" Error App Domain is not a valid domain." But It IS a valid domain - api

Trying to register app gave me:
Error App Domain: http://www.universalfather.info is not a valid domain.
But it IS a valid domain. Is this because it is a ".info" website?

Add "universalfather.info" as domain and http://www.universalfather.info as siteURL.

I believe Alex's answer is correct, but you may also have a problem because your base domain (without the www) isn't resolving an A record:
host universalfather.info
universalfather.info mail is handled by 10 mx1.webhero.com.
universalfather.info mail is handled by 20 mx2.webhero.com.

i had the same problem. the error log is sketchy. this is the solution:
1st goto WEBSITE (below SELECT HOW YOUR APP CONNECTS...) and click
2nd in the text area, fill in your website http://www.yourdomain.info
3rd go back to APP DOMAIN (BASIC INFO) and type yourdomain.info
This absolutely works but I didn't quite understand the instructions, so I'm going to restate them for other neophytes like myself.
From the Facebook development page "Apps-YourAppName", click on Basic in the LEFT Nav.
There are 3 sections on this page: Basic Info, Cloud Services, and "Select how your app integrates with Facebook"
In the Select how your app integrates with Facebook section, select "Website"
Enter your fully qualified domain name in the Site URL dialog box. Example: http://www.mydomain.com OR http://mydomain.com (my site does not include the www so I didn't add it).
At the bottom of the page click the "Save Changes" button. You may receive a notice that it may take several minutes to blah blah blah....but you can continue with the next steps immediately.
Now, in the Basic Information section at the top of this screen, you can now add your App Domain. This should be formatted as mydomain.com. Do not add "http://" and do not add "/" at the end of the domain name.
NOTE: My site does not use the www, so I cannot confirm that it's required in Step #6. Try it both ways if you're unsure.
At the bottom of the page click the "Save Changes" button. You may receive a notice that it may take several minutes to blah blah blah....but you can continue with the next steps immediately.
At this point the error was NOT displayed as it was before.
Hope this helps!

Seems to be a valid domain to Facebook
"url": "http://www.universalfather.info/",
"type": "website",
"image": [
"url": "http://www.universalfather.info/png/Universal_Father_img.png"
"updated_time": "2012-01-26T02:07:50+0000",
"id": "10150472668498918"

This absolutely works but I didn't quite understand the instructions, so I'm going to restate them for other neophytes like myself.
From the Facebook development page "Apps-YourAppName", click on Basic in the LEFT Nav.
There are 3 sections on this page: Basic Info, Cloud Services, and "Select how your app integrates with Facebook"
In the Select how your app integrates with Facebook section, select "Website"
Enter your fully qualified domain name in the Site URL dialog box. Example: http://www.mydomain.com OR http://mydomain.com (my site does not include the www so I didn't add it).
At the bottom of the page click the "Save Changes" button. You may receive a notice that it may take several minutes to blah blah blah....but you can continue with the next steps immediately.
Now, in the Basic Information section at the top of this screen, you can now add your App Domain. This should be formatted as mydomain.com. Do not add "http://" and do not add "/" at the end of the domain name.
NOTE: My site does not use the www, so I cannot confirm that it's required in Step #6. Try it both ways if you're unsure.
At the bottom of the page click the "Save Changes" button. You may receive a notice that it may take several minutes to blah blah blah....but you can continue with the next steps immediately.
At this point the error was NOT displayed as it was before.
Hope this helps!


Zabbix web scenario authentication

So i'm trying to set up zabbix web scenario to monitor webpage up/down. Ive found a way googeling which should work for me, however there is an issue in the login page. I need to be able to press TAB 4 times and then end it with a space to reach the login information panel. But i can not figure out how to tell zabbix to insert TABs or Spaces on the page before it attempts to login.
by default SMART-ID is our main authentication, and the order can not be changed as it would interfere with our user welfare policies. So i need to make zabbix able to navigate to the "Parool" tab for login. Also using the tab key on the page visualy does nothing untill you press the space bar, only after space bar it actually shows you where you have navigated.
So far i have tried to simply add tab and space in the "post fields" section however this does not do anything and i have not managed to google the information i require.
That's not how Zabbix Scenarios works.
Zabbix uses libCurl to check web endpoints, not a browser: you can't render javascript nor post/click to forms (ie: like Python Splinter does).
You can post data to specific web endpoints, like http://somewhere/test.php?id=2345&userid={BLABLABLA} then grab the output and/or the resulting http return code.
Please refer to the documentation for a complete overview.

