Bundle install keeps installing to ./runner - ruby-on-rails-3

Not sure what's going on here, but in my Rails 3 application, I type bundle install and at the end if says Your bundle is complete! It was installed into ./runner.
Weird because I have no idea where runner is coming from!

If I recall correctly, if you run something like bundle install ./runner it will remember the path ./runner. bundle install --system should fix it. i think.
See the manpage:
The location to install the gems in the bundle to.
This defaults to the gem home, which is the location
that gem install installs gems to. This means that, by
default, gems installed without a --path setting will
show up in gem list. This setting is a remembered option.
Installs the gems in the bundle to the system location.
This overrides any previous remembered use of --path.


Pry looking for wrong version

I'm using RVM in a small repository and trying to spin up a Pry console. Pry 0.12.2 is installed as a gem in my #global gemset and not present in the repository's bundle. However, every time I run it I get
$ pry
Could not find proper version of pry (0.11.1) in any of the sources
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
I have tried reinstalling it, using gem uninstall -axI, which should have removed any executables, but no luck.
Why else might it be asking for a version that isn't present anywhere relevant?

RVM doesn't recognize installed gem, so bundle install fails

Bundle install command fails because gem install pg fails:
Make sure that `gem install pg -v '0.17.1'` succeeds
I can though, install pg with certain options:
gem install pg -- --with-pg-include=/usr/pgsql-9.3/include --with-pg-dir=/usr/pgsql-9.3
Still.. running bundle install fails, saying:
Make sure that `gem install pg -v '0.17.1'` succeeds
Well ye I know it fails, that why I installed it before, with options given,
How do I make the bundle see it the gem is already installed.? (or maybe make the bundle command to run gem install pg -- --with-pg-include instead of gem install pg -v '0.17.1' so it will succeed)
I also use rvm, and i'm rather clueless about it, so maybe even though I the pg gem is installed:
gem list pg
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
pg (0.17.1)
The application doesn't recognized the installed pg gem? if so How do I make the application's rvm see that the required gem is already installed?
Thank you
Finally found answer: How can I pass a parameter for gem installation when I run bundle install?
So in my case:
bundle config build.pg --with-pg-include=/usr/pgsql-9.3/include --with-pg-dir=/usr/pgsql-9.3
bundle install
And that took a day, well could have been worse
So you know in the future, this wasn't an RVM issue. This was a bundler and gem command parameter passing issue. RVM wasn't involved at that stage.

Capistrano no longer working after removing rbenv

I removed RBENV and switched to RVM.
Now when i try to deploy with capistrano, or even try to just run "cap" i get:
/Users/me/.rbenv/shims/cap: No such file or directory
It's obviously still looking for the rbenv shim, but how do i get capistrano working on RVM?
I've tried removing and re-installing the gem, but that did not work...
make sure $PATH is clear from /Users/me/.rbenv, then you can call hash -r to invalidate PATH cache.
also make sure you install gems again, both rbenv and rvm use custom paths for installing gems - so it's required to install gems again.

Omniauth + Devise Error: Could not find hashie-1.2.0

I add this to Gemfile:
gem 'omniauth-facebook'
Then I run bundle update. No problem so far. But when I run rails server I get this error:
Could not find hashie-1.2.0 in any of the sources
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
I thought that bundler was supposed to resolve and satisfy all dependencies, but I tried this anyway:
gem install hashie-1.2.0
Which gave this:
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'hashie-1.2.0' (>= 0) in any repository
ERROR: Possible alternatives: hashie-model
I'm new to Rails and I feel I'm at a dead end. Suggestions?
UPDATE: I also have run bundle install (to be exact bundle install --without production) several times. I get the same error when running rails server after that.
UPDATE: I aslo tried adding gem 'hashee' in the Gemfile before omniauth-facebook. No luck.
So I think you are just using bunder incorrectly.
bundle update doesn't resolve new dependencies, it simply looks at the gem manifest, which is stored in Gemfile.lock and updates those gems to the most recent gem allow by the constraints placed on them in the Gemfile.
Since you are trying to install a new gem, what you what to run is bundle install which will make a comparison between your Gemfile and your Gemfile.lock and install any gems that are not listed in your Gemfile.lock.
I think bundle install should do the trick for you.
As a side note, bundler tries to make this as easy as possible for you by aliasing bundle to bundle install. So, unless you are explicitly looking to update your gems, you can just type bundle and get the behavior that you are expecting.
I got it working. I think it was some problem with bundler. I did some different things, and I have to admit that I'm not 100% sure what fixed it. I think what did it was this:
gem uninstall bundler
gem install bundler
bundle install mail
However, it did not work until my second reinstall I think. Upon the install command, it installed everything, not just mail and its dependencies. The only other thing I did was to delete /usr/bin/bundler after the first reinstall. It did not reappear.

'bundle install' is creating ./rails folder

I'm running a Rails 3.0.3 app using RVM (Ruby 1.8.7). When I run bundle install all the gems install and then I get this message Your bundle is complete! It was installed into ./rails. But the app isn't recognizing/see those gems. Not sure what I've done wrong that it's doing this. Let me know if you need any other information.
I bet you accidentally ran bundle install rails at one point, which configured your bundler to install your gems into the ./rails directory.
To reset that, remove the ./.bundle directory (or remove the BUNDLE_PATH line from ./.bundle/config). Then bundle install will put them in the right spot.