Match cell value from two sheets and paste where the value is met, starting from one cell below - vba

I'm new to VBA, I'm using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and I read the forums but this seems impossible for me. I have the current code which copies a sheet and adds a day to the date and also copies a range of cells containing the important information from the sheet to be able to paste it in a calendar with realtime information and I need it to paste where the date is the same and one cell below the value which could be located in any place in a certain range.
Sub CopierPetete()
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Copy _
'update date
[J1].Value = [J1].Value + 1
If Sheets("Sheet5").Range("A1:K100").Value = ActiveSheet.Range("J1").Value Then _
Sheets("Sheet5").Pictures.Paste Link:=True
End If
End Sub
I need it to match the value in the ActiveAheet cell J1 with any cell on Sheet5, and paste as Pictures.Paste Link=True (or, if you have a better idea for a way to display real-time information) at the place where the value is met on Sheet5, one cell below.
Here's a link to the project!

If I understand well, what you intend to do is to check if the value of the ActiveSheet > cell J1 exists in the Sheet named "Sheet5" within the range A1 to K100. Meaninly, if Excel finds any cell withing A1 to K100 matching the J1 value, copy-paste the picture.
Here is a try:
Sub CopierPetete()
Dim rFind as Range
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Copy _
'update date
[J1].Value = [J1].Value + 1
'Find returns a range object, so we use Set
Set rFind = Worksheets("Sheet5").Range("A1:K100").Find(ActiveSheet.Range("J1").Value, LookIn:=xlValues, lookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not rFind is Nothing Then
Worksheets("Sheet5").Range(rFind.Address).Offset(0, 1).Activate
Worksheets("Sheet5").Pictures.Paste Link:=True
End If
End Sub


Copy, PasteSpecial Formatting select cells based on criteria in another cell

Not a VBA expert at all and would really appreciate any help you experts could offer. I have a spread sheet with 10 columns (A-J) and a "control" column (M). Rows of data will be populated beginning with Row 9, with Row 8 being the header row. Row 7 contains specific formatting to be applied to rows if criteria in column M is met. For several reasons, I need to use VBA rather than conditional formatting. The code I have almost works. It worked on the initial row that met the criteria but none of the subsequent rows. Tried to fix the issue and now none of it works.
The specifics of my current code are:
rngSheet - the area of my spreadsheet with data that needs to be formatted.
rngColorTrigger - Column M containing the criteria. Criteria trigger is if the column value is 0.
rngColor - the cells containing the format to be copied and pasted (Row 7).
My current very-bad-doesn't-work code:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange2(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngColor As Range
Dim rngSheet As Range
Dim rngColorTrigger As Range
Set rngColor = Sheet1.Range("rngColor")
Set rngSheet = Sheet1.Range("rngSheet")
Set rngColorTrigger = Sheet1.Range("rngColorTrigger")
' Limit the copy area to the range for which the trigger is entered
If Not Intersect(Target, Sheet1.Range("rngColorTrigger")) Is Nothing Then
' Only trigger if the value entered is valid (Cell in Column M = 0)
For Each cell In Range("rngColorTrigger")
If cell.Value = 0 Then
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
End If
Next cell
' Reset EnableEvents
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub
I have very similar code that copy, cuts, and pastes content between pages based on a valid date being entered in a control column and it works fine...

Copying a Row from a Table using a cell that contains a VLOOKUP equation

I am pretty unfamiliar with VBA, and I am stuck with this portion of my code. I have a cell with a vlookup equation in it I'd like to use as a parameter to find a value in a table on a different sheet and copy the entire row over to a different sheet. I've used this code in the past to copy data over based on a single parameter, but I think the problem I'm running into is that the cell I'm trying to reference contains a vlookup equation in it.
Sub Test()
For Each cell In Sheets(RawDataLoader).Range("E:E")
If cell.Value = "B8" Then
matchRow = cell.Row
Rows(matchRow & ":" & matchRow).Select
End If
End Sub
RawDataLoader is the sheet with my table
Dashboard is the sheet where I want the cells to go
B8 is the cell on the sheet Dashboard I want to use as the value the table looks up.
The range with the values I want it to search through is E:E and on the RawDataLoader sheet.
I know that the cell.value portion of my code is incorrect, I just do not know how to reference a cell value, so I put the cell I wanted to reference.
Thank you!
You just need to use Sheets("Dashboard").Range("B8").value instead of "B8". You can also simplify your code; avoid using Select and loop only on the used range instead of the full column.
Sub Test()
Dim cell as Range
For Each cell In Intersect(Sheets("RawDataLoader").UsedRange, Sheets("RawDataLoader").Range("E:E"))
If cell.Value = Sheets("Dashboard").Range("B8").value Then
cell.EntireRow.copy Sheets("Dashboard").Rows(cell.Row)
End If
End Sub

