nHibernate QueryOver Subselect or Join - nhibernate

I am trying to use query over to retrieve a collection of entities based upon a join/subquery as per the example below:
var types = new List<ActivityType>{ActivityType.CommentMedia, ActivityType.KeepMedia};
return _sessionFactory.GetCurrentSession()
.Where(k => k.MemberKey == userId)
.Where(k => k.ResourceKey == activity.ResourceId)
In other words retrieve all activities which are in the resource table matching the user and resource id.
I would do this in raw sql by either joining to Resource, or a subquery:
where a.ResourceId in (select resourceKey from resource where resource.memberkey = a.MemberId)
Not sure how to proceed in nhibernate though. Any suggestions?
(We don't want to use a mapping, as we want to keep the Activity entity very simple for performance reasons)
Thanks in advance

Activity activity = null;
return _sessionFactory.GetCurrentSession()
.QueryOver(() => activity)
.WithSubquery.WhereProperty(a => a.ResourceId).In(QueryOver.Of<Resource>()
.Where(k => k.MemberKey == userId)
.Where(k => k.ResourceKey == activity.ResourceId)


NHibernate filter collection by subcollection items

Health record may have Symptom, which consists of some Words. (ER diagram.)
What I need: by given set of Words return Health records with corresponding Symptoms.
I have this code:
public IEnumerable<HealthRecord> GetByWords(IEnumerable<Word> words)
var wordsIds = words.Select(w => w.Id).ToList();
Word word = null;
HealthRecord hr = null;
ISession session = NHibernateHelper.GetSession();
return session.QueryOver<HealthRecord>(() => hr)
.WhereRestrictionOn(() => hr.Symptom).IsNotNull()
.Inner.JoinAlias(() => hr.Symptom.Words, () => word)
.WhereRestrictionOn(() => word.Id).IsIn(wordsIds)
What we should use here is: INNER SELECT, i.e. subquery. We can do that even with many-to-many maping, but the performance will suffer.
The (easier, my prefered) way would be to not use many-to-many mapping. Because with explicitly mapped pairing object SymptomWord, querying would be much more easier.
Word word = null;
Symptom symptom = null;
// the sub SELECT returning column Symptom.Id
var subq = QueryOver.Of<Symptom>(() => symptom)
// just symptoms refering the searched words
.Inner.JoinAlias(() => symptom.Words, () => word)
.WhereRestrictionOn(() => word.Id).IsIn(wordsIds)
// the result of inner select is
.Select(s => symptom.Id);
And in the next step we can use it for filtering:
var list = session
// just query over HealthRecord here
// the ID of referenced Symptom is in that table
.WhereProperty(hr => hr.Symptom.Id)
// and will be filtered with our subquery
return list;
That should work, also check some similar issue here:
Query on HasMany reference
NHibernate Lazy Loading Limited by Earlier Criteria
Some hint how to re-map many-to-many (because with a pairing table mapped as an object, we can construct similar and simplified construct, resulting in better SQL Statement)
Nhibernate: How to represent Many-To-Many relationships with One-to-Many relationships?

Nhibernate query<T> / queryover<T> orderby a subquery

I am having issues getting Nhibernate to generate the correct subquery used in the orderby clause as displayed below:
select *
from dbo.Person p inner join dbo.Task t on p.Task_FK = p.TaskId
order by (select p.CustomerNumber where p.IsMain=1) desc
We have two entities: Task and Person
One task can have N persons related to it. I.e Task has an IList property.
How can I make Nhibernate generate the correct subquery ? I have gotten as far as something like this with the Query API:
query = query.OrderBy(x => x.Persons.Single(t => t.CustomerNumber));
but I am unsure how I can correctly generate the where clause as displayed in the original sql query. Is this perhaps easier done using the queryover api somehow?
Any advice or guidance is most welcome.
Task task = null
Person person = null;
var subquery = QueryOver.Of<Task>()
.Where(t => t.Id == task.Id)
.JoinQueryOver(t => t.Persons, () => person)
.Where(p => p.IsMain)
.Select(() => person.CustomerNumber);
var query = session.QueryOver(() => task)
.FetchMany(x => x.Persons)
return query.List();

