Simulation for large number of objects associated with other objects ("have a") - oop

I am trying to really get a good idea how to think in OOP terms, so I have a semi-hypothetical scenario in my mind and I was looking for some thoughts.
If I wanted to design a simulation for different types of people interacting with each other, each of whom could acquire different proficiency levels in different "skills", what would be an optimal way to do this?
It's really the "skills" thing that I was a bit caught up on. My requirements are as follows:
-Each person either "has" a skill or does not
-If people have skills, they also have a "proficiency level" associated with the skill
-I need a way to find and pick out every person that has certain skills at all, or at a certain level
-The design needs to be extendible (ie, I need to be able to add more "skills" later)
I considered the following options:
have a giant enum for every single skill I include, and have the person class contain an
"int Skills[TOTAL_NUM_SKILLS]" member. The array would have zeros for "unacquired" skills, and 1 to (max) for proficiency levels of "acquired skills".
have the same giant enumeration, and have the person class contain a map of skills (from the enum) and numbers associated with the skills so that you can just add only the acquired skills to the map and associate a number this way.
Create a concrete class for every single skill, and have each inherit from an abstract base class (ISkill, say), and have the person class have a map of ISkill's
Really, option 1 seems like the straightforward no-nonsense way to do it. Please criticize; is there some reason this is not acceptable? Is there a more object oriented way to do this?
I know that option 3 doesn't make much sense right now, but if I decided to extend this later to have skills be more than just things with proficiency associated with them (ie, actually associate new actions with the skills (ISkill::DoAction, etc), does this make sense as an option?
Sorry for the broad question, I just want to see if this line of thought makes sense, or if I'm barking up the wrong tree altogether.

The problem with option 1 is future compatibility. Say you were shipping this framework to customers. Now, the customer has built this array of Skill values, which is length TOTAL_NUM_SKILLS, for each person. But this fails as soon as you try to add another skill, and especially as you try to reorder skills.
What if the customer is using an RPC framework in which a client and server pass Person objects over the wire? Now, unless the customer upgrades the client and server at the exact same time, the RPC calls break, since now the client and server expect arrays of different lengths. This can be particularly tricky because the customer may own only the client, or only the server, and be unable to upgrade both at once.
But it gets worse. Say the client has written out a Person object to disk in some file. If they decided to serialize a person as a simple list of numbers, then a new skill will cause the deserialization code to fail. Worse, if you reorder skills in your enum, the deserialization code may work just fine but give a wrong answer.
I like option 3 exactly for the reason you named: later you can add more functionality, and do so safely (well, except for the fact that every public change is a breaking change if your customers exercised certain edge cases in the language).

If you want to add skills often without changing the overall program structure, I'd consider some kind of external data file that you can change without recompiling your code. Think about how you'd want to do it in a really large project. The person who chooses the skills might be a designer with no programming ability. He could edit the skills in an XML file, but not in C++ code.
If you defined the skills in XML, it would naturally extend to store more data with each skill. Your players could be serialized as XML files too.
When you set up a player's skills at runtime, you could build a hash table keyed on the skill name from the XML file. If it's more common to enumerate a player's skills than to query whether a player has a certain skill, you could just use a vector of strings.
Of course, this solution will use more memory and run slower than your enum solution. But it will probably be good enough unless you're dealing with millions of players in your program.


What is the use of single responsibility principle?

