"Timeout expired" error, when executing view in SQL Server 2008 - sql

I've written a query in SQL Server 2008. The query takes about 4 minutes to execute.
I need this query as a View. So, I've created a view with this query and when I try to execute the view creation script, it shows the following error:
Timeout Expired.
The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
The query is:
SELECT t.jrnno,
(SELECT SUM(t1.amount)
FROM dbo.T_sh AS t1
WHERE (t1.b_or_s = '1') AND (t1.jrnno = t.jrnno)) AS buy,
(SELECT SUM(t2.amount)
FROM dbo.T_sh AS t2
WHERE (t2.b_or_s = '2') AND (t2.jrnno = t.jrnno)) AS sale,
SUM(t.amount) AS Total,
SUM(t.h_crg) AS Howla,
SUM(t.l_crg) AS Laga,
SUM(t.taxamt) AS Tax,
SUM(t.commsn) AS Commission
FROM dbo.T_sh AS t
WHERE (t.tran_type = 'S')
FROM dbo.T_ledger))
GROUP BY t.jrnno
T_sh and T_ledger both tables have about 100K rows. What could be the possible reason and how can I overcome this?
SUM(CASE WHEN t.b_or_s = 1 THEN t.amount ELSE NULL END) buy,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.b_or_s = 2 THEN t.amount ELSE NULL END) sale,
SUM(t.amount) AS Total,
SUM(t.h_crg) AS Howla,
SUM(t.l_crg) AS Laga,
SUM(t.taxamt) AS Tax,
SUM(t.commsn) AS Commission
dbo.t_sh t
t.tran_type = 'S'
AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.T_ledger x where x.jrnno = t.jrnno)
group by
It solved my problem. Thanks everyone for your quick response.

Try this query:
SUM(CASE WHEN t1.b_or_s = 1 THEN t.amount ELSE NULL END) buy,
SUM(CASE WHEN t1.b_or_s = 2 THEN t.amount ELSE NULL END) sale,
SUM(t.amount) AS Total,
SUM(t.h_crg) AS Howla,
SUM(t.l_crg) AS Laga,
SUM(t.taxamt) AS Tax,
SUM(t.commsn) AS Commission
FROM dbo.t_sh t
WHERE t.tran_type = 'S'
AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.T_ledger x x.jrno = t.jrno)

Your query only needs to scan dbo.T_sh once:
SELECT t.jrnno,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.b_or_s = 1 THEN t.amount ELSE NULL END) AS buy,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.b_or_s = 2 THEN t.amount ELSE NULL END) AS sale,
SUM(t.amount) AS Total,
SUM(t.h_crg) AS Howla,
SUM(t.l_crg) AS Laga,
SUM(t.taxamt) AS Tax,
SUM(t.commsn) AS Commission
FROM dbo.T_sh AS t
WHERE t.tran_type = 'S'
FROM dbo.T_ledger tl)
GROUP BY t.jrnno


Convert column to row and sum query in different table

i trying to figure to convert sumtchtraffic and totalpayloadGb column in sitetable and sum data totalpayloadGb & sumtchtraffic where BTS_TYPE 2g, 3g and 4g in techtable
i tried like this, but i cant show totalpayloadgb & sumtchtraffic in column [SUM OF] ([sum of] is not in any table in my database)
select * from (select
sum(case when techtable.BTS_TYPE='2G' then sitetable.TotalPayloadGb else 0 end) as [Total 2G],
sum(case when techtable.BTS_TYPE='3G' then sitetable.TotalPayloadGb else 0 end) as [Total 3G],
sum (case when techtable.BTS_TYPE='4G'then sitetable.TotalPayloadGb else 0 end) as [Total 4G]
from sitetable
inner join techtable on sitetable.sitename = techtable.sitename) as t
I want show my data like this:
One way would be to total your results separately, using the same conditional aggregation you have started, and then UNION the results together. Since your first column doesn't exist anywhere else, you'll have to hard-code it into the queries.
'TotalPayloadGb' AS SumOf,
sum(CASE WHEN t.BTS_TYPE = '2G' THEN s.TotalPayloadGb ELSE 0 END) AS [Total 2G],
sum(CASE WHEN t.BTS_TYPE = '3G' THEN s.TotalPayloadGb ELSE 0 END) AS [Total 3G],
sum(CASE WHEN t.BTS_TYPE = '4G' THEN s.TotalPayloadGb ELSE 0 END) AS [Total 4G]
FROM sitetable AS s
INNER JOIN techtable AS t
ON s.sitename = t.sitename
'SumTCHTraffic' AS SumOf,
sum(CASE WHEN t.BTS_TYPE = '2G' THEN s.SumTCHTraffic ELSE 0 END) AS [Total 2G],
sum(CASE WHEN t.BTS_TYPE = '3G' THEN s.SumTCHTraffic ELSE 0 END) AS [Total 3G],
sum(CASE WHEN t.BTS_TYPE = '4G' THEN s.SumTCHTraffic ELSE 0 END) AS [Total 4G]
FROM sitetable AS s
INNER JOIN techtable AS t
ON s.sitename = t.sitename;
Depending on what you are trying to do, you could do like this:
SELECT tt.BTS_Type, sum(st.TotalPayloadDb)
FROM SiteTable st
INNER JOIN TechTable as tt on st.sitename = tt.sitename
This will give one row per BTS_Type value.

