Robotframework integrated with a testing tool - testing

Is anyone aware of any ongoing open source project that integrates robotframework with a load testing tool such as grinder, jmeter, funkload etc?

Yes. There is a Python library for integration of Robot Framework and JMeter: Robot Framework JMeter Library . It can be used for running JMeter and parsing and converting results. I am author of this library so I might not be objective.

No, and that's likely not to happen. Robot Framework is for functional not load testing. How would you deem a load test as pass/fail and how long does it run?
Robot Framework and functional tests have a finite set execution time (takes as long as it needs to complete testing the particular feature or times out before doing so in case it hung, etc.), and has strict criteria as to what is pass/fail when test runs.
With load testing, you at least during exploratory runs and design of test, you don't run for fixed time, or even if fixed, it's usually not short (except trial runs and scalable burst increases). And criteria for pass/fail is usually within ranges rather than yes/no.
So it's harder to integrate and design a test library that can offer pass/fail and run within some set time for load testing. Unless someone can define a good architectural design of a test and test library for how to do so with Robot Framework.

I think the idea would be that a test case is created only once and can be used in both functional tests as in load tests and even in end user monitoring. In this (utopic) way a test case can be used during the whole lifecycle of an application. With a tag (for instance) a test case can be promoted to be also a loadtesting test case with another type of response validation. Would be nice to run Robot framework and create a Loadrunner-TrueClient (or another browser-driven loadtesttool) script. Main purpose of the integration would be to automate the scripting.


How to use Robot Framework Scripts for Load Testing or performance testing

I have python scripts which are based on Robot Framework and were generally developed for Functional Testing. How can I achieve the Load Testing?
How to approach this problem? should I use Jmeter in order to run load testing (if yes then how is it possible) or there are some other methods available?
If you're a programmer and your team has a good culture of software and code review.
Instead of Jmeter, you have another choice Taurus
Taurus can consume configuration files written in JSON or YAML. But it also supports Jmeter.
It will be easier for code review and construct your own load test.
Some material you can read:
Automating Performance Tests with Taurus:
Simple load test example with Taurus:
You might want to consider using rfswarm, as it's designed exactly for this purpose:
In the documentation there is even some details about things to consider when adjusting your robot files for use in performance testing.
Good luck with your project and i hope this answer is not too late for you.

What is the relation between Robot framework and Selenium framework?

For web application automation Selenium can be used with Robot framework. But both are frameworks.What is the relation between these two?
You have selenium to automate all the web related work e.g login,click,button and many more thing. But then you have to use it with some languages , e.g. Java ,Ruby, Python.
Suppose you get a project to automate a webbrowser by using any other languages , where your task would be
1)login to browser
2)Fill user details
3)Click on submit
Now to have a good framework , you need to break down these tasks into smaller component
1) you need to define test cases
2) You need to have a separate file to store variables
3) You need to have a good reporting tool , which will show how many test cases passed or failed and further drill down.
i am a python user,so lets talk the problem with python,selenium
1) you can write the test cases with unittest module - But then generating a good test reports would be hedache , you have to spend a lot of time to create good test reports
this is one of the major disadvantage with python
Now coming to RobotFramework
if you integrate selenium library in robotframe work, you would be able to do almost similar thing which can be done by any other languages with lot of ease and control.
Taking example of your assignment in hand
1) You can define Test cases
2) You can Create a seprate variable file and then pass it with main file during run time (check pybot -V)
3)You dont need to be worry about reporting part , all the reports would be generated and with betterdrill down options
additional advantage
1) There are lots of inbuilt libraries, which will help you to do your task easily
2) You can create your own custom library and import in Robotframework
3) You would be able to drill down till last variable where the problem is with help of RobotFramework Reports, which will save lots of time
In Nutshell i can say Robotframework provide a building block to your framework where you just need to worry about the functional aspect of your program
Your original assertion is incorrect. They are not both frameworks. Or at least not the same type of framework.
robot framework is a set of programs and libraries for creating test cases. With it you can create test suites built upon reusable keywords written either from other keywords or written in other programming languages. The framework provides a test runner, and generates test reports.
selenium is a library interface to a driver that controls a browser. You cannot write tests using only selenium -- you need something else such as a programming language (python, ruby, etc) or testing framework (robot, cucumber, etc). Selenium itself provides no way to run tests, and no way to generate reports.

what is an automation test

Could someone explain what an automation test is and why I would use it. I read from the wiki page that a tester would create a automation script? What kind of scripting language can be used to do this?
Automation tests are carried out to check the behavior of an application against expected behavior. Normally used in regression testing where you validate that a newer version of the application doesn't hinder any of the previous version's features. These might also be carried along with manual testing.
Coming to the scripting language part, this might help you:-
In simple words, If you are doing regression test or testing same piece of code over and over you can automate that manual process. That's called automation testing.
You can use several different scripting languages to achieve this and it's depends on which tool you are using. Some popular automation tools are Selenium, QTP, Loadrunner, Jmeter, SOAP UI etc.
You want to check your login with more than 1000 of users how much time you will spend to run this test case ?
In the same way you want to test you mobile API's before it used by developer how will you test?
There are lots of thing for that you have to go for automation In small application, sites you can work as an tester after that when those app's sites will grow will large data than those product owner will move for automated test cases

Automatic testing of web applications with Selenium

is there any tool out there that i can used to set-up run automatically and i was goggling and i found selenium test runner? there are so many tools out there its hard to figured out which is best
I'm using C# and using MSTest as a test framework and I'm looking forward to see if I can get a way from testing in MSTEST
any help?
This is very subjective question. Every requirement will have its own correct answer. Anyhow I will try to address few requirements and will be updating as I learn more.
If you are automating web app browser tests (sans flash player and silverlight) I would say that selenium is the way to go. There are ways to automate flash and silverlight too, but that is answer for another question.
Selenium is anyways an automation too and your choice will rather is of which test framework to select. So here are few options:
1. Integrating with CI tools:
If you want to organize your tests as segregated atomic units and want them to be integrated to some CI server (e.g. TeamCity). I will recommend using NUnit to run your selenium tests.
2. Behavioral Tests
It is a new trend in the software development and how we test our products. Using behavioral (i.e. business specification) like language. In my experience it is also a very good format to write up acceptance tests. You can use selenium with something like Nbehave or SpecFlow
3. Centralize Test management and Execution
Now this might not fit for everyone but I have found FitNesse (and its c# binding) to be very useful in maintaining and executing selenium test cases.
Please note this answer may not be right and is certainly not complete given the scope of the question. I have nevertheless tried provide few pointers.

Selenium tests: html vs code?

Is it better to write/record selenium tests in html format and run them directly in the server with "-htmlSuite" or to write the tests in java/C#/... and run them in the server using selenium-rc?
What is the recommended solution?
I would always recommend people writing their Selenium Tests in a programming language because it allows the tests to be a lot more expressive.
You can create common methods that all tests use and if that changes you can then update 1 method to get n tests passing because they all fail on that item. One example of this is the Page Object model which is a development method for tests that suggest you create a DSL for each page you interact with and then your tests read a lot more fluently to both technical and non-technical people.
If you write your tests in a programming language you can also take advantage of Selenium Grid which runs your tests in parallel to make them faster
I'd highly recommend you look at moving to Selenium in C#, Ruby,PHP or Python. I found many timing issues resolving once I got away from the HTML Selenese.
I might keep in mind how you plan on executing your recorded tests. For instance, it might be trivial to incorporate Selenium's generated JUnit tests into a pre-existing JUnit-based testing framework.