Why is 'no known method for selector x' a hard error under ARC? - objective-c

Maybe it's useful if calling a method that MyClass doesn't understand on a something typed MyClass is an error rather than a warning since it's probably either a mistake or going to cause mistakes in the future...
However, why is this error specific to ARC? ARC decides what it needs to retain/release/autorelease based on the cocoa memory management conventions, which would suggest that knowing the selector's name is enough. So it makes sense that there are problems with passing a SEL variable to performSelector:, as it's not known at compile-time whether the selector is an init/copy/new method or not. But why does seeing this in a class interface or not make any difference?
Am I missing something about how ARC works, or are the clang warnings just being a bit inconsistent?

ARC decides what it needs to retain/release/autorelease based on the cocoa memory management conventions, which would suggest that knowing the selector's name is enough.
This is just one way that ARC determines memory management. ARC can also determine memory management via attributes. For example, you can declare any typedef retainable using __attribute__((NSObject)) (never, ever do this, but it's legal). You can also use other attributes like __attribute((ns_returns_retained)) and several others to override naming conventions (these are things you might reasonably do if you couldn't fix the naming; but it's much better to fix the naming).
Now, imagine a case where you failed to include the header file that declares these attributes in some files but not others. Now, some compile units (.m files) memory manage it one way and some memory manage it another. Hijinks ensure. This is much, much worse than the situation without ARC, and the resulting bugs would be mindbending because some ARC code would do one thing and other ARC code would do something different.
So, yeah, don't do that. (Of course you should never ignore warnings in Objective-C anyway, but this is a particularly nasty situation.)

It's an ounce of prevention, I'd assume. Incidentally, it's not foolproof in larger systems because selectors do not need to match and matching is all based on the translation, so it could still blow up on you if you are not writing your program such that it introduces type safety. Something is better than nothing, though!
The compiler wants to know about parameters and return types, potentially annotations and out parameters. ObjC has defaults to fall back on, but it's a good source of multiple types of bugs as the compiler does more for you.
There are a number of reasons you should introduce type safety and turn up the warning levels. With ARC, there are even more. Regardless of whether it is truly necessary, it's a good direction for an objc compiler to move towards (IMHO). You might consider C99 safer than ObjC 2.0 in this regard ;)
If there really is a restriction for codegen, I'd like to hear it.


objective-c memory management--how long is object guaranteed to exist?