Duplicated and unnecessary joins when using Linq in NHibernate

Basically I crossed the same problem of Linq provider in this linq-to-nhibernate-produces-unnecessary-joins
List<Competitions> dtoCompetitions;
dtoCompetitions = (from compset in session.Query<FWBCompetitionSet>()
where compset.HeadLine == true
&& compset.A.B.CurrentSeason == true
select (new Competitions
CompetitionSetID = compset.CompetitionSetID,
Name = compset.Name,
Description = compset.Description,
Area = compset.Area,
Type = compset.Type,
CurrentSeason = compset.A.B.CurrentSeason,
StartDate = compset.StartDate
Which leads to duplicated join in its generated SQL
SELECT fwbcompeti0_.competitionsetid AS col_0_0_,
fwbcompeti0_.name AS col_1_0_,
fwbcompeti0_.DESCRIPTION AS col_2_0_,
fwbcompeti0_.area AS col_3_0_,
fwbcompeti0_.TYPE AS col_4_0_,
fwbseason3_.currentseason AS col_5_0_,
fwbcompeti0_.startdate AS col_6_0_
FROM fwbcompetitionset fwbcompeti0_
INNER JOIN A fwbcompeti1_
ON fwbcompeti0_.competitionseasonid = fwbcompeti1_.competitionseasonid
INNER JOIN A fwbcompeti2_
ON fwbcompeti0_.competitionseasonid = fwbcompeti2_.competitionseasonid
INNER JOIN B fwbseason3_
ON fwbcompeti2_.seasonid = fwbseason3_.seasonid
WHERE fwbcompeti0_.headline = #p0
AND fwbseason3_.currentseason = #p1
Notice these joins, which are totally duplicated and also affect my SQL Server's performence.
INNER JOIN A fwbcompeti1_
ON fwbcompeti0_.competitionseasonid = fwbcompeti1_.competitionseasonid
INNER JOIN A fwbcompeti2_
ON fwbcompeti0_.competitionseasonid = fwbcompeti2_.competitionseasonid
In the NHibernate 3.2, this LiNQ bug is still valid, and I could not find a simple and reasonable Linq solution.
So I used QueryOver + JoinAlias + TransformUsing finishing the job, workds perfect to me.
FWBCompetitionSet compset = null;
FWBCompetitionSeason compseason = null;
FWBSeason season = null;
IList<Competitions> dtoCompetitions;
dtoCompetitions = session.QueryOver<FWBCompetitionSet>(() => compset)
.JoinAlias(() => compset.FWBCompetitionSeason, () => compseason)
.JoinAlias(() => compseason.FWBSeason, () => season)
.Where(() => compset.HeadLine == true)
.And(() => season.CurrentSeason == true)
list => list
.Select(c => c.CompetitionSetID).WithAlias(() => compset.CompetitionSetID)
.Select(c => c.Name).WithAlias(() => compset.Name)
.Select(c => c.Description).WithAlias(() => compset.Description)
.Select(c => c.Area).WithAlias(() => compset.Area)
.Select(c => c.Type).WithAlias(() => compset.Type)
.Select(c => season.CurrentSeason).WithAlias(() => season.CurrentSeason)
.Select(c => c.StartDate).WithAlias(() => compset.StartDate)
Yet Another Edit:
I think I finally found out what's going on. It seems that the LINQ to NHibernate provider has trouble navigating associations from the target to the source table and generates a separate join each time it encounters such an association.
Since you don't provide your mapping, I used the mapping from linq-to-nhibernate-produces-unnecessary-joins. This model has a Document with one Job and many TranslationUnits. Each TranslationUnit has many Translation entities.
When you try to find a Translation based on a Job, you are traversing the associations in the reverse order and the LINQ provider generates multiple joins: one for Translation -> TranslationUnit and one for TranslationUnit to Document.
This query will generate redundant joins:
.Where(x => x.TranslationUnit.Document.Job == job)
.OrderBy(x => x.Id)
If you reverse the navigation order to Document -> TranslationUnit -> Translation, you get a query that doesn't produce any redundant joins:
var items=(from doc in session.Query<Document>()
from tu in doc.TranslationUnits
from translation in tu.Translations
where doc.Job ==job
orderby translation.Id
select translation).ToList();
Given this quirkiness, QueryOver seems like a better option.
Previous Edit:
I suspect the culprit is compset.A.B.CurrentSeason. The first joined table (fwbcompeti1_) returns A.B while the next two (fwbcompeti2_ and fwbseason3_) are used to return A.B. The LINQ to NHibernate provider doesn't seem to guess that A is not used anywhere else and fails to remove it from the generated statement.
Try to help the optimizer a little by replacing CurrentSeason = compset.A.B.CurrentSeason with CurrentSeason = true from the select, since your where statement returns only items with CurrentSeason == true.
EDIT: What I mean is to change the query like this:
List<Competitions> dtoCompetitions;
dtoCompetitions = (from compset in session.Query<FWBCompetitionSet>()
where compset.HeadLine == true
&& compset.A.B.CurrentSeason == true
select (new Competitions
CompetitionSetID = compset.CompetitionSetID,
Name = compset.Name,
Description = compset.Description,
Area = compset.Area,
Type = compset.Type,
CurrentSeason = true,
StartDate = compset.StartDate
I simply replace the value compset.A.B.CurrentSeason with true

