips with Server-Side Events as they fit my requirements perfectly and seem like they should be simple to implement, however I can't get past a vague error and what looks like the connection repeatedly being closed and re-opened. Everything I have tried is based on this and other tutorials.
The PHP is a single script:
header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
function sendMsg($id, $msg) {
echo "id: $id" . PHP_EOL;
echo "data: $msg" . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
$serverTime = time();
sendMsg($serverTime, 'server time: ' . date("h:i:s", time()));
and the JavaScript looks like this (run on body load):
function init() {
var source;
if (!!window.EventSource) {
source = new EventSource('events.php');
source.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += + '<br />';
}, false);
source.addEventListener('open', function(e) {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += 'connection opened<br />';
}, false);
source.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += 'error<br />';
}, false);
else {
alert("Browser doesn't support Server-Sent Events");
I have searched around a bit but can't find information on
If Apache needs any special configuration to support server-sent events, and
How I can initiate a push from the server with this kind of setup (e.g. can I simply execute the PHP script from CLI to give a push to the already-connected-browser?)
If I run this JS in Chrome (16.0.912.77) it opens the connection, receives the time, then errors (with no useful information in the error object), then reconnects in 3 seconds and goes through the same process. In Firefox (10.0) I get the same behaviour.
EDIT 1: I thought the issue could be related to the server I was using, so I tested on a vanilla XAMPP install and the same error comes up. Should a basic server configuration be able to handle this without modification / extra configuration?
EDIT 2: The following is an example of output from the browser:
connection opened
server time: 01:47:20
connection opened
server time: 01:47:23
connection opened
server time: 01:47:26
Can anyone tell me where this is going wrong? The tutorials I have seen make it look like SSE is very straightforward. Also any answers to my two numbered questions above would be really helpful.

The problem is your php.
With the way your php script is written, only one message is sent per execution. That's how it works if you access the php file directly, and that's how it works if you access the file with an EventSource. So in order to make your php script send multiple messages, you need a loop.
header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
function sendMsg($id, $msg) {
echo "id: $id" . PHP_EOL;
echo "data: $msg" . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
while(true) {
$serverTime = time();
sendMsg($serverTime, 'server time: ' . date("h:i:s", time()));
I have altered your code to include an infinite loop that waits 1 second after every message sent (following an example found here: Using server-sent events).
This type of loop is what I'm currently using and it eliminated the constant connection drop and reconnect every 3 seconds. However (and I've only tested this in chrome), the connections are now only kept alive for 30 seconds. I will be continuing to figure out why this is the case and I'll post a solution when I find one, but until then this should at least get you closer to your goal.
Hope that helps,
In order to keep the connection open for ridiculously long times with php, you need to set the max_execution_time (Thanks to tomfumb for this). This can be accomplished in at least three ways:
If you can alter your php.ini, change the value for "max_execution_time." This will allow all of your scripts to run for the time you specify though.
In the script you wish to run for a long time, use the function ini_set(key, value), where key is 'max_execution_time' and value is the time in seconds you wish your script to run for.
In the script you wish to run for a long time, use the function set_time_limit(n) where n is the number of seconds that you wish your script to run.

Server Sent Events are easy only when it comes to the Javascript part. First of all a lot of tutorials on SSE in the internet are closing their connections in the server part. Be it PHP or Java examples. This is really astonishing because what you get then is just a different way of implementing a "Ajax Polling" system with a strictly defined payload structure (and some minor features like client retry values set by server side). You can easily implement that with a few lines of jQuery. No need for SSE then.
According to the spec of SSE, i would say that the retry shouldnt be the normal way of implementing a client side loop. For me SSE is a one way streaming method which relies on a server backend which does not close the connection after pushing the first data to the client.
In Java its useful to use Servlet3 Async spec in order to free the request thread immediately and do the processing / streaming in a different thread. This works so far but still i dont like the 30 seconds connection lifetime for the EventSource request. Even i am pushing data every 5 seconds, the connection will be terminated after 30 seconds (chrome, firefox). Of course SSE will reconnect per default after 3 seconds but still i dont think this is the way it should be.
One problem is that some Java MVC frameworks dont have the ability to keep the connection open after data sending, so that you end up coding to the bare Servlet API. After on 24hours on coding prototypes in Java, i am more or less dissapointed because the gain over a traditional jQuery-Ajax-loop is not THAT much. And the problem with polyfilling the SSE feature is also existant.

