How to implement login in a Backbone app - authentication

I have a Backbone app where we know start to implement the login. Till now I we had no login and the app starts with creating all relevant models and collection on start. Now the API demands a session cookie to response.
What would be the better solution:
having a login.html that forward to the app.html after a successful login
having the login to be part of the Backbone app with an own route
In both solution, how can I prevent that the user sees the login dialog again, just by pressing the back button?

I use the standard way of login handling, a simple login page separated from the application.
/admin/ in this route I have a simple middleware checking for the user session if the user is not authenticated, he is redirected over /admin/login.
Once the user obtains a valid session he can freely go to /admin/ where my application resides. The same apply when you need to authenticate users with some OpenID or OAuth provider.
There is no use in handling authentication in the browser since it's too much simple to handle it in your backend. In fact in my backend I have only three standard routes:
/* accessible routes */
/* protected routes: */
For the back button issue, you just need to know if the user already have a valid session token, then redirect/trigger to the right route (beware of redirection loops)


Velusia Sample - Redirect after Registration

In the sample "Velusia" provided here Github OpenIdDict-Samples, upon most of the action the user is redirected back to the client, however upon the registration, the user is sent to the server 'home/index' page. How can I make it send a user same as the login action, back to the client?
We do have the ability to specify the SignOut redirect uri, however there is no visible option for Sign In
I could as well add in a home controller for index view a redirect to my app, however i would loose the uri I started with and would have to probably redo the request

Configure Silent Authentication in Open ID Connect

client type: Spa
grant type: implicit or code(pkce)
As a user, I want to be able to get silently authenticated if I have already logged with my identity provider. If not stay on the client side just like a guest user. And if I want to login to the client I should be able to get authenticated manually through the login page.
This has both manual sign-in and automatic sign-in scenarios. How would you handle such cases in Open ID Connect?
By adding the prompt=none in client settings will silently get a new token if user has a valid session. But if not I want the user to be able to manually authenticate through the login page upon his/her wish.
If I set prompt=none this will never have any user interaction such as authentication.
tags: Silent authentication oidc, automatic login, SSO
It is quite a deep subject, and the flow typically works like this:
User is redirected for each SPA
If signed in already at the IDP there is no login prompt
OAuth state is stored in local storage (though it is recommended to only store actual tokens in memory)
When an access token expires (or before) do an iframe token renewal with prompt=none
When a new browser tab is opened do an iframe token renewal to get tokens for that tab - to avoid a full redirect
When the user logs out remove OAuth state from local storage
The most widely used library is OIDC Client which will do a lot of the hard work for you. See also my blog post + code sample for how this looks visually.
It is worth being aware also that iframe silent renewal does not work by default in the Safari browser in 2020. Some notes on this here.
Alternatively, you can use signinSilent(). I have used it on my login page ngOnInit (since AuthGuard will anyway redirect the user to login, I thought it will be the perfect place in my scenario).
// login.ts
ngOnInit(): void {
this.authService.signinSilent().then(_ => {}).catch(_ => {});
// authService
public signinSilent() {
return this.userManager.signinSilent();
signinSilent method will return the user object if user already has a valid session with idp. else it will throw an error, probably login_required.

auth0 still auto-logs in seamlessly even after calling /logout url

Simple problem, I want to login and out of an app with various users to check different app functionality. App is using Auth0 for user management.
I am calling the /v2/logout url as a part of my flow.
But somehow, after logging out, when I login again the seamless SSO behavior runs and I'm immediately logged in again with no prompts -- it's as if the logout URL was never called.
Only way to get a login prompt again, is to clear my browser cache. Is there an auth0 cookie somewhere I need to delete as well? Or am I missing something? I'm reading the seamless SSO docs but don't see anything beyond calling /v2/logout.
Calling the Auth0 /v2/logout API endpoint will log the user out of Auth0 and optionally the IdP (if you specify federated parameter). It will not log out the user from your Application so you will need to implement that in your application.
Here in the Javascript SPA example, in the setSession() we are storing the Access token(along with its expiry) and the ID token in localStorage. In the logout() function we are then removing these entries. This is logging out from the Application user session. You can optionally redirect to /v2/logout to clear the Auth0 and IdP session as well in this function. That way, when you are checking if user is authenticated, the isAuthenticated() returns false and we force the user log in again.
So turns out, the issue is around redirecting the user as opposed to calling the logout url directly. I was using a separate ajax api call to the logout url. However when I use window.location.replace(logoutUrl), the logout actually happens.
From the auth0 docs:
To force a logout, redirect the user to the following URL:
Redirecting the user to this URL clears all single sign-on cookies set by Auth0 for the user.
So a separate call doesn't work -- have to redirect. Which I suppose makes sense -- a separate ajax call doesn't have the user session context.

How to force login per client with keycloak (¿best practice?)

We are currently implementing keycloak and we are facing an issue that we are not sure what’s the best way to solve it.
We have different webapps making use of the sso and that’s working fine. The problem we have is when we make log in using the sso in one webapp and then we do the same in a different webapp.
Initially this second webapp does not know which user is coming (and it’s not necessary to be logged in to make use of it). When clicking on “login”, it automatically logs in the user (by making a redirection to keycloak and automatically logging the already logged user in the other webapp). This second logging happens “transparently” to the user, since the redirection to keycloak is very fast and it’s not noticeable. This behaviour is not very user friendly.
The question is: Taking into account that this second webapp can’t know upfront which user is accessing the site (unless actively redirecting to keycloak), is it possible to force always the users to log in for a specific keycloak client? By this I mean actually ask the visitor for user/pw even if keycloak knows already them from other keycloak clients.
Thanks in advance!
In the mail listing from keycloak, they gave me a good solution but for version 4:
in admin console, go to Authentication
make a copy of Browser flow
in this new flow, disable or delete Cookie
go to Clients -> (your client) -> Authentication Flow Overrides, change Browser Flow to your new flow, click Save."
Use logout endpoint as a default login button action in your app and redirect uri param use for login page, where you use your specific client (of course you need proper URI encoding):
=> user will be logged out and then it will be redirected to the login page

How to pass data to the redirected route after Bell authentication?

I have an Hapi.JS application that authenticates with a provider via Bell plugin.
Authentication works as expected. I check for an account in our DB associated with the Bell credentials upon successful login. If no user account is associated, I redirect to the registration page.
The problem is I can't pass user's profile data to the registration route. Even if I set a cookie, it is lost when redirected to the registration route.
I know I can use hapi-auth-cookie but I am planning to use JWT authentication and I don't want to add a new plugin just for passing basic user info to a specific route.
Do you have an idea how can I make it work?