Testing Email w/ Pony and RSpec in Rails 3.1 - ruby-on-rails-3

I tried using this How do I test Pony emailing in a Sinatra app, using rspec? to test a Rails 3.1 app sending emails. The sending works fine, but I'm having a hard time getting the tests to work. Here's what I have so far ...
config.before(:each) do
def do_not_send_email
Pony.stub!(:deliver) # Hijack to not send email.
and in my users_controller_spec.rb
it "should send a greeting email" do
post :create, :user => #attr
Pony.should_receive(:mail) do |params|
params[:to].should == "nuser#gmail.com"
params[:body].should include("Congratulations")
and I get this ...
1) UsersController POST 'create' success should send a greeting email
Failure/Error: Pony.should_receive(:mail) do |params|
(Pony).mail(any args)
expected: 1 time
received: 0 times
# ./spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb:121:in `block (4 levels) in '
It looks like Pony's not getting an email, but I know the real email is getting sent out.
Any ideas?

Here's what I finally ended up with for the test ...
it "should send a greeting email" do
Pony.should_receive(:deliver) do |mail|
mail.to.should == [ 'nuser#gmail.com' ]
mail.body.should =~ /congratulations/i
post :create, :user => #attr
The Pony.should_rececieve needs :deliver (not :mail), the do/end was changed a bit, and the post was done after the setup.
Hope this helps someone else.

I know this is an old question but there is another way to test this. Version 1.10 of Pony added override_options. Pony uses Mail to send email. override_options lets you use the TestMailer functionality that is built into Mail. So you can set up your test like this:
In spec_helper
require 'pony'
Pony.override_options = { :via => :test }
In your test
before do
it 'some test' do
# some code that generates an email
mail = Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.last
expect(mail.to).to eql 'some#email.com'


NoMethodError running Integration Test, RailsTutorial Ch9

I'm having an issue where my integration tests do not seem to find the log_in_as method from my test_helper.rb
I have been following Michael Hart's Rails tutorial, so I was hoping not to massively refactor my code to try and get this to work. I would like to continue on through the book without having to exclude the tests, since it is pretty test heavy afterall.
NoMethodError: undefined method `log_in_as' for #<UsersLoginTest:0x00000005b18460>
test/integration/users_login_test.rb:43:in `block in <class:UsersLoginTest>'
require 'test_helper.rb'
class UsersLoginTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
test "login with remembering" do
log_in_as(#user, remember_me: '1')
assert_not_empty cookies['remember_token']
test "login without remembering" do
# Log in to set the cookie.
log_in_as(#user, remember_me: '1')
# Log in again and verify that the cookie is deleted.
log_in_as(#user, remember_me: '0')
assert_empty cookies['remember_token']
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'test'
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
fixtures :all
# Returns true if a test user is logged in.
def is_logged_in?
# Log in as a particular user.
def log_in_as(user)
session[:user_id] = user.id
class ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
# Log in as a particular user.
def log_in_as(user, password: 'password', remember_me: '1')
post login_path, params: { session: { email: user.email,
password: password,
remember_me: remember_me } }
I had this same issue. There are two problems I had to fix:
Make sure there is only one test_helper.rb file, and
test_helper.rb is in the right folder
Hope this helps!

Getting controller name from a request.referer in Rails

I know I can use request.referrer to get the full referrer URL in Rails, but is there a way to just get the controller name from the URL?
I want to see if the URL of http://myurl.com/profiles/2 includes "profiles"
I know I can use a regex to do it but I wondered if there was a better way.
Keep in mind that request.referrer gives you the url of the request before the current one. That said, here is how you can convert request.referrer to controller/actionn information:
it should give you something like
{:subdomain => "", :controller => "x", :action => "y"}
Here is my try which works with Rails 3 & 4. This code extracts one parameter on logout and redirects user to customized login page otherwise it redirects to general login page.
You can easily extract :controller this way. Controller part:
def logout
path = login_path
refroute = Rails.application.routes.recognize_path(request.referer)
path = subscriber_path(refroute[:sub_id]) if refroute && refroute[:sub_id]
rescue ActionController::RoutingError
redirect_to path
And tests are important as well:
test "logout to subscriber entry page" do
session[:uid] = users(:user1).id
#request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = "http://host/s/client1/p/xyzabc"
get :logout
assert_redirected_to subscriber_path('client1')
test "logout other referer" do
session[:uid] = users(:user1).id
#request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = "http://anyhost/path/other"
get :logout
assert_redirected_to login_path
test "logout with bad referer" do
session[:uid] = users(:user1).id
#request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = "badhost/path/other"
get :logout
assert_redirected_to login_path
Inside the controller, you have the method controller_name which returns you only the name. In your case, it would return "profiles".
You may also use params[:controller] which returns the same string.

