How do I handle WCF SOAP deserialization errors in HTTP Reponse? - wcf

How do I hide the following error information and show custom message in WCF? This error occur when we inject invalid parameter in http request
HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error
Cache-Control: private
Content-Length: 494
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 22:34:36 GMT
X-Cache: MISS from
Via: 1.0 (squid/2.6.STABLE22)
Proxy-Connection: close
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""><s:Body><s:Fault><faultcode xmlns:a="">a:DeserializationFailed</faultcode><faultstring xml:lang="en-US">The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'GetData'. Character reference not valid. Line 1, position 121.</faultstring></s:Fault></s:Body></s:Envelope>

You will need a custom WCF deserializer that can catch the errors and produce custom error messages. Have a look here:


Mulesoft NetSuite Connector throw java.lang.NullPointerException: charsetName Error

I am getting this error in my mulesoft application while making a search call to NetSuite connector (v11.5.12).
org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain: Interceptor for {}ProxyService#{}invoke has thrown exception, unwinding now
java.lang.NullPointerException: charsetName
This error has suddenly started to come in the production environment. I am not able to replicate the same in lower environment.
Mule Application is deployment on Anypoint CloudHub with Mule Runtime version 4.4.0
NetSuite connector version v11.5.12
No recent changes deployed to production, existing application started to throw this error while searching
I enabled NetSuite Debug Logger and below are the logs it generated.
DEBUG 2023-02-15 13:50:53,636 [[finance-bulk-api].NetSuite_Config.04 SelectorRunner] [processor: netsuite-advance-search/processors/1/processors/0/processors/0; event: a91c2ba0-ad09-11ed-b6b5-88665a243a09] org.mule.service.http.impl.service.HttpMessageLogger.NetSuite_Config: REQUESTER
POST /services/NetSuitePort_2021_1 HTTP/1.1
SOAPAction: search
User-Agent: AHC/1.0
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: */*
Content-Type: text/xml
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""><soap:Header><preferences xmlns=""><warningAsError>false</warningAsError><disableMandatoryCustomFieldValidation>false</disableMandatoryCustomFieldValidation><disableSystemNotesForCustomFields>false</disableSystemNotesForCustomFields><ignoreReadOnlyFields>false</ignoreReadOnlyFields><runServerSuiteScriptAndTriggerWorkflows>false</runServerSuiteScriptAndTriggerWorkflows></preferences><tokenPassport xmlns=""><account xmlns="">****</account><consumerKey xmlns="">*****</consumerKey><token xmlns="">****</token><nonce xmlns="">****</nonce><timestamp xmlns="">****</timestamp><signature xmlns="" algorithm="HMAC_SHA256">fhpl/bxKP/cfuAYhSQ/MULWdkfjfnkfkUlMbWguVr9a6MaXS5fhRUDJVIdjdonddU=</signature></tokenPassport><searchPreferences xmlns=""><bodyFieldsOnly>false</bodyFieldsOnly><returnSearchColumns>true</returnSearchColumns><pageSize>10</pageSize></searchPreferences></soap:Header><soap:Body><ns0:search xmlns:ns0="">
<ns0:searchRecord xmlns:ns01="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns01:TransactionSearchAdvanced">
<ns01:criteria xmlns:ns01="">
<ns02:lastModifiedDate xmlns:ns02="" operator="within">
<ns03:searchValue xmlns:ns03="">2023-02-13T22:00:49</ns03:searchValue>
<ns03:searchValue2 xmlns:ns03="">2023-02-14T22:00:49</ns03:searchValue2>
<ns02:recordType xmlns:ns02="" operator="is">
<ns03:searchValue xmlns:ns03="">Invoice</ns03:searchValue>
<ns01:columns xmlns:ns01="">
<ns02:amountRemaining xmlns:ns02=""/>
<ns02:internalId xmlns:ns02="">
<ns03:searchValue xmlns:ns03="" internalId="null"/>
DEBUG 2023-02-15 13:50:53,636 [[biz-prc-ent-finance-bulk-api].NetSuite_Config.04 SelectorRunner] [processor: netsuite-advance-search/processors/1/processors/0/processors/0; event: a91c2ba0-ad09-11ed-b6b5-88665a243a09] org.mule.service.http.impl.service.HttpMessageLogger.NetSuite_Config: REQUESTER
DEBUG 2023-02-15 13:50:58,153 [[finance-bulk-api].NetSuite_Config.04 SelectorRunner] [processor: netsuite-advance-search/processors/1/processors/0/processors/0; event: a91c2ba0-ad09-11ed-b6b5-88665a243a09] org.mule.service.http.impl.service.HttpMessageLogger.NetSuite_Config: REQUESTER
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 08:20:58 GMT
X-Reference-Error: 97.27697c68.1676449258.23382b2c
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 08:20:58 GMT
Connection: close
Akamai-GRN: 0.df523617.1676449254.1f240dc8
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference &#3
WARN 2023-02-15 13:50:58,155 [[MuleRuntime].uber.02: [finance-bulk-api].netsuite-to-salesforce-sync-shcedular-flow.BLOCKING #32c6a070] [processor: netsuite-advance-search/processors/1/processors/0/processors/0; event: a91c2ba0-ad09-11ed-b6b5-88665a243a09] org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain: Interceptor for {}ProxyService#{}invoke has thrown exception, unwinding now
java.lang.NullPointerException: charsetName
at<init>( ~[?:1.8.0_312]
Clearly the error is a timeout on the Netsuite infrastructure:
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out
It it not possible to know the cause of the error from the data provided. It could be a Netsuite issue, a configuration issue (wrong connection address?), or simply that the operation takes too long to complete (data issue, which may vary between environments).
It would be recommended to upgrade to the latest Mule Netsuite connector release and test again. There have several fixes and improvements since the version you are using was released, including security fixes and error messages improvements. Even if it doesn't solve the issue you are experiencing you would be better covered against those issues.

