Rails 3: Controller params default value - ruby-on-rails-3

I am using a remote form_for for my show action to retrieve content based on the params passed by this form.
= form_tag modelname_path(#modelname), :id=>"select_content_form", :remote => true, :method => 'get' do
= text_field_tag :content_type, params[:content_type], :id=>"select_content_type"
= submit_tag "submit", :name => nil, :id=>"select_content_submit"
And I alter the content in controller as follows:
# Default params to "type1" for initial load
if params[:content_type]
#content_type = params[:content_type];
#content_type = "type1"
case #content_type
when "type1"
# get the content
#model_content = ...
when "type1"
# get the content
#model_content = ...
My question is, whether the above approach is the only we can set defaults for params or can we do it in a better manner. This works but I would like to know if this is the right approach.
Based on the suggestion below, I used the following and got an error on defaults.merge line:
defaults = {:content_type=>"type1"}
params = defaults.merge(params)
#content_type = params[:content_type]

A good way of setting default options is to have them in a hash, and merge your incoming options onto it. In the code below, defaults.merge(params) will overwrite any values from the params hash over the default ones.
def controller_method
defaults = {:content=>"Default Content", :content_type=>"type1"}
params = defaults.merge(params)
# now any blank params have default values
#content_type = params[:content_type]
case #content_type
when "type1"
#model_content = "Type One Content"
when "type2"
#etc etc etc

If there is a static list of types you could make it a dropdown box and just don't include a blank option so that something is always selected. But if you're stuck with a textbox you could clean up the controller action by using a before filter:
class FoosController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :set_content_type, :only => [:foo_action]
def foo_action
def set_content_type
params[:content_type] ||= "type1"

I wanted to add to this discussion a working way to set default params:
defaults = { foo: 'a', bar: 'b' }
This avoids assigning a local variable via "params =".


Search for multiple possible param values

At the moment I have a form in which the user can input price per person and/or duration and/or team_size. What I would like to accomplish is to retrieve all records from a table that match the user input and for this I set scope in the model:
scope :filter_by_team_size, -> (team_size) { where("team_size = ?", team_size) }
scope :filter_by_duration, -> (duration) { where("duration = ?", duration) }
scope :filter_by_price, -> (price) { where("price = ?", price) }
And then in the controller use that again to retrieve the records by doing so:
#experiences = policy_scope(Experience).order(team_size: :desc).geocoded.filter_by_team_size(params[:team_size]) if params[:team_size].present?
#experiences = policy_scope(Experience).order(duration: :desc).geocoded.filter_by_duration(params[:duration]) if params[:duration].present?
#experiences = policy_scope(Experience).order(price: :desc).geocoded.filter_by_price(params[:price]) if params[:price].present?
However, this only gives me only the records for which the first input value matches but ignores all other values. Additionally, when you are viewing the search results and use the filter again it should apply the filter only for the records it found already.
Any suggestion on how to solve this would be much appreciated!
One way to handle this is to use a virtual model that handles binding parameters to and from the form:
class SearchQuery
include ActiveModel::Model
include ActiveModel::Attributes
attribute :team_size, :integer
attribute :duration
attribute :price
You can then setup the form:
<%= form_with(model: (#search_query || SearchQuery.new), url: '/experiences', method: :get) %>
<%= f.label :team_size %>
<%= f.number_field :team_size %>
# ..
<% end %>
And then you can just bind the params to the model with ActionController::Parameters#permit just like you would with a normal ActiveRecord model:
class ExperiencesController
before_action :set_search_query, only: :index, if: ->{ params[:search_query].present? }
# ...
def index
#experiences = if #search_query
def set_search_query
#search_query = SearchQuery.new(search_query_params)
def search_query_params
params.fetch(:search_query).permit(:team_size, :duration, :price)
This loopback will make the form stateful just like your normal CRUD forms. We have not actually implemented #build_scope yes so lets do so:
class SearchQuery
include ActiveModel::Model
include ActiveModel::Attributes
attribute :team_size, :integer
attribute :duration
attribute :price
def build_scope(base_scope)
compacted_attributes = attributes.reject { value.nil? || value.empty? }
compacted_attributes.each_with_object(base_scope) do |(k,v), base|
if base.respond_to? "filter_by_#{k}"
# lets you customize the logic with a scope
base.send("filter_by_#{k}", v) # the scope is responsible for ordering
# convention over configuration!
Since this uses convention over configuration you can get rid of those pointless scopes in your model.

Can I add logic to a rails 3 hidden field?

I have a form to submit data and I want to automatically set one field depending on whether all the other fields are filled out or not. If they are all completed, the field will be "complete", if not it will be set to "draft".
So I have the hidden field like this:
<%= f.hidden_field :status, :value => "draft" %>
to make it default to draft. BUT, can I add logic that says it will be "complete" if all the other fields are filled out and if so how?
Here is how to do it on the client-side with jquery, assuming your model is named foo:
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('input[name*="otherfields"]').on('change', function() {
var othercount = 0;
$('input[name*="otherfields"]').each(function() {
if ( $(this).is(':checked') )
othercount += 1;
if ( othercount == 2 )
<%= check_box_tag :item1 , '1', false, :name=>'otherfields[1]' %>
<%= check_box_tag :item2 , '2', false, :name=>'otherfields[2]' %>
<%= f.hidden_field :status, :value => "draft" %>
Assuming no other client-side events have to take place when the the status changes, it would be best practice to place this kind of business logic inside of your model as a callback, e.g. (replace Foo and fieldx with your model and field names):
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :default_status
def default_status
if field1 && field2 && field3 && field4
self.status = 'completed'
self.status = 'draft'
Yes, you can do that in the controller.
Lets say the form directs you to the create action.
In the create action of the controller, you can check if all the fields are completed by looking at params and then use if statement to assign appropriate value to status before saving
This would be done with javascript, possibly jQuery. However, why would you design it this way? Could you not do this on the server side?

