Spring.Net HibernateTemplate.Execute Clarification - nhibernate

I am taking over a project that was written by third party consultants who have already left.
I come from EF backgournd. One of the DAO class has the following which I find very hard to get my head around on details of what is exactly happening step by step. If anyone could kindly help me to understand this code section will be much appreciated.
return HibernateTemplate.Execute(
delegate(ISession hbSession) // <<--What is this code actually trying to do?
string queryText = "from {0} x where x.Code = :Code";
queryText = string.Format(queryText, typeof(Product));
IQuery query = hbSession.CreateQuery(queryText);
query.SetParameter("Code", productCode);
query.SetCacheRegion(CoreCacheConstants.ProductQueryCacheRegion); // <-- What is this code trying to do.
var fund = query.UniqueResult(); // <-- Is this similar to DISTINCT keyword in LINQ?
if (fund == null)
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("No product found with productcode: {0}", productCode: ));
NHibernateUtil.Initialize(((Product)Product).Details); // <--What is this code trying to do. And where is the execute method for above queries.
return fund;
) as Product
Basically I am confused with delegate part and why delegate is being used instead of simple query to database. And what is the benefit of above approach.
Also I cant see any nHibernate ORM mapping xml. Does Spring.NET requires mapping files in order to pass data from/to data source?In order words how does ISession knows which database to connect to and which table to use etc

This is what in the spring documents is referred to as Classic Hibernate Usage. It is not the currently recommended approach to work with NHibernate, which is described in the chapter on object relational mappers.
The "convenient" usage of delegates here is basically done to provide the HibernateTemplate the means to manage a session and hand this managed session over to other custom methods (in this particular case an anonymous method). (I think it's an implementation of the visitor pattern, btw).
Using this approach, the classic HibernateTemplate can provide functionality to methods it doesn't "know of", such as opening and closing sessions correctly and participating in transactions.
The query is actually being executed by HibernateTemplate.Execute(myMethod); I imagine it creates and initializes a session for you, does transaction management, executes your method with the managed session and cleans everything up.
I've never used HibernateTemplate, but I'm sure it would require mapping files and a SessionFactory, so if this code is hit during execution and doesn't throw any exceptions, the configuration for those has to be there somewhere!
With respect to the questions (besides the delegate part) within your posted code: the use of NHibernateTemplate hasn't really got anything to do with it: you can just as well run this code in any piece of code where you've got hold of a valid ISession instance:
the session executes a HQL query; this query is added to the query cache. I've never used SetCacheRegion myself, but apparently it gives you "fine-grained control over query cache expiration policies".


CQRS: Is it good to return result in ICommandExecutor.Execute() method?

I have some thoughts on the design of the commanding part in CQRS. I want to hear your opinions on my thoughts. Thanks in advance! :)
In CQRS, there're Commands and CommandExecutors. Sometimes we want command executors to return some result after execution complete. One possible solution is (C#):
public interface ICommandExecutor<TCommand>
void Execute(TCommand cmd);
public interface ICommandExecutor<TCommand, TResult>
TResult Execute(TCommand cmd);
Good so far. We use two command executor interfaces. Now let's see the client code:
var cmd = new MyCommand();
commandBus.Execute(cmd); // execute no result
commandBus.Execute<MyResult>(cmd); // execute result
Yes, we can let exeuctor returns result now. But the programmer might be confusing when writing the above code: Can this command be executed result or not?? To get the answer, the programmer need to look into the framework source code to see if there's a MyCommandExecutor or a MyCommandExecutor. This is bad! Very confusing!
So, in my opinion, we should DELETE ICommandExecutor<TCommand, TResult>.
That is, I think command executors should always return void. The design of ICommandExecutor<TCommand, TResult> is bad!
If we need to see what is changed after command execution. We should make a new query to the database after calling commandBus.Execute(cmd).
What do you think about that?
You should not add a second interface. I'm not sure if having return values is appropriate for commands in CQRS, but I sometimes do this with my commands (but I'm not following CQRS). But rather than having a second interface, add an output property to the command.
public class CreateCustomerCommand
// customer properties here
// output property
public Guid CustomerId { get; internal set; }
But keep in mind that commands with output properties will never be able to run asynchronously.
If you really want to have a executor interface with a return value (which is something I won't advice), look at this article. The article is about implementing queries in a SOLID way, but it deals with the problem of defining an type-safe interface which allows you to return data.
BTW, with the previous example, the command can be easily made asynchronous by making the CustomerId property an input property. You let the client supply a new random Guid. This way the client already has the ID available and doesn't have to wait for the results to become available.
In CQRS the command side should not return anything since it breaks the anatomy of the pattern. Your own thoughts about this are correct.
However, Greg Young often mention an Ack/Nack result of a command operation (or used to anyway). Most messaging frameworks support such responses. The drawback of expecting a result is that you cannot be fully asynchronous. I have never felt a need for Ack/Nack since one of the fundamentals of CQRS is that the command should always succeed so there's no point returning Ack/Nack.
Ask yourself what you need to return. What operation need to return information that you don't already have on the sending/commanding side? Take the time to figure that out before letting your commands become queries.
Strictly speaking if you are using command patter it should not return anything but it should be always void. You should use another command (query) to get any data

