scalable WCF solution - wcf

I am trying to implement scalable wcf solution found at NetFX Harmonics: Creating Streamlined, Simplified, yet Scalable WCF Connectivity
So my solution have 4 projects
Contact.Service (Service and Data Contracts)
Contact.ServiceImpl (HostFactory and Service itself)
Contact.ServiceHost (Web.config and Person.svc)
Contact.ServiceClient have App.config and Program.cs which actually call service.
<add key="PersonServiceActiveEndpoint" value="PersonServiceBasicHttpBinding" />
<endpoint name="PersonServiceBasicHttpBinding"
contract="Contact.Service.IPersonService" />
BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();
EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:1031/Person.svc");
IPersonService personService = new ChannelFactory<IPersonService>(basicHttpBinding, endpointAddress).CreateChannel();
Person person = personService.GetPersonData("F488D20B-FC27-4631-9FB9-83AF616AB5A6");
When I try running this example exception is thrown:
There was no endpoint listening at http://localhost:1031/Person.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action.
P.S. Person.svc is in my Contact.ServiceHost project
<%# ServiceHost Service="Contact.Service.PersonService" %>

what is the config of the service host? sounds like one of 2 problems:
the service host is not set up to listen on the same port.
the host application is not being run at all
I imagine that by checking the web.config of the service host project you'll likely find that it is either listening on a different port, or not being run at all, and hence not listening.
Is the Visual studio host starting up and hosting the service? You usually get a little 'toast' pop up window in the notification area next to the clock saying the the host is running and you can see which port it is running on. if this is not happening then it is likely that you need to configure it to start the host project as well as the client.
To enable both the client and server to start at the same time you need to:
Right-click on your solution file, and choose Set Startup Projects...
Choose Multiple startup projects and choose Start for your client and server project, leave the other ones set to none.


Unable to use NettcpBinding from another computer in my local network

I built a WCF Service in one of my machines of my local network, it has both http and net.tcp (htpp,net.tcp) as enabled protocols in IIS manager.
From another machine a build a client app, and define the endpoints automatically using the Add Service Reference... dialog, I type the service address and when it appears I set the name and click OK. The App.config is updated with two endpoints, one for http (BasicHttpBinding) and the other for net.tcp (NetTcpBinding) as expected.
When running the client app, if I use the BasicHttpBinding:
"using (var proxy = new ProductsServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IProductsService"))"
it runs OK, and shows the expected data.
But when I use the NetTcpBinding:
"using (var proxy = new ProductsServiceClient("NetTcpBinding_IProductsService"))"
It throws a SecurityNegotiationException saying that:
"A remote side security requirement was not fulfilled during authentication. Try increasing the ProtectionLevel and/or ImpersonationLevel."
If I do it all in the same machine, I donĀ“t get any exception.
What should I do?
By default, the BasicHttpBinding supports no security. So when calling the service from another computer, it will work also.
But by default, NetTcpBinding requires a secure channel. And the default security mode is Transport, so when calling the service from another computer, it will throw a security exception.
The most easy way to solve it is to set the security mode to None as following:
<binding name="netTcpBindingConfiguration" >
<security mode="None" />
Then we use it in the endpoint
<endpoint address="net.tcp://nelson-laptop:8080/Whatever"
name="NetTcpBinding_IProductsService" />
In Your question you are using the default net.tcp port 808 but have opened port 80 in the firewall. If it is not a typo in the question it could be why it fails.

Using WCF on Localhost on Azure

In summary
How do I acces a WCF service on localhost when hosted in IIS on Azure? Azure does not bind localhost or to my website.
I have an ASP.Net application hosted on Azure. I have added a .svc and some workflows that I want to use via WCF. To keep matters simple, my web app simply calls the service on localhost, so I have endpoints like these in web.config;
<endpoint address="http://localhost:8080/Router.svc/Case" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="NewOrbit.ExVerifier.Model.Workflow.Case.ICaseWorkflow" name="Case" />
<endpoint address="http://localhost:8080/Workflow/Case/Case_default1.xamlx" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="*" name="Case_default1" />
This works just fine on my local machine. The problem is that when I publish this to Azure, the Website in IIS does not get a binding to localhost, instead the bindings are always to the actual IP address of the server.
It ends up looking like this in applicationHost.config:
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="" />
<binding protocol="https" bindingInformation="" />
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="" />
So, as soon as my web app tries to call the service on localhost (or for that matter) it fails instantly.
Needless to say, if I rdp on to the server and change the binding then all is fine.
What I find really odd is that there are tons of examples out there where people are accessing WCF services on localhost on Azure so I can't figure out why this is so. I have set the osFamily to 2 and in order to debug this I have enabled web publishing and remote desktop access which I guess, in theory, could mess things up.
What I have already looked at
I can rewrite the end-point address in my code at runtime to substitute localhost for the actual address or create the endpoint dynamically as described by Ron in the answers. Unfortunately I am using the WCF Routing service so I can version workflows. This means that my code calls the Router endpoint and the WCF Router in turns calls the actual service/workflow using an endpoint specified in web.config. I don't have control over the Routing services endpoint resolution without, I think, writing a whole set of routing logic which just seems to be a lot of work when all I want is to call localhost :)
Switching to using named pipes; Alas, it causes some strange issues with workflows, probably due to duplexing, and I am on a deadline so haven't got time to get to the bottom of that at the minute.
You have to build the endpoint address dynamically.
Step 1:
In your ServiceDefinition.csdef you need to declare an Endpoint.
<ServiceDefinition name="MyFirstAzureWorkflow" xmlns="">
<WebRole name="WorkflowWeb" vmsize="ExtraSmall">
<Site name="Web">
<Binding name="Endpoint1" endpointName="WorkflowService" />
<InputEndpoint name="WorkflowService" protocol="http" port="80" />
<Import moduleName="Diagnostics" />
Step 2:
When you want to call the service
var endpoint = RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints["WorkflowService"].IPEndpoint;
var uri = new Uri(string.Format(
var proxy = new ServiceClient(
new BasicHttpBinding(),
new EndpointAddress(uri));
Okay, so this is how I solved it. IMHO it's a hack but at least it works.
Basically, I need to add a "*" binding, so I can do this in Powershell. The general recipe is here:
That deals with adding Named Pipes support, but the principle is the same. I just changed the Powershell script to:
import-module WebAdministration
# Set up a binding to 8080 for the services
Get-WebSite "*Web*" | Foreach-Object {
$site = $_;
$siteref = "IIS:/Sites/" + $site.Name;
New-ItemProperty $siteref -name bindings -value #{protocol="http";bindingInformation="*:8080:"}
This now allows me to use to access my service.
Note: You do need to follow the rest of the recipe to set elevated execution context and change the powershell execution mode, so do follow it carefully

