MS Access form not displaying data from the tables - ms-access-2007

I'm building a new Access 2007 database with a large number of tables. Designed a form with multiple tabs to display the fields from various tables, which all have a relationship with each other. When new data is entered it is all being saved correctly to the various tables. However, when the form is opened it is not displaying any of the data stored in the tables. The form properties seem to be set correctly, it allows additions and editing and is not set for data entry only. Running the query that is the recordsource fails to return any records, which looks like the problem lies there, and yet the recordsource must be correct if it is able to save the new data entered to the right tables. Any ideas on what the problem might be?

Check you database connection If database connection is established correctly then you need to check you database query e.g if you are writing this query
Select * from tableName
Just copy it and run in access sql query editor if that work fine it means some thing is wrong in you form data retrrvil mechanism.
Hope it helps you


Access update table that is being used by a maketable query

I have a form in access that I have embedded a query on.
The query was made using the make query wizard.
The values of the linked table need to change to reflect changes to the underlying data.
It seems ridiculous that this table is now locked from editing.
Is there away around this?

Vb sql Accept Changes

I have made a SQL table within Visual Basic 2012.
I then made my dataset for inserting data.
I made a form and linked it to the table adapter and when the program is running it allows the data to be added to the table but when I reopen the application that data is not there.
I have tried two acceptchanges but they don't work. So it is not saving it the data that is in the "temporary table".
Me.TableTableAdapter1.InsertQuery(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, Dropdownseats.Text, dropdriver.Text)
Does anyone one know why this is happening?????
*Changed the database to MS Access and I am still having problems. *

Unable to import/link table from SQL Server into access. Too many indexes error

I am trying to import a table from SQL into access but I am getting too many indexes in the table error. The table in SQL is indexed to several tables and unfortunately I don't have the rights to modify or change the table anyway. just have read access in the DB. I am trying to import/link the table but I am unable to do so due to too many indexes error being thrown.
Is it possible to only import/link the data and not indexes? I know access has a limit of 32 indexes. I have cleared auto indexes in options too, but I still get the error.
Is there a solution as to how I can import/link this table in access?
Thanks in advance
I did some digging on how to avoid this problem. So the problem is we can't directly link to the SQL database if the table has a lot of indexes and Access will throw an error "too many indexes on the table you are trying to import".
one way to beat this is by putting together a "Pass-through query". Lot of people suggested VBA code. I am not a coder and could not get it to work effectively. However, Access gives you the capability to build it with out VBA and the solution I found was in Microsoft website.
The steps are as follows: you might have to work around it for 2010 due to different naming convention when compared to 2007.
On the Create tab, click Query Design in the Other group.
Click Close in the Show Table dialog box without adding any tables or queries.
Save the query. Open the Query in design mode
On the Design tab, click Pass-Through in the Query Type workgroup.
Click Property Sheet in the Show/Hide workgroup to display the property sheet for the query.
In the query property sheet, place the mouse pointer in the ODBC Connect Str property, and then, click the Build (...) button.
With the ODBC Connect Str property, you specify information about the database to which you want to connect. You can type the connection information, or click Build, and then enter information about the server to which you are connecting.
When you are prompted to save the password in the connection string, click Yes if you want the password and logon name to be stored in the connection string information.
If the query is not the type that returns records, set the ReturnsRecords property to No.
In the SQL Pass-Through Query window, type your pass-through query. For example, the following pass-through query uses the Microsoft SQL Server TOP operator in the SELECT statement to return only the first 25 orders in the Orders table from the sample Northwind database:
SELECT TOP 25 orderid from orders
To run the query, click Run in the Results group on the Design tab. For a SQL pass-through query that returns records, click Datasheet view on the status bar.
If necessary, Microsoft Access prompts you for information about your server database.
This worked for me. If some one is having the same problem you can use these steps.

Using data held in an SQL database in Visual Studio

So far, I have created 3 tables in SQL using visual studio. They have been connected to my VB project file and I can view the data held within them using the Database Explorer.
My only problem is: how do I use/make available the data held within each table?
I need to write code which will add a Japanese character (from one of the tables that already exists) to a new table when a check box is ticked. Then I need to write code to update the table and save the changes.
I have absolutely no idea how to retrieve the data held in each table nor how to write a SQL query in VB.
Any help would be appreciated.

Update sql table from excel

I need users to insert excel data into a sql table on a continuous basis.
They are not sql users, they are barely excel users.
The sprreatsheet is simple, 5 columns, less than 500 rows at a time and all into a single sql table.
In a perfect world they open and update excel and in one or two clicks get a message that says Success.
I am open to any approach.
I have used the import wizard with success, i can write vba code and some sql.
What I don't know how to do is to get a user to inseert excel into a sql table without risking the entire database to complete distruction.
stay well,
you should build a small interface program that the users would update. You can then control it all you want, and update the database as desired, based on their input. Add a single "SAVE" button to save their input.