The problem is not a server side issue, this all happens on the client and is part of the spec (I know it sounds weird).
"When a user agent is to reestablish the connection, the user agent must run the following steps. These steps are run asynchronously, not as part of a task. (The tasks that it queues, of course, are run like normal tasks and not asynchronously.)"
Queue a task to run the following steps:
If the readyState attribute is set to CLOSED, abort the task.
Set the readyState attribute to CONNECTING.
Fire a simple event named error at the EventSource object.
I can't see any need to have an error here, so I have modified your Init function to filter out the error event fired whilst connecting.
function init() {
var source;
if (!!window.EventSource) {
source = new EventSource('events.php');
source.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += + '';
}, false);
source.addEventListener('open', function (e) {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += 'connection opened';
}, false);
source.addEventListener('error', function (e) {
if (source.readyState != CONNECTING) {
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += 'error';
}, false);
else {
alert("Browser doesn't support Server-Sent Events");

There is no actual issue with the code, that I can see. The answer selected as correct, is then, incorrect.
This sums up the behavior mentioned in the question (
"If such a resource (with the correct MIME type) completes loading (i.e. the entire HTTP response body is received or the connection itself closes), the user agent should request the event source resource again after a delay equal to the reconnection time of the event source. This doesn't apply for the error cases that are listed below."
The problem lies with the stream. I've successfully kept a single EventStream open before in perl; just send the appropriate HTTP headers, and start sending stream data; never shutdown the stream server side. The issue is that it seems most HTTP libraries attempt to close the stream after its been opened. This will cause the client to attempt to reconnect to the server, which is fully standard compliant.
This means that it will appear that the problem is solved by running a while loop, for a couple of reasons:
A) The code will continue to send data, as if it were pushing out a large file
B) The code (php server) will never have the chance to attempt to close the connection
However, the problem here is obvious: to keep the stream alive, a constant stream of data must be sent. This results in wasteful utilization of resources, and negates any benefits the SSE stream is supposed to provide.
I'm not enough of a php guru to know, but I'd imagine that something in the php server/later in the code is prematurely closing the stream; I had to manipulate the stream at Socket level with Perl to keep it open, since HTTP::Response was closing the connection, and causing the client browser to attempt to re-open the connection. In Mojolicious (another Perl web framework), this can be done by opening a Stream object and setting the timeout to zero, so that the stream never times out.
So, the proper solution here is not to use a while loop; it is to call the appropriate php functions for opening, and keeping open, a php stream.

I was able to do it by implementing a custom event loop. It seems that this html5 feature is not ready at all and has compatibility issues even with the latest version of google chrome. Here it is, working on firefox (can't get the message sent correctly on chrome) :
var source;
function Body_Load(event) {
function loopEvent() {
if (source == undefined) {
source = new EventSource("event/message.php");
source.onmessage = function(event) {
_e("out").value =;
P.S. : _e is a function that calls document.getElementById(id);

According to the Spec, the 3 second reconnection is by design when the connection is closed. PHP with a loop should theoretically stop this but the PHP script will be running indefinitely and wasting resources. You should try to avoid using apache and php for SSE because of this issue.
The standard http response should close a connection once the response is sent. You can change this with the header "connection: keep-alive" which should tell the browser that the connection is meant to stay open although this can cause problems if you're using proxies.
node.js or something similar is a better engine to use for SSE rather than apache/php and since it's basically JavaScript, its pretty easy to get to grips with.

