IzPack: is possible to create one app updater? - izpack

I created one installer with IzPack. Everything works fine. Now I'm wondering, is there a good way to create one installer that will take care of update the application if this already exists?
I tested running the installer again, but he not recognize that the application is installed.

I have used IzPack for installing and updating. IzPack does not natively tie in with any packaging system so there is no way for IzPack to conclusively know if something has been installed. You might try to interact with registry or some specific flie you create at install time but that is still messy (to me anyway).
IzPack does however check if a file already exists before overwriting it so if you are running an update then an example is that you would want binaries to be updated but user configuration left alone so do something like this inside the packs element:
<pack name="CorePack" required="yes" preselected="yes">
<description>The core of the app.</description>
<file src="bin/binaryapp" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/bin"
<os family="unix" />
<file src="etc/config.conf" targetdir="/etc/appdir">
<os family="unix" />
You see that the binary has override="true" where the config does not (by default override=false). Binary gets updated, config does not.

CheckedHelloPanel will do your job, at least for windows. It writes something to the registry and checks this if you try to reinstall.


Make Wix to not uninstall common dll

I have Wix project in which I need a common used dll library to be installed if it's absent.
If this dll exists I should not overwrite it.
So, when I set DefaultVersion="" this dll is not overwritten if it exists, its ok. But when I delete app, the dll is beeing removed. How do I prevent removing dll in the case when it existed before installation?
I don't want to make it permanent because it should be removed if it didn't exist before installation.
<Component Id="myLib.dll" Permanent="no" Directory="Shared_Dir">
<File Name="myLib.dll" KeyPath="yes"
Add reference to WixUtilExtension and xmlns:util="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension" attribute to Wix element in your code.
Define <Property Id="Dll_Installed" Value="false"/> in Product element.
Add child <Condition>NOT Dll_Installed</Condition> to component myLib.dll.
Add that somewhere in your code:
DefaultVersion attribute is not necessary.
The feature you are describing is reference counting. The Windows Installer reference counts with Components. Components are identified by their GUID.
So the normal way to address this requirement is to put the File in a Component and make sure the GUID of the Component is stable. The WiX Toolset should do exactly that automatically if if you do not specify the Component/#Guid attribute.
So the default behavior should just work for you.
The only other piece of the puzzle is the Windows Installer will install the latest version of a file. If the file version is the same or less the file will not be installed but will be reference counted.
Based on the details in the question it seems like you should be just fine with:
<Component Directory="Shared_Dir">
<File Source="mySource\myLib.dll" />
One might ask why the Windows Installer use Components to reference count files. We'll, it allows you to group other resources, like registry keys, together and control their install as a unit. Much more important if you are installing COM servers than plain old files.

How do I stop removal of files during uninstallation using Wix

When uninstalling my application, I'd like to configure the Wix setup to NOT to remove few files that were added as part of the installation. It seems like the uninstaller removes all the files that were originally installed from the MSI file. How do I do that?
Here are my files which I wish to keep it forever
<Binary Id="RootCABinary" SourceFile="Assets\Certificates\RootCA.cer" />
<Binary Id="SubCABinary" SourceFile="Assets\Certificates\SubCA.cer" />
I have used WixIIsExtension.dll to install these certificates to the windows store.
Overwrite: Is it important that the file never gets overwritten? If so, add
"Never Overwrite" to your component. WiX attribute: NeverOverwrite="yes". Remember to test upgrade scenarios!
Permanent Component: As stated by Pavel, you can set a component permanent:
<Component Permanent="yes">
<File Source="License.rtf" />
Blank GUID: Another way to do it is to set a blank component GUID. It essentially means "install and then leave alone". No repair or uninstall should be done (remember to add NeverOverwrite="yes" if the file should never be overwritten):
<Component Guid="" Feature="MainApplication">
<File Source="SubCA.cer" KeyPath="yes" />
Read-Only Copy: I sometimes install files to a per-machine path (for example somewhere under program files) and then copy them to a per-user location (somewhere in the user-profile) on application launch, and then do operations on them that entail that the files should not be deleted. This is good in cases where you want to do something that change the files in question (they need to be writable). Then it is good to "untangle" them from deployment concerns (files will not be meddled with by installer operations at all - the installer has no knowledge of them). The original read-only copy installed to program files can be uninstalled though (no longer needed?).
Other approaches: You can also create such files using custom actions during installation (usually text files only), you can download the file in question from your web site on application launch (makes the file easy to manage and update / replace? Vulnerable to connection problems - firewalls, etc...) and the application can create the file using "internal defaults" in the main executable on launch. And there are no doubt further approaches that I can't recall.
Put your binaries in a separate WiX component and make it permanent. Have a look at this thread as well