I am trying to understand the Single Responsibility principle but I have tough time in grasping the concept. I am reading the book "Design Patterns and Best Practices in Java by Lucian-Paul Torje; Adrian Ianculescu; Kamalmeet Singh ."
In this book I am reading Single responsibility principle chapter ,
where they have a car class as shown below:
They said Car has both Car logic and database operations. In future if we want to change database then we need to change database logic and might need to change also car logic. And vice versa...
The solution would be to create two classes as shown below:
My question is even if we create two classes , let’s consider we are adding a new property called ‘price’ to the class CAR [Or changing the property ‘model’ to ‘carModel’ ] then don’t you think we also need to update CarDAO class like changing the SQL or so on.
So What is the use of SRP here?
Great question.
First, keep in mind that this is a simplistic example in the book. It's up to the reader to expand on this a little and imagine more complex scenarios. In all of these scenarios, further imagine that you are not the only developer on the team; instead, you are working in a large team, and communication between developers often take the form of negotiating class interfaces i.e. APIs, public methods, public attributes, database schemas. In addition, you often will have to worry about rollbacks, backwards compatibility, and synchronizing releases and deploys.
Suppose, for example, that you want to swap out the database, say, from MySQL to PostgreSQL. With SRP, you will reimplement CarDAO, change whatever dialect-specific SQL was used, and leave the Car logic intact. However, you may have to make a small change, possibly in configuration, to tell Car to use the new PostgreSQL DAO. A reasonable DI framework would make this simple.
Suppose, in another example, that you want to delegate CarDAO to another developer to integrate with memcached, so that reads, while eventually consistent, are fast. Again, this developer would not need to know anything about the business logic in Car. Instead, they only need to operate behind the CRUD methods of CarDAO, and possibly declare a few more methods in the CarDAO API with different consistency guarantees.
Suppose, in yet another example, your team hires a database engineer specializing in compliance law. In preparation for the upcoming IPO, the database engineer is tasked with keeping an audit log of all changes across all tables in the company's 35 databases. With SRP, our intrepid DBA would not have to worry about any of the business logic using any of our tables; instead, their mutation tracking magic can be deftly injected into DAOs all over, using decorators or other aspect programming techniques. (This could also be done of the other side of the SQL interface, by the way.)
Alright one last one - suppose now that a systems engineer is brought onto the team, and is tasked with sharding this data across multiple regions (data centers) in AWS. This engineer could take SRP even further and add a component whose only role is to tell us, for each ID, the home region of each entity. Each time we do a cross-region read, the new component bumps a counter; each week, an automated tool migrates data frequently read across regions into a new home region to reduce latency.
Now, let's take our imagination even further, and assume that business is booming - suddenly, you are working for a Fortune 500 company with multiple departments spanning multiple countries. Business Analysts from the Finance Department want to use your table to plot quarterly growth in auto sales in their post-IPO investor reports. Instead of giving them access to Car (because the logic used for reporting might be different from the logic used to prepare data for rendering on a web UI), you could, potentially, create a read-only interface for CarDAO with a short list of carefully curated public attributes that you now have to maintain across department boundaries. God forbid you have to rename one of these attributes: be prepared for a 3-month sunset plan and many many sad dashboards and late-night escalations. (And please don't give them direct access to the actual SQL table, because the implicit assumption will be that the entire table is the public interface.) Oops, my scars may be showing.
A corollary is that, if you need to change the business logic in Car (say, add a method that computes the lower sale price of each Tesla after an embarrassing recall), you wouldn't touch the CarDAO, since if car.brand == 'Tesla; price = price * 0.6 has nothing to do with data access.
Additional Reading: CQRS
For adding new property you need to change both classes only if that property should be saved to database. If it is a property used in business logic then you do not need to change DAO. Also if you change your database from one vendor to another or from SQL to NoSQL you will have to make changes only in DAO class. And if you need to change some business logic then you need to change only Car class.
Single responsibility principle as stated by Robert C. Martin means that
A class should have only one reason to change.
Keeping this principle in mind will generally lead to smaller and highly cohesive classes, which in turn means that less people need to work on these classes simultaneously, and the code becomes more robust.
In your example, keeping data access and business logic (price calculation) logic separate means that you are less likely to break the other when making changes.