How to configure WCF service from code when hosted in IIS?

My WCF service exposes an https AND an http endpoint. Apart from the SSL they are identical. They map to the same code.
The ultimate intention is for external users to connect via https, internal users to use http.
In development this gives me a problem. Cassini, the development web server packaged in VS, hates SSL.
I'm wondering if I can configure the service from code, so when running under Cassini, I would not configure https.
Hence the question - How do I configure the service from code if it is IIS hosted? I'd be very happy with alternative answers on how I can persuade Cassini to NOT complain about the https part of the configuration.
"IIS will take care of spinning up the necessary ServiceHost based on your *.svc file - not a whole lot you can do about that, really."
Not too close to the truth. Exactly in the SVC file of your service there is attribute named Factory. Where you can specify the the class and the assebly where the class is located. This class may be your own descendant of Web|DataServiceHostFactory
So your svc markup would look like this
<%# ServiceHost
Factory = ","
The WebServiceHostFactory will be created for every service hit and will recreate your host the way you want it.
You will also need to inherith WebServiceHost and create it the way you need it with certain endpoins, behaviors, addresses, etc settings - whatever you like.
There is very nice post from Michele Bustamante here
EDIT: I figured out the above link is not working anymore, so here it is another one.
I am using this in IIS hosted enviroment for couple of services that are initialized same way.
When you're hosting in IIS, you're leaving a lot of care taking into the realm of IIS - you cannot really grab a hold of your service in this case.
IIS will take care of spinning up the necessary ServiceHost based on your *.svc file - not a whole lot you can do about that, really.
My solution would be different - externalize the <service> tag in your configuration file (web.config):
<service configSource="" />
In your dev environment, only expose the http endpoint - so your would look something like this:
<service name=".....">
<endpoint name="default"
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="insecure"
contract="......" />
Create a second which then contains both endpoints - http and https:
<service name=".....">
<endpoint name="default"
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="insecure"
contract="......" />
<endpoint name="secure"
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="secure"
contract="......" />
and reference that in your web.config on the deployment server.

dynamic refeences for WCF service

I have a WCF service hosted on IIS. I have a smartclient application which calls this WCF service through endpoints defined in app.config file.
Now when i publish this application using this configuration, IT throws an exception saying that no endpoint is listening at localhost.
How can i make it dynamic. By dynamic I mean IF i update the endpoint in app.config file the application should pick up that url instead of the url with which the application was published with.
I remember i could do it in webservices. Please help.
Your app.config would most likely contain something like:
<endpoint name="...."
Check the address - that's the URL you're trying to connect to. You need to provide the server's address and port and path - no localhost, of course.
<endpoint name="...."
That should do the trick.

WCF Client configuration - base address?

I'm connecting a WCF client to a group of services all implementing the same contract and all at the same host. I was hoping that there would be a way to combine the endpoint definitions to cut down on configuration clutter. I also would rather not do it programmaticly - just by configuration. Right now, my config has this repeated many times:
<endpoint address="http://hostname/ServiceA.svc"
binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WSHttpBinding_MyBinding"
contract="ServiceReference.ISearchService" name="ServiceA">
<endpoint address="http://hostname/ServiceB.svc"
binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WSHttpBinding_MyBinding"
contract="ServiceReference.ISearchService" name="ServiceB">
// continued for ServiceC, ServiceD, etc
For server configurations, there is some notion of "baseAddressPrefixFilters" that can be used for this purpose - is there anything for client configuration?
There is the concept of a base address in WCF - unfortunately, that only works if you self-host, e.g. host your service in a console app or NT service. However, that only works on the server side - there's nothing similar on the client side. On the client side, you always have to define the complete, full service address your endpoint should connect to.
If you host in IIS, your service address is determined by the server name, the virtual directory (and possibly subdirectories under that) and the name of the *.svc file used to host the service in IIS. This is a fixed system convention and you cannot influence it, unfortunately (.NET 4 will bring some remedy to that).