WiX MajorUpgrade of Windows Service, preserving .config, and avoiding a reboot

I am struggling to get MajorUpgrade, ServiceControl, .config files to work nicely together. After my other question, I'm now kinda having the opposite problem again.
Before, the files weren't being overwritten because the AssemblyFileVersions were static so I fixed that. 1) Now, even with Schedule="afterInstallExecute" my KeyPath='yes' .config file is still being overwritten even though the existing file modified date is different than the file creation date and it is set as a KeyPath. I'm currently having to overwrite the .config file and restart the service after the install.
2) And even if I fix that, I still have a problem of avoiding a reboot. If I say Schedule="afterInstallInitialize" then I believe the .config file will certainly be removed along with the service too early. If I say Schedule="afterInstallExecute" then the service isn't stopped and after the install a reboot is necessary. (That's right, right?) Stopping the service manually prior to the install let's me avoid the reboot. Adding a net stop custom action could work to replace the ServiceControl I guess, but getting all the conditions right seems complex.
3) As a bonus, I'd like to NOT remove the service at all during an upgrade. Can I just stop the service, replace the binary, and start the service again? That will avoid re-entering the service account credentials for an upgrade. But of course it still needs to install on a first install and uninstall on a feature removal.
Here's the meat of it (which is also bundled later, in case that somehow matters):
<MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version is already installed."
Schedule="afterInstallExecute" />
<ComponentGroup Id="ServiceCG">
<Component Id="Service" Guid='*' Win64='yes' Directory='INSTALLDIR'>
<File Id='ServiceEXE' Source='$(var.root)Service.exe' />
<ServiceInstall Id="ServiceInstall"
DisplayName="My Server"
Description="My Server Service"
Password="[...]" />
<ServiceControl Id="StopService" Name="MyService" Start="install"
Stop="uninstall" Wait="yes" Remove="both" />
<util:User Id="UpdateServiceAccountLogonAsService" UpdateIfExists="yes"
CreateUser="no" Name="[SERVICEACCOUNTFULL]"
<Component Id="ServiceConfig" Guid='*' Win64='yes' Directory='INSTALLDIR'>
<File Id='FileServiceConfig' KeyPath='yes'
Source='$(var.root)Service.exe.config' />
Related but unanswered:
Prevent service removal/install during WiX major upgrade - service not stopping
WiX version 3.8.1128.0
EDIT: it seems this explanation of the same issue, or on the same topic at least, might be easier to understand: Msiexec: automatic rollback to previous version on installation failure
You are banging your head against several core MSI usage problems here.
File versioning: during installation the default file overwrite mode (defined by the REINSTALLMODE property) won't replace files that are equal version by default. This can be changed by setting REINSTALLMODE = "emus". This will replace files with equal version for versioned files. Unversioned files will be preserved if modify and create dates are different.
Upgrade behavior: like Chris says, files that appear to be reverted to default are actually uninstalled and reinstalled due to major upgrade configuration. File preservation is only possible in major upgrades if RemoveExistingProducts is placed late in the InstallExecuteSequence. Then shared files between releases are never uninstalled and the file versioning rules described in point 1 apply for overwriting.
Service configuration preservation: avoiding re-entry of service credential information is a common problem for major upgrades that uninstall early in the InstallExecuteSequence. In other words the product is uninstalled and then reinstalled wiping out changed files. I don't recommend it, but some people argue for this solution: How to only stop and not uninstall windows services when major upgrade in wix? (Rob Mensching is the WIX and Orca author - I think he is suggesting this solution as an option, and not necessarily a recommendation. Please ask in the linked post to be sure). With correct component referencing and uninstall placed late in the InstallExecuteSequence this problem is normally avoided altogether, and this is then a preferred approach (normal component referencing prevent the component from uninstalling altogether leaving service settings and changed config files intact - if, and only if, component referencing is correct - see description of this concept below). However, my preferred approach is still to use a separate MSI for the service install and configuration if you are using a user account to run the service - then it is a self contained deployment unit and can be included in a bootstrapper and updated on its own, and best of all: it is undisturbed by any other application changes or hotfixes. Finally I would like to point out that a service running with a user account isn't a recommended approach to begin with - for security and deployment reasons alike.
Component referencing: refers to the GUIDs assigned to MSI components and how they must match one, and only one (absolute) path at all times through all upgrades. See a better discussion of this with a couple of examples here: Change my component GUID in wix?
I didn't mention the option of setting the MSI components installing services to permanent to prevent their removal on uninstall for the simple reason that this isn't good practice at all. Then files and registration will remain on final uninstall, and you need a custom action to clean up. Very bad practice and bound to cause lots of extra work and problems with dangling component references.
The file create/mod rule only applies to install/reinstall a component. It doesn't prevent the component from being uninstalled. Your major upgrade is scheduled very early which means the previous version is completely uninstalled and then then the new version is installed. This is why your file is overwriting when you don't expect it to. Schedule RemoveExistingProducts later to avoid this problem.
Set your Stop attribute to both install and uninstall. Those two changes should solve your problems.