nhibernate queryover not loading eagerly with a many to many joinalias

I'm trying to eager load roles in many to many collection off of my User object.
Role role = null;
IQueryOver<User, User> query = session.QueryOver<User>()
.Fetch( p => p.Roles).Eager
.JoinAlias( q => q.Roles, () => role)
.Where(() => role.Active == true);
leaves me with user objects that have uninitialized roles members. If I remove the joinalias, they are initialized just fine. Is this just an NH3 bug or am I doing something wrong?
Another way to make eager load is to set LeftOuterJoin. It helped to us in a similar scenario
Role role = null;
IQueryOver<User, User> query = session.QueryOver<User>().Fetch( p => p.Roles).Eager
.JoinAlias( q => q.Roles, () => role, JoinType.LeftOuterJoin)
.Where(() => role.Active == true);
That's the expected behavior. If you use JoinAlias, you'll be filtering the collection elements, so it can't be initialized.
You need to use a subquery for filtering if you intend to use eager loading. on the same collection.

LINQ to NHibernate: selecting entity which has a specific entity in a one to many association

I would like to make this query:
Session.Linq<User>().Where(u => u.Payments.Count(p => p.Date != null) > 0);
In plain English I want to get all the users that has at least one payment with the date specified.
When I run the sample code I get a System.ArgumentException with the message:
System.ArgumentException : Could not find a matching criteria info provider to: this.Id = sub.Id
Do you know a solution to this problem?
It would also be very helpful if someone could provide the same query with the NHibernate Query by Criteria API.
I'm not sure if this will work in your particular case, but I would use the .Any() extension to clean up the linq query a bit; for example:
Session.Linq<User>().Where(u => u.Payments.Any(p => p.Date != null));
I think something like it:
Customer customerAlias = null;
criteria = CurrentSession.CreateCriteria(typeof(User), () => customerAlias);
if (searchCriteria.OrdersNumber.HasValue)
ICriteria paymentsCriteria = criteria.CreateCriteria<Customer>(x => x.Payments);
DetachedCriteria paymentsCount = DetachedCriteria.For<Payment>();
paymentsCount.Add(SqlExpression.NotNull<Payment>(x => x.Date));
paymentsCount.Add<Payment>(x => x.Customer.Id == customerAlias.Id);
paymentsCriteria.Add(Subqueries.Gt(1, paymentsCount));
return criteria.List<User>();