How to extract Highlighted Parts from PDF files - pdf

Is there any way to extract highlighted text from a PDF file programmatically? Any language is welcome. I have found several libraries with Python, Java, and also PHP but none of them do the job.

To extract highlighted parts, you can use PyMuPDF. Here is an example which works with this pdf file:
Direct download
# Based on
from typing import List, Tuple
import fitz # install with 'pip install pymupdf'
def _parse_highlight(annot: fitz.Annot, wordlist: List[Tuple[float, float, float, float, str, int, int, int]]) -> str:
points = annot.vertices
quad_count = int(len(points) / 4)
sentences = []
for i in range(quad_count):
# where the highlighted part is
r = fitz.Quad(points[i * 4 : i * 4 + 4]).rect
words = [w for w in wordlist if fitz.Rect(w[:4]).intersects(r)]
sentences.append(" ".join(w[4] for w in words))
sentence = " ".join(sentences)
return sentence
def handle_page(page):
wordlist = page.get_text("words") # list of words on page
wordlist.sort(key=lambda w: (w[3], w[0])) # ascending y, then x
highlights = []
annot = page.first_annot
while annot:
if annot.type[0] == 8:
highlights.append(_parse_highlight(annot, wordlist))
annot =
return highlights
def main(filepath: str) -> List:
doc =
highlights = []
for page in doc:
highlights += handle_page(page)
return highlights
if __name__ == "__main__":

Ok, after looking I found a solution for exporting highlighted text from a pdf to a text file. Is not very hard:
First, you highlight your text with the tool you like to use (in my case, I highlight while I'm reading on an iPad using Goodreader app).
Transfer your pdf to a computer and open it using Skim (a pdf reader, free and easy to find on the web)
On FILE, choose CONVERT NOTES and convert all the notes of your document to SKIM NOTES.
That's all: simply go to EXPORT an choose EXPORT SKIM NOTES. It will export you a list of your highlighted text. Once opened this list can be exported again to a txt format file.
Not much work to do, and the result is fantastic.


How to extract the [Documentation] text from Robot framework test case

I am trying to extract the content of the [Documentation] section as a string for comparision with other part in a Python script.
I was told to use Robot framework API
to extract but I have no idea how.
However, I am required to work with version 3.1.2
*** Test Cases ***
ATC Verify that Sensor Battery can enable and disable manufacturing mode
[Documentation] E1: This is the description of the test 1
... E2: This is the description of the test 2
[Tags] E1 TRACE{Trace_of_E1}
... E2 TRACE{Trace_of_E2}
Extract the string as
E1: This is the description of the test 1
E2: This is the description of the test 2
Have a look at these examples. I did something similar to generate testplans descritio. I tried to adapt my code to your requirements and this could maybe work for you.
import os
import re
from robot.api.parsing import (
get_model, get_tokens, Documentation, EmptyLine, KeywordCall,
ModelVisitor, Token
class RobotParser(ModelVisitor):
def __init__(self):
# Create object with remarkup_text to store formated documentation
self.text = ''
def get_text(self):
return self.text
def visit_TestCase(self, node):
# The matched `TestCase` node is a block with `header` and
# `body` attributes. `header` is a statement with familiar
# `get_token` and `get_value` methods for getting certain
# tokens or their value.
for keyword in node.body:
# skip empty lines
if keyword.get_value(Token.DOCUMENTATION) == None:
self.text += keyword.get_value(Token.ARGUMENT)
def visit_Documentation(self,node):
# The matched "Documentation" node with value
self.remarkup_text += node.value + self.new_line
def visit_File(self, node):
# Call `generic_visit` to visit also child nodes.
return self.generic_visit(node)
if __name__ == "__main__":
path = "../tests"
for filename in os.listdir(path):
if re.match(".*\.robot", filename):
model = get_model(os.path.join(path, filename))
robot_parser = RobotParser()
The code marked as best answer didn't quite work for me and has a lot of redundancy but it inspired me enough to get into the parsing and write it in a much readable and efficient way that actually works as is. You just have to have your own way of generating & iterating through filesystem where you call the get_robot_metadata(filepath) function.
from robot.api.parsing import (get_model, ModelVisitor, Token)
class RobotParser(ModelVisitor):
def __init__(self):
self.testcases = {}
def visit_TestCase(self, node):
testcasename = (
self.testcases[testcasename] = {}
for section in node.body:
if section.get_value(Token.DOCUMENTATION) != None:
documentation = section.value
self.testcases[testcasename]['Documentation'] = documentation
elif section.get_value(Token.TAGS) != None:
tags = section.values
self.testcases[testcasename]['Tags'] = tags
def get_testcases(self):
return self.testcases
def get_robot_metadata(filepath):
if filepath.endswith('.robot'):
robot_parser = RobotParser()
model = get_model(filepath)
metadata = robot_parser.get_testcases()
return metadata
This function will be able to extract the [Documentation] section from the testcase:
def documentation_extractor(testcase):
documentation = []
for setting in testcase.settings:
if len(setting) > 2 and setting[1].lower() == "[documentation]":
for doc in setting[2:]:
if doc.startswith("#"):
# the start of a comment, so skip rest of the line
return "\n".join(documentation)