query tuning for performance

I need to rewrite the below query for performance optimization.It is currently consuming > 50000 CPU seconds. I see the problem with group by cube. Can anyone suggest how to rewrite it
"platform", "subscriptions","rptg_dt","store_front_id","engaged_subscriptions",
from (
'2020-03-16' as rptg_dt,
coalesce(abc.adam_id, 'ALL_ITEMS') as adam_id,
trim(coalesce(abc.store_front_id, 'ALL_ITEMS')) as store_front_id,
coalesce(abc.state_type, 'ALL_ITEMS') as state_type,
trim(coalesce(abc.hardware_detail, 'ALL_ITEMS')) as hardware_detail,
coalesce(abc.platform, 'ALL_ITEMS') as platform,
abc.subscriptions as subscriptions,
abc.subscribers as subscribers,
abc.qualified_subscribers as qualified_subscribers,
abc.engaged_subscribers as engaged_subscribers,
abc.engaged_subscriptions as engaged_subscriptions
from (
select store_front_id as store_front_id,
cast(cast(a.adam_id as integer) as varchar(12)) as adam_id,
case when subscn_type = 'Harmony' then 'Harmony Trial' else trim(state_type) end as state_type,
coalesce(hardware_detail, 'Unknown') as hardware_detail, --state_type,hardware_detail,platform
trim(platform_name) as platform,
count(distinct subscn_id) as subscriptions,
count(distinct acct_id) as subscribers,
count(distinct case when qualified_ind = 1 or subscn_owner_ind = 1 then acct_id end) as qualified_subscribers,
count(distinct case when engaged_ind = 1 then acct_id end) as engaged_subscribers,
count(distinct case when engaged_ind = 1 then subscn_id end) as engaged_subscriptions
from itsp_amr.atv_state_daily a
where calendar_type = 'F'
and adam_id in (1472441559,1478184786)
and a.rptg_dt = '2020-03-16'
and state_type <>'CHURNED'
group by cube /*(store_front_id,adam_id,state_type,hardware_detail,platform)*/ (1,2,3,4,5)
) abc
) mandela_temp

Running Balance in sql

I have tried the following query to get account transactions
select TranRef, TrnDate, AcNumber, AcName, DrCr, amount from Accounts
join Voucher
on Accounts.acid = voucher.accountno
join Transactions
on Transactions.TrnRef = Voucher.TranRef
where acnumber = 1010
but I want the result in following format
Use window function :
select TranRef, TrnDate, AcNumber, AcName, DrCr, amount,
(case when DrCr= 'Dr' then amount else 0 end) as Debit,
(case when DrCr= 'Cr' then amount else 0 end) as Credit,
sum(case when DrCr = 'Cr' then amount else -amount end) over (partition by v.accountno order by TranRef) as Balance
from Accounts a
inner join Voucher v on a.acid = v.accountno
inner join Transactions t on t.TrnRef = v.TranRef
where v.accountno = 1010;

SQL select grouping and subtract

i have table named source table with data like this :
And i want to do query that subtract row with status plus and minus to be like this group by product name :
How to do that in SQL query? thanks!
Group by the product and then use a conditional SUM()
select product,
sum(case when status = 'plus' then total else 0 end) -
sum(case when status = 'minus' then total else 0 end) as total,
sum(case when status = 'plus' then amount else 0 end) -
sum(case when status = 'minus' then amount else 0 end) as amount
from your_table
group by product
There is another method using join, which works for the particular data you have provided (which has one "plus" and one "minus" row per product):
select tplus.product, (tplus.total - tminus.total) as total,
(tplus.amount - tminus.amount) as amount
from t tplus join
t tminus
on tplus.product = tminus.product and
tplus.status = 'plus' and
tplus.status = 'minus';
Both this and the aggregation query work well for the data you have provided. In other words, there are multiple ways to solve this problem (each has its strengths).
you can query as below:
select product , sum (case when [status] = 'minus' then -Total else Total end) as Total
, sum (case when [status] = 'minus' then -Amount else Amount end) as SumAmount
from yourproduct
group by product

SQL - How do I simplify this easy query?

I am using SQL Server 2005.
How could I refactor this query?
SELECT Total, Installs, Service, tot.ls_chg_dte_ojb
FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) [Total], ls_chg_dte_ojb
GROUP BY ls_chg_dte_ojb) tot
JOIN (SELECT COUNT(*) [Service], ls_chg_dte_ojb
WHERE job_class_ojb = 'S'
GROUP BY ls_chg_dte_ojb) svc on svc.ls_chg_dte_ojb = tot.ls_chg_dte_ojb
JOIN (SELECT COUNT(*) [Installs], ls_chg_dte_ojb
WHERE job_class_ojb in ('C', 'R')
GROUP BY ls_chg_dte_ojb) ins on ins.ls_chg_dte_ojb = tot.ls_chg_dte_ojb
It looks like the Total and Service counts are counting the same exact thing, so you'll need to fix that, but here's basically how you do the counts in a simpler way:
COUNT(CASE WHEN job_class_ojb = 'S' THEN 1 END) AS [Total],
COUNT(CASE WHEN job_class_ojb = 'S' THEN 1 END) AS [Service],
COUNT(CASE WHEN job_class_ojb in ('C', 'R') THEN 1 END) AS [Installs]
Two of your sub-selects are the same. Ignoring the 'Service' one, try something along the lines of
SUM(CASE WHEN job_class_ojb = 'S' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Total,
SUM(CASE WHEN job_class_ojb = 'C' or
job_class_ojb = 'R' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Installs
I suspect that the Totals subquery should not include the WHERE job_class_ojb = 'S' condition - if so, I suggest:
SUM(CASE WHEN job_class_ojb = 'S' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) Service,
SUM(CASE WHEN job_class_ojb in ('C','R') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) Installs,
GROUP BY ls_chg_dte_ojb