How to know the final program size after compilation on avr32 - size

I am using avr studio 5. My controller is AT32UC3A0512. I want to know my final program size which will be occupied on flash before burning the program. Please let me know how to know this?

Hi the command to do this is avr32-size.exe [option(s)] [file(s)].
Use it like this:
Navigate to the output directory
avr32-size.exe -Project.elf
The latest Studio build should do this by default when rebuilding the complete Project. This will show up in the output tab.(Open with View->Output or Alt+2


Xcode / AppleScript / Objective-C (AppDelegate.applescript)

I am having a lot of issues following this video tutorial. I'm getting hung up on the AppDelegate.applescript file. AppleScript Facelift
Here are the steps I'm taking:
1. Create a new project
2. Then I choose "App"
3.1 Options for interface
3.2 Options for Language
Save to file location - can't attach an image due to limit
5. "Template" files created
6. I can add frameworks and libraries (not sure if this is necessary? im doing things blindly...)
7. Then these are the AppDelegate files. (note- I can change the identity and type in the top right fields. if I select AppleScript Uncompiled Source, it does not change the extension)
I've tried creating a new "blank file" and saving it as AppDelegate.applescript, but I don't think this is working. Can someone point me in the right direction???
I've been working on an AppleScript project which works with my Apple Music. Someone mentioned I should look into Objective-C AppleScript, but this is making no sense. I think my end goal is having a window that allows more flexibility with input...
Thanks in advance!
The answer: I was taking a very dated approach to this and asking the wrong question.#has's suggestion to look at his project Swift-AppleScriptObjC is exactly what I needed.

abc bytecode decoding failed

I am working on a project in Flex 3.
First off, I should explain I'm learning Flex as I go along. I was tasked with figuring out something and I needed Flex to do it as that is what our UI guys do (I am a database developer and work in PL/SQL and minimal ColdFusion).
What I'm trying to do is create a PDF, and I was able to get this to work on my local machine with a simple program using Flash Builder 4.6. It grabs a snapshot of an object and turns it into a PDF with no issues.
When I move this to Flex 3, I get issues. The error I am getting is:
abc bytecode decoding failed.
I tried to refresh and clean the project per some google searches suggestions, but that did not fix anything.
My code looks like this:
public function pdfBtn_printPDF(event:MouseEvent):void
Starting with an alert box to verify the function works perfectly. With my full function code or even if I replace it with just the following:
public function pdfBtn_printPDF(event:MouseEvent):void
var createPDF:PDF = new PDF(Orientation.PORTRAIT, Unit.MM, Size.A4);
I get the error above and my project won't work. I am at a loss as to what I am missing. am I creating the variable wrong? If I create it outside of the function it still gives me the decoding error and I have verified that I am creating the variables like other variables inside this project.Any help would be appreciated!!
The issue was I had compiled a library in Flash 4.6 and it wasn't compatible with Flex 3. It is working now with a new library.

Windows 10 Phone Store Logo Error

I created my app in Unity and after publishing for Android and iPhone, i'm trying to get the Windows 10 Phone version published.
I added my image assets to Unity, but when I open the generated project in Visual Studio, I get the following error in the Visual Assets tab:
A mixture of mages with and without the "scale" or "targetsize" qualifiers exists in the project for the logical name "Assets\StoreLogo.png" for the "Scale 100 50x50 px" image. All the other images are importing correctly.
The only related question I see on SO is:
Adding all images to the Package.AppXManifest results in a compiler warning
but in my case it is an error instead of a warning
The image with the correct scale does exist in my Assets folder, even though I had to add it manually:
Just wondering if anyone knows how to debug/fix this? rename the image, create a new image etc? ie: Why the 50x50px scale 100 image is not working as expected.
My Unity version is 5.3.4, Visual Studio 2015
It's basically saying that StoreLogo.png will be ignored since there is a file with same name plus the scale qualifier: StoreLogo.scale-100.png.
When packaging the two files are considered the same, but to prevent unexpected behavior you should delete one of them. It basically means that if you change StoreLogo.png, but not StoreLogo.scale-100.png, the output will not change since the packaging process will always ignore the StoreLogo.png file.
I would rename the StoreLogo.png file to just Logo.png and keep them both. But you can also delete one of them and get rid of the warning.
Seems that the order of adding the PNG to the project matters. So, for the StoreLogo you would need to add the 50x50 resolution PNG first.
And if you are using version control, make sure it is checked-in.

How to create a 2nd app from a 2nd target in XCode?

So I created a simple project, which I can test as an iPhone app. Now I'd like to make a slight variation of it, with an iAd. I was able to duplicate the target and test to the iPhone, by managing schemes (
The issue is that no matter what scheme I test, I overwrite the other app. I'd like to be able to have two apps
AppName (Free)
living at the same time on my phone.
I want to avoid duplicating source files, because only the storyboard and the view controller are different, they both use the same images and model otherwise.
Any help is welcome!
Have you tried changing the bundle identifier in the new target you just created? So your full version would have bundle identifier: "com.yourcompany.AppName" and your lite version will have a bundle identifier of: "com.youcompany.AppNameLite"
I'm not currently on my Mac partition so sorry if I'm a bit off.
I would add a new configuration for your app. Call it something like "Release Free". Add a gcc preprocessor symbol "FREE" to this configuration.
Then everywhere you initialize and instantiate your iads put the code within some "#if" statements.
Something like this.
#if FREE
// Init iAds

ZXing barcode iphone error

i'm trying to import the zxing into my project but i am getting the following :
can't open -exported_symbols_list file: /zxing/iphone/ZXingWidget/exportList
Anyone know how to fix this?
Which guide dou you use to import the framework? I reccoment this one.
Answer taken from here:
Ultimately you need to make a tweak so that ZXing actually decodes
barcode. In target section, double
click on your project target, and go to the build tab. Look for
the "Exported Symbols Files" and
double-click on it. Att the relative path to the exportList files
in "/zxing/iphone/ZXingWidget/exportList".
This will tell the linket to actually link with some key classes
so that this code registers the necessary