Excel VBA value remains string format after replacment

I am a total newbie in Excel VBA. I find a script that can help me map data from one worksheet to another, but after the mapping is done, the value format just changed.
I have two sheets, Sheet 1 is the raw data sheet, and Master Data sheet is where the mapping data are stored. Please see the table structures below:
Sheet 1:
Home Use
Business Owner
Master Data sheet:
code Description
001 Home Use
002 Business Owner
003 Professional
004 CFO
005 Secretary
As you may see the values in the first column in the Master Data sheet are in text format, ie 001, 002, etc
The code below does the trick to map the data in the first column in Master Data sheet and use them to replace the description in Sheet 1.
Sub mapping()
Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range, cel As Range
Dim StrMyChar As String, StrMyReplace As String
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Master Data")
Set rng1 = .[B1:B5]
End With
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set rng2 = .[A2:A6]
End With
'loop down list of texts needing replacing
For Each cel In rng1.Cells
StrMyChar = cel.Value
StrMyReplace = cel.Offset(0, -1).Value
'replace text
With rng2
.Replace What:=StrMyChar, Replacement:=StrMyReplace,_
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=False
End With
'Next word/text to replace
Next cel
End Sub
After running the code, I find all the 001, 002, etc all got changed to 1, 2, etc.
Is there a way for me to preserve the 001 string format?
Try this below. Note that it still forces the replacement format, so that the values in the cells are still technically numbers. This is a drawback of Excel's replace functionality--its just how it works because it wants to assume that everything is numeric.
Note that you also had the rng1 set to the wrong range, it should be b2-b6 not b1-b5
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Master Data")
Set rng1 = .[B2:B6] ' Note that you had the wrong range here
End With
'this will force two leading zeros if necessary call it before the replace
Application.ReplaceFormat.NumberFormat = "00#"
'then add ReplaceFormat:=true to your replace string
.Replace What:=StrMyChar, Replacement:=StrMyReplace, _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=False, ReplaceFormat:=True
Unfortunately ReplaceFormat.NumberFormat = "#" does not work with Excel's built in replace. The better option if we don't want to mess with Excel's built in replace method, we can do it ourselves, quick and easy:
Option Compare Text 'use this for case insensitive comparisons
Sub Mapping()
Dim rngLookup As Range
Set rngLookup = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Master Data").[B2:B6]
Dim rngReplace As Range
Set rngReplace = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").[A2:A6]
Dim cell As Range, cellLookup As Range
For Each cell In rngReplace
Dim val As String
val = cell.Value
For Each cellLookup In rngLookup
If cellLookup.Value = val Then
cell.NumberFormat = "#"
cell.Value = cellLookup.Offset(0, -1).Value
Exit For
End If
End Sub
This code loops through each line in your Sheet 1, and then searches for the proper entry in the master sheet, but sets the Number Format to "#" before it copies it. You should be good.
If you are going to have to work with a LOT of cells, consider turning Application.ScreenUpdating off before running the procedure, and back on after. This will speed things up as it doesn't have to worry about rendering to the screen while it is working.
Another, non VBA idea that keeps both the original value and adds data next to it:
You could also get this information (albeit in a different column) using a Vlookup without any VBA code. If you switch your Descriptions to Column A and your Codes to Column B on the Master Sheet, you can then go to Sheet1, highlight the cells in Column B and type this formula:
=VLOOKUP(A2:A6,'Master Data'!A2:B6,2,FALSE)
Do not hit enter, but rather hit Control+Shift+Enter. This creates what is called an Array formula. This doesn't do a replace for you, but offers the data in the column next to it. Just throwing this out there as some extra information if you needed another way of getting it.
You could also set the formula for a cell in VBA using the Range.Formula property and setting it to the vlookup formula above