SAPUI5 OData v4 Batch Requests Header Parsing

I'm trying to implement a UI5 service using an OData v4 backend.
In general my bindings seem to work, however, there seems to be a problem parsing the headers of the batch requests. Parsing the batch parts by skipping the code in the debugger works fine.
In the console I get the following error:
2022-10-11 13:14:09.584899 $batch failed - Error: Expected 'OData-Version' header with value '4.0' but received value 'null' in response for http://localhost:8080/odata/$batch
at h.doCheckVersionHeader (http://localhost:1337/resources/sap/ui/core/library-preload.js:4753:314)
at Object.<anonymous> (http://localhost:1337/resources/sap/ui/core/library-preload.js:4786:415)
at Object.<anonymous> (http://localhost:1337/resources/sap-ui-core.js:2099:9272)
at p (http://localhost:1337/resources/sap-ui-core.js:2219:26833)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (http://localhost:1337/resources/sap-ui-core.js:2219:27676)
at y3 (http://localhost:1337/resources/sap-ui-core.js:2219:84906)
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (http://localhost:1337/resources/sap-ui-core.js:2219:87536) sap.ui.model.odata.v4.ODataModel`
However, inspecting the headers in the developer tools the OData-Version header seems to be set
HTTP/1.1 202
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
OData-Version: 4.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=batch_63059dbf-3e96-4650-b6b9-c6237b7e3b9e
Content-Length: 3848
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 11:14:06 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
In the function h.doCheckVersionHeader only the Content-Type and Content-Length are aviable.
I start my project via ui5 serve and seem to be using version 1.102.1.
Does anyone know how I can get the requests to work?
I have resolved the issue by adding the
Access-Control-Expose-Headers header to the response:
The section "Response Headers" from the documentation topic "Model Instantiation and Data Access" now lists headers that need to be added to the Access-Control-Expose-Headers response header:
The OData model processes some of the response headers, namely:
DataServiceVersion (only when consuming an OData V2 service),
Some SAP applications will also require the processing of SAP-ContextId, SAP-Err-Id, and SAP-Http-Session-Timeout. When using cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), it is important to add all these headers to the Access-Control-Expose-Headers response header.
Also, make sure that values assigned to the headers are syntactically valid. E.g. no dangling characters: OData-Version: 4.0; → OData-Version: 4.0.