Translation with google trad api

I'm trying to write a program that takes the text of a file, for example PDF, and translates the text extracted with the Google API, except that the API doesn't work with my code. I don't have a clue why it isn't working.
I've already tried to modify my code but nothing I've done works.
from tika import parser
# from googletrans import Translator
import os
from textblob import TextBlob
raw = parser.from_file('/home/tom/Téléchargements/Arifureta_ From Commonplace to World_s Strongest Vol. 1.pdf')
text = raw['content']
text = text.replace('','')
text = text.replace('\t','')
text = text.replace('\r','')
fichier = open("arifureta.txt", "a")
fic = open("arifureta-formater.txt", "a")
with open("arifureta.txt") as f :
for line in f :
if len(line)==1 :
else :
if cpt<2:
nbLigneTraité = 0
fic2 = open("arifureta-traduit.txt", "a")
with open("arifureta-formater.txt") as f :
for line in f :
if len(line)>1:
textPasTraduit += line
if compteur%1000==0:
blob = TextBlob(textPasTraduit)
except Exception as e:
if len(line)==1:
I expect to have the entire translation of the PDF's text in the result file, but actually the answer is 'broken link'. I think it is due to the quantity of text, but I haven't find a way to try any other method.

Shortcut to move to a specific part of a text file

I'd like to create a keyboard shortcut (such as CTRL+T) that automatically moves the cursor to the line after the occurence of a fixed text, such as &todo.
fix bug #783
Pressing CTRL+T would automatically move the cursor to the line beginning with fix ....
Currently I'm doing it like this:
enter &todo, ENTER
ESCAPE (closes the Search bottom panel)
DOWN ARROW (moves to next line)
but this requires too many actions.
How to do that in a single key shortcut?
The best solution is it use a plugin to do that.
The plugin below does what you require. It will find the next occurrence of pattern (i.e. the &todo marker) below the current cursor position, move the cursor to the line below it, and centre that position in the window. If the pattern is not found below the current cursor position it will search again from the top of the buffer providing a wrap around feature.
Copy and paste the following Python code into a buffer and save it in your Sublime Text config User folder as
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class GotoPatternCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, pattern):
sels = self.view.sel()
# Optional flags; see API.
flags = sublime.LITERAL | sublime.IGNORECASE
start_pos = sels[0].end() if len(sels) > 0 else 0
find_pos = self.view.find(pattern, start_pos, flags)
if not find_pos and start_pos > 0:
# Begin search again at the top of the buffer; wrap around
# feature, i.e. do not stop the search at the buffer's end.
find_pos = self.view.find(pattern, 0, flags)
if not find_pos:
sublime.status_message("'{}' not found".format(pattern))
row, col = self.view.rowcol(find_pos.begin())
self.view.run_command("goto_line", {"line": row + 2})
# Uncomment for: cursor to the end of the line.
# self.view.run_command("move_to", {"to": "eol"})
Add key bindings:
// The pattern arg, i.e. "&todo", can be changed to anything you want
// and other key bindings can also be added to use different patterns.
{"keys": ["???"], "command": "goto_pattern", "args": {"pattern": "&todo"}}
Add a Command Palette entry to Default.sublime-commands if you want:
{"caption": "GoToPattern: &todo", "command": "goto_pattern", "args": {"pattern": "&todo"}},
These links may be useful to you ST v. 2 API and ST v. 3 API.
P.S. Did you know that Sublime Text has bookmarks? [Just in case you didn't.]
The accepted answer is really better and I'm finally using it.
For reference, here an old solution I used: first create a file in "C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\" containing:
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class GototodoCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
contents = self.view.substr(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())) #
a = contents.find('&todo')
cursors = self.view.sel()
location = sublime.Region(a, a)
(row, col) = self.view.rowcol(self.view.sel()[0].begin()) # go to the next line
self.view.run_command("goto_line", {"line": row+2})
Then add this in "C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\Default (Windows).sublime-keymap":
{ "keys": ["ctrl+t"], "command": "gototodo" }