Ensuring inserts after a call to a custom NHibernate IIdentifierGenerator

The setup
Some of the "old old old" tables of our database use an exotic primary key generation scheme [1] and I'm trying to overlay this part of the database with NHibernate. This generation scheme is mostly hidden away in a stored procedure called, say, 'ShootMeInTheFace.GetNextSeededId'.
I have written an IIdentifierGenerator that calls this stored proc:
public class LegacyIdentityGenerator : IIdentifierGenerator, IConfigurable
// ... snip ...
public object Generate(ISessionImplementor session, object obj)
var connection = session.Connection;
using (var command = connection.CreateCommand())
SqlParameter param;
command.CommandText = "ShootMeInTheFace.GetNextSeededId";
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
param = command.CreateParameter() as SqlParameter;
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
param.ParameterName = "#sTableName";
param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;
param.Value = this.table;
// ... snip ...
// ... snip ...
return ((IDataParameter)command
.Parameters["#sTrimmedNewId"]).Value as string);
The problem
I can map this in the XML mapping files and it works great, BUT....
It doesn't work when NHibernate tries to batch inserts, such as in a cascade, or when the session is not Flush()ed after every call to Save() on a transient entity that depends on this generator.
That's because NHibernate seems to be doing something like
for (each thing that I need to save)
[generate its id]
[add it to the batch]
[execute the sql in one big batch]
This doesn't work because, since the generator is asking the database every time, NHibernate just ends up getting the same ID generated multiple times, since it hasn't actually saved anything yet.
The other NHibernate generators like IncrementGenerator seem to get around this by asking the database for the seed value once and then incrementing the value in memory during subsequent calls in the same session. I would rather not do this in my implementation if I have to, since all of the code that I need is sitting in the database already, just waiting for me to call it correctly.
Is there a way to make NHibernate actually issue the INSERT after each call to generating an ID for entities of a certain type? Fiddling with the batch size settings don't seem to help.
Do you have any suggestions/other workarounds besides re-implementing the generation code in memory or bolting on some triggers to the legacy database? I guess I could always treat these as "assigned" generators and try to hide that fact somehow within the guts of the domain model....
Thanks for any advice.
The update: 2 months later
It was suggested in the answers below that I use an IPreInsertEventListener to implement this functionality. While this sounds reasonable, there were a few problems with this.
The first problem was that setting the id of an entity to the AssignedGenerator and then not actually assigning anything in code (since I was expecting my new IPreInsertEventListener implementation to do the work) resulted in an exception being thrown by the AssignedGenerator, since its Generate() method essentially does nothing but check to make sure that the id is not null, throwing an exception otherwise. This is worked around easily enough by creating my own IIdentifierGenerator that is like AssignedGenerator without the exception.
The second problem was that returning null from my new IIdentifierGenerator (the one I wrote to overcome the problems with the AssignedGenerator resulted in the innards of NHibernate throwing an exception, complaining that a null id was generated. Okay, fine, I changed my IIdentifierGenerator to return a sentinel string value, say, "NOT-REALLY-THE-REAL-ID", knowing that my IPreInsertEventListener would replace it with the correct value.
The third problem, and the ultimate deal-breaker, was that IPreInsertEventListener runs so late in the process that you need to update both the actual entity object as well as an array of state values that NHibernate uses. Typically this is not a problem and you can just follow Ayende's example. But there are three issues with the id field relating to the IPreInsertEventListeners:
The property is not in the #event.State array but instead in its own Id property.
The Id property does not have a public set accessor.
Updating only the entity but not the Id property results in the "NOT-REALLY-THE-REAL-ID" sentinel value being passed through to the database since the IPreInsertEventListener was unable to insert in the right places.
So my choice at this point was to use reflection to get at that NHibernate property, or to really sit down and say "look, the tool just wasn't meant to be used this way."
So I went back to my original IIdentifierGenreator and made it work for lazy flushes: it got the high value from the database on the first call, and then I re-implemented that ID generation function in C# for subsequent calls, modeling this after the Increment generator:
private string lastGenerated;
public object Generate(ISessionImplementor session, object obj)
string identity;
if (this.lastGenerated == null)
identity = GetTheValueFromTheDatabase();
identity = GenerateTheNextValueInCode();
this.lastGenerated = identity;
return identity;
This seems to work fine for a while, but like the increment generator, we might as well call it the TimeBombGenerator. If there are multiple worker processes executing this code in non-serializable transactions, or if there are multiple entities mapped to the same database table (it's an old database, it happened), then we will get multiple instances of this generator with the same lastGenerated seed value, resulting in duplicate identities.
My solution at this point was to make the generator cache a dictionary of WeakReferences to ISessions and their lastGenerated values. This way, the lastGenerated is effectively local to the lifetime of a particular ISession, not the lifetime of the IIdentifierGenerator, and because I'm holding WeakReferences and culling them out at the beginning of each Generate() call, this won't explode in memory consumption. And since each ISession is going to hit the database table on its first call, we'll get the necessary row locks (assuming we're in a transaction) we need to prevent duplicate identities from happening (and if they do, such as from a phantom row, only the ISession needs to be thrown away, not the entire process).
It is ugly, but more feasible than changing the primary key scheme of a 10-year-old database. FWIW.
[1] If you care to know about the ID generation, you take a substring(len - 2) of all of the values currently in the PK column, cast them to integers and find the max, add one to that number, add all of that number's digits, and append the sum of those digits as a checksum. (If the database has one row containing "1000001", then we would get max 10000, +1 equals 10001, checksum is 02, resulting new PK is "1000102". Don't ask me why.
A potential workaround is to generate and assign the ID in an event listener rather than using an IIdentifierGenerator implementation. The listener should implement IPreInsertEventListener and assign the ID in OnPreInsert.
Why dont you just make private string lastGenerated; static?

