Set default columns to pull from the database in Rails - sql

I have a Post model that has one huge column (full_html). So instead of doing a select "posts".* or whatever, I want to select every field except full_html by default (and only grab it when I actually try accessing the attribute)
My current solution is: - [:full_html]).where(...)
but it's pretty gross

Here is a similar SO Question regarding blobs. The last two answers open up a couple of alternatives that you might want to check out. I was going to suggest something similar to the second to the last where you store the full html in a different model and then associate the two together but that may open up other performance issues.


Is using comma separated field good or not

I have a table named buildings
each building has zero - n images
I have two solutions
the first one (the classic solution) using two tables:
buildings(id, name, address)
building_images(id, building_id, image_url)
and the second solution using olny one table
buildings(id, name, address, image_urls_csv)
Given I won't need to search by image URL obviously,
I think the second solution (using image_urls_csv column) is easier to use, and no need to create another table just to keep the images, also I will avoid the hassle of multiple queries or joining.
the question is, if I don't really want to filter, search or group by the filed value, can I just make it CSV?
On the one hand, by simply having a column of image_urls_list avoids joins or multiple queries, yes. A single round-trip to the db is always a plus.
On the other hand, you then have a string of urls that you need to parse. What happens when a URL has a comma in it? Oh, I know, you quote it. But now you need a parser that is beyond a simple naive split on commas. And then, three months from now, someone will ask you which buildings share a given image, and you'll go through contortions to handle quotes, not-quotes, and entries that are at the beginning or end of the string (and thus don't have commas on either side). You'll start writing some SQL to handle all this and then say to heck with it all and push it up to your higher-level language to parse each entry and tell if a given image is in there, and find that this is slow, although you'll realise that you can at least look for %<url>% to limit it, ... and now you've spent more time trying to hack around your performance improvement of putting everything into a single entry than you saved by avoiding joins.
A year later, someone will give you a building with so many URLs that it overflows the text limit you put in for that field, breaking the whole thing. Or add some extra fields to each for extra metadata ("last updated", "expires", ...).
So, yes, you absolutely can put in a list of URLs here. And if this is postgres or any other db that has arrays as a first-class field type, that may be okay. But do yourself a favour, and keep them separate. It's a moderate amount of up-front pain, and the long-term gain is probably going to make you very happy you did.
"Given I won't need to search by image URL obviously" is an assumption that you cannot make about a database. Even if you never do end up searching by url, you might add other attributes of building images, such as titles, alt tags, width, height, etc, so you would end up having to serialize all this data in that one column, and then you would not be able to index any of it. Plus, if you serialize it with one language, then you or whoever comes after you using a different language will either have to install some 3rd party library to deserialize your stuff or write their own deserialization function.
The only case that I can think of where you should keep serialized data in a database is when you inherit old software that you don't have time to fix yet.

Change results of SQL query in ASP page to include links for a specific column

Apologies, this is kind of a convoluted question. I have a SQL query in a ASP web-page, which is returning a dataset to a webgrid in the page. Looks like so:
Picture of Dataset/Webgrid output in ASP webpage here
I'd like to be able to take the "Community" column and keep the output the same, but make the output into a link to a software client based on the specific Community thats listed. We have a short list of them (maybe 4-5 total) so it'll mean only 4-5 different downloads.
Additionally, I may need to include a field for the OS as we have different downloads per OS (Mac / Windows). I assume if I can get the logic set for one, I can probably repeat that for the other column.
Any ideas on how I could approach this? I'm just not sure how to phrase this question appropriately, but I think this might make it more clear.
what you would need to do is something like
SELECT account, telephone, "<a href='"+communityURL+"'>"+community+"</a>" as CommunityCol, status
FROM myTable
ORDER BY account
... so, assuming the URL is described in communityURL the output you get in the CommunityCol column (from memory you might need to rename it) is a concatenated string containing what you need

Removing privacy data from a database?

Say that I needed to share a database with a partner. Obviously I have customer information in that database. Short of going through and identifying every column that contains privacy information and a custom script to 'scrub' the data, is there any tool or script which can scrub the data, but keep the format in tact (for example, if a string is 5 characters, it would stay 5 characters, only scrubbed)?
If not, how would you accomplish something like this, preferably in TSQL?
You may consider only share VIEW, create VIEWs to hide data that you don't want share.
CREATE VIEW v_customer
LEFT(CreditCard,5) + '****' As CreditCard -- OR, don't show this column at all
FROM customer
Firstly I need to state professional interest I work for IBM which has tools that do exactly this.
Step 1. Ensure you identify all the PII (Personally Identifiable Information). When sharing database information it is typical that the obvious column names like "name" are found but you also need to find the "hidden" data where either the data is embedded in a standard format eg string-name-string and column name is something like "reference code" or is in free format text fields . as you have seen this is not going to be an easy job unless you automate it. The Tool for this is InfoSphere Discovery
Step 2. What context does the "scrubbed" data need to be in. Changing named fields to random characters has problems when testing as users focus on text errors rather than functional failures, therefore change names to real but ficticious. Credit card information often needs to be "valid". by that I mean it needs to have a valid prefix say 49XX but the rest an invalid sequence. Finally you need to ensure that every instance of the change is propogated through the database to maintain consistency. Tool for this is Optim Test Data Management with Data Privacy option.
The two tools integrate to give a full data privacy solution.
Based on the original question, it seems you need the fields to be the same length, but not in a "valid" format? How about:
UPDATE customers
SET email = REPLICATE('z', LEN(email))
-- additional fields as needed
Copy/paste and rename tables/fields as appropriate. I think you're going to have a hard time finding a tool that's less work, unless your schema is very complicated, or my formatting assumptions are incorrect.
I don't have an MSSQL database in front of me right now, but you can also find all of the string-like columns by something like:
WHERE DATA_TYPE IN ('...', '...')
I don't remember the exact values you need to compare for, but if you run the query and see what's there, they should be pretty self-explanatory.

