When creating a new TFS workitem is it possible to configure a different default Iteration value? - workitem

Like many people we utilise the tree structure of each TFS project's Iteration field to organise the work items within that project. Typically we use it to track what iteration we are working in, so most of the time everyone creating a work item needs to put the same Iteration path value in new work items.
By default when you create a new work item (bug for example) this field is set to the root value of the defined tree. Given we have a tree structure in this field its fair to say that for 99% of WIs the default is never correct.
Is there a way to configure a TFS project to default the Iteration field to a specific value when creating a new work item?
Ideally this should be a per user setting, but a TFS project wide would still be better than nothing.

It's not possible to set a default value for Iteration or Area Path (at least not inside the WITD).
Two ideas come into my mind:
Create a custom control for your work items, install it on every PC and let it change the Iteration when the WI gets loaded.
Easier way: Get the power tools and create a template for your work items. There you can preselect the Iteration. Of course every user has to create their own template.

Andrei's answer lead me to some further internet research and I have found a option that fulfills my "this should be a per user setting" side of the equation;
Instal the TFS Power tools extension.
Define a new work item template
(again following my example for a bug WI) and change the iteration
path in the template to match that users current iteration path.
the template.
From that point on you can add a work item using this template (team -> work item templates) and get the Iteration path default from the template.


Magnolia 5.5 Exclude Search Page from Search

To my understanding of what is written here: Magnolia Search Documentation I added a Search Page as a new template. The SearchPage itself has no content but can be listed in the search results.
My Questions are:
How can I exclude this page (for example by template) from indexing?
I know that in my magnolia workspace folder "website" there is a workspace.xml. Is it right, that if I wanted to use my own indexing_configuration.xml, i could place it there?
How would I reset and restart the index with the new configuration?
depends who does the excluding. I.e. If you want editors to be able to exclude page, easiest is to add field to page props to "hide from search results" and then wrap results in iterate that will check for the flag and skip if found. If sys admin does the excluding you can change indexing confit and exclude page there as you seem to be trying.
yes, that's where it goes
shutdown, delete index subfolder (make copy of it first) in website folder, start up. Re indexing will happen automatically on startup. Depending on amount of data might take a while. If you have corrupted repo, reindexing might fail (hence the backup) but then you have different problems :)

Sensenet: Pagination on Document Library

It is possible to define pagination on document library?
I have a document library with more that 10000 documents... when I open the library occurs an timeout.
Actually SenseNet already does this! They just don't deliver it in the standard list control. If you open up the PRC and navigate to /Root/IMS/BuiltIn/Portal you'll see a list control with paging. The code can be found at /Root/Global/renderers/UserExploreGrid.ascx as User Control portlet. You can copy the code and change it to meet your needs.
Our company prefers to create User Control portlets and use Datatables with calls to the SenseNet OData API using skip and top to deliver pages.
Finally, given that SenseNet Content is stored as a tree structure (in SQL!), you can move the Content after creation so that data is organized hierarchically. A common solution is to take the first letter of the DisplayName and create a sub-folder from that letter, thereby reducing the number of items at a single node.
Here's what the paging looks like:
The short answer is no. Right now there isn't a built in functionality for that.
The long answer is that you can make a pagination yourself. One of the core member of sensenet made a grid where you can use pagination. It won't work with the current free to use releases because they lack the js files she used. But the idea behind it, is using a custom view. Which you can achieve by adding a system folder named Views under a the Document library and adding your custom view there.
You can use this grid for Explore, just follow these steps:
Go to the Explore action page, and switch editor mode on the PRC.
Place a ClientContext portlet (this can find under the Portlets->Application section in the portlet picker dialog) to the Wide column. Set portlet (client context porlet) properties, Apparance to None. It is a technical portlet, which allow get the CurrentContext in javascript. This is a very important element to work with this grid. The Grid use the client context.
Place a UserControlPortlet (In the portlet picker, Portlets->Application section) to the Wide Column.
Set portlet properties:
4.1. Portlet title: <%$ Resources: PortletTitles, Items%>
4.2. User Control path: /Root/Global/renderers/UserExploreGrid.ascx
Checkin Page modification on the PRC.
Enjoy your pageable explore portlet.
Keep in mind that this grid is specifically designed for users, so they will miss actions in the top menu. These must be handwritten. Then I suggest you copy the UserControl ( /Root/Global/renderers/UserExploreGrid.ascx)
and then put the action list on it . You can read more info about action list here: http://wiki.sensenet.com/ActionList

How can be changed a documenttype layout in Hippo CMS

I created a hippo documenttype using a one column layout. For rendering purposes I would like to reorganize the given items into a two-columns layout.
However, no option is available to do this change, at least not by using the latest hippo cms community version.
I have already searched in google and found following information, saying that it may be possible to change the layout by using the console, but no information about how:
I would appreciate any hints about it.
AFAIK there is no documentation on how to do this: this is not very complicated but this is a tedious process. If you still can - for instance your document type is not used yet - I would advise to simply drop it and recreate the content type. That being said, here is how it works:
look into your project namespace in the console: the path is something like this: /hippo:namespaces/YOURPROJECT/document-type/editor:templates/_default_/root
the root nodes defines the layout. Check out the plugin.class: for a one column this will be org.hippoecm.frontend.service.render.ListViewPlugin and for a 2 column layout the plugin.class will be org.hippoecm.frontend.editor.layout.TwoColumn
for every field in your document type (that's the tedious part) you will need to define if the field placed on the right or the left.
this is configured on the node with the name of the field path, as a property wicket.id that for instance have the value ${cluster.id}.left.item. This means the item will be placed on the left side.
Your best bet is to create a 2 column example document type and look carefully at its configuration and replicate the changes in your existing field.
Have you tried the instructions on the link below ?

Rally: How to make apps compatible with the time box filter?

When displaying several apps on a page, I am aware that I can use a global filter such as a release or iteration filter rather than having a release or iteration filter for each app. However, the global filter does not seem to work properly for the Iteration Summary app but it works with individual filter. I have looked at the source code for the Iteration Summary app to make it compatible with the global filter (aka time box filter). Please refer to http://developer.rallydev.com/help/Apps-Timebox-Filtered-Dashboards for more information.
Also, another concern for the custom grid app how do I make it so that I do not have to hard code the query like Iteration.Name = "IR 1" but instead use the global filter data to do the query. Thanks.
Custom grid should automatically respect the global timebox filter on the dashboard. It will AND on the timebox filter to any query entered (so there is no need to manually add it).
The Iteration Summary App should work with the global filter. Could you give more info on what the problem is?

Dynamic menu contribution with key bindings

I've a question. I have a dynamic menu contribution (class extending the ContributionItem). But I cannot find how to connect these items with key bindings.
The main problem is, that the plugin is actually quite easy. It loads menu from XML file. Practically it is a horror, because there is just few tutorials about dynamic menus. Almost every tutorial uses plugin.xml. But I cannot do it this way. I need to load items from a XML file depending on the workspace choosen. The file contains menu structure including key bindigs. That's my problem. I've never found how to bind keys with commands dynamically.
Fortunately the menu item has a method, wich can be used to get this task done:
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.CHECK, index);
menuItem.setAccelerator(SWT.SHIFT | SWT.ALT | 'G');
Nevetheless to get list of the key bindings already used in current Eclipse instance is not so trivial. Most likely they must be instpected by going through list of plugins and their menu contributions.