God object - decrease coupling to a 'master' object

I have an object called Parameters that gets tossed from method to method down and up the call tree, across package boundaries. It has about fifty state variables. Each method might use one or two variables to control its output.
I think this is a bad idea, beacuse I can't easily see what a method needs to function, or even what might happen if with a certain combination of parameters for module Y which is totally unrelated to my current module.
What are some good techniques for decreasing coupling to this god object, or ideally eliminating it ?
public void ExporterExcelParFonds(ParametresExecution parametres)
ApplicationExcel appExcel = null;
LogTool.Instance.ExceptionSoulevee = false;
bool inclureReferences = parametres.inclureReferences;
bool inclureBornes = parametres.inclureBornes;
DateTime dateDebut = parametres.date;
DateTime dateFin = parametres.dateFin;
bool fichiersPreparesAvecSucces = PreparerFichiers(parametres, Sections.exportExcelParFonds);
if (!fichiersPreparesAvecSucces)
parametres.afficherRapportApresGeneration = false;
LogTool.Instance.ExceptionSoulevee = true;
The caller would do :
PortefeuillesReference pr = new PortefeuillesReference();
First, at the risk of stating the obvious: pass the parameters which are used by the methods, rather than the god object.
This, however, might lead to some methods needing huge amounts of parameters because they call other methods, which call other methods in turn, etcetera. That was probably the inspiration for putting everything in a god object. I'll give a simplified example of such a method with too many parameters; you'll have to imagine that "too many" == 3 here :-)
public void PrintFilteredReport(
Data data, FilterCriteria criteria, ReportFormat format)
var filteredData = Filter(data, criteria);
PrintReport(filteredData, format);
So the question is, how can we reduce the amount of parameters without resorting to a god object? The answer is to get rid of procedural programming and make good use of object oriented design. Objects can use each other without needing to know the parameters that were used to initialize their collaborators:
// dataFilter service object only needs to know the criteria
var dataFilter = new DataFilter(criteria);
// report printer service object only needs to know the format
var reportPrinter = new ReportPrinter(format);
// filteredReportPrinter service object is initialized with a
// dataFilter and a reportPrinter service, but it doesn't need
// to know which parameters those are using to do their job
var filteredReportPrinter = new FilteredReportPrinter(dataFilter, reportPrinter);
Now the FilteredReportPrinter.Print method can be implemented with only one parameter:
public void Print(data)
var filteredData = this.dataFilter.Filter(data);
Incidentally, this sort of separation of concerns and dependency injection is good for more than just eliminating parameters. If you access collaborator objects through interfaces, then that makes your class
very flexible: you can set up FilteredReportPrinter with any filter/printer implementation you can imagine
very testable: you can pass in mock collaborators with canned responses and verify that they were used correctly in a unit test
If all your methods are using the same Parameters class then maybe it should be a member variable of a class with the relevant methods in it, then you can pass Parameters into the constructor of this class, assign it to a member variable and all your methods can use it with having to pass it as a parameter.
A good way to start refactoring this god class is by splitting it up into smaller pieces. Find groups of properties that are related and break them out into their own class.
You can then revisit the methods that depend on Parameters and see if you can replace it with one of the smaller classes you created.
Hard to give a good solution without some code samples and real world situations.
It sounds like you are not applying object-oriented (OO) principles in your design. Since you mention the word "object" I presume you are working within some sort of OO paradigm. I recommend you convert your "call tree" into objects that model the problem you are solving. A "god object" is definitely something to avoid. I think you may be missing something fundamental... If you post some code examples I may be able to answer in more detail.
Query each client for their required parameters and inject them?
Example: each "object" that requires "parameters" is a "Client". Each "Client" exposes an interface through which a "Configuration Agent" queries the Client for its required parameters. The Configuration Agent then "injects" the parameters (and only those required by a Client).
For the parameters that dictate behavior, one can instantiate an object that exhibits the configured behavior. Then client classes simply use the instantiated object - neither the client nor the service have to know what the value of the parameter is. For instance for a parameter that tells where to read data from, have the FlatFileReader, XMLFileReader and DatabaseReader all inherit the same base class (or implement the same interface). Instantiate one of them base on the value of the parameter, then clients of the reader class just ask for data to the instantiated reader object without knowing if the data come from a file or from the DB.
To start you can break your big ParametresExecution class into several classes, one per package, which only hold the parameters for the package.
Another direction could be to pass the ParametresExecution object at construction time. You won't have to pass it around at every function call.
(I am assuming this is within a Java or .NET environment) Convert the class into a singleton. Add a static method called "getInstance()" or something similar to call to get the name-value bundle (and stop "tramping" it around -- see Ch. 10 of "Code Complete" book).
Now the hard part. Presumably, this is within a web app or some other non batch/single-thread environment. So, to get access to the right instance when the object is not really a true singleton, you have to hide selection logic inside of the static accessor.
In java, you can set up a "thread local" reference, and initialize it when each request or sub-task starts. Then, code the accessor in terms of that thread-local. I don't know if something analogous exists in .NET, but you can always fake it with a Dictionary (Hash, Map) which uses the current thread instance as the key.
It's a start... (there's always decomposition of the blob itself, but I built a framework that has a very similar semi-global value-store within it)

