Retrieving multiple articles & images via the new Freebase API - api

I want to get the article text & images for a bunch of topics from freebase. Using the old API this was easy, via either MQL extensions or the topic API (also now deprecated?). But what is now the best way of doing this via the new API?
I see from the docs I can get the text for an individual topic, like this:
So I could loop through each topic one by one, but it seems slow to have to hit the API so many times, especially when I only needed one before. Am I missing some clever way of retrieving text / images for multiple topics?

It is possible to do multiple calls for /text using JSON-RPC -
Here's an example:
curl "" -d "[{'method': 'freebase.text.get', 'apiVersion': 'v1', 'params': {'id': ['en','bob_dylan']}},{'method': 'freebase.text.get', 'apiVersion': 'v1', 'params': {'id': ['en','blade_runner']}}]" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
We are working on improving our documentation for doing this but this should get you going.
The name of the method you want to call is freebase.text.get and the rest of the parameters are documented here:
You can pass the id using an "id" parameter.
What exactly are you looking for for images ? How would you get back multiple binary content ?


How to get all unread items using Feedly API

OK, either this is incredibly obvious and I'm just too dumb to see it, or it is not possible at all.
I created a Feedly developer access token and can call some end points just fine, like /profile, /categories, etc. Currently testing them with curl, but eventually will do this in Ruby.
What I can't find from the documentation (or even by Googling) is how to access all the unread entries from all my subscriptions just like I do in the Feedly app:
As far as I understand, Streams are for specific feeds. And the closest thing to the All stream, I think, is the Global Resource Id "global.all". But when I call it according to the documentation I get "API handler not found".
curl -H 'Authorization: OAuth [<MY_ACCESS_TOKEN>]'<MY_USER_ID>/category/global.all
{"errorCode":404,"errorId":"ap5int-sv2.2018082612.1607238","errorMessage":"API handler not found"}
At some point I thought maybe Feedly just doesn't support this and went and looked at Inoreader's API documentation and it looks pretty much the same. There is no /All stream where I can pull my unread entries. So I feel like I'm missing something very obvious here.
What I am trying to do:
Basically I want to create an app for myself where I pull all my unread entries and flag the ones I'm interested in as "Read Later". This is part of a bigger workflow app that I'm working on.
You're almost there. To get a stream of all your unread articles, the syntax would be:
curl -H 'Authorization: OAuth <access token>' '<user id>/category/global.all&unreadOnly=true'
The <user id> can be obtained by the Profile API which can be found here.
The streams API is documented here.
Hope this helps.

Jira -- How to get issue changelog via REST API - but ALL, not single issue

I've seen this question many times, but no sufficient answer.
We're trying to dump all JIRA data into our data warehouse/ BI system. Or at least, the interesting parts.
One thing you can do is track status times, cycle time, lead time directly with field durations. This is very easy via JIRA's direct SQL database. The tables changeItem and changeGroup.
Of course the REST JSON API has less performance impact on the database.
However ... there appears to be no equivalent in the rest API of fetching ALL issue change history. Yes, you can fetch the changelog of one issue directly via an API call. If you have 100k issues, are you expected to make 100k API calls, iterating through issue IDs? Sounds like madness.
Is it somehow possible to expand changelogs through the search API, which amasses all issue data? I haven't seen it. Is what I'm seeking here possible? Or will we have to stick to the SQL route?
I think you are asking pretty much the same question as before: How can I fetch (via GET) all JIRA issues? Do I go to the Search node?, but additionally interesting in getting changelog data.
Yes, again you have to do it in batch, requesting JIRA API several times.
Here is little bash script, which could help you to do that:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
TOTAL=$(curl --silent -u "${LDAP_USERNAME}:${LDAP_PASSWORD}" -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" "${JIRA_URL}maxResults=0&jql=${JQL_QUERY}" | jq '.total')
echo "Query would export ${TOTAL} issues."
while [ ${START_AT} -lt ${TOTAL} ]; do
echo "Exporting from ${START_AT} to $((START_AT + MAX_RESULTS))"
curl --silent -u "${LDAP_USERNAME}:${LDAP_PASSWORD}" -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" "${JIRA_URL}maxResults=${MAX_RESULTS}&startAt=${START_AT}&jql=${JQL_QUERY}& expand=changelog" | jq -c '.issues[]' >> issues.json
Please note the expand parameter, which additionally put all change log to the json dump as well. Alternatively you can use issue dumper python solution: implement the callback to store data to db and you're done.
Another service worth considering especially if you need to have a feed like list of changes:
This returns a feed of last changes in issues in XML format for some criteria, like users etc. Actually, you may play around with "Activity Stream" gadget on a Dashboard to see hot it works.
The service has limit of 99 changes at once, but there's paging(see the Show More.. button)

