Removing deleted images from Interface Builder dropdown - objective-c

I deleted some image files from my project, but they are still available to select via the dropdown in Xcode when I'm working in Interface Builder. Is there a quick and easy way to remove them for selection in the dropdown as well?
Thanks in advance.

It does get removed from IB also in my case.
Can you post a screen shot of the problem.


Removing tabs in tabcontrol and using designated buttons to switch between tabs

I'm currently working on an application for Windows, however, I have one small problem: I can't seem to figure this one out...
Is there a way to remove the tab headers from tab control and designate other buttons to switch between tabs? I'm going for a more modern look and the default tabs in tab control are not at all what I'm interested in.
thanks for your answers on this question!
I've just thought of a different method to keep the clean look of my program without having to get too complicated with code.
For anyone wondering about this, you could set different buttons to hide and show different things, for example:
Under homeBtn you could have code that shows the information shown on the page by default, yet at the same time, you could also hide any information from the previous tab.
Thanks, Laugh
You can easily add buttons setting the property SelectedIndex on the tab control to switch the pages. To hide the tab headers, there are some ideas over here.

How to make tabs on a tabbedpage?

I am learning XAML/Xamarin Forms, and have been making some initial apps. However, now I am trying to replicate a design.
Quite a lot of apps have a menu such as this:
Or this:
While also having tabs in the bottom of the page (iOS at least).
How is this achieved? If I make a TabbedPage, this adds tabs in the bottom, but adding this kind of extra "menu" - how is this done? What technique is used?
Seems is a segmented control, already exist a NuGet package created by alex rainman, You can take a look on this. maybe this will help you.

Programmatically create grid view

I am working on an app in which i am trying to implement something like this :-
1: First of all,i created a button(whose name here is "Create a new folder"). On clicking that button,an alertview will appear which will ask for the name of the button which is going to be created on click.
2: The above process will be repeated each and everytime when we click on "create a new folder" button.
3:The buttons which are created at runtime will be arranged in a grid view format.
Above shown screenshot will let you know about the required arrangement.
I've tried this by using UITableview and making columns in it. But i am not able to create folders at runtime.Please help me find any way to solve this. Suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Try UICollectionView if you can require iOS 6. There is a simple Guide on Apple's site too.

Creating an if statement for a checkbox in an OSX app

I'm trying to add a working checkbox to the welcome window of my OSX app.
I have already added the checkbox to the app in Interface builder.
I would really appreciate if someone could help me with writing the IF STATEMENT for a CHECKBOX in an OSX project.
I need the checkbox, which is on a welcome screen type window, to be selected when the app is opened (already done). When the checkbox is deselected by the user, when the app is run again, the welcome screen should not appear.
I have already sorted out writing to and getting the preferences, I just need to write the proper if statement and I can't quite get it right.
I do not want links to UIButton stuff (that is IOS!) and I do not want links to iPhone tutorials, etc.
I need help with OSX coding! Please! Would be very much appreciated.
Use Cocoa bindings.
Bind the value binding of the checkbox to some key on the Shared User Defaults Controller. The logical place to store simple preferences would be NSUserDefaults.

iPhone SDK 3, Interface Builder: Is it possible do deselect an element from a group of selected elements?

Interface Builder (iPhone SDK 3): Is it possible do deselect an object from a group of selected elements by pressing some key and clicking or dragging over the object, like in Adobe Illustrator for example?
Yes, hold the command key and select items that you no longer want in the group.
I suggest reading the Documentation within Xcode. It tells you basically everything you need to know, without giving you too much code. :)