Change Gmail API Name on Login Screen

I made a script using Gmail API to get list of contacts. The script working fine but I want to make it more better as for now, when Login POPUP of Gmail is opened it displays this
xxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com is requesting permission to:
Manage your contacts
Where xxxxxxxxxx is my Client ID. I dont want it to be shown. I want to display my API Project Name here like this
"My API Name" is requesting permission to:
Manage your contacts
Is this even possible to do this? If yes then how?
Perhaps try this out:
Search for "Google API Console" in the browser.
On the API console page, on the left hand side menu bar, under "APIs & auth", click on "Consent Screen". Setup project name, upload logo, etc.
See if this helps.
I also seem to remember that during oAuth, you need to pass Application Name (which can be the same as Product Name found in Consent Screen option at step 2 above.

Timeline app appears only if page is currently liked

This is the first Facebook App i've created since the Timeline changes. Everything appears to be working the same, except for adding the app to my page's Timeline "Favorites"(?) (the boxes at the top near the About section). A large majority of the traffic to this app will come from visitors seeing the app tab on our page.
I'm attempting to add it using the following URL:
Then I select the page, and click "Add Page Tab".
This works fine - I can then swap it's position, view the app, edit settings, etc.
I set up the tab how I want it, and then log out and visit my Facebook Page directly to view the app tab as a visitor would. The app is no longer there. Log back in, everything is fine, log back out, it's gone. It appears that if you do not already Like the page, you cannot see the app. If you do like the page, you can see it. I'd like the app to be viewable by people who do not like the page as well, as the app has a fan gate of it's own.
I've disabled Sandbox mode as well so i'm not sure what's left to do.
Any help is appreciated.
You mentioned in the comments that the app is restricted to US users:
Because your app is restricted, it won't be displayed to logged-out browsers - this is expected because unless the user is logged-in, their location and age can't be determined in order to check the restrictions you've set
If you must have the app visible to logged-out users, remove the API-level restriction and use the details passed in the signed_request to show or hide the app's content
{edit} I missed the edit to your question {/edit} - it may also be that your existing signed_request processing code is failing for logged out users

Layar: Redirecting user to website of POI in clients NATIVE browser

I want users to be able to click a POI and then be able to click a button 'goto website' which redirects to the website of that POI in the clients native browser.
I think this page describes what I need: http://layar.pbworks.com/w/page/35910641/User%20Interaction%20Dialog%20API#showdialog
However, whats not clear to me: how can I test the action?
- I dont see which request (what are the parameters etc) is passed to my server in order for me to return the showDialog object
- I dont see IF and HOW I should nest the showDialog object in my POI
- how can I test this functionality on a layar in test mode (not published yet)
You should be able to do what you want simply using the Response Hotspot Action Object:
You can add as many actions as you like - including links to websites:
"actions": [
{"activityType": 4, "uri": "http://www.mywebsite.com", "label": "Go To Website"}

How to add my application to my fan page?

Since Facebook removed Application pages, how to add application (newly created) to fan page? I've found "Create Facebook Page" in application settings but the link "Add to my Page" is missing!
Maybe this is not the best answer, but it should help you.
Go to this URL after replacing APPLICATION_ID with your application ID:
Currently it is:
app_id: Your app's unique identifier. Required.
redirect_uri: The URL to redirect to after a person clicks a button on the dialog. Required when using URL redirection.
from: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/pagetabs/
Make sure your page is classified as a brand > App
Your App has to have the same name of your fan page in the name of the page I.E. bobburgerbar page should have the name bobburgerbar Burger App or whatever in it as long as it has bobburgerbar
go to app details
Under contact info it has APP your page should appear
And voila! your app is added
Stupid Facebook