In extjs4 , I would like to click treepanel child node, you can directly edit , and update , but I have no way to do for a long time ,. I am trying a lot on this issue.Please help me.
Help would be appreciated.
Oh ... ... I solve this problem, in the "plugins" to add plug- in Ext.create ('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {clicksToEdit: 2 ,})",
most important thing is there must be Ext.override ( . AbstractStore, {indexOf: Ext.emptyFn});
I've wanted to try developing for touch screen but for some reason it said:
'Input' does not contain a definition for 'touched'
Then I tried with the old fashioned way, which worked for me a million times, but now doesn't.
'Input' does not contain a definition for 'GetMouseButton'
Does someone know the source of my problem?
void Update() {
Debug.Log("Pressed left click.");
Debug.Log("Pressed right click.");
Debug.Log("Pressed middle click.");
Oh my god, I am so stupid.
I've already reinstalled Unity, VS and everything maybe twice.
And I didn't see what caused the problem...
The problem was that I named my script 'Input'
I'm new to EXTJS. I didn't find getColumnModel() in EXTJS4.
Here is my code snippet:
grid.getColumnModel().on('hiddenchange', this.verifyLayout, this, {delay:1});
How can I replace the same in EXTJS 4?
Can anyone help me in this?
Thanks in advance!
In Ext JS 4 Ext.grid.Panel have columnhide and columnshow events which you can use instead of Ext JS 3 Ext.grid.ColumnModel hiddenchange event.
So you can rewrite your code like this:
grid.on('columnhide', this.verifyLayout, this, {delay:1});
grid.on('columnshow', this.verifyLayout, this, {delay:1});
Also if your verifyLayout method process event parameters you will have to modify it.
I have a django crispy form. Everything is in order, however, I would like to specify an id for it instead of having it autogenerate for me. Is there a way to accomplish this?
I have read the documentation and scoured the internet for sometime, but have not had any luck.
Any help would be appreciated.
I found it. There is a kwarg id that can be applied to the invocation of the crispy form.
I ran into this same question. Here is how I solved it per redcloud1800's initial post:
'Registration Goal',
id = 'registration_goal_field'
The id kwarg in Fieldset adds that id to the HTML tag like: <fieldset id='registration_goal_field'>
my question is similar to Extjs 4 How to get id of parent Component?.
But i am looking solution for it. As the answer given in the question doesn't seems to be useful
In my case i m having button in my each fieldset and also i m creating these fieldsets dynamically which contain button inside it.
Now on click event of button which is inside fieldset i want to get its corresponding fieldset id
This code will return parent fieldset:
ACtully the problem in our case is , it is not extending the Ext.form.FieldSet.
So look this Extjs 4 How to get id of parent Component?
As Zango said, **button.up("[xtype='fieldset']")** will work for you.
I'm looking for a demo project/tuturial of a table view where the cells have several textboxs so it looks like a grid. each line can be edited and save(locally but DB is better).
I found this project before ... but I lost it :_(
I've looked for it in the web for hours now and if you can help me I would appriciate it alot
I think I first found it in:
But can't find it should look like this:
alt text
alt text
It's probably one of these projects: