How automatically add 1 year date to an existing date in SQL Server - sql

I have a task to automatically bill all registered patients in PatientsInfo table an Annual Bill of N2,500 base on the DateCreated column.
Certainly I will use a stored procedure to insert these records into the PatientDebit table and create a SQL Job to perform this procedure.
How will I select * patients in PatientsInfo table where DateCreated is now 1 yr old for me to insert into another table PatientDebit.
I have my algorithm like this:
select date of registration for patients from PatientsInfo table
Add 1 year to their DateCreated
Is date added today? if yes,
Insert record into PatientDebit table with the bill of N2,500
If no, do nothing.
Please how do I write the script?

Use DATEADD, i.e.:
SELECT DATEADD(year, 1, '2006-08-30')

Assuming the columns of the 2 tables are the same:
INSERT INTO PatientDebit
SELECT * from PatientsInfo WHERE DateCreated<DATEADD(year, -1, GETDATE())
Make sure you have an index on DateCreated if PatientsInfo has a lot of records as it could potentially be slow otherwise

there should be .add or addyear() function in sql. You add like .add(year, day, month). Read upon sql datetime add year, month and seconds. It is pretty straightforward. It is just like c#.
Dateadd(info). now time is. getdate().


Insert current date time in a column of and keep it constant

i am using sql server in making my project with javafx. Their i have a table of purchase and sale. One of the column of both of them is date having current date and time to store them as a record that this transaction has been saved in this time.
Now i am using the that date column with varchar datatype and have using computed column specification with following function:
but when i select records from that table using query
SELECT pr.Date, p.Name, pr.Quantity, s.Name, p.Pur_Price
FROM (([Product] AS p
INNER JOIN [Purchase] AS pr ON pr.Product_id=p.Product_id)
INNER JOIN [Supplier] AS s ON s.Supplier_Id=p.Supplier_Id)
WHERE pr.Date>= dateadd(dd, 0, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()-30))
but it selects all the records keeping all date records to current date and time. Thanks in advance.
Looking forward for your good replies.
The problem is that your Date column is computed on the fly and not actually stored in the table. So each time you SELECT from that table, the expression of the computed column is calculated (CONVERT([varchar](25),getdate(),(120))) thus resulting in the same value for all rows.
A fix would be using a PERSISTED computed column so that values are actually stored with the table when inserting or updating:
OtherColumns INT,
[Date] AS (CONVERT([varchar](25), getdate(), 120)) PERSISTED)
The problem with this is that non-deterministic expressions can't be persisted, as this error message pops up:
Msg 4936, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Computed column 'Date' in table
'Product' cannot be persisted because the column is non-deterministic.
You have several other options for this. Please use DATE or DATETIME columns to store and handle dates and avoid using VARCHAR for this as it brings many problems. The following examples use DATETIME:
Use a DEFAULT constraint linked to the column with the expression you want:
OtherColumns INT,
OtherColumns) -- Skip the Date column on the INSERT
OtherColumns Date
1 2018-12-14 08:49:08.347
DEFAULT) -- Or use the keyword DEFAULT to use the default value
OtherColumns Date
1 2018-12-14 08:49:08.347
2 2018-12-14 08:50:10.070
Use a trigger to set the value. This will override any inserted or updated value that the original operation set (as it will execute after the operation, as stated in it's definition).
CREATE TRIGGER utrProductSetDate ON Product
Date = GETDATE()
inserted AS I
INNER JOIN Product AS P ON I.OtherColumns = P.OtherColumns -- Assuming PK or Unique columns join
Thanks all of you. But i solved my problem by putting my date Column of that table into datetime data type and i my query i have entered the date using getdate() method. It worked for me to save current date and time in my purchase and sale table.

Display Now date and Time in SQl table column

I want to be able to have todays date and time now in a table column
If my table is say Table1, basically it should display the time and date when
SELECT * FROM Table1 is run.
I've tried the following but they just show the time from the moment in time I assign the value to column
ADD TodaysDate DateTime
SET TodaysDate = GETDATE()
Hope this is clear. any help is appreciated.
In SQL Server you can use a computed column:
alter table table1 add TodaysDate as (cast(getdate() as date));
(use just getdate() for the date and time)
This adds a "virtual" column that gets calculated every time it is referenced. The use of such a thing is unclear. Well, I could imagine that if you are exporting the data to a file or another application, then it could have some use for this to be built-in.
I hope this clarifies your requirement.
The SQL Server columns with default values stores the values inside the table. When you select the values from table, the stored date time will be displayed.
There are 2 options I see without adding the column to the table itself.
You can use SELECT *, GETDATE() as TodaysDate FROM Table1
You can create a view on top of Table 1 with additional column like
SELECT *, GETDATE() as TodaysDate FROM dbo.Table1
then you can query the view like you mentioned (without column list)
SELECT * FROM vw_Table1
This will give you the date and time from the moment of the execution of the query.

SQL Select Create Colmun

Sorry to ask, but my sql sucks.
Im carrying out a simple: select startdate from table
startdate returns a date, but I also need to get the year out of startdate to a new column, how do I do this?
You can add calculated columns directly to the SELECT. Note that it doesn't create physical columns; it's just used for that query.
SELECT StartDate, YEAR(StartDate) AS Year
FROM table

How do you choose specific id and time in SQL Server

I have this small program in C# that is constantly sending data to one of my tables (DataTable). The data format is always the same as well as the length.
There are 4 different IDs I am working with here: 2000,2001,2002, ...which are all in a different table. The ID column is the foreign key in my DataTable column.
Initially I thought I could just retrieve the last inserted row in my DataTable for a specific ID. However, I realized that the insert statement does allocate the values into the database in the order they are sent. Therefore, I decided to simply take an ID and get the last row of data based on the timestamp.
I have tried using DatePart but this limits me to only hours. I would want to display a time based on hours and min. ex: 2002 between '4:30:00' and '5:30:00'.
Also, would I have to do a join statement since I would be calling the ID column from another table?
Ive tried this so far: `
use LogDatabase
select * from dbo.DataTable
join CustomerTable
on(Customer_ID = CustIDFk)
where DATEPART(HH, TimeStamp)between 4 and 5 `
The incoming data string looks alot like this:
3-13-2011 3:30:21 2002: 45 Temp:81 Albany NY etc....
I have made columns for the every field of data in my DataTable. As you can see
2002 is the ID which is called Customer_ID in my CustomerTable. I have set this
as my primary key in the CustomerTable and CustIDFk is the foreign key to be linked
with Customer_ID. As you can see, I'm trying to join my Customer table with my Data
table in order to specify the ID. The DATEPART statement allows to give a time range
by either hour or min among others but does not allow a "between 4:30 and 5:30.
Would something like this work?
FROM dbo.DataTable
WHERE TIMESTAMP BETWEEN DATEADD(mi, 30, DATEADD(hh, 4, #today)) AND DATEADD(hh, 5, #today)

SQL - how to check table for new data?

I need to create a stored procedure that upon exceution checks if any new rows have been added to a table within the past 12 hours. If not, an warning email must be sent to a recipient.
I have the procedures for sending the email, but the problem is the query itself. I imagine I'd have to make an sql command that uses current date and compares that to the dates in the rows. But I'm a complete beginner in SQL so I can't even use the right words to find anything on google.
Short version:
Using MS SQL Server 2005, how can I check against the dates, then return a result based on whether new rows were created within the last 12 hours, and use that result to decide whether or not to send email?
Something like this should do what you wish.
Select ID
from TableName
where CreatedDate >= dateadd(hour,-12,getDate())
Hope this is clear but please feel free to pose further questions.
Cheers, John
Say your date field in the table is 'CreateDate' and it's of type DateTime.
Your time to compare with is: GETDATE()
(which returns date + time)
To get the datetime value of 12 hours before that, is done using DATEADD:
DATEADD(hour, -12, GETDATE())
so if we want the # of rows added in the last 12 hours, we'll do:
FROM Table
WHERE CreateDate >= DATEADD(hour, -12, GETDATE())
in your proc, you've to store the result of this query into a variable and check if it's > 0, so:
DECLARE #amount int
SELECT #amount=COUNT(*)
FROM Table
WHERE CreateDate >= DATEADD(hour, -12, GETDATE())
and then you'll check the #amount variable if it's > 0.
You could use a trigger, this link has several examples:
USE pubs
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects
WHERE name = 'reminder' AND type = 'TR')
ON titles
EXEC master..xp_sendmail 'MaryM',
'Don''t forget to print a report for the distributors.'
If you do not want something for each insert/update, you could copy data to a another table then examine that table every 12 hours, report on the rows in it, then delete them...
assuming you have on this table :
- either a unique id autoincrementing
- either a created_timestamp field containing the timestamp of creation of the row
-> have a new table
- report_timestamp
- last_id_seen
- last_timestamp_seen
fill the reported row each time you send your email with the actual value
and before sending the email, check with the previous values, so you know what rows have been added
If the table has an identity field, you could also save the max value (as a bookmark) and next time check if there are any rows with an ID greater than your saved bookmark. May be faster if the key is the clustered key.