Server Sent Event as name suggests the data should be traveling from server to client if it has to reconnect every three seconds to retrieve data from server then it is no different than other polling mechanisms.The purpose of SSE is to alert client as soon as there is new data which client is unaware of.Since server closes connection even if header is keep-alive there is no other way than to run php script in infinite loop but with considerable thread sleep to prevent burden on server.Till now i don't see any other way out and its better than spamming server every 3 seconds for new data.

I'm trying the same thing. With varying degrees of success.
Had the same problem with Firefox, running the same js code as mentioned.
Using the Nginx server and some PHP that exited(ie no continual loop), I could get messages back to a "Request" from firefox only once the PHP exited.
Run the PHP as a script in PHP.exe and all is good on the concole, stings are printed when flushed. However, Nginx doesn't send the data until the PHP has completed. Tried adding extra \r\n\r\n and flush() or ob_flush() did not help.
There is no pushing of data, as shown in Wireshark logs, just a delayed response packet to the GET.
Read that I need a "push" module for Nginx that requires a re-build from source.
So this is definitely an Nginx problem.
Using a socket in 'C' I was able to push data to Firefox as expected, and the socket was kept open, and no messages were missed. However this has the disadvantage that I need to server the page.html and the events/stream from the same socket or firefox will not connect due to Cross Site Url problems. There are some ways around this in certain situations, but not for a iframe in a menu system. This approach did prove the point that the SSE does work with firefox and there are pushed packets in the wireshark log. Where option 1 only had request/reply packets.
All this said, I still don't have a solution. I've tried to remove the buffering on the PHP and Nginx. But still nothing until PHP finishes. Tried different header options, eg chunks didn't help either.
I don't feel like writing a full blown http server in 'C' but this seems to be the only option that is working for me at the moment.
I'm about to try Apache, but most write ups suggest that this is worse than Nginx at this job.

Related Rooms in a Hostile Network Environment?

I have a very frustrating problem with a client's network environment, and I'm hoping someone can lend a hand in helping me figure this out...
They have an app that for now is written entirely inside of VBA for Excel. (No laughing.)
Part of my helping them improve their product and user experience involved converting their UI from VBA form elements to a single WebBrowser element that houses a rich web app which communicates between Excel and their servers. It does this primarily via a server/connection.
When the user logs in, a connection is made to a room on the socket server.
Initial "owner" called:
socket.on('create', function (roomName, userName) {
socket.username = userName;
Followup "participant" called:
socket.on('adduser', function (userName, roomName){
socket.username = userName;
servletparam = roomName;
var request = require('request');
request(bserURL + servletparam, function (error, response, body) {'messages', body);
servletparam = roomName + '|' + userName;
request( baseURL + servletparam, function (error, response, body) {'participantList', body);
This all worked beautifully well until we got to the point where their VBA code would lock everything up causing the socket connection to get lost. When the client surfaces form it's forced VBA induced pause (that lasts anywhere from 20 seconds to 3 minutes), I try to join the room again by passing an onclick to an HTML element that triggers a script to rejoin. Oddly, that doesn't work. However if I wait a few seconds and click the object by hand, it does rejoin the room. Yes, the click is getting received from the Excel file... we see the message to the socket server, but it doesn't allow that call to rejoin the room.
Here's what makes this really hard to debug. There's no ability to see a console in VBA's WebBrowser object, so I use weinre as a remote debugger, but a) it seems to not output logs and errors to the console unless I'm triggering them to happen in the console, and b) it loses its connection when does, and I'm dead in the water.
Now, for completeness, if I remove the .join() calls and the .to() calls, it all works like we'd expect it to minus all messages being written into a big non-private room. So it's an issue with rejoining rooms.
As a long-time user of StackOverflow, I know that a long question with very little code is frowned upon, but there is absolutely nothing special about this setup (which is likely part of the problem). It's just simple emits and broadcasts (from the client). I'm happy to fill anything in based on followup questions.
To anyone that might run across this in the future...
The answer is to manage your room reconnection on the server side of things. If your client can't make reliable connections, or is getting disconnected a lot, the trick it to keep track of the rooms on the server side and join them when they do a connect.
The other piece of this that was a stumper was that the chat server and the web UI weren't on the same domain, so I couldn't share cookies to know who was connecting. In their case there wasn't a need to have them hosted in two different places, so I merged them, had Express serve the UI, and then when the client surfaced after a forced disconnect, I'd look at their user ID cookie, match them to the rooms they were in that I kept track of on the server, and rejoined them.

