Where can I find several significant sorting algorithms tests cases? - testing

I want to develop a very efficient sorting algorithm based on some ideas that I have. The problem is that I want to test my algorithm's efficiency against the majority highly appreciated sorting algorithms that already exist.
Ideally I would like to find:
a large bunch of sorting tests that are SIGNIFICANT for providing me with the efficiency of my algorithm
a large set of already existing and strongly-optimized sorting algorithms (with their code - no matter the language)
even better, software that provides adequate environment for sorting algorithms developers
Here's a post that I found earlier which contains 2 tables with comparisons between timsort, quicksort, dual-pivot quicksort and java 6 sort: http://blog.quibb.org/2009/10/sorting-algorithm-shootout/
I can see in those tables that those TXT files (starting from 1245.repeat.1000.txt on to sequential.10000000.txt) contain the test cases for those algorithms, but I can't find the original TXT's anywhere!
Can anyone point me to any link with many sorting test-cases AND/OR many HIGHLY EFFICIENT sorting algorithms? (it's the test cases I am interested in the most, sorting algorithms are all over the internet)
Thank you very much in advance!

A few things:
Quicksort goes nuts on forward- and reverse sorted lists so it will need other list types.
Testing on random data is fine, but if you want to compare the performance of different algorithms that means you cannot generate new random data every time or your results won't be reliable. I think you should try to come up with a pseudo"random" algorithm that writes data in in an order that is based on the number of entries. That way the data generated for lists of size n, 10n and 100n will be similar.
Testing of sorting is not primarily about speed (until an algorithm has been finalized) but the ratio of comparisons to entries. If one sort requires 15 comparisons per entry in a list and another 12 for the same list the second will be more efficient even if it executed in twice the time. For the more trivial sorting concepts the number of exchanges necessary will also come into play.
For testing use a vector of integers in RAM. If the algorithm works well the vector of integers can be translated to a vector of indeces into a buffer containing data to be compared. Such an algorithm would sort the vector of indeces based on the data they point to.


Improving our algorithm with SQLite vs storing everything in memory

The problem...I’m trying to figure out a way to make our algorithm faster.
Our algorithm...is written in C and runs on an embedded Linux system with little memory and a lackluster CPU. The entire algorithm makes heavy use of 2d arrays and stores them all in memory. At a high level, the algorithm’s input data, which is a single array of 250 doubles (0.01234, 0.02532….0.1286), is compared to a larger 2d array, which is 20k+ rows x 250 doubles. The input data is compared against the 20k+ rows using a for loop. For each iteration, the algorithm performs computations and stores those results in memory.
I’m not an embedded software developer, I am a cloud developer that uses databases (Postgres, mainly). Our embedded software doesn’t make use of any databases and, since that is what I know, I thought I’d look into SQLite.
My approach...applying what I know about databases, I'd go about it this way: I would have a single table with 6 columns: id, array, computation_1, computation_2, computation_3, and computation_4. I’d store all 20k+ rows in this table with the computation_* columns initially defaulted to null. Then I’d have the algorithm loop through each entry and update the values for each computation_* column accordingly. For graphical purposes, the table would look like this:
Storing arrays in a database doesn't seem like a good fit so I don't immediately understand if there is a benefit to doing this. But, it seems like it would replace the extensive use of malloc()/calloc() we have baked into the algorithm.
My question is...can SQLite help speed up our algorithm if I use it in the way I've described? Since I don’t know how much benefit this would provide, if any, I thought I’d ask the experts here on SO before going down this path. If it will (or won't) provide an improvement, I'd like to know why from a technical standpoint so that I can learn.
Thanks in advance.
As you have described it so far, SQLite won't help you.
A relational database stores data into tables with various indexes and so on. When it receives SQL, it compiles it into a bytecode program, and then it runs that bytecode program in an interpreter against those tables. You can learn more about SQLite's bytecode from https://www.sqlite.org/opcode.html.
This has a lot of overhead compared to native data structures in a low-level language. In my experience the difference is up to several orders of magnitude.
Why, then, would anyone use a database? It is because you'd have to write a lot of potentially buggy code to match it. Doubly so if you've got multiple users at the same time. Furthermore the database query optimizer is able to find efficient plans for computing complex joins that are orders of magnitude more efficient than what most programmers produce on their own.
So a database is not a recipe for doing arbitrary calculations more efficiently. But if you can describe what you are doing in SQL (particularly if it involves joins), the database may be able to find a much more efficient calculation than the one you're currently performing.
Even in that case, squeezing performance out of a low-end embedded system is a case where it may be worth figuring out what a database would do, and then writing code to do that directly.

What is the relationship between time complexity and the number of steps in an algorithm?

For large values of n, an algorithm that takes 20000n^2 steps has better time complexity (takes less time) than one that takes 0.001n^5 steps
I believe this statement is true. But, why?
If there are more steps wouldn't that take more time?
Computational complexity is considered in the asymptotic sense because the important question is usually of scaling. Even with your clear case, the ^5 algorithm begins to take longer around 275 items - which isn't very many. See this figure from wolfram alpha:
Quoting from the wikipedia article linked above:
Usually asymptotic estimates are used because different implementations of the same algorithm may differ in efficiency. However the efficiencies of any two "reasonable" implementations of a given algorithm are related by a constant multiplicative factor called a hidden constant.
All that said, if you have two comparable algorithms and the one with less complexity has a significant constant coefficient and you're only going to process 10 items, then it very well may be a good idea to choose the less efficient one. Some common libraries even switch algorithms depending upon the size of the data being processed; this is called a hybrid algorithm and Python's sorted implementation, Timsort uses it to switch between insertion sort and merge sort.