I have ARC code of the following form:
NSMutableData* someData = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:123];
CTRunGetGlyphs(run, CGRangeMake(0, 0), someData.mutableBytes);
const CGGlyph *glyphs = [someData mutableBytes];
...followed by code that reads memory from glyphs but does nothing with someData, which isn't referenced anymore. Note that CGGlyph is not an object type but an unsigned integer.
Do I have to worry that the memory in someData might get freed before I am done with glyphs (which is actually just pointing insidesomeData)?
All this code is WITHIN the same scope (i.e., a single selector), and glyphs and someData both fall out of scope at the same time.
PS In an earlier draft of this question I referred to 'garbage collection', which didn't really apply to my project. That's why some answers below give it equal treatment with what happens under ARC.
You are potentially in trouble whether you use GC or, as others have recommended instead, ARC. What you are dealing with is an internal pointer which is not considered an owning reference in either GC or ARC in general - unless the implementation has special-cased NSData. Without that owning reference either GC or ARC might remove the object. The problem you face is peculiar to internal pointers.
As you describe your situation the safest thing to do is to hang onto the real reference. You could do this by assigning the NSData reference to either an instance variable or a static (method local if you wish) variable and then assigning nil to that variable when you've done with the internal pointer. In the case of static be careful about concurrency!
In practice your code will probably work in both GC and ARC, probably more likely in ARC, but either could conceivably bite you especially as compilers change. For the cost of one variable declaration and one extra assignment you avoid the problem, cheap insurance.
[See this discussion as an example of short lifetime under ARC.]
Under actual, real garbage collection that code is potentially a problem. Objects may be released as soon as there is no longer any reference to them and the compiler may discard the reference at any time if you never use it again. For optimisation purposes scope is just a way of putting an upper limit on that sort of thing, not a way of dictating it absolutely.
You can use NSAllocateCollectable to attach lifecycle calculation to C primitive pointers, though it's messy and slightly convoluted.
Garbage collection was never implemented in iOS and is now deprecated on the Mac (as referenced at the very bottom of this FAQ), in both cases in favour of automatic reference counting (ARC). ARC adds retains and releases where it can see that they're implicitly needed. Sadly it can perform some neat tricks that weren't previously possible, such as retrieving objects from the autorelease pool if they've been used as return results. So that has the same net effect as the garbage collection approach — the object may be released at any point after the final reference to it vanishes.
A workaround would be to create a class like:
#interface PFDoNothing
+ (void)doNothingWith:(id)object;
Which is implemented to do nothing. Post your autoreleased object to it after you've finished using the internal memory. Objective-C's dynamic dispatch means that it isn't safe for the compiler to optimise the call away — it has no way of knowing you (or the KVO mechanisms or whatever other actor) haven't done something like a method swizzle at runtime.
EDIT: NSData being a special case because it offers direct C-level access to object-held memory, it's not difficult to find explicit discussions of the GC situation at least. See this thread on Cocoabuilder for a pretty good one though the same caveat as above applies, i.e. garbage collection is deprecated and automatic reference counting acts differently.
The following is a generic answer that does not necessarily reflect Objective-C GC support. However, various GC implementaitons, including ref-counting, can be thought of in terms of Reachability, quirks aside.
In a GC language, an object is guaranteed to exist as long as it is Strongly-Reachable; the "roots" of these Strong-Reachability graphs can vary by language and executing environment. The exact meaning of "Strongly" also varies, but generally means that the edges are Strong-References. (In a manual ref-counting scenario each edge can be thought of as an unmatched "retain" from a given "owner".)
C# on the CLR/.NET is one such implementation where a variable can remain in scope and yet not function as a "root" for a reachability-graph. See the Systems.Timer.Timer class and look for GC.KeepAlive:
If the timer is declared in a long-running method, use KeepAlive to prevent garbage collection from occurring [on the timer object] before the method ends.
As of summer 2012, things are in the process of change for Apple objects that return inner pointers of non-object type. In the release notes for Mountain Lion, Apple says:
Methods which return pointers (other than Objective C object type)
have been decorated with the clang compiler attribute
objc_returns_inner_pointer (when compiling with clang) to prevent the
compiler from aggressively releasing the receiver expression of those
messages, which no longer appear to be referenced, while the returned
pointer may still be in use.
Inspection of the NSData.h header file shows that this also applies from iOS 6 onward.
Also note that NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER is defined as __attribute__((objc_returns_inner_pointer)) in the clang specification, which makes it such that
the object's lifetime will be extended until at least the earliest of:
the last use of the returned pointer, or any pointer derived from it,
in the calling function;
or the autorelease pool is restored to a
previous state.
If you're using anything older then Mountain Lion or iOS 6 you will still need to use any of the methods discussed here (e.g., __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime))) when declaring your local NSData or NSMutableData objects.
Also, even with the newest compiler and Apple libraries, if you use older or third party libraries with objects that do not decorate their inner-pointer-returning methods with __attribute__((objc_returns_inner_pointer)) you will need to decorate your local variables declarations of such objects with __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) or use one of the other methods discussed in the answers.

Is it good practice to avoid declaring a pointer to BOOL type in objective C?

I read this question in stackoverflow.
The excerpt answer provided by bbum is below:
The problem isn't the assignment, it is much more likely that you
declared your instance variable to be BOOL *initialBroadcast;.
There is no reason to declare the instance variable to be a pointer
(at least not unless you really do need a C array of BOOLs).. Remove
the * from the declaration.
1.Is there anything wrong in using a pointer variable even when I do not have to maintain an array of BOOLs?
2.I think even if avoiding them a good practice, it is not specific to objective-C and applies to all programming languages which has pointers.
Please answer my questions.
1.Is there anything wrong in using a pointer variable even when I do not have to maintain an array of BOOLs?
It's not illegal to do so, but it is bad practice. Using a pointer variable requires that you manage that memory (allocate and free it), and there are whole classes of bugs that can occur as a result. If you forget to allocate the memory, or accidentally modify the pointer, your program could crash, or you could overwrite some other part of memory. If you forget to free the memory, you have a memory leak. None of these things can ever happen if you're just using a plain BOOL. In addition, you get no benefit from using a pointer here; you do a bunch of extra work, and get nothing in return.
2.I think even if avoiding them a good practice, it is not specific to objective-C and applies to all programming languages which has
I don't know about "all programming languages which [have] pointers", but I would certainly say in any C-based language (C, C++, Objective-C), it's bad practice to use pointers to intrinsic types when a plain variable of that type will do. If you can avoid doing memory management, do so.
On a side note, it is good practice to listen to everything bbum says. Seriously.

