Load App.Config at runtime - vb.net

I am creating a test project using IBM's Rational Functional Tester(RFT) tool(we are using the VB version of it and it only supports till .net 3.5).In this project I am making all database queries using the entity framework.The problem is entity framework retrieves "Metadata", "Connection String" etc from the App.Config file,and RFT won't let me add a App.Config to the project(I guess it is designed that way -- I googled adding an App.Config file to an rft project and came up with nothing), and the Entity Framework requires you to have the app.config file at the entry point.I was building the string to pass to entity framework in code, but my boss really does not like that.
So looking at my options I think any of the below 2 solutions should suffice(or if you have a better solution please advise).
Is their any way to load an App.Config during run-time.
Is their any way to add an App.Config to an RFT project(should
really be my first question).
If you guys could help me with this it will be great.
Thanks in advance.

After a lot of research i found you can load the config file at runtime by using,
ExeConfigurationFileMap map = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
map.ExeConfigFilename = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.Name + ".config");
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(map, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
var configValue = config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings["refrenceNameinConfigfile"].ConnectionString;
just make sure your App.config is within the folder where your exe file is running


Prevent ASP.NET Core application from using appsettings.json file

I would like to tell to ASP.NET Core application that even if appsettings.json file is there - ignore it.
I would prefer to write this as a comment but I'm still a newby here so I cannot ask questions.
I would like to understand what is the specific problem you are facing right now.
In general the usage or not of the appsettings file depends on your application.
For example, if you create a Web API using default .NET template, you can see that the appsettings file only has some configuration for logging, which you can even delete and nothing happens. You can run the application anyway and it works.
So, coming back to your question, it dependes on what your application is doing. If you have a specific library that needs to read configuration from this file, then you'll need to research how to change that default value.
If you are reading from that file, then you could set value in code instead. (this is obvious but since you didn't provide any more context I don't know what you are struggling with)

Tips to transform an old vb.net webform appplication into a vb.net solution

I have an webform vb.net application which has been coded without any solution or project. To deliver this code, I just put it in my IIS website and go for it. There is no need to generate the dll, publish the website or anything.
I don't like this type of coding, and I would like to create a .net solution. I wanted to stay closer as possible from the existing code.
I have some questions about this process (if you can answer juste one or a few of it, you'll help me a lot) :
Is it doable easily ? Is there an automatic way to do this ? (yes I'm dreaming)
Have you some tips about the way of doing this ?
Should i use an empty solution or a webform solution ?
Should I expect specific problem during this process ?
[Newbie question alert] I can't find any information about the .net version used in this application... I've found the "CLR .Net version" in IIS config (it's the 4.0) : does it mean that the application use the 4.0 .net framework ?
My application is separated into 3 sub-applications (front/back/child-application) : can I keep this organisation ? I was thinking about making one solution with 3 projects.
I have not tried anythink yet. I'm at the very beginning of this project.
I have searched on stackoverflow for similar topic but I only found topics about converting vb.net into c#
Thanks a lot for any help you can provide !
I made the conversion, i still have some namespace error that I'm going to fix. But I have two questions :
I made a web application with 4.5 .Net framework although my website was build with 4.0 .Net Framework :
do you think I made a mistake ?
Should I have updated my website to 4.5 before trying to convert it ?
What I am supposed to do with my web.config ?
Copy-paste to new solution and erase the web.config that has been created in my web application ?
Or should I merge both ?
Or keep the new one only ?
I answer my own questions in case this could help someone :
About version .Net Framework :
It's better to create a blank new project in the same .Net version, and upgrade it at the end (when the project is fully converted)
About the web.config :
Delete the web.config on the new blank project and replace it by the existing one. Try to execute the application and make adjustments

Can MSBuild (via Microsoft.Build namespace) load a project from memory?

I'm working on a service that will download a .NET solution from a repository and build it (not unlike a continuous-integration build service). What I want to know is, using MSBuild programmatically via the Microsoft.Build namespace classes, can I can load the solution and project(s) into memory and build it without first saving them to disk in a temporary folder?
I'm still learning MSBuild and trying things, but I figure someone on Stack Overflow has tried this and has some insight.
I can't speak to whether this is a good idea or not, but it's possible to do.
ProjectInstance has a constructor that accepts a ProjectRootElement, which can be constructed via the Create(XmlReader) method. And as you may know, XmlReader can be attached to various Streams including a MemoryStream.
Here's how something like this may look:
var xmlReader = XmlTextReader.Create([your existing memory stream]);
var project = ProjectRootElement.Create(xmlReader);
var buildParams = new BuildParameters();
var buildData = new BuildRequestData(new ProjectInstance(project),
new string[] { "Build", "Your Other Target Here" });
var buildResult = BuildManager.DefaultBuildManager.Build(buildParams, buildData);
After researching MSBuild and all the involved components, it appears as though it's necessary to have the entire project set up on the file system before being able to build it. Unfortunately, what I'm trying to do just can't be done with the provided toolset.

