I am attempting to build a Restful service that will allow me to do inline editing with the Kendo UI Grid.
I am unfamiliar with both Kendo UI and Restful services, so I don't know where to begin.
I am using http://demos.kendoui.com/web/grid/editing.html as a reference, but it doesn't show I can I do inline editing with a Restful service.
Does anybody know how I could make this work or where I could go to view examples?
, Thanks
here is what the controller looks like for inline editing https://github.com/telerik/kendo-examples-asp-net-mvc/blob/master/grid-crud/Controllers/HomeController.cs
if you have northwind on your sqlexpress you can run this example.
Have a look at the parameter map configuration value which you can use to map for working with RESTful type URL's.
Go to Configuration / Transport / parameterMap
You will want to use the parameterMap function to adust your create update and destroy URL's with the proper ID.
I want to use Revolution Slider within my html template.
Main issue is I have no any idea how to integrate it to my database and PHP codes.
Can anybody help me?
The core concept of visual editor is to use it as standalone slider builder tool which spits out a full html code with all links, markups etc without the needs to understand html/css/slider functions at all for your sliders. And have ability to export it in html or include it using php functions.
Full integration include user authorization, fixing possible code conflicts, other possible caveats.
The most easiest way to integrate is to add an option to specify slider alias and pass it to render functions. And keep editor as separate application.
If you add more details about how exactly you want to integrate it i would try to give you better answer.
I created a application in asp.net MVC4.
I am using kendo components for UI. My version of kendo is 2013.3.1324. I want create a feature this.
In simple words i want "editform" type in edit mode of grid.
I don't want to use template.Is there is any other way to implement feature like this?
Can anyone help me.
I'm new to web development and ASP.NET MVC 4
My question is: Is it possible to replace the content of div tag without needing to refresh the whole page?
If so, what is the best practice of it (best use of MVC 4)?
In order to refresh partial content of a page, you have to use AJAX. There are plenty of resources available online describing how to implement this in ASP.NET MVC. One of the possibilities is using partial views, on which you can find a good tutorial here. However, if you're comfortable with javascript/jQuery a partial view might be overkill if you're just looking to update one div.
Use javascript and make an ajax call. MVC has a JsonResult for the controller you can use if you like.
Not 100% sure but if I remember right, jQuery is bundled with MVC4. Correct me if I'm wrong.
// Javascript code
Would replace the contents of a <div id="mydiv"></div> with the contents of the /Content/html/mySnippet.html.
You can also call an action and return a partial view if you wish to have dynamic content instead of a static html template.
I'm upgrading from .NET 2.0 to MVC 4. Back in .NET 2.0 webform, we had to inject license information on the fly to the footer of the software by override the "Render" function in .aspx.cs page (using HtmlTextWriter), find a particular spot of the footer and then insert the license text info there.
The reason I don't want to directly put that in the viewstart page or any razor page themselves using HTMLhelper is because I don't want my customers to mess with it. So hard code is not an option.
I use Glimpse and I see Glimpse is enabled by adding a HTTPModule,etc in web.config and magically, an icon appears on my app. Something similar ?
Bottom line is, I need to hijack the finished HTML output, modify it and return the final result to client.
How do you do this in MVC? HttpModule?
Glimpse uses a feature of ASP.NET called a ResponseFilter to change the output HTML on the fly.
The ResponseFilter, in the case of Glimpse, is set inside the HttpModule - but it could be set anywhere.
Four Guys From Rolla has an old but still relevant article on how to create ResonseFilters.
I had a look at http://www.westernaustralia.com/au/Pages/Welcome_to_Western_Australia.aspx and I know it's a SharePoint site and I am wondering how it could have been made.
I am mostly interrested in the center column (What's On). Is it an announcement list with thumbnails and Find out more links are pointing to wiki pages? Could it be a custom web part or is it possible to do this sort of thing with SharePoint 2010 out of the box?
Thanks in advance.
You can do this easily with a "What's New" web part. Customize your library view setting and set your webpart to use that view. Add a simple content editor at the bottom of this web part and add those other links like View All etc...
Remember that you can create your own list and make sure to index it so that it can rollback into the What's New webpart.
Looking at the emitted HTML it looks like a custom user control in the page layout to me (hell I could be wrong)
That said though it is possible to do this OOTB and I could build that functionality using the Content Query Web Part and some custom XSL