Use of __attribute__'s in ARC-managed Code

When ARC came to Objective-C, I did my best to read through the Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) guide posted on the Clang project website to get a better hang of what it was about. What I found there (and no where else) was mention of using __attribute__ declarations to signify to ARC whether certain code autoreleases its return value, for instance (__attribute__((ns_returns_autoreleased))), or whether it 'consumes' a parameter (__attribute((ns_consumed)), and so on.
However, it seems that the guide gives very little word on the actual level of necessity these declarations hold. Excluding them seems to make no difference, neither when running the static analyzer nor when running the project itself. Do these even make a difference? Is there any advantage to labeling a method with __attribute__((objc_method_family(new)))? No article I've found on ARC makes mention of these specifiers at all; perhaps an ARC guru can give word on what these are used for.
(Personally, I include all relevant specifiers just in case, but find that they make code obfuscated and messy.)
These attributes are expressly for abnormal cases, such as:
A function or method parameter of retainable object pointer type may be marked as consumed, signifying that the callee expects to take ownership of a +1 retain count.
A function or method which returns a retainable object pointer type may be marked as returning a retained value, signifying that the caller expects to take ownership of a +1 retain count.
You don't normally do these things, so you don't normally use these attributes. With no attributes, the normal behavior—the NARC rule, or perhaps under ARC I should say CAN—is what the compiler implements and expects.
There are two reasons to use these attributes:
In order to violate the CAN rule; that is, to have a method not so named that returns a reference, or a method so named that doesn't. The attribute documents the violation in the method's prototype, and may even be necessary to implement it, if the implementation uses ARC.
Working with Core Foundation types, including Core Graphics types. These aren't ARCed, so you need to use the bridging attributes to aid conversion to and from “retainable object pointer” types.
That's not necessary in most of the cases, since LLVM & Clang knows ObjC naming conventions. So if you follow the standard naming conventions of Cocoa, LLVM automagically assumes the corresponding family/return memory policy to follow.
Namely, if you declare a method named initWith... it will automatically consider it as the "init" family of methods, no need to specify __attribute__((objc_method_family(init))), Clang automatically detect it; same for the new family, etc.
In fact, you only need to use the __attribute__ specifiers when Clang can't guess such cases, which in practice rarely occurs (in practice I never had to use it), or only if you don't respect naming conventions:
Quoting Clang Language Extensions Documentation:
Many methods in Objective-C have conventional meanings determined by their selectors. For the purposes of static analysis, it is sometimes useful to be able to mark a method as having a particular conventional meaning despite not having the right selector, or as not having the conventional meaning that its selector would suggest. For these use cases, we provide an attribute to specifically describe the method family that a method belongs to.
So as soon as you respect the naming conventions (which you should always do) you won't have anything do to.
You should definitely stick to naming conventions wherever possible.
It's clearer to read.
Attributes can introduce build errors if there is a conflict.
ARC semantics combined with attributes are relatively fragile.

Can I assume and handle SEL in Objective-C as a pointer to something?

I'm trying to interface Lua with Objective-C, and I think string conversion with NSSelectorFromString() has too big an overhead because Lua has to copy all strings to internalize them (although I'm not sure about this).
So I'm trying to find more lightweight way to represent a selector in Lua.
An Objective-C selector is an abstracted type, but it's defined as a pointer to something:
typedef struct objc_selector *SEL;
So it looks safe to handle as a regular pointer, so I can pass it to Lua with lightuserdata. Is this fine?
I don't believe it is safe to handle it as a pointer (even a void pointer), because if this ever changes in a future implementation or a different implementation of the language. I didn't see a formal Objective-C spec that tells what is implementation defines, but often when opaque types like this are used it means that you shouldn't have to know details about the underlying type is. In fact, the struct is forward-declared so that you can't access any of its members.
The other problem you might run into is implementing equality comparisons: are selectors references to a pool of constants or is each selector mutable. Once again, implementation defined.
Using C strings as suggested above is probably your best bet; ruby manages to use symbols for selectors and doesn't have too much of a performance penalty. Since the strings are const, lua doesn't need to copy them, but probably does anyway to be safe. If you can find a way to not copy the strings you might not take that much of a performance hit.

Determining what a CFTypeRef is?