Rails current_page? "fails" when method is POST

I have a really simple problem. I have a page of reports and each report has its own tab. I'm using current_page? to determine which tab should be highlighted. When I submit any report, current_page? doesn't seem to work anymore, apparently because the request method is POST.
Is this the intended behavior of current_page? I have a hard time imagining why that would be the case. If it is, how do people normally get around this problem?
Here's an example of a current_page? call:
<li><%= link_to "Client Retention", reports_client_retention_path, :class => current_page?(reports_client_retention_path) ? "current" : "" %></li>
All right, it looks like I figured out the answer to my own question about 5 minutes after putting up a bounty. It looks like current_page? will always return false on POST.
Here's the source code for current_page?:
# File actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb, line 588
def current_page?(options)
unless request
raise "You cannot use helpers that need to determine the current " "page unless your view context provides a Request object " "in a #request method"
return false unless request.get?
url_string = url_for(options)
# We ignore any extra parameters in the request_uri if the
# submitted url doesn't have any either. This lets the function
# work with things like ?order=asc
if url_string.index("?")
request_uri = request.fullpath
request_uri = request.path
if url_string =~ %r^\w+:\/\//
url_string == "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request_uri}"
url_string == request_uri
I don't really understand why they would have gone out of their way to make current_page? work only for GET requests, but at least now I know that that's the way it is.
You could create a new current_path? method in your ApplicationHelper:
def current_path?(*paths)
return true if paths.include?(request.path)
Pass in one or more paths and it returns true if any match the user's current path:
current_path?(new_user_path, users_path '/foo/bar')
Or, you can create a new current_request? helper method to check the Rails controller + action:
def current_request?(*requests)
return true if requests.include?({
controller: controller.controller_name,
action: controller.action_name
Pass in one or more controller + action and it returns true if any match the user's current request:
current_request?(controller: 'users', action: 'new')
current_request?({controller: 'users', action: 'new'}, {controller: 'users', action: 'create'})
Ok, I decided to make using current_request? a little less verbose by not requiring that you type out the controller when you are trying to match multiple actions:
def current_request?(*requests)
requests.each do |request|
if request[:controller] == controller.controller_name
return true if request[:action].is_a?(Array) && request[:action].include?(controller.action_name)
return true if request[:action] == controller.action_name
Now you can do this:
current_request?(controller: 'users', action: ['new', 'create'])
I was having the same problem when using POST. My solution was to do something like this
def menu_item link_text, link_path
link_class = (request.original_url.end_with? link_path) ? 'active' : ''
content_tag :li, link_to(link_text, link_path), class: link_class
where link_path is just url_for(action: 'action', controller: 'controller')

Where to set session default value?

Prior to asking i should mention, that i`m working without ActiveRecord or any self-hosted-database. So thats why i have to store some values in the session.
From the very begining i desided to set session value of the users city in the layout. - i supposed it would be loaded before anything else. So i`ve done something like this:
<% session[:city] ||= {:name => 'City-Name', :lat => '40', :lng => '40'}%>
But when i`m loading directly to inner page it occurs that session[:city is nil *(
How should i set the session properely, so that it wouldn`t be nil???
I had similar needs in one of the applications I worked on. It needed the users data to be loaded on sign-in and stored in the session. So, wrote a module called session_helpers.rb with the following:
module SessionHelpers
def get_value(key)
def store_data(*objects)
objects.each do |object|
if object.is_a?(Hash)
object.each do |key, value|
session[key.to_sym] = value
def remove_data(*objects)
objects.each do |object|
if object.is_a?(String)
key = to_id(object)
key = to_id(object.class.name)
session[key] = nil
def update_data(key, value)
session[key.to_sym] = value
def to_id(name)
You can make any or all the methods available to views as well:
# application_controller.rb
helper_method :get_value
From the model I would retrieve a hash of the data that needs to be put up in the session about the user:
def common_data
#data = Hash.new
#data.merge!( { 'news' => self.news.count } )
As I wanted to do this after sign-in I overrode the devise method to do this:
def after_sign_in_path_for(resource_or_scope)
store_data( '_count', current_user.common_data )
This way I was able to load important data about the user on sign-in and store it in the session and retrieve whenever I wanted. Hope this helps.

default selected radio_button in rails3

Is there a cleaner way of selecting a radio_button by default or if it was previously selected in one line of code?
I first tried this:
- if #job.new_record?
= f.radio_button :environment_id, env.id, :checked => env.is_default
- else
= f.radio_button :environment_id, env.id, :checked => #job.environment == env
I tried to refactor using this:
= f.radio_button :environment_id, env.id, :checked => (#job.andand.environment == env) || env.is_default
but the problem with that is if the default selection is AFTER the job's environment, it will select the default selection.
Any other suggestions?
I would probably just set the default value for the model in the controller. That logic should not be placed in the views. I don't know exactly how that would work for you because I don't know the structure of your models or where the "default" value comes from, but if you set the default value in the controller then the radio button will be selected if it matches the env.id in your case
# In Controller
#job = Job.new(:environment_id => "foo")
# In the view
= f.radio_button :environment_id, "foo"
= f.radio_button :environment_id, "bar"
In this case, the first radio button will be selected.
use radio_button_tag
=radio_button_tag environment_id, env.id, (#job.andand.environment == env)