What makes non linear functions computationally expensive in hardware (e.g. FPGA)?

I've read some articles that state non-linear functions (like exponentials) are computationally expensive.
I was wondering what makes them computationally expensive.
When referring to 'computationally expensive' does it mean in terms of time taken or hardware resources used?
I've tried searching on Google, but I couldn't find any simple explanations for this.
Not pretending to offer the answer, but start with what you have in fpga.
Normally you're limited to adders, multipliers and some memory. What can you do with those?
Linear function - easy, taking just one multiplier and one adder.
Nonlinear functions - what a those? Either polynomial, requiring you to spend a ton of multipliers (the more the higher the polynomial's degree), or even transcendental, requiring you to find some satisfactory approximation, doing that in many steps.
Even simple integer division can't be done in one clock, in simple implementations requiring as many steps as there's bits in the numbers being divided.
The other possible solution is to use a lookup tables. And it's great for a small range of arguments. But if you want to have the function values found in wide range of arguments, or with greater precision, you'll end up with lookup table that is so large that can't fit in the device you have to work with.
So that's the main costs - you'll spend lots of dedicated hardware resources (multipliers, memory for lookup tables), or spend lots of time in many-steps approximation algorithms, or algorithms that refine the results one "digit" per iteration (integer division, CORDIC, etc).

Haskell: list/vector/array performance tuning

I am trying out Haskell to compute partition functions of models in statistical physics. This involves traversing quite large lists of configurations and summing various observables - which I would like to do as efficiently as possible.
The current version of my code is here: https://gist.github.com/2420539
Some strange things happen when trying to choose between lists and vectors to enumerate the configurations; in particular, to truncate the list, using V.toList . V.take (3^n) . V.fromList (where V is Data.Vector) is faster than just using take, which feels a bit counter-intuitive. In both cases the list is evaluated lazily.
The list itself is built using iterate; if instead I use Vectors as much as possible and build the list by using V.iterateN, again it becomes slower ...
My question is, is there a way (other than splicing V.toList and V.fromList at random places in the code) to predict which one will be the quickest? (BTW, I compile everything using ghc -O2 with the current stable version.)
Vectors are strict, and have O(1) subsets (e.g. take). They also have an optimized insert and delete. So you will sometimes see performance improvements by switching data structures on the fly. However, it is usually the wrong approach -- keeping all data in either one form or the other is better. (And you're using UArrays as well -- further confusing the issue).
General rules:
If the data is large and being transformed only in bulk fashion, using a dense, efficient structures like vectors make sense.
If the data is small, and traversed linearly, rarely, then lists make sense.
Remember that operations on lists and vectors have different complexity, so while iterate . replicate on lists is O(n), but lazy, the same on vectors will not necessarily be as efficient (you should prefer the built in methods in vector to generate arrays).
Generally, vectors should always be better for numerical operations. It might be that you have to use different functions that you do in lists.
I would stick to vectors only. Avoid UArrays, and avoid lists except as generators.

How to test numerical analysis routines?

Are there any good online resources for how to create, maintain and think about writing test routines for numerical analysis code?
One of the limitations I can see for something like testing matrix multiplication is that the obvious tests (like having one matrix being the identity) may not fully test the functionality of the code.
Also, there is the fact that you are usually dealing with large data structures as well. Does anyone have some good ideas about ways to approach this, or have pointers to good places to look?
It sounds as if you need to think about testing in at least two different ways:
Some numerical methods allow for some meta-thinking. For example, invertible operations allow you to set up test cases to see if the result is within acceptable error bounds of the original. For example, matrix M-inverse times the matrix M * random vector V should result in V again, to within some acceptable measure of error.
Obviously, this example exercises matrix inverse, matrix multiplication and matrix-vector multiplication. I like chains like these because you can generate quite a lot of random test cases and get statistical coverage that would be a slog to have to write by hand. They don't exercise single operations in isolation, though.
Some numerical methods have a closed-form expression of their error. If you can set up a situation with a known solution, you can then compare the difference between the solution and the calculated result, looking for a difference that exceeds these known bounds.
Fundamentally, this question illustrates the problem that testing complex methods well requires quite a lot of domain knowledge. Specific references would require a little more specific information about what you're testing. I'd definitely recommend that you at least have Steve Yegge's recommended book list on hand.
If you're going to be doing matrix calculations, use LAPACK. This is very well-tested code. Very smart people have been working on it for decades. They've thought deeply about issues that the uninitiated would never think about.
In general, I'd recommend two kinds of testing: systematic and random. By systematic I mean exploring edge cases etc. It helps if you can read the source code. Often algorithms have branch points: calculate this way for numbers in this range, this other way for numbers in another range, etc. Test values close to the branch points on either side because that's where approximation error is often greatest.
Random input values are important too. If you rationally pick all the test cases, you may systematically avoid something that you don't realize is a problem. Sometimes you can make good use of random input values even if you don't have the exact values to test against. For example, if you have code to calculate a function and its inverse, you can generate 1000 random values and see whether applying the function and its inverse put you back close to where you started.
Check out a book by David Gries called The Science of Programming. It's about proving the correctness of programs. If you want to be sure that your programs are correct (to the point of proving their correctness), this book is a good place to start.
Probably not exactly what you're looking for, but it's the computer science answer to a software engineering question.