Previous page screenshot preview -

I have a web application in and C#.
I have three step registration process in which in the end I have to show the preview of all three different pages.
Is it possible to capture previous pages and show them like

You can get the workaround -
Click here


Drop Down Form for Date is Deformed

I use sharepoint 2010 and I get a deformed pop up menu for Date selection. Nothing fancy here. Just a simple form to enter some data with date.
Have you seen this before? I get the same effect in Chrome/Firefox latest versions.
Thank you in advance
This is a problem with your SharePoint site's CSS (or possibly with JavaScript that affects the CSS).
That big image is a spritesheet; CSS is supposed to crop the visible region so that you only see the specific sprites that are relevant to the current control.
You can pull up the developer tools with F12 and inspect the image element and its containers to see what CSS is currently applied, as well as check for any errors in the JavaScript console.
Clear your browsers cache and reload page. Delete the datetime column and create a new.


Hi ive developed a application that works with my site by using
SendKeys.send("{ENTER}") to submit info on one of my forms.
Is there a way to stop it from running outside the application?
For example im trying to run the program in the background and when im browsing my facebook or on google it randomly keeps hitting enter.
Any help is greatly appreciated thanks for your time.
The short answer is to look at the windows available for a process and check the titles to see if it's the page you want.
If System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("firefox").MainWindowTitle = 'My Page Title'
End If
That said, there are much better ways to do this - If you're using firefox, look into GreaseMonkey, if in Chrome, look at TamperMonkey.
Both allow you to inject custom javascript into any page whose url matches a pattern you choose. In effect, you could write some Javascript to submit a form (say) 30 seconds after page load.
This would have the benefit of working if a different tab is selected as well as not requiring a whole application.
The SendKeys.Send method will indiscriminately send the key stroke to the active application. There is no way to use this API to target a specific application.
You could change your app to try and verify the active application is the one you want to send keys too. This is destined to be a flaky process though. No matter how good your verification is it's always possible that the active app is switched to another app after your verification completes.
If VerifyActiveAppIsTarget() Then
SendKeys.Send("{Enter}") ' Active app could change before this runs
I would persue a different solution for sending data between my apps

Basic Page vs. Blank Page

I am trying to find the difference between the uses of a basic page and a blank page on windows store apps. I am writing an application that has multiple pages and I am not sure which one to use for my main page and I can't seem to find an answer that is helpful.
Basic Page inherits Common.LayoutAwarePage. This gives your page various capabilities like the automatic back button and a visualstatemanager for snapping among other things.
Blank Page only inherits Page and does not get any of the above capabilities. So for example if you need to incorporate snapped view in your page, you need to add a handler for the size changed event in your code.
A Basic Page makes it very easy to just write all the snapped changes in your VisualStateManager in XAML and then test it without running your code using just the device tab where you can select state of your device.
The MainPage in your project is a Blank Page and I prefer to create all other pages as Basic Pages to not worry about stuff like the back button.
That being said, Windows 8.1 apps do not include the LayoutAwarePage so if you are not used to the LayoutAwarePage, do not bother.
Let me know if you need more clarification.
Go with the Basic Page as it gives you automatic back button your view's title etc, and if you don't need them you can disable them also. But for blank page you have to write code for those common things.
This blog post will help you in understanding of Basic Page vs Blank Page.

MVC Form View vs Table

I am looking to migrate a couple of applications one a classic asp app that uses vbscript and RDS datafactory and a foxpro desktop app to MVC. Is there an example somewhere that shows using jQuery to show the Form View as the startup as opposed to a Table/Grid View with a search. Both applications show the entire row using the entire screen with Add Update Delete Find Next Prev etc as navigation at the bottom of the screen opposed to the Grid and then edit.
yes it is a lot,
if can take a look to jqueryui or kendoui or knockoutjs

Web part in only Document Library pages

I've built a web part for SharePoint 2010.
Using SharePoint Designer I've got it to work on every page within the site, but then I realized that I only want it to work when users navigate document libraries.
Is there any way to do that? If not, how can I check that condition from the web part?
Using SharePoint Designer I've got it
to work on every page within the site
Does this mean you have embedded it in the master page?
A quick and dirty way; you could check the url for /Forms/ and only show it then.