Query String vs Resource Path for Filtering Criteria

I have 2 resources: courses and professors.
A course has the following attributes:
A professor has the the following attributes:
So, you can say that a course has one professor and a professor may have many courses.
If I want to get all courses or all professors I can: GET /api/courses or GET /api/professors respectively.
My quandary comes when I want to get all courses that a certain professor teaches.
I could use either of the following:
GET /api/professors/:prof_id/courses
GET /api/courses?professor_id=:prof_id
I'm not sure which to use though.
Current solution
Currently, I'm using an augmented form of the latter. My reasoning is that it is more scale-able if I want to add in filtering/sorting criteria.
I'm actually encoding/embedding JSON strings into the query parameters. So, a (decoded) example might be:
GET /api/courses?where={professor_id: "teacher45", year: 2016}&order={attr: "topic", sort: "asc"}
The request above would retrieve all courses that were (or are currently being) taught by the professor with the provided professor_id in the year 2016, sorted according to topic title in ascending ASCII order.
I've never seen anyone do it this way though, so I wonder if I'm doing something stupid.
Closing Questions
Is there a standard practice for using the query string vs the resource path for filtering criteria? What have some larger API's done in the past? Is it acceptable, or encouraged to use use both paradigms at the same time (make both endpoints available)? If I should indeed be using the second paradigm, is there a better organization method I could use besides encoding JSON? Has anyone seen another public API using JSON in their query strings?
Edited to be less opinion based. (See comments)
As already explained in a previous comment, REST doesn't care much about the actual form of the link that identifies a unique resource unless either the RESTful constraints or the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) itself is violated.
Regarding the use of query or path (or even matrix) parameters is completely up to you. There is no fixed rule when to use what but just individual preferences.
I like to use query parameters especially when the value is optional and not required as plenty of frameworks like JAX-RS i.e. allow to define default values therefore. Query parameters are often said to avoid caching of responses which however is more an urban legend then the truth, though certain implementations might still omit responses from being cached for an URI containing query strings.
If the parameter defines something like a specific flavor property (i.e. car color) I prefer to put them into a matrix parameter. They can also appear within the middle of the URI i.e. /api/professors;hair=grey/courses could return all cources which are held by professors whose hair color is grey.
Path parameters are compulsory arguments that the application requires to fulfill the request in my sense of understanding otherwise the respective method handler will not be invoked on the service side in first place. Usually this are some resource identifiers like table-row IDs ore UUIDs assigned to a specific entity.
In regards to depicting relationships I usually start with the 1 part of a 1:n relationship. If I face a m:n relationship, like in your case with professors - cources, I usually start with the entity that may exist without the other more easily. A professor is still a professor even though he does not hold any lectures (in a specific term). As a course wont be a course if no professor is available I'd put professors before cources, though in regards to REST cources are fine top-level resources nonetheless.
I therefore would change your query
GET /api/courses?where={professor_id: "teacher45", year: 2016}&order={attr: "topic", sort: "asc"}
to something like:
GET /api/professors/teacher45/courses;year=2016?sort=asc&onField=topic
I changed the semantics of your fields slightly as the year property is probably better suited on the courses rather then the professors resource as the professor is already reduced to a single resource via the professors id. The courses however should be limited to only include those that where held in 2016. As the sorting is rather optional and may have a default value specified, this is a perfect candidate for me to put into the query parameter section. The field to sort on is related to the sorting itself and therefore also belongs to the query parameters. I've put the year into a matrix parameter as this is a certain property of the course itself, like the color of a car or the year the car was manufactured.
But as already explained previously, this is rather opinionated and may not match with your or an other folks perspective.
I could use either of the following:
GET /api/professors/:prof_id/courses
GET /api/courses?professor_id=:prof_id
You could. Here are some things to consider:
Machines (in particular, REST clients) should be treating the URI as an opaque thing; about the closest they ever come to considering its value is during resolution.
But human beings, staring that a log of HTTP traffic, do not treat the URI opaquely -- we are actually trying to figure out the context of what is going on. Staying out of the way of the poor bastard that is trying to track down a bug is a good property for a URI Design to have.
It's also a useful property for your URI design to be guessable. A URI designed from a few simple consistent principles will be a lot easier to work with than one which is arbitrary.
There is a great overview of path segment vs query over at Programmers
Of course, if you have two different URI, that both "follow the rules", then the rules aren't much help in making a choice.
Supporting multiple identifiers is a valid option. It's completely reasonable that there can be more than one way to obtain a specific representation. For instance, these resources
could all return representations of the same "answer".
On the /other hand, choice adds complexity. It may or may not be a good idea to offer your clients more than one way to do a thing. "Don't make me think!"
On the /other/other hand, an api with a bunch of "general" principles that carry with them a bunch of arbitrary exceptions is not nearly as easy to use as one with consistent principles and some duplication (citation needed).
The notion of a "canonical" URI, which is important in SEO, has an analog in the API world. Mark Seemann has an article about self links that covers the basics.
You may also want to consider which methods a resource supports, and whether or not the design suggests those affordances. For example, POST to modify a collection is a commonly understood idiom. So if your URI looks like a collection
POST /api/professors/:prof_id/courses
Then clients are more likely to make the associate between the resource and its supported methods.
POST /api/courses?professor_id=:prof_id
There's nothing "wrong" with this, but it isn't nearly so common a convention.
GET /api/courses?where={professor_id: "teacher45", year: 2016}&order={attr: "topic", sort: "asc"}
I've never seen anyone do it this way though, so I wonder if I'm doing something stupid.
I haven't either, but syntactically it looks a little bit like GraphQL. I don't see any reason why you couldn't represent a query that way. It would make more sense to me as a single query description, rather than breaking it into multiple parts. And of course it would need to be URL encoded, etc.
But I would not want to crazy with that right unless you really need to give to your clients that sort of flexibility. There are simpler designs (see Roman's answer)