How to write filter {key} for a 'get items as xlsx' request via Podio API

I'll get this out of the way first: I'm an amateur programmer (at best)...i have some knowledge of how APIs work, but little to no experience manipulating the podio API directly (ie I use zapier/globiflow a lot and don't write any php/ruby). I'm sure other people can figure this out via the API documentation, but I can't. So i'm really hoping someone can help clarify and give some more detailed instruction.
My Overall objective:
I frequently export podio files as xlsx from the podio front-end. This is used by my team and me to do regular data analysis tasks in excel. I would like to make this process easier by automating the function of getting an updated podio export into my excel. My plan is to do this via excel VBA. I understand from other searching that it is possible to send an HTTP request using VBA, so i want to make sure i understand what I need to send to the Podio API to get what I need. The method of how to write the HTTP request in excel VBA is outside the intentional scope of this question (though i'd accept any help on this!)
What I've tried so far:
I know that 'get items as xlsx' is part of the podio API:
However I cannot seem to get this to work in the sandbox environment on that page so that i can figure out a valid request url. I get this message: 'Invalid filtering key' ... because i have no idea how to fill in that field. The information on that page is not clear on this. Nor is it evident on the referenced 'views page'. There are no examples to follow!
I don't even want to do any filtering. I just want to get ALL items in the app. Or i can give it a pre-existing view_id, but that doens't seem to work either without a {key}
I realise this is probably dead simple. Please help a noob? :)
Unfortunately, the interactive API sandbox does not behave appropriately for this particular endpoint. For filtering, this API endpoint expects query string parameters where the field-value pairs consist of integer field IDs and the allowed values for each field. Filtering by fields is totally optional. It looks like this sandbox page isn't built for this kind of operation with dynamic query string field names; wherever you see the {key} field on that page is meant as a placeholder for whatever field IDs that you would use for filtering.
If you want to experiment with this endpoint, I would encourage you to try another dedicated HTTP client first. I was able to get this simple example working with the command-line program wget:
wget --header="Authorization:OAuth2 $MY_SECRET_TOKEN" \
--content-disposition \
In this case, wget downloaded an Excel file containing all the items in my app without any filtering applied. The additional --content-disposition argument tells wget to save the output as a file with a name using the information in the server's Content-Disposition response header.
With a filter applied:
wget --header="Authorization:OAuth2 $MY_SECRET_TOKEN" \
--content-disposition \
In this case, the downloaded file filtered the results to items where field id 130654431 (which is a category field) contain the value galaxy.

Google Spreadsheet API: Post request fails

I have a Google spreadsheet published to the web, and I'm trying to read and write list-based feeds. I have not authenticated.
I can read data using a GET request just fine.
However, all my post requests to write data come back with an error
curl --data ''
curl --data '<entry xmlns="" xmlns:gsx=""><gsx:id>1</gsx:id><gsx:status>1</gsx:status><gsx:user_email>1</gsx:user_email><gsx:url domain>1</gsx:url domain><gsx:highlighted_text>1</gsx:highlighted_text><gsx:complete_text comments>1</gsx:complete_text comments><gsx:created_date>1</gsx:created_date><gsx:updated_date>1</gsx:updated_date><gsx:created_by>1</gsx:created_by><gsx:updated_by>1</gsx:updated_by></entry>'
The error I'm getting is: "Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist. Please check the address and try again."
Do POST request require authentication? I can't find anything in the docs that say so.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Two things:
I think you need to use the private feed (.../private/full), not the public one (.../public/full) like you're using now. More on the private-versus-public distinction is in the API docs.
You will need an Authorization header. (That process gets pretty complicated, but there's a lot of good info here. Remember to select the appropriate scopes.)
Both are mentioned in the example about adding a list row in the Sheets API docs. (I'd link directly, but I don't have enough rep to add more than two links. Just search for "Adding a list row".)

REST API for driving distance?

Is there a service that will give me the driving distance between two addresses? Apparently Google Maps API requires you to display a map, which I don't want to do (on that particular page), and I'd like to just snag the data and save it to my DB after a user submits a form, rather than waiting for JS to do it's thing.
If it's relevant, this is going into a Django app. I discovered that CloudMade offers a Python API, which is nice, except their latest dev release has a bug in it (can't use the API object), but more importantly, it's support for Canada is awful (couldn't find directions from any major city around here!).
MapQuest's Directions API is HTTP Querystring based (I'm not sure if it's entirely RESTful). Can get XML or JSON response. Just need to send it an HTTP GET Request.
Use the "distance" response parameter.
I don't have a high enough reputation on SO to comment on an answer but I just wanted to be clear that contrary to the voted correct answer, Google Directions API has to adhere to the Google Maps API. If you scroll down the supplied link, you will see:
Note: the Directions API may only be used in conjunction with displaying results on a Google map; using Directions data without displaying a map for which directions data was requested is prohibited. Additionally, calculation of directions generates copyrights and warnings which must be displayed to the user in some fashion. For complete details on allowed usage, consult the Maps API Terms of Service License Restrictions.
Would it be possible to use Google Maps GDirections object? This can return the textual directions instead of the map overlay if called with a div object. From there you can use the getDistance (or getDuration) functions. You can always use an invisible div for the returns if you don't want anything to be displayed on the page.
Start here
And use this sample code
var map;
var directionsPanel;
var directions;
function initialize() {
directionsPanel = document.getElementById("route");
directions = new GDirections(null, directionsPanel);
GEvent.addListener(directions , "load", onGDirectionsLoad);
directions.load("from: 500 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA to: 4 Yawkey Way, Boston, MA 02215 (Fenway Park)");
function onGDirectionsLoad(){
Here is my solution:
Signup for Mapquest Developer network.
Get AppId
Open your command shell and run the following command(or use fiddler) But running it through curl will give you flexibility to automate your request
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{locations: ["Salt Lake City, UT","Ogden, UT",],options: {allToAll: false}}' >> distance.txt
Save above command with all your destinations into batch or sh file.
Now grep and parse out your distance.txt file for what you need.
There are free services out there, but the quality of the data may be questionable/non-existent in areas. Be aware of licences on the data too, storing in your own DB may be a breach.
Take a look at Navteq. I used their service in developing a driving directions application about 5 years ago, and got good results. Can't speak for them lately though. I believe the best URL is Navteq Routing Service
You can use the new Google Directions API directly, without using any javascript.