Mule Syslog Inbound-Endpoint - udp

I am attempting to create an inbound Mule endpoint that will receive Syslog messages from a remote server. The messages are recieved on port 514 using UDP packets.
As I've seen no built-in Mule support for syslog packets, I've tried to start dealing with this by creating a simple UDP connector on that port to receive the actual messages. However, when I raise the endpoint, I see no such messages received (outputed the data to stdio in order to check). When I do send "normal" UDP messages, they do come up on that endpoint. Additionally, I Installed a syslog server and verified that the syslog messages are indeed being received to my host computer.
My question is: how can I go about setting up that endpoint to receive syslog messages? Right now I'm working with this simple configuration:
<udp:inbound-endpoint host="localhost" port="514" exchange-pattern="one-way"/>
<stdio:outbound-endpoint system="OUT"/>

Your inbound endpoint looks correct. It should receive a mule message for each UDP packet received by that endpoint. The message's payload will be a byte array containing the packet's contents. You can dump each one with the following syntax:
<udp:inbound-endpoint host="localhost" port="514" exchange-pattern="one-way"/>
<logger level="WARN"/> <!-- dumps the message metadata -->
<logger level="WARN" message="[#payload:]"/> <!-- dumps the message payload-->
You'll see the payload being a byte array. To process it as a SYSLOG message, you'll need to write (or call) some Java code which understands the SYSLOG packet format.


Masstransit RabbitMq Request/Response cannot create auto-delete exchange

We are trying to implement a request/response scenario where the messages will be deleted server(consumer) is down. We start with no exchanges / queues in the rabbit mq installation.
There is a server which creates its own exchange / queue and we want this to be auto-delete=true.
In case the server is up before the client, the exchange is created with the correct configuration. But when the client is up we get this error:
RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.OperationInterruptedException: The AMQP operation was interrupted: AMQP close-reason, initiated by Peer, code=406, text="PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'auto_delete' for exchange 'simple_request' in vhost '****': received 'false' but current is 'true'", classId=40, methodId=10, cause=
In case the client is up first, and tries to send a message an exchange is created with the queue name that we have defined but it is not auto-delete=true which results to error:
RabbitMQ receive transport failed: The AMQP operation was interrupted: AMQP close-reason, initiated by Peer, code=406, text="PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'auto_delete' for exchange 'simple_request' in vhost '****': received 'true' but current is 'false'", classId=40, methodId=10, cause=RabbitMQ receive transport failed: The supervisor is stopping, no additional scopes can be created
when the server is eventually started.
How do we implement auto-delete queues in a request response scenario?
You can update the URI in your client for the service queue to include query string parameters so that the queue is created properly.
Note I included durable=false but that's only if you're using a non-durable queue and I wanted to be complete.

Wso2esb rest to soap - uri-template is appended to receiving esb

I have two wso2esb instances:
1) receives a rest uri-template and sends it as a soap request.
Example request: http://myipadd:8280/restcontext/mypath
2) receives and process the soap request from #1.
When I log the request from #1, it logs that my header "To: /services/MyService" is set correctly as expected. But when I receive it from #2, it appends the path: "To: /services/MyService/mypath".
Now, my proxy service is not able to resolve this.
Use this before sending soap request to remove your REST_URL_POSTFIX:
<property name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" scope="axis2" action="remove"/>

