How to set custom template for HTML formatter in Behat - behat

I tried in my behat.yml and put the template inside my /support dir, but no help.
name: html
template_path: html.tpl
Any ideas?

You can extend a custom class from the existing HtmlFormatter to explicitly set your html template.
namespace Behat\Behat\Formatter;
use Behat\Behat\Formatter\HtmlFormatter;
class MyHtmlFormatter extends HtmlFormatter {
* The HTML template to use for formatting.
* #return string
protected function getHtmlTemplate()
return '
<div id="behat">
// You can override any other methods of HtmlFormatter that you want
// to define custom behavior.
Then update your behat.yml file to point to your custom class.
behat.yml (Optional - Only needed if you don't use --format in your behat command line.)
name: Behat\Behat\Formatter\MyHtmlFormatter
Finally, run behat with the following command:
behat --out out.html your_feature.feature
If you want to specify this formatter directly then do:
behat --format Behat\\Behat\\Formatter\\MyHtmlFormatter --out o.html
Note that you need the \\ to properly send the class name.


How to add custom HTML tag TSX

While trying to render a custom HTML tag <my-element> in JSX an error displayed
Property does not exist on type 'JSX.IntrinsicElements'
I've found some examples of how to do that using
declare global {
interface IntrinsicElements {
"my-element": any
but this produced another error:
ES2015 module syntax is preferred over custom TypeScript modules and namespaces #typescript-eslint/no-namespace
I've found the useful link to Typescript guide which helped me a lot:
The main idea is to create a new file with extension d.ts (e.g. myModule.d.ts) which should contain the following
export as namespace JSX;
export interface IntrinsicElements {
"my-element": any;

how to reference URL into Vue.Component.Template

How to refer URL into Vue.Template link.
Template is longer and all operations are going to include to mounted/methods.
Vue.component('button-counter', {
data: function () {
return {
count: 0
template: './views/templatebutton.html' //how to refer URL here.
You could read the local HTML file as a string, and then load the result into the template field. With a module loader (such as Webpack), you would use require() to import the HTML file:
// Foo.js
Vue.component('button-counter', {
template: require('./views/templatebutton.html')
Alternatively, if vue-loader is available to your project, you could use single file components, which allow importing the template from an external file:
<!-- Foo.vue -->
<template src="./views/templatebutton.html" />
I solve this limitation using requirejs (
although it is not recommended).
You can load the text from html file by adding 'text!' before the template url and load it as text like:
var template = require('text!/assets/vuejs/controllers/venda_direta/cart.html');
and then use it as your template string:
template : template

is this the correct declarative, data-dojo-type syntax to require a package?

I have a package, defined in dojoConfig like this:
packages: [
{ name: 'Widget', location: '/widgets/Widget' }
The /widgets/Widget/main.js file defines my main module. With this config, in Javascript i can require the module Widget/main directly by its package name like this:
require(["Widget"], function(Widget){
var widget = new Widget();
// all is well
But doing the same using declarative syntax throws a Unable to resolve constructor for: 'Widget' error:
<div data-dojo-type="Widget"></div>
Am I doing something wrong, or is this expected behaviour?
It would be easier to see how widget is created, but the complaint is that you have no constructor.
a constructor is required for a widget. If you extend WidgetBase its done for you.
check the doc:
You need to add the
require(["Widget"], function(Widget){});
part in a script tag in the HTML document you are using
<div data-dojo-type="Widget"></div>
It should look like something:
<script> require(["Widget"], function(Widget){}); </script>
You have to require the module/widget before you can call it in an HTML page the same way you need to do it in a script tag.

Including dojo/dom library to Spring Roo

How is it possible to include and use the dojo/dom library in Spring roo.
<script type="text/javascript">
dojo.ready(function remAttr(){
dojo.removeAttr('theId', 'value');
results in:
"NetworkError: 404 Introuvable - http://localhost:8131/suivitrc/resources/dojo/dom.js"
Could not load 'dojo/dom'; last tried '../dojo/dom.js'
Can anyone please help?
I think the version of dojo in roo is currently less than 1.7. This means you can remove the following line from your code because the remoteAttr function is part of dojo.js:
see here:
The namespace => to module path is retreived by replacing periods (.), in short - you need to replace the slash with a dot. Your require should be
dojo.require('dojo.dom'); // blocking call? djConfig.async must be false
Since the error is in regards to the dojo.require specified path, this means your dojo.js is found and loaded (dojo.require is not undefined) - and baseUrl is not of concern to dojo modules.
The thing is, youre using the legacy loader to pull in an AMD module, in 1.7+ the require statement has a different look to it.
// AMD loader form is
function callbackFunctionOnComplete(dojoDom) { }
require([ "dojo/dom" ], callbackFunctionOnComplete); // non-blocking
So, how dojo.require works is following, assume that the parameter we pass as string is called 'module;
dojo.require = function(module) {
var parts = module.split('.');
1 - get toplevel namespace (global)
var packageName = parts.shift(); // first part is the package name
2 - get the filename (minus .js)
var id = parts.pop(); // the last bit
3 - translate everything in between to a path (relative to packagelocation)
var mid = parts.join("/");
4 - lookup package (from toplevel) location
var fullpath = // in pseudo
foreach dojoconfig.packages
iff == packageName
set to obj.location
5 append the rest and start downloading module
fullpath += mid + id + '.js'
transport.get(..... fullpath .....)
You need to configure dojo with dojo config. I prefer the form explained here:
And you need to tell dojo where to find its stuff. An example:
var dojoConfig =
baseUrl : "/yourApp/js", // defines the js folder in your webapp
tlmSiblingOfDojo: false,
async: true,
packages: [
{ name: "app", location: "app"}, // where it is in the js folder
{ name: "dojo", location: "lib/dojo" }, // where it is in the js folder
{ name: "dijit", location: "lib/dijit" },
{ name: "dojox", location: "lib/dojox" }
Also the require form you are using is deprecated. See

How to Extend our own class in ExtJS4

I have created the class in Ext JS 4, and now I want to extend that in another class. I use extend properties, to extend the class. But I am not able to extend the class. Do I want to use require to include the class file. But I keep both the files in the same directory.
Define source paths for ExtJS to locate your source files.
enabled: true,
paths: {
'[your namespace prefix here]': '[physical path]'
Then define Ext.require or requires section in subclass to enable automatic path resolution.
Read this link for more info.
Base class: file located at folder root/view/common/Picker.js
Ext.define('RL.view.common.Picker', {
extend: "Ext.form.field.Picker",
Sub class: file located at folder root/view/selection/DriverTreeCombo.js
Ext.define('RL.view.selection.DriverTreeCombo', {
extend: "RL.view.common.Picker",
requires: ['Ext.tree.Panel', 'RL.view.common.TreeBase'],
I have namespace as and RL is supposed to be the root folder. Now I can define Loader configuration as below
enabled: true,
paths: {
'RL': '/root'
Loader configuration should be set before 'Ext.onReady(...)' function call. Going through examples folder in ExtJS package would help you to see how this is done.
Further reading:
The Class System
Dynamic Loading and new class system