scrapy handle hebrew (non-english) language

I am using scrapy to scrap a hebrew website. However even after encoding scrapped data into UTF-8, I am not able to get the hewbrew character.
Getting weird string(× ×¨×¡×™ בעמ) in CSV. However If I check print same item, I am able to see the correct string on terminal.
Following is the website I am using.
class Spider(BaseSpider):
name = "moch"
allowed_domains = [""]
start_urls = [""]
def parse(self, response):
data = {'ctl00$ctl13$g_dbcc924d_5066_4fee_bc5c_6671d3e2c06d$ctl00$cboAnaf': unicode(140),
'SearchFreeText:': u'חפש',
'ctl00$ctl13$g_dbcc924d_5066_4fee_bc5c_6671d3e2c06d$ctl00$txtShemKablan': u'',
'ctl00$ctl13$g_dbcc924d_5066_4fee_bc5c_6671d3e2c06d$ctl00$txtMisparYeshut': u'',
'ctl00$ctl13$g_dbcc924d_5066_4fee_bc5c_6671d3e2c06d$ctl00$txtShemYeshuv': u'הקלד יישוב',
'ctl00$ctl13$g_dbcc924d_5066_4fee_bc5c_6671d3e2c06d$ctl00$txtMisparKablan': u'',
'ctl00$ctl13$g_dbcc924d_5066_4fee_bc5c_6671d3e2c06d$ctl00$btnSearch': u'חפש',
'ctl00$ScriptManager1': u'ctl00$ctl13$g_dbcc924d_5066_4fee_bc5c_6671d3e2c06d$ctl00$UpdatePanel1|ctl00$ctl13$g_dbcc924d_5066_4fee_bc5c_6671d3e2c06d$ctl00$btnSearch'}
yield FormRequest.from_response(response,
callback = self.fetch_details,
dont_click = True)
def fetch_details(self, response):
# print response.body
hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
item = MochItem()
names ="//table[#id='ctl00_ctl13_g_dbcc924d_5066_4fee_bc5c_6671d3e2c06d_ctl00_gridRashamDetails']//tr/td[2]/font/text()").extract()
phones ="//table[#id='ctl00_ctl13_g_dbcc924d_5066_4fee_bc5c_6671d3e2c06d_ctl00_gridRashamDetails']//tr/td[6]/font/text()").extract()
index = 0
for name in names:
item['name'] = name.encode('utf-8')
item['phone'] = phones[index].encode('utf-8')
index += 1
print item # This is printed correctly on termial.
yield item # If I create a CSV output file. Then I am not able to see proper Hebrew String
The weird thing is, If i open the same csv in notepad++. I am able to see the correct output. So as a workaroud. What i did is, I opened the csv in notepad++ and change the encoding to UTF-8. And saved it. Now when i again open the csv in excel it shows me the correct hebrew string.
Is there anyway to specify the CSV encoding, from within scrapy ?