Linq To SQL DAL and lookup data source

I am learning linq to sql and I am trying to setup a lookup combo box in my web page. I was using a linq data source but I then moved my linqtosql code to it's own class library for my DAL dll (took out of app_code folder). So, I am converting the page code to be able to still have lookups driven now by a biz object.
Here's what I have done in my biz layer...
Public Class KosherTypes
Public Shared Function GetKosherTypes() As List(Of KosherTypeLookup)
Dim db As New DBDataContext
Dim types = From kt In db.KosherTypes _
Where kt.IsDeleted = False _
Order By kt.Name _
Select New KosherTypeLookup With {.Name = kt.Name, .ID = kt.KosherTypeID}
Return types.ToList
End Function
End Class
I then setup an object data source and mapped it to this class.
I have a few questions as when I was doing internet searches I didn't find anyone that seemed to be doing this and yet I know lookup tables / combo boxes are common...
Did I totally just miss something and there are better way(s) to do this?
I went with returning a list but I could have returned an IEnumerable or IQueryable. In my reading it seemed IQueryable had more functionality for linq to sql but since I am returning a simple two column list then I only need to return an IEnumerable or List. I went with a List since it's strongly typed. Did I make a good decision? AKA - Should I just have returned and IEnumerable or perhaps gone with IQueryable?
I'll answer in reverse order:
I wouldn't use IQueryable outside of your repos / DAL for the simple reason that since execution is deferred, you lose control of what exactly is executed (i.e., an aribtrary function could be assigned as a delegate for WHERE), making maintenance and testing much harder. I don't see an issue with you returning an IEnumberable(Of KosherTypeLookup) though.
If the lookup is a static lookup that never or rarely changes, you might want to look at a way to cache the lookup after the first use, to avoid having to hit the db every time that box is called. It really depends on your expected load, though. As always, performance/load testing will highlight where you need to optimize.

