Newsstand free subscriptions - objective-c

I'm developing app - it is custom offline feed reader. I's completely free, so I do not need any subscriptions. I want to use some newsstand features and I already draw amazing icon for newsstand:) What should I do? Is any workarounds about this issue? May be some "fake" free subscription?
Another issue - when I tried to publish app with only one free subscription, I failed. Is that normal?

Your completely correct you can have free subscriptions, iTunes connectly clearly states you can have free subscriptions.
If you want to use Urban airship this guide should help you out, and give you the perfect guide as to what you are actually looking for.

Search First Glimpse magazine. It is a free magazine that populates in News Stand. Also, that publishing company has more free content


Is there any app or addon to receive notifications from external website updates?

I have been searching for this for many days, or weeks, and I am totally frustrated. Hopefully someone can help.
It is something very simple. I have to translate articles from an author but the software I use to get the notifications doesn't work. Do you know of any website, app, service... that may send me an SMS or a GMAIL message everytime a writer publishes a new article?
I can't edit or manipulate in any way the website, that is why I wrote "external". I searched and I couldn't find the RSS option in the website. In theory IFTTT depends upon RSS, so same issue.
Thank you so much folks!

Wechat : does an SDK / API exists?

I'm online on wechat (an instant messenger, not to be confused with weechat, that is an IRC client) and following a lot of groups for work. I'm searching for an SDK, an API set, to be able to automitize info collecting from groups and or individuals.
But i'm not aware of any way to do it.
Please, this is NOT an 'opinion' question, I'm litterally asking you if you know a way to receive data from weechat, because I cannot find it.
I see the area on weechat website where a company can ask for accces to API, but, really I cannot find other tools.
Edit 1: Chinese DOC, I think:
Edit 2: Chinese DOC more similar to a JS api :
Obviously, use google translator !
As from my OP, there are some docs, official docs, but the real problem is that to create even a simply Mini Program, we need to subscribe (paid) and also paying at one point a chinese-only page asks by country and the list simply does not include Italy, so I simply cannot subscribe.

Is QuickBooks API QBD V3 Really Deprecated?

I just started developing an Intuit App yesterday and was really getting going on integrating with QuickBooks Desktop. Then today I logged in to continue work and was greeted by several missing pages on Intuit's IPP site and a link that says "Deprecated QBO V2 and QBD V2,V3". The only API that appears to not be deprecated is QBO V3.
I cannot find any announcement from Intuit about any upcoming deprecation. Does anybody have any info on whether I am safe to continue developing my app to connect to QBD or do I need to talk to our accountant to move over to QBO instead?
EDIT: I have marked Jarred's answer as the accepted answer because he associated with Intuit and answers my specific situation. Also check Charlie's answer for additional details specific to other scenarios.
I interviewed several people from Intuit at the Sleeter Accounting Solutions Conference this week, including (amongst others) Dan Wernikoff, Senior VP.
I'll have an article in my blog on this ( next week - I'm transcribing my recordings and clarifying points.
There are a LOT of points here, but to address what you are looking at -
If you are writing an IPP app using V3 for QBO - no problem (and in fact, some good news there).
If you are already published with IPP using V3 and Sync Manager for the Desktop, you will get continued support but don't expect any advancement there (unless you are someone big like American Express).
If you are NOT already published with IPP for the Desktop - the SDK is your option.
And there is a lot more info about this coming out
MINOR EDIT AT A LATER DATE: If you have been working with IPP for the desktop you MIGHT get approved to continue - no guarantees on that (but it seems they might be lenient). But In my opinion you can't expect any significant new features (as in, more data access) moving forward unless you are a significant partner with a contract with them (such as, American Express).
Intuit will not prevent you from going live with your application that you have spent the last 6 months working on. We have a set of guidelines for grandfathering in developers who have invested in using the v2 REST API for QuickBooks Desktop.
feel free to contact me directly if you have more questions.
#Charlie if you could correct your statement regarding if you are NOT published then you need to use the QBXML SDK. That is too generic, we will evaluate each developer on a case by case basis.
My writeup on this subject is available at
Note that Dan Wernikoff, Senior VP at Intuit, has been leaving comments in several of my articles in the blog.
Blair, you have a reasonable concern. However, given the REASONS that they made this change, I would SPECULATE that Intuit won't be pulling the SDK. What isn't clear, at this time, is HOW MUCH support they will give the SDK moving forward.
And, as we have seen for several years now, things can change...

Not getting the pop up from App store for In-App-Purchase

I am working on application in which i am implementing In-App-Purchase,On buying the product through my application i can fetch all the information regarding the products in my console, but the problems occurs where i am not getting the pop-up from App Store which shows all the information to buyers. I cannot figure out the problem. Please suggest some solution for this.
Apple's IAP backend (test mode) has been up and down over the last 5 days, mostly down, there's been no official confirmation of the outage, just check twitter for similar complaints.
need code.. or follow troy brant's awesome tutorial

How to get in touch with the users of your WP7 apps?

This is a problem that every developer will face when building their apps: how to contact the reviewer of your app to notify them of an update, new release, help topics, etc?
Some things I am thinking:
Include an RSS feed in your app which you can update to notify the users of the app.
Include a twitter feed regarding your app. How to go about this?
Include a way for the users to subscribe to a mailing list. This way, I can send a mass-email to the users who opted-in? Any suggestions here?
Any other ways that you think this can/should be done? Any existing solutions you can point me to will be great. Thanks in advance.
One way, for contacting a specific user who created a review of an application is to go to Zune Social (at and create a new message. You can then enter the Zune Tag of the user who created a review.
Personally, I'd try to do all three - have a web page/site, with an RSS feed, and a subscription link (so they can subscribe to the RSS feed via email) and then post any updates to your twitter account as well.
You can't really force a user to do any of these, but having the options available, and linked from inside your app on the about page is probably good practise.
You could also include some kind of "Update Available" feature inside the application. Try to make this as unobtrusive as possible obviously. Obviously if they've still got the app installed they'll get an update notification from the marketplace anyway.
Besides the suggestions made by samjudson, I'll also recommend having a support-page with a direct option to send a email to you. Here's a example of a support-page from one of my applications. I've received lot of emails with suggestions for improvements, or complains about bugs. And since it's by email, it gives you the option to respond directly to people.
Another thing about reviews. Don't take them to serious. Most people only rate negatively (since humans like to complain), and by such a lot of reviews are often misinformed, outdated, or the users just been plain ignorant.