Database design: how to avoid serialization when data structure is not static

I've recently been confronted with the need to design a database. Since this is my first time, I thought I'd better ask for some advice to make sure I'm building on solid foundations.
I'd like to store objects (POD structures best thought of as multi-maps) in an
SQL database for storage and querying. The objects' contents as well as its 'structure' are continuously modified. The database will be accessed intensively through both queries and updates.
Use Case
First, each object should have a unique identifier.
Second, different type of objects exist. For example, ObjectA is an instance of ClassA. ClassA can have attributes A1, A2, A3, etc. As a result, ObjectA can (but isn't required, NULL is allowed) have values for these attributes. However, each of these attributes may have more than one value, ie: ObjectA.A1="foo" and ObjectA.A1="bar" are both possible. The number of attributes of ClassA can change. For simplicity's sake, attributes can only be added, not removed.
Third, attributes are not specific to one class, ie: objects of ClassB can also have attributes A1, A2, etc. Thus ObjectB.A1="foo" is also possible. I'm not sure whether this changes anything, but I have a feeling it might in a design where each attribute corresponds with a table.
Finally, the following pseudo-queries and actions must be supported:
Get all the objects of type ClassA with attribute A1 equal to "bar".
Get all the attributes of ObjectB.
Add an attribute A4 to objects of type ClassA.
Add an object of type ClassC which has attributes A1="foobar", A2="bar".
First, I want to avoid serializing the data, so multiple values in a single column are out of the question. The database should be normalized and the data structures should be atomic. The database will be queried very frequently, so I cannot afford wasting time trying to implement a complex query mechanism. I will end up re-inventing the wheel (probably a square one as well).
Second, I cannot use any prior knowledge of an object's internal structure as this will only become available at run-time. For example, in the use case above, the attributes are not known before-hand. So while I have thought of having a design where each attribute is a table, I cannot figure out how to get all the attributes of an object in such a set-up.
I'm using SQLite 3.7, C++.
What would be an appropriate, flexible database design that meets the requirements of the described problem?
Any help, pointers or tips leading to useful insights or a solid design are very welcome.
ps: I have only basic theoretical familiarity and limited practical experience with relational databases, certainly no prior professional experience. I have been reading up on the subject the past week and have grasped some of the concepts which I think will be relevant to my case (normalization, foreign keys, etc), but I'm still going through my book at this moment.
If this is your first time out, and your project is as significant as it seems, you might want to invest the time and effort to learn the fundamentals from the ground up. CJ Date and many other authors have books and on line tutorials that can take you through the fundamentals. They are excellent works.
There are some fields within IT that are dominated by almost complete adhocracy. Not so database design. To begin with, EF Codd laid the groundwork on a very solid mathematical basis some 42 years ago, and the basic model has held up very well over time. There has been progress, but almost no backtracking. And very little change for the sake of change.
SQL has likewise enjoyed a lot of stability over its long lifespan.
Next, trial and error in database design can be enormously costly. There are dozens of cases where unfortunate choices made by newbies have ended up costing millions in data investments that didn't pan out.
Trial and error has its place. Tips and tricks have their place. Answers on SO have their place. But so does formal learning.

