Can we delete the physical file from server when I delete the corresponding entry from database? - sql

Can we delete the physical file from server when I delete the corresponding entry from database?
i.e., C:\Test\Test.txt -> when deleting this record from database, i need to delete the corresponding Test.txt file from mentioned location.
Is there a way, I m using SQL 2008.
Any help would be highly appreciable..

The ways are:
use of xp_cmdshell proc (exec master..xp_cmdshell 'del C:\Test\Test.txt')
use the .NET CLR unsafe proc (need to write in any .NET language and deploy to sql server. Its a long story)
Both ways are ugly
And once again - it is the worst practice. Server should not delete user files, or any files, is they are not integral part of its database.

You could use CREATE TRIGGER FOR DELETE to create a trigger that runs when rows are deleted. The SQL statement that is run upon deletion can walk through the table deleted to get the deleted rows. For each row it can exec xp_cmdshell. xp_cmdshell is disabled by default, so you must enable it first using exec sp_configure.

I didnt tested this but i think it should work.
Try writing a stored procedure which has the filename as a parameter and delete it using the:
exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'del <Filename>'
then create a trigger for after delete on the table containing the Filenames which calls the stored procedure and provides the Filename from table deleted, or maby you can run directly the command exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'del ' from the trigger.
The better way would be to save the files as an Object in the Database instead of the file path, and when deleting you just delete the file Object.


Loop Through All SSMS Databases without Recreating Stored Procedure

Background Information:
In Python, I might write something like this if I want to apply the same logic to different values in a list.
database_list = ["db_1", "db_2", "db_3"]
for x in range(0,len(database_list),1):
print("the database name is " + database_list[x])
What I am trying to do:
What I am trying to do in SSMS, is pull a list of DB objects for each database. I created a stored procedure to pull exactly what I want, but I have to run it against each database, so 10 databases mean running it 10 times.
My goal is to do this with a T-SQL query instead of Python.
I tried doing something like this:
exec sp_MSforeachdb 'USE ?; EXEC [dbo].[my_stored_procedure]';
The problem with this is, [dbo].[my_stored_procedure] has to exist in every database I want to do this in.
How can I create the stored procedure in 1 database, but execute it for all databases or a list of databases that I choose?
I know what you are trying to do and if it's what I think (you seem reluctant to actually say!) you can do the following:
In the master database, create your procedure. Normally you wouldn't do this, but in this case you must prefix it sp_
use master
create procedure sp_testproc as
select top 10 * from sys.tables
Now if you run this, it will return tables from the master database.
If you switch context to another database and exec master.dbo.sp_testproc, it will still return tables from the master database.
In master, run
sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_testproc
Now switch context to a different database and exec master.dbo.sp_testproc
It will return tables from the database you are using.
Try creating your sproc in master and naming it with an sp_ prefix:
USE master
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_sproc_name
-- You *may* need to mark it as a system object
EXEC sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_sprocname
It should then be available in all dbs
Create the stored procedure in the Master database with the sp_ prefix, and use dynamic SQL in the stored procedure so it resolves object names relative to the current database, rather than the database which contains the stored procedure.
use master
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_getobjects]
exec ('
select *
from [sys].[objects]
where is_ms_shipped = 0
order by type, name
use AdventureWorks2017
exec sp_getobjects
#LunchBox - it's your single stored procedure (that you create in one database) that is actually going to need to contain the "exec sp_MSforeach ...." command, and instead of the command to be executed being "EXEC ", it will need to be the actual SQL that you were going to put into the stored proc.
Eg. (inside your single stored procedure)
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'USE ?; SELECT * FROM <table>; UPDATE <another table> SET ...';
Think of the stored procedure (that you put into one database) as being no different than your Python code file - if you had actually wanted to achieve the same thing in Python, you would have either needed to create the stored proc in each database, or build the SQL statement string in Python and execute it against each database.
I understand what you thought you might be able to achieve with SQL, but stored procedures really don't work the way you were expecting. Even when you're in the context of a different database, but you run EXEC <different_db>.stored_proc, that stored proc ends up running in the context of the database in which it exists (not your context database).
Now, the only one issue you may come up against is that the standard sp_MSforeachdb stored proc has a limit of 2000 characters for the command that can be executed (although, it does have multiple "command" parameters, this may not be practical if you were planning on running a very large code block, perhaps with variables that carry all the way through). If this is something that might impact what you're intending to do, you could do a search online for "sp_MSforeachdb alternatives" - there seem to be a handful that people have created where the command parameter can contain a larger string.