How to access a specific resw resource file

For a Windows 8 application in C#/XAML I need to access a specific ressource file. In WP7 I used resx file and now it seems that we need to use resw file. It's not a language resource file.
My file is called ConfigResources.resw, it just contains one key : "ConfigFile" and a value : a string.
How can I access it from my code? I tried this without any luck:
var storedConfigFile = Application.Current.Resources["ConfigResources"];
Then how can I edit the value of the key inside from my code?
Thank you
I created a project on CodePlex recently called ResW File Code Generator that simplifies using localized resources in code in windows store app project. It's a custom tool that automatically generates and updates a helper class similar to what ResX files used in the full version of .NET
According to here, you need to use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.ResourceLoader and the Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core namespace provide interaction with resw files.
It should look something like this:
var loader = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.ResourceLoader();
var text = loader.GetString("Farewell");
Alternately, if you're creating a cross-platform library you could also do it using the System.Resources.ResourceManager:
Although the System.Resources.ResourceManager class is included in the
.NET for Windows Store apps, we do not recommend its use. Use
ResourceManager only in libraries that are developed as Portable Class
Library projects and that target multiple platforms.
Like this from here:
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("Strings", typeof(Example).Assembly);
string timeString = rm.GetString("TimeHeader");
There is a sample that shows the different ways to read the resources in WinRT apps (i.e. from resw files).

How can I specify an alternate config file for a WCF client?

I am working on a large system, for which I have to use WCF to access a web service. My test code works fine, now I need to integrate my WCF client code into the larger system. I cannot add to the existing 'app.config' file, and would like specify a separate .config file for use by my client code.
How best can I accomplish this?
There are 2 options.
Option 1. Working with channels.
If you are working with channels directly, .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 has the ConfigurationChannelFactory. The example on MSDN looks like this:
ExeConfigurationFileMap fileMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
fileMap.ExeConfigFilename = "Test.config";
Configuration newConfiguration = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(
ConfigurationChannelFactory<ICalculatorChannel> factory1 =
new ConfigurationChannelFactory<ICalculatorChannel>(
new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:8000/servicemodelsamples/service"));
ICalculatorChannel client1 = factory1.CreateChannel();
As pointed out by Langdon, you can use the endpoint address from the configuration file by simply passing in null, like this:
var factory1 = new ConfigurationChannelFactory<ICalculatorChannel>(
ICalculatorChannel client1 = factory1.CreateChannel();
This is discussed in the MSDN documentation.
Option 2. Working with proxies.
If you're working with code-generated proxies, you can read the config file and load a ServiceModelSectionGroup. There is a bit more work involved than simply using the ConfigurationChannelFactory but at least you can continue using the generated proxy (that under the hood uses a ChannelFactory and manages the IChannelFactory for you.
Pablo Cibraro shows a nice example of this here: Getting WCF Bindings and Behaviors from any config source
you can't do this as you like - you can come close, but can't do it totally.
What you could do is add this section to the main app's config file:
<bindings configSource="bindings.config" />
<behaviors configSource="behaviors.config" />
<client configSource="client.config" />
<services configSource="services.config" />
So for each section inside <system.serviceModel>, you could specify an external config file by using the configSource= attribute (and don't let Visual Studio's red squiggly lines confuse it - yes, it DOES work!).
You can do this for any configuration section - but unfortunately, there's no way to do this for the whole section group (<system.serviceModel>).
There is no built-in support for this in WCF unfortunately. You must create your own ChannelFactory subclass and load/parse configuration files yourself. Check out this post here on MSDN forums for more implementation details.
Or, you can do it a simple and easy way - and implement a custom config file as in this post, which uses a DataSet / DataTable model to store / retrieve your configuration (includes working code):
(.Net) suggestions on making a config file for a program?
So the option mentioned by marc_s DOES work. Ignore Visual Studio warning that it doesn't recognize the configSource property on bindings and all other places.