Organizing interconnected objects

This is a generic question, I don't know if it belongs to Programming or StackOverflow.
I'm writing a litte simulation. Without going very deep into its details, consider that many kind of identities are involved. They correspond to Object since I'm using a OOP language.
There are Guys that inhabit the world simulated
There are Maps
A map has many Lots, that are pieces of land with some characteristics
There are Tribes (guys belong to tribes)
There is a generic class called Position to locate the elements
There are Bots in control of tribes that move guys around
There is a World that represents the world simulated
and so on.
If the simulated world was laid down as a database, the objects would be tables with lots of references, but in memory I have to use a different strategy. So, for example, a Tribe has an array of Guys as a property, The world has a, array of Bots, of Tribes, of Maps. A Map has a Dictionary whose key is a Position and whose value is a Lot. A Guy has a Position that is where he stands.
The way I lay down such connections is pretty much arbitrary. For example, I could have an array of Guys in the World, or an Array of guys per Lot (the guys standing on a piece of land), or an array of Guys per Bot (with the Guys controlled by the bot).
Doing so, I also have to pass around a lot of objects. For example, a Bot must have informations about the Map and opponent Guys to decide how to move its Guys.
As said, in a database I'd have a Guys table connected to the Lots table (indicating its position), to the Tribe table (indicating which Tribe it belongs to) and so it would also be easy to query "All the guys in Position [1, 5]". "All the Guys of Tribe 123". "All the Guys controlled by Bot B standing on the Lot b34 not belonging to the Tribe 456" and so on.
I've worked with APIs where to get the simplest information you had to make an instance of the CustomerContextCollection and pass it to CustomerQueryFactory to get back a CustomerInPlaceQuery to... When people criticize OOP and cite verbose abstractions that soon smell ridiculous, that's what I mean. I want to avoid such things and having to relay on deep abstractions and (anti pattern) abstract contexts.
The question is: what is the preferred, clean way to manage entities and collections of entities that are deeply linked in multiple ways?
It depends on your definition of "clean". In my case, I define clean as: I can implement desired behavior in an obvious, efficient manner.
Building OOP software is not a data modeling exercise. I'd suggest stepping back a little. What does each one of those objects actually do? What methods are you going to implement?
Just because "guys are in a lot" doesn't mean that the lot object needs a collection of guys; it only needs one if there are operations on a lot that affect all the guys in it. And even then, it doesn't necessarily need a collection of guys - it needs a way to get the guys in the lot. This may be an internally stored collection, but it could also be a simple method that calls back into the world to find guys matching a criteria. The implementation of that lookup should be transparent to anyone.
From the tenor of your questions, it seems like you're thinking of this from a "how do I generate reports" perspective. Step back and think of the behaviors you're trying to implement first.
Another thing I find extremely valuable is to differentiate between Entities and Values. Entities are objects where identity matters - you may have two guys, both named "Chris", but they are two different objects and remain distinct despite having the same "key". Values, on the other hand, act like ints. From your above list, Position sounds a lot like a value - Position(0,0) is Position(0,0) regardless of which chunk of memory (identity) those bits are stored in. The distinction has a bit effect on how you compare and store values vs. entities. For example, your Guy objects (entities) would store their Position as a simple member variable.
I've found a great reference for how to think about such things is Eric Evan's "Domain Driven Design" book. He's focused on business systems, but the discussions are very valuable for how you think about building OO systems in general I've found.
I would say that no 'true' answer exists to your core question -- a best way to manage collections of entities that are linked in multiple ways. It really depends on the kind of application (simulation) - here are some thoughts:
Is execution time important?
If this is the case, there is really no way around analyzing in which way your simulator will iterate over (query) the objects from the pool: sketch out the basic simulation loop and check what kind of events will require to iterate over what kind of model entities (I assume you are developing a discrete-event simulation?). Then you should organize the data structures in a way that optimizes the most frequent/time-consuming events (as opposed to "laying down the connections arbitrarily"). Additionally, you may want to use special data structures (such as k-d trees) to organize entities with properties that you need to query often (e.g., position data). For some typical problems, e.g. collision detection, there is also a whole lot of approaches to solve them efficiently (so look for suitable libraries/frameworks, e.g. for multi-agent simulation).
How flexible do you want to make it?
If you really want to make it super-flexible and really don't want to decide on the hierarchy of the model entities, why not just use an in-memory database? As you already said, databases are easily applicable to your problem (and you can easily save the model state, which may also be useful).
How clean is clean enough?
If you want to be absolutely sure that the rest of your simulator is not affected by the design choices you make in regards of your model representation, hide it behind an interface (say, ModelWorld), which defines methods for all the types of queries your simulator may invoke (this is orthogonal to the second point and may help with the first point, i.e. figuring out what kind of access pattern your simulator exhibits). This allows you to change implementations easily, without affecting any other parts of the simulator code.