I've generated an sql file full of inserts but can't find any documentation of executing this script from a stored procedure

I'm creating a stored procedure that will delete all the data in my database and then insert the data from my sql file. The reason I am using the delete and insert instead of a restore is because a restore requires that no one is connected to the database where as deleting and inserting allows people to still be connected.
Stored Procedure:
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
#filepath nvarchar(200)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
Exec sp_MSFOREACHTABLE 'delete from ?
RESTORE DATABASE [landofbeds] -- These lines are what needs to be replaced
FROM DISK = #FilePath --
The reason I am using the delete and insert instead of a restore is
because a restore requires that no one is connected to the database
where as deleting and inserting allows people to still be connected
If all you need is minimum downtime you can restore your database in db_copy. Then drop your db and rename db_copy to db.
Yes you should disconnect all the users to be able to drop your db, but it will take minimum time, while if you delete your data the table will still be unavailable for the whole duration of the delete, and as delete is always fully logged your users will wait.
To launch your script you can use xp_cmdshell that calls sqlcmd with -i but it's not a good idea. You have no control on your script execution and if something goes wrong you will have even more downtime for your users.
Does your tables have FK defined?
Exec sp_MSFOREACHTABLE 'delete from ?
will try to delete everything in order it decides and you may end up with errors when you try to delete rows that are referenced in other tables.
To execute your sql file from Stored procedure .. you can use xp_cmdshell. See steps below
First Create a Batch File (C:\testApps\test.bat) and execute your sql file from there..
osql -S TestSQlServer -E -I C:\testApps\test.sql > C:\testApps\tlog.txt
Then add this line to your Calling Stored procedure
exec xp_cmdshell 'C:\testApps\test.bat'
Execute your procedure
**Please note you will need to enable xp_cmdshell
You can use bulk insert like this:
BULK INSERT landofbeds.dbo.SalesOrderDetail
FROM '\\computer\share\folder\neworders.txt'

Using MSDB stored procedures in application's database stored procedure

This seems like it would be trivial, but I have not been able to come up with a solution to this small problem.
I am attempting to create a stored procedure in my application's database. This stored procedure just executes a job that has been set up in the SSMS on the same server (seemed to be the only way to programmatically execute these jobs).
The simple code is shown below:
USE ApplicationsDatabase
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procedure]
EXEC dbo.sp_start_job N'Nightly Download'
When ran as is, the procedure technically gets created but cannot be executed due to it not being able to find the 'sp_start_job' since it is using the ApplicationsDatabase. If I try to create the procedure again (after deleting previously created) but updating the USE to MSDB, it tries to add it to that system database for which I do not have permissions to do. Finally, I attempted to keep the original create statement but added the USE MSDB within the procedure (just to use the 'sp_start_job' procedure), but it would error saying USE statements cannot be placed within procedures.
After pondering on the issue for a little (I'm obviously no SQL database expert), I could not come up with a solution and decided to solicit the advice of my peers. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
You will have to fully qualify the path to the procedure. Of course, you can only execute this is the application has permissions.
Try this:
USE ApplicationsDatabase
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procedure]
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job N'Nightly Download'

Alter or Create multiply stored procedures at once from multiply files in SQL Server 2008