SignalR LongPolling crashes with a little of stress

I have a prototype that works well with SSE and WebSockets, but crashes when using LongPolling in the moment that I put a little bit of stress in the browser.
My app can create games, and each game generate its own events, and those events must be sent to the browser. I have a button to create one, ten and a hundred games at once. Create each game requires a POST call to a WebAPI, so the x10 button creates 10 requests and x100 creates 100 requests to the server.
When I use SSE or WS, it works nicely, I can call the x100 button and create a hundred games, all the games gets its respective events. I can see the 100 HTTP POST request being all successful.
But if I switch to LongPolling mode, I can create games one by one, as long I do not click too fast, and it works well. In the moment I click fast or click the "ten" or "hundred" button, all WebAPI calls but one get stuck and eventually fails with this message:
Even running in debug, I cannot see that exception happening anywhere.
And SignalR disconnects:
[14:24:37 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)] SignalR: Long poll complete. jquery.signalR-2.0.1.js:75
[14:24:37 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)] SignalR: Disconnect command received from server. jquery.signalR-2.0.1.js:75
[14:24:37 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)] SignalR: Stopping connection.
And it is true, the server actually sends a D:1 in the last response, but I don't know why is that happening, I have nothing in my code that disconnects SignalR connections.
It happens in, at least, Google Chrome and IE 10.
I have no clue about what could be the problem. Any idea?
I have created a small project that reproduces the issue. It have shared it here.
Accessing: http://localhost/LongPollingLoadTest/ we can add one game, ten or a hundred without problems, because it will use SSE or WebSockets if available.
Now, open http://localhost/LongPollingLoadTest/?transport=longPolling. You will see how most of calls gets stuck and also most of the times, the SignalR connection crashes.
I think the problem is somehow related with the groups management:
public async Task<GameInfo> Post([FromBody]GameRequest request)
var game =new GameInfo() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = request.Name };
if (_games.TryAdd(game.Id, game))
var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetConnectionContext<MyPersistentConnection>();
await context.Groups.Add(request.ConnectionId, game.Id.ToString());
await context.Connection.Broadcast(game);
return game;
throw new ArgumentException("Already exists");
In your case looks like the longPolling connection became not alive over DisconnectTimeout (which default value is 30 seconds), then server sent disconnect command to client.
Could you also add SignalR trace in your repro?
Issue already reported here as #dfowler indicated:

WinRT HttpClient blocks splashcreen

I do asynchronous requests in LoadState method of a certain Page. I use HttpClient to make a request and I expect the splashscreen to go away while I await the result.
If I am not connected to any networks, the splashscreen immediately goes away and I get a blank page because the request obviously didn't happen.
But if I am connected to a network but have connectivity issues (for example, I set a wrong IP address) it seems to start a request and just block.
My expectation was that the HttpClient would realize that it cannot send a request and either throw an exception or just return something.
I managed to solve the issue of blocking by setting a timeout of around 800 milliseconds, but now it doesn't work properly when the Internet connection is ok. Is this the best solution, should I be setting the timeout at all? What is the timeout that's appropriate which would enable me to differentiate between an indefinitely blocking call and a proper call that's just on a slower network?
I could perhaps check for Internet connectivity before each request, but that sounds like an unpredictable solution...
EDIT: Now, it's really interesting. I have tried again, and it blocks at this point:
var rd = await httpClient.SendAsync(requestMsg);
If I use Task.Run() as suggested in the comments and get a new Thread, then it's always fine.
BUT it's also fine without Task.Run() if there is no Internet access but the network access is not "Limited" (it says that the IPv4 connectivity is "Internet access" although I cannot open a single website in a browser and no data is returned from the web service. It just throws System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException which was something I was expecting in the first place) Only blocks when the network connection is Limited.
What if instead of setting a timeout, you checked the connection status using
public static bool IsConnected
return NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile() != null;
This way if IsConnected, then you make the call; otherwise, ignore it.
I'm not sure if you are running this in App.xaml.cs? I've found requests made in that class can be fickle and it may be best to move the functionality to an extended splash screen to ensure the application makes it all the way through the activation process.

Cannot implement long polling

if(isset($_GET['actionid']) && isset($_GET['profileid']))
$actionid = $_GET['actionid'];
$profileid = $_GET['profileid'];
$res = $database->news_poll($profileid,$actionid);
$k = 0;
while(!$NROW =$res->fetch_array())
$res = $database->news_poll($profileid,$actionid);
$action = actiontype_encode($NROW,'0',$json,$encode,$database);
$data['action'] = $action;
echo json_encode($data);
this is my script for polling the server for new data.
but the working browser stops working only for my site. I guess the problem is that when a particular browser subscribes for the new data the connection is kept open so no further request can be made by the browser to same server. please explain if any problem.
If there is any way at all you can, I recommend setting yourself up with NodeJS and SocketIO for long polling. Your web server needs to keep a request open for every connected user, and that is more than Apache/PHP can handle for very long.
If that's not possible I recommend short polling, doing a normal ajax request every 3 seconds. That's not perfect but manageble.
I answered a similar question recently with more details.
Regardless of language I strongly advise against writing your own long polling server, unless you want that to be your project for a couple of years. I have been in a project that used a home grown long polling server written C and then re-written in Java, and it was not pretty.
I figured out the problem is that Apache serves multiple requests from a single client one at a time. So when a request is made to the long polling script at backend for new data that request hangs other requests from the same browser to the same server.
To overcome this drawback one needs to use node.js or tornado.

OpenNETCF.Net.Ftp Behaving Flaky

I tried posting on their boards (authors of this library), however it literally takes months for them to reply when it comes to the free software (can't blame them).
But anyways
I have found that this library is behaving weirdly - for instance, a major problem with my application is when someone is trying to sign in (through FTP), they provide a correct login and mistype the password, no reply is received from FTP server.
I tried doing the same from command window just to verify that it's not the FTP server's fault; and FTP commands were received instantaneously.
It almost looks as though this library eats the commands. The same actions often times will yield different results.
Can anyone recommend a stable, reliable library to use with Compact framework? Or shed some light on this issue...?
I modified the source code inside ConnectThread() as follows:
// if a PWD is required, send it
if( response.ID == 331 )
response = SendCommand("PASS " + m_pwd, false);
//ADDED THIS - try again.
if (response.ID == 0)
response = SendCommand("PASS " + m_pwd, false);
//end of my addition
if( !((response.ID == 202) || (response.ID == 230)) )
m_connected = false;
This solved the issue for awhile, until now it started doing it again, the culprit seems to be when 0 is coming back as a response from FTP server, the connection just stalls. I am not sure whether it is a socket issue or some other obscure problem, but I think I am going to give up at this point.
Which FTP set are you using, the stream-based classes in the SDF, or the separate one in the Forums? If you're using the one from the forums (which is the one I actually recommend), then you've got the source. I wrote that one from the ground up by looking at nothing by the RFC. It's really, really simple and if it's "eating" responses, it's likely a timeout issue, though it should be easy to put in a break point and see where it's coming apart.