Ad hoc data and repository pattern

What is the recommended way to return ad hoc (custom case by case) data from repository which don't fit any model entities or which extend some?
The 101 example would be the ubiquitous hello word application: a blog system. Suppose you want to load a list of posts where post entry has some additional information which does not exists in the Post entity. Let’s say it is the number of comments and the date and time of the last comment. This would be highly trivial if one was using the plain old SQL and reading data directly from the database. How am I supposed to do it optimally using the repository pattern if I cannot afford loading the entire collections of Comments for each Post, and I want to do it in one database hit? Is there any commonly used pattern for this situation? Now imagine that you have moderately complex web application where each page needs a slightly different custom data, and loading full hierarchies is not possible (performance, memory requirements etc).
Some random ideas:
Add a list of properties to each model which could be populated by the custom data.
Subclass model entities case by case, and create custom readers for each subclass.
Use LINQ, compose ad hoc queries and read anonymous classes.
Note: I’ve asked a similar question recently, but it seemed to be too general and did not attract much attention.
Based on suggestions in answers below, I am adding a more concrete example. Here is the situation I was trying to describe:
IEnumarable<Post> posts = repository.GetPostsByPage(1);
foreach (Post post in posts)
// snip: push post title, content, etc. to view
// determine the post count and latest comment date
int commentCount = post.Comments.Count();
DateTime newestCommentDate = post.Comments.Max(c => c.Date);
// snip: push the count and date to view
If I don’t do anything extra and use an off the shelf ORM, this will result to n+1 queries or possibly one query loading all posts and comments. But optimally, I would like to be able to just execute one SQL which would return one row for each post including the post title, body etc. and the comment count and most recent comment date in the same. This is trivial in SQL. The problem is that my repository won’t be able to read and fit this type of data into the model. Where do the max dates and the counts go?
I’m not asking how to do that. You can always do it somehow: add extra methods to the repository, add new classes, special entities, use LINQ etc., but I guess my question is the following. How come the repository pattern and the proper model driven development are so widely accepted, but yet they don’t seem to address this seemingly very common and basic case.
There's a lot to this question. Are you needing this specific data for a reporting procedure? If so, then the proper solution is to have separate data access for reporting purposes. Flattened databases, views, ect.
Or is it an ad-hoc query need? If so, Ayende has a post on this very problem. http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2006/12/07/ComplexSearchingQueryingWithNHibernate.aspx
He utilizes a "Finder" object. He's using NHibernate, so essentially what he's doing is creating a detached query.
I've done something similar in the past by creating a Query object that I can fill prior to handing it to a repository (some DDD purist will argue against it, but I find it elegant and easy to use).
The Query object implements a fluent interface, so I can write this and get the results back:
IQuery query = new PostQuery()
Post post = _repository.Find(query);
However, in your specific case I have to wonder at your design. You are saying you can't load the comments with the post. Why? Are you just being overly worrisome about performance? Is this a case of premature optimization? (seems like it to me)