No request params in constraint when testing route

When I run this in practice it works, but I can't seem to write a working test for my route constraint with rspec.
When the test runs the constraint is triggered, but the request params are empty, thus it does not validate and the test fails.
I am running Rails 3.0.9, rspec-rails 2.6.1 and rspec 2.6.0.
match ":param1-unique-:param2" => "controller#index",
:constraints => ParamConstraint.new
class ParamConstraint
def matches?(request)
#request ||= request
valid_param1? && valid_param2?
def valid_param1?
#request.params[:param1] == "lorem"
def valid_param2?
#request.params[:param2] == "ipsum"
require 'spec_helper'
describe "param constraint routing" do
it "recognizes route for param1 and param2" do
{ :get => "/lorem-unique-ipsum" }.
should route_to(
:controller => "controller",
:action => "index",
:param1 => "lorem",
:param2 => "ipsum"
If I inspect the request in the constraint I get the following output:
#<ActionDispatch::Request:0x007fee140ff910 #env={
"rack.version"=>[1, 1],
I ran into this same issue today, searching for an answer brought me to this page's question. For what it's worth, I had to resort to writing a request spec instead.
context "passing params that satisfy ParamConstraint" do
before do
visit "/lorem-unique-ipsum"
it "should serve up a page with content" do
# replace this with some assertion that gets satisfied by
# pages served up when ParamConstraint.new.matches? returns true
page.should have_selector("html body div#foo")
page.should_not have_selector("html body div#bar")
context "passing params that DO NOT satisfy ParamConstraint" do
before do
visit "/other-unique-other"
it "should serve up a page with different content" do
# replace this with some assertion that gets satisfied by
# pages served up when ParamConstraint.new.matches? returns false
page.should_not have_selector("html body div#foo")
page.should have_selector("html body div#bar")
This doesn't answer your question, which I take to be "how to test routing constraint", as the proper way would be via a routing spec. But given this gap in how request.params works when you use "should route_to", this is a workaround. A request spec, as opposed to a routing spec, will fill request.params correctly.
Same issue exists years later, with rspec-core 3.4.4, rspec-rails 3.4.2, rails 4.2.6. Don't have time to dig into exactly why...
You can use a request spec as suggested above, but don't use it to test the page contents. Instead, replicate a routing test (route_to) by checking the conversion of URL paths to request params:
RSpec.describe 'routes', type: :request do
describe '/:slug' do
it 'routes correctly' do
get '/test-product-slug'
expect(request.params).to eq(
'controller' => 'product',
'action' => :index,
'slug' => 'test-product-slug'

Testing after_create hooks with rspec

I have code in my model (RoR 3.0.x) that is more or less like this:
class Message
after_create :notify
def notify
if visible?
Notifier.message_from_portfolio( user, self ).deliver
Notifier.invisible_message_from_portfolio( user, self ).deliver
And I'm using the latest rspec gem to test it.
The problem is that I'm not able to test the notify method: if I test it directly I can't because it's protected, if I create a message and set expectations it doesn't work because apparently even though rspec runs the notify metod I'm not able to catch the calls in time.
My spec is:
describe :notification do
it "should send the whole message by email when visible" do
u = Factory.create( :user, :account_type => 1 )
message = u.messages.build( :body => "Whatever", :author => "Nobody", :email => "test#example.com" )
Notifier.should_receive( :message_from_portfolio )
The object Notifier never receives message_from_portfolio. What am I doing wrong? Suggestions?
Factory.create has already saved message, so it is not being created, just saved. Substitute it with Factory.build and all should be fine.
Are you sure the callback is being reached? after_create doesn't get executed if the instance is invalid.
You could set an expectation for debugging purposes:
Or maybe visible? returns false? To check for that you could use a negative expectation:

How do I write a Rails 3.1 engine controller test in rspec?