How to get an outline view in sublime texteditor?

How do I get an outline view in sublime text editor for Windows?
The minimap is helpful but I miss a traditional outline (a klickable list of all the functions in my code in the order they appear for quick navigation and orientation)
Maybe there is a plugin, addon or similar? It would also be nice if you can shortly name which steps are neccesary to make it work.
There is a duplicate of this question on the sublime text forums.
Hit CTRL+R, or CMD+R for Mac, for the function list. This works in Sublime Text 1.3 or above.
A plugin named Outline is available in package control, try it!
Note: it does not work in multi rows/columns mode.
For multiple rows/columns work use this fork:
I use the fold all action. It will minimize everything to the declaration, I can see all the methods/functions, and then expand the one I'm interested in.
I briefly look at SublimeText 3 api and view.find_by_selector(selector) seems to be able to return a list of regions.
So I guess that a plugin that would display the outline/structure of your file is possible.
A plugin that would display something like this:
Note: the function name display plugin could be used as an inspiration to extract the class/methods names or ClassHierarchy to extract the outline structure
If you want to be able to printout or save the outline the ctr / command + r is not very useful.
One can do a simple find all on the following grep ^[^\n]*function[^{]+{ or some variant of it to suit the language and situation you are working in.
Once you do the find all you can copy and paste the result to a new document and depending on the number of functions should not take long to tidy up.
The answer is far from perfect, particularly for cases when the comments have the word function (or it's equivalent) in them, but I do think it's a helpful answer.
With a very quick edit this is the result I got on what I'm working on now.
PathMaker.prototype.start = PathMaker.prototype.initiate = function(point){};
PathMaker.prototype.path = function(thePath){};
PathMaker.prototype.add = function(point){};
PathMaker.prototype.addPath = function(path){};
PathMaker.prototype.go = function(distance, angle){};
PathMaker.prototype.goE = function(distance, angle){};
PathMaker.prototype.turn = function(angle, distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.continue = function(distance, a){};
PathMaker.prototype.curve = function(angle, radiusX, radiusY){};
PathMaker.prototype.up = PathMaker.prototype.north = function(distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.down = PathMaker.prototype.south = function(distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.east = function(distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.west = function(distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.getAngle = function(point){};
PathMaker.prototype.toBezierPoints = function(PathMakerPoints, toSource){};
PathMaker.prototype.extremities = function(points){};
PathMaker.prototype.bounds = function(path){};
PathMaker.prototype.tangent = function(t, points){};
PathMaker.prototype.roundErrors = function(n, acurracy){};
PathMaker.prototype.bezierTangent = function(path, t){};
PathMaker.prototype.splitBezier = function(points, t){};
PathMaker.prototype.arc = function(start, end){};
PathMaker.prototype.getKappa = function(angle, start){}; = function(radius, start, end, x, y, reverse){};
PathMaker.prototype.ellipse = function(radiusX, radiusY, start, end, x, y , reverse/*, anchorPoint, reverse*/ ){};
PathMaker.prototype.rotateArc = function(path /*array*/ , angle){};
PathMaker.prototype.rotatePoint = function(point, origin, r){};
PathMaker.prototype.roundErrors = function(n, acurracy){};
PathMaker.prototype.rotate = function(path /*object or array*/ , R){};
PathMaker.prototype.moveTo = function(path /*object or array*/ , x, y){};
PathMaker.prototype.scale = function(path, x, y /* number X scale i.e. 1.2 for 120% */ ){};
PathMaker.prototype.reverse = function(path){};
PathMaker.prototype.pathItemPath = function(pathItem, toSource){};
PathMaker.prototype.merge = function(path){};
PathMaker.prototype.draw = function(item, properties){};