If I had a Post object it would be my aggregate root and it would come with the Comments attached. And then everything you want to do would work in every scenario.
Since we needed to urgently solve the issue I outlined in my original question, we resorted to the following solution. We added a property collection (a dictionary) to each model entity, and if the DAL needs to, it sticks custom data into to. In order to establish some kind of control, the property collection is keyed by instances of a designated class and it supports only simple data types (integers, dates, ...) which is all we need at movement, and mostly likely will ever need. A typical case which this solves is: loading an entity with counts for its subcollections instead of full populated collections. I suspect that this probably does not get any award for a software design, but it was the simplest and the most practical solution for our case.
Can't say I really see what the problem is, just firing in the air here:
Add a specific entity to encapsulate the info yo want
Add a property Comments to the Post. (I don't see why this would require you to fetch all comments - you can just fetch the comments for the particular post you're loading)
Use lazy loading to only fetch the comments when you access the property
I think you would have a greater chance of seeing your question answered if you would make platform, language and O/R mapper specific (seems to be .NET C# or VB, since you mentioned LINQ. LINQ 2 SQL? Entity framework? Something else?)
If you aren't locked into a RDBMs then a Database like CouchDB or Amazons SimpleDB might be something to look at. What you are describing is trivial in a CouchDB View. This probably doesn't really answer you specific question but sometimes it's good to look at radically different options.
For this I generally have a RepositoryStatus and a Status class that acts as my Data Transfer Object (DTO). The Status class is used in my application service layer (for the same reason) from which the RepositoryStatus inherits. Then with this class I can return error messages, response objects, etc. from the Repository layer. This class is generic in that it will accept any object in and cast it out for the receiver.
Here is the Status class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using RanchBuddy.Core.Domain;
using StructureMap;
namespace RanchBuddy.Core.Services.Impl
public class Status : IStatus
public Status()
_messages = new List<string>();
_violations = new List<RuleViolation>();
public enum StatusTypes
private object _object;
public T GetObject<T>()
return (T)_object;
public void SetObject<T>(T Object)
_object = Object;
private List<string> _messages;
public void AddMessage(string Message)
public List<string> GetMessages()
return _messages;
public void AddMessages(List<string> Messages)
private List<RuleViolation> _violations;
public void AddRuleViolation(RuleViolation violation)
public void AddRuleViolations(List<RuleViolation> violations)
public List<RuleViolation> GetRuleViolations()
return _violations;
public StatusTypes StatusType { get; set; }
And here is the RepositoryStatus:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using RanchBuddy.Core.Services.Impl;
using StructureMap;
namespace RanchBuddy.Core.DataAccess.Impl
public class RepositoryStatus : Status, IRepositoryStatus
As you can see the RepositoryStatus doesn't yet do anything special and just relies on the Status objects utilities. But I wanted to reserve the right to extend at a later date!
I am sure that some of the die-hards out there will state that this should not be used if you are to be a prueist...however I know your pain in that sometimes you need to pass out more than just a returned object!