How can I check identity in 1 column in SQL query? - sql

I need a way to get true-false reply from SQL query that say to me: value in one column are the same or not?

This will work, if there are no null values in the column. Null values in the column are ignored by this solution.
WHEN MIN(Column1) <> MAX(Column1) THEN 'FALSE'
FROM MyTable
I tested this with SQL Server when the datatype of Column1 is varchar and int.

If I understand the question correctly, you're looking to compare two strings? In MySQL, that would be STRCMP().
Based upon feedback in replies to my answer, the following should work in most SQL variants.
SELECT count(0)=1 GROUP BY column
This will group rows by their value of column, and then count how many groups there are. If there is only one group, all rows have the same value for column.


How do I find empty values in multiple columns at once using SQL Big Query?

To find for one column, I can use this.
SELECT column1
FROM `dataset.table`
WHERE column1 IS NULL OR column1 = '';
But what if i have 100 columns? Instead of going through column by column, changing column 1 to 2,3,etc.,I'm looking for one for all solution. I'm kinda new to SQL and Data Cleaning.
Consider below approach
select *
from your_table t
where regexp_contains(to_json_string(t), r':(?:null|"")[,}]')
above will return you all rows where any column either null or empty string

What does 'null' mean when preceding a value in a SELECT statement?

Apologies if this has been asked before but I can't seem to find a relevant answer. It looks like it should be rather simple.
I'm looking at a store procedure (in Sql Server 2008) that includes a select statement similar to the following:
SELECT id, name, null revisedDate
FROM MyTable
What does 'null' mean when preceding the column 'revisedDate'? Does this mean make the returned column values null regardless? I thought it might be a way of giving it a default value of null, but then surely if there's no value then it would return null anyway.
It simply means that you are including a hardcoded NULL value in your result set. Further revisedDate is the name given to that column. For every row in the result set, this column will show NULL.
Assuming TSQL..
Im pretty sure that that will just return a column of nulls under the heading revisedDate. It wont bring back values form any column as in SQL syntax this is the equivelent of null as revisedDate

SQL select query with one or two column excluded

how to write a select query with one or two column excluded instead of list down required columns.
for example we have a table Table1 with 10 columns (col_1,col_2,col_2 ..... col_10)
and we just want select col_1 to col_8.
instead of writing like
Select col_1, col_2, col_3 .... col_8 from Table1
should we select like this
Select -(col_9, col_10) * from Table1
This is possible but you would have to use dynamic SQL or a stored procedure. It would still mean having to specify the start and end column using fixed column names and indexes and if the columns weren't in running order (colN, colN+1, etc.) then it would become messy.
So I suppose your answer it, just type it out. The benefit you will gain from doing something cleaver is small.
I hope this helps.
Any ideas?
I think we can select column name first then write into query.
1 Select column with excluded.
SHOW COLUMNS FROM _table WHERE FIELD NOT IN ('column1','column2')
2 Then, Use the column result we've got from above query to write to select query column.
SELECT {result_aboved} FROM _table WHERE 1
but I don't think it can be only once query for this case. you have to query twice times at least.

SQL: What does NULL as ColumnName imply

I understand that AS is used to create an alias. Therefore, it makes sense to have one long name aliased as a shorter one. However, I am seeing a SQL query NULL as ColumnName
What does this imply?
SELECT *, NULL as aColumn
Aliasing can be used in a number of ways, not just to shorten a long column name.
In this case, your example means you're returning a column that always contains NULL, and it's alias/column name is aColumn.
Aliasing can also be used when you're using computed values, such as Column1 + Column2 AS Column3.
When unioning or joining datasets using a 'Null AS [ColumnA] is a quick way to make sure create a complete dataset that can then be updated later and a new column does not need to be created in any of the source tables.
In the statement result we have a column that has all NULL values. We can refer to that column using alias.
In your case the query selects all records from table, and each result record has additional column containing only NULL values. If we want to refer to this result set and to additional column in other place in the future, we should use alias.
It means that "aColumn" has only Null values. This column could be updated with actual values later but it's an empty one when selected.
---I'm not sure if you know about SSIS, but this mechanism is useful with SSIS to add variable value to the "empty" column.
When using SELECT you can pass a value to the column directly.
So something like :
SELECT ID, Name, 'None' AS Hobbies, 0 AS NumberOfPets, NULL AS Picture, '' AS Adress
Is valid.
It can be used to format nicely a query output when using UNION/UNION ALL.
Query result can have a new column that has all NULL values. In SQL Server we can do it like this
SELECT *, CAST(NULL AS <data-type>) AS as aColumn
How about without using the the as
, Name
, 'None' AS Hobbies
, 0 AS NumberOfPets
, NULL Picture
Usually adding NULL as [Column] name at the end of a select all is used when inserting into another table a calculated column based on the table you have just selected.
UPDATE #TempTable SET aColumn = Column1 + Column2 WHERE ...
Then exporting or saving the results to another table.

how to filter in sql script to not include any column null

imagine there are 50 columns. I dont wan't any row that includes a null value. Are there any tricky way?
SQL 2005 server
Sorry, not really. All 50 columns have to be checked in one form or another.
Column1 IS NOT NULL AND ... AND Column50 IS NOT NULL
Of course, under these conditions why not disallow NULLs in the first place by having NOT NULL in the table definition
If it's SQL Server 2005+ you can do something like:
SELECT fields
FROM MyTable
WHERE stuff
EXCEPT -- This excludes the below results
SELECT fields
FROM MyTable
WHERE (Col1 + Col2 + Col3....) IS NULL
Adding a null to a value results in a null, so the sum of all your columns will be NULL.
This may need to change based on your data types, but adding NULL to either a char/varchar or a number will result in another NULL.
If you are looking at the values not being null, you can do this in the select statement.
This will replace nulls with string blanks. If you want another value use: ISNULL(firstname,'empty') for example. You can use anything where the word empty is.
I prefer this query
select *
from table
where column1>''
and column2>''
and (column3>'' or column3<'')
Allows sql server to use an index seek if the proper index/es exist. you would have to do the syntext for column 3 for any numeric values that could be negative.