I have a function which returns CFTypeRef. I have no idea what it really is. How do I determine that? For example it might be a CFStringRef.
if (CFGetTypeID(myObjectRef) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
//i haz a string
The short answer is that you can (see Dave DeLongs answer). The long answer is that you can't. Both are true. A better question might be "Why do you need to know?" In my opinion, if you can arrange things so that you don't need to know, you're probably going to be better off.
I'm not saying that you can't do it, or even that you shouldn't. What I am saying is that there are some hidden gotchas when you start down this path, and some times you're not really aware of what all the unstated assumptions are. Unfortunately, programming correctly depends on knowing all the little details. Off the top of my head, here's a few of the potential gotchas:
To the best of my knowledge the set of Core Foundation types has increased in each major OS release. Therefore each major OS release has a superset Core Foundation types of the previous releases, and likely a strict superset at that. This is "observed behavior", and not necessarily "guaranteed" behavior. The important thing to note is that "things can and do change", and all things being equal, the easier and simpler solutions tend not to take this in to account. It is generally considered poor programming style to code something that breaks in the future, regardless of the reason or justification.
Because of Toll-Free Bridging between Core Foundation and Foundation, just because a CFTypeRef = CFStringRef does not mean that a CFTypeRef ≡ CFStringRef, where = means "equal to" and ≡ means "identical to". There is a distinction, which may or may not be important depending on context. As a warning, this tends to be where the bugs roam freely.
For example, a CFMutableStringRef can be used where ever a CFStringRef can be used, or CFStringRef = CFMutableStringRef. However, you can not use a CFStringRef everywhere a CFMutableStringRef can be used for obvious reasons. This means CFStringRef ≢ CFMutableStringRef. Again, depending on the context, they can be equal, but they are not identical.
It is very important to note that while there is a CFStringGetTypeID(), there is no corresponding CFMutableStringGetTypeID().
Logically, CFMutableStringRef is a strict superset of CFStringRef. It would follow, then, that passing a bona fide immutable CFStringRef to a CFMutableString API call would cause "some kind of problem". While this may not be true now (i.e., 10.6), I know for a fact that the following was true in the past: The CFMutableString API calls did not verify that "the string argument" was actually mutable (this was actually true for all types that made a distinction between immutable and mutable). The checks were there, but they were in the form of debug assertions that were disabled on "Release" builds (in other words, the checks were never performed in practice).
This is (or possibly was) officially not considered to be a bug, and the (trivial) mutability checks were not done "for performance reasons". No "public" API is provided to tell the mutability of a CFString pointer (or mutability of any type). Combined with Toll-Free bridging, this meant that you could mutate immutable NSString objects, even though the NSMutableString APIs did perform a mutability check and caused "some kind of problem" when trying to mutate an immutable object. Flavor with the fact that #"" constant strings in your source are mapped to read-only memory at run time.
The official line, as I recall, was "not to pass immutable objects, either CFStringRef or NSString, to CFMutableString API's, and further more, it was a bug to do so". When it was pointed out that there might be some security related issues with this stance (never mind the fact that it was fundamentally impossible), say if anything ever made the mistake of critically depending on the immutability of a string, especially "well known" strings, the answer was "the problem is theoretical and nothing will be done at this time until a workable exploit can be demonstrated."
Update: I was curious to see what the current behavior is. On my machine, running 10.6.4, using CFMutableString API's on an immutable CFString causes the immutable string to become essentially #"", which is at least better than what it did before (<= 10.5) and actually mutate the string. Definitely not the ideal solution, has that bitter real world taste to it where its only redeeming quality is that it is "the least worst solution".
So remember, be careful in your assumptions! You can do it, but if you do, it's more important that you not do it wrong. :) Of course, a lot of "wrong" solutions will work, so the fact that things are working is not necessarily proof that you're doing it right. Good times!
Also, in a Duck Typed system it is often considered bad form, and possibly even a bug, to "look too closely at the type of an object". Objective-C is definitely a Duck Typed system and this unquestionably bleeds over in to Core Foundation due to the tight coupling of Toll-Free bridging. CFTypeRef is a direct manifestation of this Duck Type ambiguity, and depending heavily on the context, may be an explicit way of saying "You are not supposed to be looking too closely at the types".
If you want to find out what type a CFTypeRef is during development, you can use the following snippet.
printf("CFTypeRef type is: %s\n",CFStringGetCStringPtr(CFCopyTypeIDDescription(CFGetTypeID(myObjectRef)),kCFStringEncodingUTF8));
This will print a human readable name for the type so you know what it is. But Apple makes no guarantees that they'll keep these descriptions consistant so don't use this in production code. (As is the snippet will leak memory but you should only use it during development anyway so who cares).