Database : best way to model a spreadsheet

I am trying to figure out the best way to model a spreadsheet (from the database point of view), taking into account :
The spreadsheet can contain a variable number of rows.
The spreadsheet can contain a variable number of columns.
Each column can contain one single value, but its type is unknown (integer, date, string).
It has to be easy (and performant) to generate a CSV file containing the data.
I am thinking about something like :
class Cell(models.Model):
column = models.ForeignKey(Column)
row_number = models.IntegerField()
value = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Column(models.Model):
spreadsheet = models.ForeignKey(Spreadsheet)
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
type = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Spreadsheet(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
creation_date = models.DateField()
Can you think about a better way to model a spreadsheet ? My approach allows to store the data as a String. I am worried about it being too slow to generate the CSV file.
from a relational viewpoint:
Spreadsheet <-->> Cell : RowId, ColumnId, ValueType, Contents
there is no requirement for row and column to be entities, but you can if you like
Databases aren't designed for this. But you can try a couple of different ways.
The naiive way to do it is to do a version of One Table To Rule Them All. That is, create a giant generic table, all types being (n)varchars, that has enough columns to cover any forseeable spreadsheet. Then, you'll need a second table to store metadata about the first, such as what Column1's spreadsheet column name is, what type it stores (so you can cast in and out), etc. Then you'll need triggers to run against inserts that check the data coming in and the metadata to make sure the data isn't corrupt, etc etc etc. As you can see, this way is a complete and utter cluster. I'd run screaming from it.
The second option is to store your data as XML. Most modern databases have XML data types and some support for xpath within queries. You can also use XSDs to provide some kind of data validation, and xslts to transform that data into CSVs. I'm currently doing something similar with configuration files, and its working out okay so far. No word on performance issues yet, but I'm trusting Knuth on that one.
The first option is probably much easier to search and faster to retrieve data from, but the second is probably more stable and definitely easier to program against.
It's times like this I wish Celko had a SO account.
You may want to study EAV (Entity-attribute-value) data models, as they are trying to solve a similar problem.
Entity-Attribute-Value - Wikipedia
The best solution greatly depends of the way the database will be used. Try to find a couple of top use cases you expect and then decide the design. For example if there is no use case to get the value of a certain cell from database (the data is always loaded at row level, or even in group of rows) then is no need to have a 'cell' stored as such.
That is a good question that calls for many answers, depending how you approach it, I'd love to share an opinion with you.
This topic is one the various we searched about at Zenkit, we even wrote an article about, we'd love your opinion on it:

Need Pattern for dynamic search of multiple sql tables

I'm looking for a pattern for performing a dynamic search on multiple tables.
I have no control over the legacy (and poorly designed) database table structure.
Consider a scenario similar to a resume search where a user may want to perform a search against any of the data in the resume and get back a list of resumes that match their search criteria. Any field can be searched at anytime and in combination with one or more other fields.
The actual sql query gets created dynamically depending on which fields are searched. Most solutions I've found involve complicated if blocks, but I can't help but think there must be a more elegant solution since this must be a solved problem by now.
Yeah, so I've started down the path of dynamically building the sql in code. Seems godawful. If I really try to support the requested ability to query any combination of any field in any table this is going to be one MASSIVE set of if statements. shiver
I believe I read that COALESCE only works if your data does not contain NULLs. Is that correct? If so, no go, since I have NULL values all over the place.
As far as I understand (and I'm also someone who has written against a horrible legacy database), there is no such thing as dynamic WHERE clauses. It has NOT been solved.
Personally, I prefer to generate my dynamic searches in code. Makes testing convenient. Note, when you create your sql queries in code, don't concatenate in user input. Use your #variables!
The only alternative is to use the COALESCE operator. Let's say you have the following table:
Name nvarchar(20)
Nickname nvarchar(10)
and you want to search optionally for name or nickname. The following query will do this:
SELECT Name, Nickname
FROM Users
Name = COALESCE(#name, Name) AND
Nickname = COALESCE(#nick, Nickname)
If you don't want to search for something, just pass in a null. For example, passing in "brian" for #name and null for #nick results in the following query being evaluated:
SELECT Name, Nickname
FROM Users
Name = 'brian' AND
Nickname = Nickname
The coalesce operator turns the null into an identity evaluation, which is always true and doesn't affect the where clause.
Search and normalization can be at odds with each other. So probably first thing would be to get some kind of "view" that shows all the fields that can be searched as a single row with a single key getting you the resume. then you can throw something like Lucene in front of that to give you a full text index of those rows, the way that works is, you ask it for "x" in this view and it returns to you the key. Its a great solution and come recommended by joel himself on the podcast within the first 2 months IIRC.
What you need is something like SphinxSearch (for MySQL) or Apache Lucene.
As you said in your example lets imagine a Resume that will composed of several fields:
List item
Education (this could be a table on its own) or
Work experience (this could grow to its own table where each row represents a previous job)
So searching for a word in all those fields with WHERE rapidly becomes a very long query with several JOINS.
Instead you could change your framework of reference and think of the Whole resume as what it is a Single Document and you just want to search said document.
This is where tools like Sphinx Search do. They create a FULL TEXT index of your 'document' and then you can query sphinx and it will give you back where in the Database that record was found.
Really good search results.
Don't worry about this tools not being part of your RDBMS it will save you a lot of headaches to use the appropriate model "Documents" vs the incorrect one "TABLES" for this application.