Objective C: Detecting touch events on UIScrollView - objective-c

I am making a book application using a scrollview for paging but i am having problem detecting touch event on it all the touch events are not working. is there a way that i could implement touch event on scrollview?

As you want to build a book reading application.
I will suggest that rather than going with UIScrollView you can directly go for UIPageViewController
here are some referral link.
hope that help


Gesture Recognise + Alert View

I need to implement an app who recognise gesture (single/double tap, pan,pinch, rotation, swipe) and display an alert view.Can you help me?
Appleā€™s iOS Developer Library contains what you are searching for. For gesture recognition, e.g., take a look at the following page: Event handling guide for iOS; AlertViews can be found in the UIKit User Interface Catalog
Without having a more specific question, I cannot help you any further.

Make multiple NSScrollViews scroll at the same time

I am developing a Cocoa Application for Mac OSX. I intend to have multiple NSScrollViews and I'd like all of them to scroll at the same time if one of them is selected and scrolled.
I saw for UIScrollView there is a method "scrollViewDidScroll" that I could do this with an iPhone application.
Is there anything similar for NSScrollView or a way to go about doing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your solution is going to require that one of the scroll views will need to receive notifications that the other scroll view is being scrolled.
Apple actually provides some very nice documentation on Synchronizing Scroll Views, which also has some sample code snippets as part of it.

UIButton not responsive while scrolling

I have a subview with a UIButton added to a UIScrollView.
The button is working perfectly as long as the user isn't scrolling.
If the UIScrollView is still scrolling when the user clicks on the button, it just stops the scrolling instead(like if a row had been clicked).
Anyone know how to fix this?
First, make sure this really is the behavior you want - iOS users are used to scrolling views and touching to stop them with a tap without triggering button presses. Non-standard behavior (even when you think its better then the standard behavior) can be confusing to users used to how things work in other iOS apps - it can violate their mental model. Ok, note of caution over.
So how do you fix this? UIScrollView delays sending touch events until it knows if those touches are scroll events. You problem is a user tapping is a scroll event when the UIScrollView is moving. Two possible solutions:
Stop the UIScrollView from delaying any touch events it gets. You can set any scroll views delaysContentTouches to NO, which will stop the delaying action and should allow your buttons to be tapped while scrolling. You can read about it in the UIScrollView class documentation. You will also want to read up on canCancelContentTouches there as well.
Subclass the UIScrollView to add your own logic about where touch events should go. Here is a blog post that discusses how to do this.

Swipe without actually swiping in iPad?

Is it possible to make a view move either to the left or right in the iPad, when I tap on a button, instead of actually swiping on the view.
This can be seen in the iPad when I'm in the screen after the search screen, and I install an app, the screens move to the left by itself and the app sits in the right place and starts installing.
Any suggestion will help.
The home screen is actually a UIScrollView with paging enabled. So it just moves to the next page (with scrollRectToVisible) if a new app is installed. So if you want to have something like that, I guess you have to implement a paging UIScrollView. Just search for that and you will find a lot of good tutorials.
Some further resources:
UIScrollView reference documentation
A paging UIScrollView tutorial

How to implement simple javascript touch events for webkit on WebOS while developing web content

did anyone come across difficulties while trying to implement simple js touch events for webkit and found a solution for it ?
Basically my touch start, touch move, and touch end events are not being detected.
Palm webOS's webkit doesn't implement touch events at this time. Instead, the system sends gesture events. These aren't super well documented, but they are used in the mojomatters sample code that's part of the Palm webOS SDK. Look at the gesture-assistant.js source file for gestureStart, gestureChange, and gestureEnd.