I have a large amount of stored procedures that I am updating often and then transferring to a duplicate database on another server. I have been opening each “storedproc.sql” file from within SQL Server Management Studio 2008 and then selecting Execute in the tool bar which will ether create or alter an existing stored procedure. I have been doing this for each stored procedure.
I am looking for a script (or another way) that will allow me to alter all of the stored procedures on the databases with ones that are located in a folder at one time. I am basically looking for a script that will do something similar to the pseudo-code like text below.
USE [DatabaseName]
UPDATE [StoredProcName]
USING [directory\file\path\fileName.sql]
UPDATE [StoredProcNameN]
USING [directory\file\path\fileNameN.sql
Not the cleanest pseudo-code but hopefully you understand the idea. I would even be willing to drop all of the stored procedures (based on name) and then create the same stored procedures again on the database. If you need more clarity don’t hesitate to comment, I thank you in advance.
To further explain:
I am changing every reporting stored procedure for an SSRS conversion project. Once the report is developed, I move the report and the stored procedure to a server. I then have to manually run (ALTER or CREATE) each stored procedure against the duplicated database so the database will now be able to support the report on the server. So far this has not been too much trouble, but I will eventually have 65 to 85 stored procedures; and if I have to add one dataset field to each one, then I will have to run each one manually to update the duplicate database.
What I want to be able to do is have a SQL script that says: For this database, ALTER/CREATE this named stored procedure and you can find that .sql text file with the details in this folder.
Here is some code that I use to move all stored procedures from one database to another:
DECLARE #SPBody nvarchar(max);
DECLARE #SPName nvarchar(4000);
SELECT, sm.definition
FROM <SOURCE DATABASE>.sys.all_objects ao JOIN
<SOURCE DATABASE>.sys.sql_modules sm
ON sm.object_id = ao.object_id
WHERE ao.type = 'P' and SCHEMA_NAME(ao.schema_id) = 'dbo'
order by 1;
OPEN #SPCursor;
if exists(select * from <DESTINATION DATABASE>.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Routines r where r.ROUTINE_NAME = #SPName)
SET #query = N'DROP PROCEDURE '+#SPName;
exec <DESTINATION DATABASE>..sp_executesql #query;
exec <DESTINATION DATABASE>..sp_executesql #SPBody;
select #ErrMsg = 'Error creating '+#SPName+': "'+Error_Message()+'" ('+#SPBody+')';
--exec sp__LogInfo #ProcName, #ErrMsg, #ProductionRunId;
You need to put in and as appropriate.
For Reference
c:\>for %f in (*.sql) do sqlcmd /S <servername> /d <dbname> /E /i "%f"
I recommend saving all your stored procedure script files starting with if exists(...) drop procedure followed by the create procedure section. Optionally include a go statement at the end depending on your needs.
You can then use a tool to concatenate all the files together into a single script file.
I use a custom tool for this that allows me to define dependency order, specify batch separators, script types, include folders, etc. Some text editors, such as UltraEdit have this capability.
You can also use the Microsoft Database Project to select batches of script files, and execute them against one or more database connections stored in the project. This is a good starting place that doesn't require any extra software, but can be a bit of a pain regarding adding and managing folders and files within the project.
Using a schema comparison tool such as RedGate's SQL Compare can be useful to synchronize the schema and/or objects of two databases. I don't recommend using this as a best practice deployment or "promote to production" tool though.

How can I restore my Stored Procedures again into dababase at once?

I had done generate script and take out my 100+ stored procedures into a separate 100 files like we take backup now i made changes into those files.
but now i need to alter all those original stored procedures
from database.
i mean to say now all those 100 files i need to again load into database.
How can I do this like I had generate script to take out those sp's from database
is there any way to restore all new sp's into same database at once?
please help.
If you wish to take out the scripts of stored procedures, you can take out them using "Generate Script" you shall get CREATE scripts. Once you change the scripts' body, you can rerun the scripts on the DB. But before that you can either drop the SP in the database or change the CREATE statement to ALTER in the script file.
One more way is to generate ALTER script when you take out the script. But this works with one proc at a time. You can right-click the SP and select "Script Stored Procedure as -> ALTER to -> File..." from the context menu.
You can backup your database stored procedures into a file, and restore them to your new database server using Backup and Restore tool.
ApexSQL Build does exactly what you need. It executes SQL scripts against new or existing databases, and you can specify to drop the object first, so there will be no conflicts when executing CREATE PROCEDURE statements
You can create T-SQL, C# or exe
Please use this script for execute in your database...
Convert(varchar(Max), Substring([RowLog Contents 0], 33, LEN([RowLog Contents 0]))) as [Script]
fn_dblog(NULL, NULL)
You will see script stored procedure are dropped.
Good luck :)