I have written a Rails 3.1 engine with the namespace Posts. Hence, my controllers are found in app/controllers/posts/, my models in app/models/posts, etc. I can test the models just fine. The spec for one model looks like...
module Posts
describe Post do
describe 'Associations' do
it ...
... and everything works fine.
However, the specs for the controllers do not work. The Rails engine is mounted at /posts, yet the controller is Posts::PostController. Thus, the tests look for the controller route to be posts/posts.
describe "GET index" do
it "assigns all posts as #posts" do
Posts::Post.stub(:all) { [mock_post] }
get :index
assigns(:posts).should eq([mock_post])
which yields...
1) Posts::PostsController GET index assigns all posts as #posts
Failure/Error: get :index
No route matches {:controller=>"posts/posts"}
# ./spec/controllers/posts/posts_controller_spec.rb:16
I've tried all sorts of tricks in the test app's routes file... :namespace, etc, to no avail.
How do I make this work? It seems like it won't, since the engine puts the controller at /posts, yet the namespacing puts the controller at /posts/posts for the purpose of testing.
I'm assuming you're testing your engine with a dummy rails app, like the one that would be generated by enginex.
Your engine should be mounted in the dummy app:
In spec/dummy/config/routes.rb:
Dummy::Application.routes.draw do
mount Posts::Engine => '/posts-prefix'
My second assumption is that your engine is isolated:
In lib/posts.rb:
module Posts
class Engine < Rails::Engine
isolate_namespace Posts
I don't know if these two assumptions are really required, but that is how my own engine is structured.
The workaround is quite simple, instead of this
get :show, :id => 1
use this
get :show, {:id => 1, :use_route => :posts}
The :posts symbol should be the name of your engine and NOT the path where it is mounted.
This works because the get method parameters are passed straight to ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::Generator#initialize (defined here), which in turn uses #named_route to get the correct route from Rack::Mount::RouteSet#generate (see here and here).
Plunging into the rails internals is fun, but quite time consuming, I would not do this every day ;-) .
I worked around this issue by overriding the get, post, put, and delete methods that are provided, making it so they always pass use_route as a parameter.
I used Benoit's answer as a basis for this. Thanks buddy!
module ControllerHacks
def get(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil)
process_action(action, parameters, session, flash, "GET")
# Executes a request simulating POST HTTP method and set/volley the response
def post(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil)
process_action(action, parameters, session, flash, "POST")
# Executes a request simulating PUT HTTP method and set/volley the response
def put(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil)
process_action(action, parameters, session, flash, "PUT")
# Executes a request simulating DELETE HTTP method and set/volley the response
def delete(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil)
process_action(action, parameters, session, flash, "DELETE")
def process_action(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil, method = "GET")
parameters ||= {}
process(action, parameters.merge!(:use_route => :my_engine), session, flash, method)
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.include ControllerHacks, :type => :controller
Use the rspec-rails routes directive:
describe MyEngine::WidgetsController do
routes { MyEngine::Engine.routes }
# Specs can use the engine's routes & named URL helpers
# without any other special code.
– RSpec Rails 2.14 official docs.
Based on this answer I chose the following solution:
RSpec.configure do |config|
# other code
config.before(:each) { #routes = UserManager::Engine.routes }
The additional benefit is, that you don't need to have the before(:each) block in every controller-spec.
Solution for a problem when you don't have or cannot use isolate_namespace:
module Posts
class Engine < Rails::Engine
In controller specs, to fix routes:
get :show, {:id => 1, :use_route => :posts_engine}
Rails adds _engine to your app routes if you don't use isolate_namespace.
I'm developing a gem for my company that provides an API for the applications we're running. We're using Rails 3.0.9 still, with latest Rspec-Rails (2.10.1). I was having a similar issue where I had defined routes like so in my Rails engine gem.
match '/companyname/api_name' => 'CompanyName/ApiName/ControllerName#apimethod'
I was getting an error like
No route matches {:controller=>"company_name/api_name/controller_name", :action=>"apimethod"}
It turns out I just needed to redefine my route in underscore case so that RSpec could match it.
match '/companyname/api_name' => 'company_name/api_name/controller_name#apimethod'
I guess Rspec controller tests use a reverse lookup based on underscore case, whereas Rails will setup and interpret the route if you define it in camelcase or underscore case.
It was already mentioned about adding routes { MyEngine::Engine.routes }, although it's possible to specify this for all controller tests:
# spec/support/test_helpers/controller_routes.rb
module TestHelpers
module ControllerRoutes
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
routes { MyEngine::Engine.routes }
and use in rails_helper.rb:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include TestHelpers::ControllerRoutes, type: :controller