How to modify xml on wix repair

I have an installer that is created with WIX and modifies a config via XmlFile, however I believe that the Wix Util Extension does not perform these actions on repair. This is causing problems when trying to perform a self-healing installer. Is there any way to accomplish what I am looking for
By piecing together a bunch of sources I came up with the following:
<Property Id="REINSTALLMODE" Value="amus"/>
<SetProperty Id="REINSTALL" Value="ALL" After="AppSearch">
<![CDATA[Installed AND REMOVE<>"ALL"]]>
Which forces a REINSTALL = ALL if it is not a remove or install
I have a similar scenario. Properties can be edited by the user through the UI, which are stored/loaded via the Registry and written to configuration files. Beyond Justin's answer, Secure="yes" must be set on each property, or MSI will ignore it (the log will show "Ignoring disallowed property").

Install a file regardless of version number with WiX

MyApp version 1.0 contained the file foo.dll. The version of this file was version 10.5.567. Now MyApp is version 2.0 and the version of foo.dll is 2.0.123. The version is LOWER than the old version. The vendor who wrote this dll decided to go backwards with the file version number. This is not a decision I can change.
How do I get WiX to always install this file?
The RemoveExistingProducts action is scheduled after the InstallFinalize action and also cannot be changed.
InstallShield had an 'always overwrite' flag but I don't think I can mimic this without changing the behavior of all files via a compiler switch. I do not want this. I just want to update THIS ONE file.
I have also tried
<RemoveFile Id="foo.dll" On="install" Name="foo.dll" />
But this did not work either. I end up getting 'Error 2753 The file foo.dll is not marked for installation' later.
It is really crazy this post is 10 years old and we also have this problem. The other approaches did not work for us.
How to solve it:
All files which should be copied regardless of their version, must be in their own component
Component element must have a unique Guid, not a *
Set KeyPath to no in the inner File element
<Component Id="cmpExample" Guid="{5ABE7229-C247-4CBA-B8DE-2C4968CD103E}" >
<File Id="fileExample" KeyPath="no" Source="$(var.TargetDir)\SomeExample.dll" />
I would recommend to aggregate all those component elements in a component group. And furthermore you can use XML Transformation to get rid of those files if you use heat.exe to harvest all your files.
With this solution you can copy the file, even if the installed file version is higher. And it still works as expected when a higher file version will be installed with your upgrade.
This isn't easy because it is against the standard behaviour of MSI-packages. When compiling, you have to set supress-file-options with -sf in light.exe. Then there are no file-informations from your files read. You can set DefaultVersion this version will be used.
I have also used RemoveFile in a solution, but i can say that it works. I have add it in same componente where i add the file.
<File DiskId="1" Id="fooDLL" Name="foo.dll" Vital="yes"
<RemoveFile Id='RemoveOldDLL' On='install' Name='foo.dll'/>
This is not a clean way, but to remove an old version it works for me.
I answered a similar question a while back:
Forcing an upgrade of a file that is modified during its initial installation
I think I would use a companion file to solve this problem, but you might get validation errors since the file in question is a dll and hence considered an executable. I believe it would still work, and reliably so.
Force always overwrite in Light.exe output with the "InstallShield trick":
XPath="/wixOutput/table[#name='File']/row/field[5]" InnerText=„65535.0.0.0“
One thing that could be worth trying is to set RemoveExistingProducts real early in the sequence. The MSI should then remove the old program first, then install the upgrade. This will solve your issue. e.g.
<RemoveExistingProducts After="CostFinalize" />