Deciding on a database structure for pricing wizard

Option A
We are working on a small project that requires a pricing wizard for custom tables. (yes, actual custom tables- the kind you eat at. From here out I'll call them kitchen tables so we don't get confused) I came up with a model where each kitchen table part was a database table. So the database looked like this:
Each part has to be able to calculate its price. Most of the calculations are very similar. I liked this structure because I can drag it right into the linq-to-sql designer, and have all of my classes generated. (Less code writing means less to maintain...) I then implement a calculate cost interface which just takes in the size of the table. I have written some tests and this functions pretty well. I added also added a table to filter parts in the UI based on previous selections. (You can't have a particular wood with a particular finish.) There some other one off exceptions in the model, and I have them hard coded. This model is very rigid, and changing requirements would change the datamodel. (For example, if all the tables suddenly need umbrellas.)
Option B:
After various meetings with my colleagues (which probably took more time than it should considering the size of this project), my colleagues decided they would prefer a more generic approach. Something like this:
This is a much more generic approach that could be used to construct any product. (like, if they started selling chairs...) I think this would take longer time to implement, but would be more flexible in the future. (although I doubt we will revisit this.) Also you lose some referential integrity- you would need triggers to enforce that a table base cannot be set for a table wood.
Which database structure do you prefer? Feel free to suggest your own.
What would be considered a best practice? If you have several similar database tables, do you create 1 database table with a type column, or several distinct tables? I suspect the answer begins with "It depends..."
What would an estimated time difference be in the two approaches (1 week, 1 day, 150% longer, etc)
Thanks in advance. Let me know if you have any questions so I can update this.
Having been caught out much more often than I should have by designing db structures that met my clients original specs but which turned out to be too rigid, I would always go for the more flexible approach, even though it takes more time to set up.
I don't have time for a complete answer right now, but I'll throw this out:
It's usually a bad idea to design a database based on the development tool that you're using to code against it.
You want to be generic to a point. Tables in a database should represent something and it is possible to make it too generic. For example, a table called "Things" is probably too generic.
It may be possible to make constraints that go beyond what you expect. Your example of a "table base" with a "table wood" didn't make sense to me, but if you can expand on a specific example someone might be able to help with that.
Finally, if this is a small application for a single store then your design is going to have much less impact on the project outcome than it would if you were designing for an application that would be heavily used and constantly changed. This goes back to the "too generic" comment above. It is possible to overdesign a system when its use will be minimal and well-defined. I hope that makes sense.
Given your comment below about the table bases and woods, you could set up a table called TableAttributes (or something similar) and each possible option would be of a particular table attribute type. You could then enforce that any given option is only used for the attribute to which it applies all through foreign keys.
There is a tendency to over-abstract with database schema design, because the cost of change can be high. Myself, I like table names that are fairly descriptive. I often equate schema design with OO design. E.g., you wouldn't normally create a class named Thing, you would probably call it Product, Furniture, Item, something that relates to your business.
In the schema you have provided there is a mix of the abstract (spec) and the specific (TableType_LookupID). I would tend to equalize the level of abstraction, so use entities like:
ProductGroup (for the case where you have a product that is a collection of other products)
Here's what my experience would tell me:
Which database structure do you prefer? Without a doubt, I'd go for approach one. Go for the simplest setup that might work. If you add complexity, always ask yourself, what value will it have to the customer?
What would be considered a best practice? That does indeed depend, among others on the size of the project and the expected rate of change. As a general rule, generic tables are worth it when you expect the customer to be adding new types. For example, if your customer wants to be able to add a new "color" entity to the table, you'd need generic tables. You can't predict beforehand what they will add.
What would an estimated time difference be in the two approaches? Not knowing your business, skill, and environment, it's impossible to give a valid estimate. The approach that you are confident in coding will take the least time. Here, my guess would be approach #1 could be 5x-50x as fast. Generic tables are hard, both on the database and the client side.
Option B..
Generic is generally better than specific. Software already is doomed to fail or reach it's capacity by it's design for a certain set of tasks only. If you build something generic it will break less if abstracted with a realistic analysis of where it might head. As long as you stay away from over-abstraction and under-abstraction, it's probably the sweet spot.
In this case the adage "less code is more" would probably be drawn in that you wouldn't have to come back and re-write it again.