Detect screen capture in -

Is there a way to detect screen capture or recording is processing.
Atleast a way to know the process behind screen capturing?
i guess something has to be done with Kernal side of the system but not sure.
Thanks in advance..

You could look at using something like Deviare. I haven't used it personally, but it does let you hook some of the win32 APIs including GDI32, which is probably what you would have to use.

You could capture a [print scrn] button press from the keyboard, but there are so many different ways to record video and capture screens, you couldn't possibly create a solution to scan all the different types of applications that can capture this information.


How to swap two wxWindows in two different notebooks?

Our app is build on wxWidgets and designed to work on two displays. Each display has one wxAuiNotebook which in turn have one wxGLCanvas that we're rendering to.
I'd like a hotkey to be able to switch the two wxGLCanvas windows, so the user experience is that the canvas that was on Monitor #2 is now rendering to #1 and vise versa. (There are a bunch of toolbars and widgets surrounding the canvases, but I don't want them to switch displays.)
wxGLCanvas is a subclass of wxWindow, so I'm guessing it can happen at the level. What functions calls should I be looking at to accomplish this?
Sorry about the vagueness of my question. It aligns with my level of understanding of wxWidgets.
You could indeed use Reparent(), but for two wxGLCanvases it would make much more sense to simply use pointers to them in your code and just flip them when you want to switch them because it's just their contents that matters and not the windows themselves.

Prevent window from being captured

I'm solving this problem so long an i can't find solution.
I would like to capture a screen but i want to exclude a specific window.
Like capture whole screen but remove an window from it.
Or what i have to set to notepad like styles or something to being captured ?
Regarding screen capture, you could hide window/capture/show window using windows api calls. Second question I did not understand.

How to simulate mouse clicks?

I was wondering how to create a sort of auto clicker using VB.NET.
I would basicly have the click coordinates pre-defined and the clicks, which would have to be separated by delays I guess since I want more than one to happen periodically, would happen outside of the application window (I read this envolves extra system hooks?).
The only code I have been able to find is related to clicks on the application window, which is not what I am looking for.
In short: I want to click a button on the app window, which would initiate a number of clicks on certain pre-defined screen coordinates.
Thanks in advance :)
See this discussion on social.msdn: Simulate a mouse click in a program.
Uses winapi: SetCursorPos, GetCursorPos and mouse_event.
I believe you need to P/Invoke into Windows to accomplish this.
Have a look at the SendInput function.
If you are using automate the program,that program have some tabindex in order to relevant control.then you can use;
it is more accurate on desktop application

Surface Table Project with Web Browsers

I'm working on a project that will use a Surface table to show web browsers that can be manipulated via the multitouch behaviors. I'd like to be able to show a browser at full screen and then resize, move, etc.
I'd also like to be able to launch a new, separate browser windows that can also be manipulated through multitouch.
Any suggestions on controls to look into for this?
This is a non-trivial task. As far as I know, many have tried and put months of effort into it but none of been very successful. Don't even bother trying to get something to work well based on WPF's built in WebBrowser control. Best bet is to start with the SurfaceScatterView control and trying to put a 'Chromium' control inside of it ( It appears that even this isn't straightforward though:

How does "Cinch App" do it?

If you aren't familiar with Cinch, its an application on Mac App Store that allows you to resize ANY window to half/full screen size if you drag the window to the edge of the screen. Exactly like the functionality in windows 7.
Now my question is, how is it done? I have looked all over cocoa apis looking for notifications/delegate methods for whenever a window is being dragged (ALL windows, not just windows owned by the app from which code is running from) but can't find it. Looked in Core Graphics API...Quartz Display Services....but can't find it.
Any help will be greatly appreciated as I have been looking for the past week....Thanks!
Edit: Resize the window is easy since it can be done through applescript bridge..
Are you developer behind i-Snap or some other Mac App Store clone of Cinch?
I'm the developer behind Cinch, and while I try to maintain an "abundance mentality" which basically says "There's enough out there for everyone", I've been upset by the Mac App Store lowering the barrier for entry to this market which has produced a number of half-backed competitors.
I would be thrilled to see some real innovation around the work I have done, and not just clones looking to make a quick buck.
Anyway, you want to look at the Accessibility APIs. It's a Carbon C API. This is probably your best reference:
I've not used the Cinch app, but if I were to do this I'd expect to be using cocoa events. (Also see here) Specifically the mouse handling events, combined with where the mouse is currently on-screen. They probably set a variable when a window is grabbed and then track the mouse pointer until it hits an edge or until they release the mouse button.
Events are very powerful and provide very low level access to what is happening, but can also be very complex. Good luck!
I'm not sure. Maybe the developers combine apple script and carbon events. You can create carbon events to know when the mouse has been clicked or dragged