sahi script for choosing and uploading a file - file-upload

I'm using Sahi for Test Automation of web application. I have to write a script for sahi for uploading a file. But unfortunately I don't know the way. Can anybody please help me?

File upload can be a complex thing depending upon any validations you do on the upload. For a starter, you can try out the following:
_setFile(element, filePath [, actionURL])
_setFile(_file("id"), "C:\abc\efg.jpg", "formSubmit.jsp");
If there are javascript validations on the file field, you can try this hack. Before submitting the file, change the field’s type to “text”, and then set its value. Eg.
// set the file
_setFile(_file("file"), "scripts/demo/uploadme.txt");
// Change the "type" attribute of file field
if (_isIE()){
_call(_file("file").outerHTML = _file("file").outerHTML.replace(/type=['"]?file['"]?/, "type=text"));
_call(_file("file").type = "text");
// Set the value into the textbox
_setValue(_textbox("file"), "scripts/demo/uploadme.txt");
This works for most of the cases. If you still get any error, you can post it here.

You can use the following
_setFile(_file("id"), "C:\\abc\\efg.jpg");
Not sure if you need anything more complex?

Note that as of Sahi 4.3, there is a _setFile2 function that automatically handles js validations and does this input type conversion.

I've solved using the function setFile2, with internally changes the type of field to text


PageNumber in Scripts for ActiveReports 7

I'm not very used to Active Reports and I got an old software using those. The software provide some kind of stripped version of Active Reports Designer 7.
I got a PageFooter section with some fields and I want to remove one to display it only when it's the last page.
Basically, what I want to do is this in scripts :
if (this.PageNumber == this.PageCount) {
Field.Visible = true;
I only find one post here that say this.PageNumber should work, but it dosent.
So I tried to use the ReportInfo using the FormatString as {PageNumber}, but I don't seems to be able to read the value using this.ReportInfo.Value or this.ReportInfo.Text
I also tried to make a TextBox, using SummaryType : PageCount. But I'm still unable to read the Value.
So the question is :
How can I know the Page Number and Page Count in the script section?
Or how can I read the value of those textbox I created ?
Thanks a lot!
I think these docs cover what you are looking for:

attach_file option in Helium Scripts

I am pretty new in Helium Scripts. I am trying to use attach_file option as mentioned in API documentation of Helium. But it does not attach the file.
Syntax I am using: attach_file("C:\xxx/xxx.csv", to="File name:")
Please guide me.
Well the way you are trying to attach a file is not right. The right approach should be following
attachFile("c:/test.txt", to("Please select a file:"));
So in the above syntax attach_file this should be attachFile
("C:\xxx/xxx.csv", follow C:/xxx/xxx.csv format
to="File name:" Here instead of file name there should be String, WebElement, HTMLElement or Point )
So the final findings is syntax for attaching file is attachFile("file path from where you want to attach", to("WebElement, HTMLElement or Point" where you want to submit))
in case anybody needs it now for Python. This is an excerpt from helium docstring:
attach_file("c:/test.txt", to="Please select a file:")

Trouble inserting fbml into database

Hi I am working with the facebook javascript sdk and I am having succcess using fbml to list the logged in users name like so...
<fb:name uid="loggedinuser" useyou="false"></fb:name>
What I would like to do next is assign this value to a php variable and insert it into my database. The problem I'm having is when I assign this value to a php variable like so...
$first_name = ('<fb:name uid="loggedinuser" useyou="false"></fb:name>');
What gets inserted into the data base is the literal expression of
<fb:name uid="loggedinuser" useyou="false"></fb:name>
instead of the users real name. Is there anyway to do this with the javascript sdk? Thanks!
You need to get the variable of
<fb:name uid="loggedinuser" useyou="false"></fb:name>
before assigning it to
FBML data is generated on the fly, there isn't a way to transfer data over like this since FBML would load later after PHP code is completed. In addition
$first_name = ('<fb:name uid="loggedinuser" useyou="false"></fb:name>');
Would never evaluate to anything other than a string, this is just how PHP works. This one line of code cannot possibly determine the nature within based on a string.
The JavaScript SDK offers a way to do this already
FB.api('/me', function(response) {
alert('Your name is ' +;
Though this in JavaScript so you need to send the data in a AJAX call to your PHP application. It would be much easier if you just retrieved the session information after JS SDK login and let the PHP SDK take care of the rest.

HTML File API: getting the text 'onprogress'

Using the HTML5 File API, I wonder if I can process the content of a file on the fly.
I know I can get the content of the file when onload is called:
function fileLoaded(e)
alert("content is ";
but can I get the current content when onprogress is called ?
Seems like yes, according to the spec. The onprogress event will fill the result property of your FileReader as more data is read in. However, as Matt pointed out, if you're only interested in a portion of the file in the first place, only read that section:
var blob = file.webkitSlice|mozSlice(startByte, stopByte, contentType);
I don't think so, but look at this example which shows you how to read slices of files.

Get id of file upload control

I am trying to find the name of ID of the input item that coresponds to the
file that is being uploaded...
<input type="file" id="FUtxtval1" name="FUtxtval1"/>
iterating over input items to find the first file input field:
function FindFirstFileFieldId()
var inputFields = document.getElementsByTagName("input")
for(var i=0;i<inputFields.length;i++)
return inputFields[i].id;
The ID of the element is simply "FUtxtval1" (whatever is in the ID tag)
For JavaScript you can access this by using
var element = document.getElementById('FUtxtval1');
So you could then do something like
For jQuery (Also JavaScript) you would use
For PHP you would use
Assuming this is part of a form
For PHP if you actually want the file you use the handle
If the problem is that there may be many input tags on the form, and you're interested in discovering which one is specifically used for uploading files, this bit of jQuery code would accomplish that:
var id = $('input[type=file]').attr('id');
If the problem is that you know the element's ID but do not know the name of the field, you can use:
var name = $('#FUtxtval1').attr('name');
If you're hoping to find out the filename of the file your visitor has chosen in that field through JavaScript, you're stuck. JavaScript does not get any access to that information. You'll have to submit the form and let a server-side script determine the filename at that time.
If I understand correctly, you are trying to obtain the id of the uploaded file using javascript? If so, you will have to process the uploaded file using php ($_FILES['FUtxtval1']) and then print the id to a javascript variable.
Is that what you wanted?
If not, update your q to provide a bit more info about what you are trying to achieve.