Reading a SOAP response with bad HTTP header

I am using a SOAP interface that is developed by a 3rd party, but is returning an invalid HTTP header as shown below.
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: SMBDK_1/2.3.0
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 18:59:14 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Length: 670
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Type: text/xml
Expires: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 18:59:14 GMT
Last-Modified: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 18:59:14 GMT
Notice that there are 2 content-type tags. I am using VS2008 for this VB project. I have a service reference for this connection and can send a request and receive a response. I created a CustomTextMessageEncoder using the MSDN samples to read the response for text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1. This is working for single variable returns, but arrays are never read in correctly. They are always empty. I am using a Web Debugging Proxy and can see that the array information is there in the SOAP response, but it is never actually pulled through. I presume this is due to the bad header (?). I tried decoding the message as text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1 and got the same results... empty array returns.
Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this situation? Do I need to deserialize this message manually or is there a better way?
In the end, these bad headers prevented Visual Studio from ever reading in array's properly.
I wound up having to capture the entire response in an XMl document in memory then open it up and use xmlNodeList to manually read the data from the arrays.

BizTalk 2010 calling one way(fire and forget) service and acknowledgement

BizTalk 2010 trying to call a one way(fire and forget) PeopleSoft service that does not return a response. I have verified that BizTalk 2010 does not support one way services by design. Unable to call one way Peoplesoft service with WCF-Adapter from BizTalk 2010
PeopleSoft team showed me that their asynchronous service returns the following Http status and headers.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 15:31:37 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
TransactionID: <some GUID>
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1
However, when I look at the xml returned from a One Way WCF service published by BizTalk 2010 I see this
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 86
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 15:34:32 GMT
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""><s:Body/></s:Envelope>
Note the empty SOAP message.
Therefore, BizTalk 2010 needs to have a NON-NULL response to be able to call a service.
PeopleSoft service sending back the HTTP status code above IS NOT considered an acknowledgement by BizTalk.
Is that correct?
If a web service does not return a response, it needs to return an HTTP 204 - No Content. I've not tried this in WCF yet, but HTTP honors the no content return code. As for the BizTalk WCF service... not sure why it's not using 204. But since it is using 200, it needs to send something.
It looks like BizTalk 2010 does need to have a NON-NULL response to be able to call a service.
Thanks to Ben for confirmation.
See details here.
What is the nature of the message you send out? You could in theory send a one way HTTP message and correlate on a separate HTTP response port.

What is reponse.d when returning data from a WCF Service with ContentType of "application/json"?

I have a WCF service that has webHttpBinding and has enableWebScript turned on in it's endpoint behavior configuration.
The response from the service looks something like this
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 20:09:02 GMT
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 25
{"d":{"__type":"SOMETYPE", ... }}
Its using HTTP 1.1 and so there are the standard headers. The contentType is set to be applciation/json which also makes sense. In the message body (the JSON part), everything is enclosed in an envelope titled "d".
What is that? Who defines that protocol? Is it something specific to WCF?
I couldn't find that defined in any of the protocols involved or the definition of the "application/json" contentType.
That is ASP.NET AJAX specific and is caused by applying the WebScriptEnablingBehavior (enableWebScript in config) to your endpoint. The wrapper is required on both input and output and there are also special behaviors added around exception handling.
If you want "pure" JSON, you should remove the WebScriptEnablingBehavior and just use WebHttpBehavior (webHttp in config). Then just make sure you explicitly set the Request/ResponseFormat properties on your WebGet/InvokeAttributes.