How to get real result from AxisEngine

I'm trying to implement my specific transport for WSO2 ESB based on some proprietary binary protocol. From protocol specification I need acknowledge every packet I receive only if I'm 100% sure that it will be processed in future. For those reasons some persistent store must be used.
I want to implement that protocol logic via WSO2 ESB sequence that gets protocol packets/messages and stores them to temporary messageStore which is used as a queue in producer/consumer pattern (where producer is transport itself and consumer is my packet processor).
I have to be sure that my packet got to the messageStore before sending acknowledge to the client. But AxisEngine.receive() does always return CONTINUE even if message store is not available.
The configuration of the proxy is:
<proxy name="MyProxyService">
<store messageStore="MyStore" sequence="onStoreSequence"/>
<makefault version="soap11" response="true">
<code xmlns:tns="" value="tns:Receiver"/>
<reason expression="get-property('ERROR_MESSAGE')"/>
The code I use in transport is:
MessageContext msgContext = confContext.createMessageContext();
AxisConfiguration axisConf = confContext.getAxisConfiguration();
try {
Handler.InvocationResponse response = AxisEngine.receive(msgContext);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("ERROR", e);
The behaviour I want to have is what I see in HTTP transport: http request from the client (SOAP UI) is translated to Axis2 MessageContext and delivered to MyProxyService. If everything is ok - I get positive response, otherwise - error code and SOAP fault.
After additional investigation I can say that idea behind HTTP transport request/response is that for sending response the HttpSender not HttpReceiver is used. HttpReceiver gets request from HTTP connection, sets link to HTTP connection to the message context, uses AxisEngine.receive() to deliver message to the ESB and returns.
HTTP response itself is received via HttpSender, identified as response to the previous request (via empty To header) and sent to the connection referenced from the message context.

mule asynchronous tls/ssl inbound endpoint

I'm working on a project where one of the requirements is to connect to a server using ssl/tls and subscribe to messages. I have setup a tls outbound-endpoint and can connect to the server. I have a spring bean that performs custom handshaking and part of that is subscribing to content from the server. Once subscribed I should receive messages asynchronously without having to poll for them. Is there a way to do this in Mule 3.3? Thanks for the help.
It seems you have a specific use case in which you can't use HTTPS. Mule does provide support for TCP connection, but I couldn't find the option to make the the secure TCP connection (which I beleive will be over SSL).
You can always write your custom endpoint connector code in a java component and call that java component using Quartz (for polling)
<flow name="polling-flow" doc:name="polling-flow">
<quartz:inbound-endpoint jobName="polling"
repeatInterval="5000" responseTimeout="10000" doc:name="Quartz">
<component doc:name="Java" class=""></component>
<!-- do whatever you want to with the payload received from calling the endpoint -->
I used a quartz inbound endpoint and setup an endpoint polling job and polled my endpoint. See the config below:
<flow name="QuartzPollingFlow">
<quartz:inbound-endpoint repeatCount="-1" repeatInterval="1000" jobName="myPoller">
<quartz:job-endpoint timeout="300" ref="SecureTcpEndpoint"/>
<flow-ref name="ProcessingFlow"/>

How to receive sms via smpp connection - Kannel

I sent messages through smpp connection (using selenium SmppSim) from Kannel and it worked.
But somehow when I try to receive messages or in other words when I try to send messages from SmppSim It doesn't work. The MO messages of the SmppSim queue into the MO-queue.
I tried these things.
Used same port for send and receive (Kannel/SmppSim).
Used different ports for send and receive (Kannel/SmppSim).
Two groups for same smsc-smpp for send and receive. (It may be wrong)
Now I'm using port 2775 for send and port 2776 for receive.
port = 2775
receive-port = 2776
transceiver-mode = true
In SmppSim
When I run the bearerbox, it shows like below. (sms send is working)
connect failed
System error 111: Connection refused
ERROR: error connecting to server `localhost' at port `2776'
SMPP[SMPPSim]: Couldn't connect to server.
SMPP[SMPPSim]: Couldn't connect to SMS center (retrying in 10 seconds).
How do I configure this?
Thank you!
Please read SMPP v3.4 specification, part 2.2.1.
The purpose of the outbind operation is to allow the SMSC signal an ESME to originate a
bind_receiver request to the SMSC.
So it's used for SMSC (SMPPSim) to connect to ESME (Kannel) and request for callback connection.
However you can run few SMPPSim instances listening on different ports. Each instance should use own configuration file this case.