VBA code in Excel to add a row to multiple sheets and then copy formula from adjacent row

I'm really hoping someone can help me with this one. I have recorded a macro to use within a sheet that needs to create a row at the same position on 2 worksheets and then, on one of them, copy the formula's in the cells from the row below it. The code I have looks like this -
Sub Macro1()
Sheets(Array("SCHEDULE", "ANNUAL SUMMARY")).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Rows("1:1").EntireRow.Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Sheets("ANNUAL SUMMARY").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Rows("1:1").EntireRow.Select
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Rows("1:2").EntireRow _
, Type:=xlFillDefault
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Rows("1:2").EntireRow.Select
My problem is, when I run it manually and then record the macro, it does exactly what I want it to, but when I run this from a button on the "SCHEDULE" sheet it does not copy the formula's from the row below the one on the "ANNUAL SUMMARY" sheet.
Can anyone help to get this working with me?
Thanks all in advance
The problem with the macro recorder is that although it can give you a good indication of what code you need, it also generates very inefficient code and includes all of the select and activate statements that you need to try and avoid using.
Any reference in the code to ActiveCell is referring to the cell that is currently selected and ActiveSheet is the sheet that is currently selected. This can give you undesired results if you run the macro from a different sheet that the macro was recorded from...
If you wanted to copy row 1 from SCHEDULE sheet then you can use
Sheets("SCHEDULE").Rows(1).Copy Sheets("ANNUAL SUMMARY").Rows(1)
If you want to auto fill a range, then this can be accomplished with a single line of code
This will auto fill the contents of row1 (column A - E) down to row 100 in your ANNUAL SUMMARY sheet
Sheets("ANNUAL SUMMARY").Range("A1:E100").FillDown
So if we put it all together and include some declarations for our source and destination sheet to make the sub more readable..
Sub CopyAndFillDownExample()
Dim rowNumber As Long, offset As Long
Dim sourceSht As Worksheet, destinationSht As Worksheet
'set the source and destinationsheets
Set sourceSht = Sheets("SCHEDULE")
Set destinationSht = Sheets("ANNUAL SUMMARY")
'number of rows to copy down
offset = 100
'get currently selected row
rowNumber = ActiveCell.Row
'copy the selected row from the source sheet to the destination sheet
sourceSht.Rows(rowNumber).Copy destinationSht.Rows(rowNumber)
'fill down the formulas
destinationSht.Rows(rowNumber & ":" & rowNumber + offset).FillDown
End Sub

Excel Macro: make a recorded one less cell specifc?

I've recorded a simple macro that I need to make into something generic, so it can be used for any row and last four cells. Here is my recroded version:
End Sub
How do I
make it go to the last cell of the ROW I place the cursor into?
change the cell specific ranges into a range that just means: select this cell and 3 more to the left?
... the selection.copy I think I can nearly manage :)
Many thanks
This will copy the last four cells in any row you click into:
Sub CopyLastFourCellsOfRow()
Dim lastCell As Range
Dim rngToCopy As Range
Set lastCell = Selection.End(xlToRight)
Set rngToCopy = Range(lastCell, lastCell.Offset(0, -3))
End Sub
Update - If your row has broken data then best approach is to start in the final column of the spreadsheet (column IV) and then work back. To achieve this replace the lastCell statement with the following:
Set lastCell = Cells(Selection.Row, 256).End(xlToLeft)
You can actually do the individual steps you're asking about all in one swift move.
To make it go to the last cell in the current row, you just use ActiveCell.End(xlToRight). (Use 'ActiveCell' because it is equivalent to 'Selection' when only one cell is selected, but works even if multiple cells are selected.)
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(0, -3)).Select
will select the current cell and 3 more to the left. Note that you do not need to do "Selection.Copy" in a separate step. You can simply go:
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(0, -3)).Copy