Having trouble importing RegexKit into an Xcode 4 project - objective-c

I am using XCode 4, trying to import the RegexKit framework into my project so that I can use regular expressions for some text parsing code. The framework is installed by default into the /Developer/Local/Frameworks folder, and I was able to import it into my project via Project > Build Phases > Link With Binary Libraries and Project > Build Phases > Copy Files (although I cannot drag the added framework into the frameworks folder or it breaks, yay XCode 4...).
The trouble is, now that I seem to have the framework imported, I cannot actually use it in my code. The import statement should be (according to the documentation)
#import <RegexKit/RegexKit.h>
but that code isn't auto-completing and is being flagged as a file not found error. When I begin typing that line, I do get an option to auto-complete
#import "RegexKit.h"
but it too gets a file not found error. What am I doing wrong, this is driving me nuts!?!?!

Okay, I solved it. It turns out that you have to add the framework to the testing target as well (yeah I left out some key info there, sorry. The file in question was actually a test case). I hope this helps someone!


How do I include Scintilla in an XCode 3.2.5 project?

I downloaded Scintilla, built and ran ScintillaTest. That worked (almost) fine. Now, I want to include Scintilla in a new project, but can't seem to figure out how to. I tried ctrl-clicking my target and selecting Add Existing Framework..., then Add Other... and finally file located at scite337/scintilla/cocoa/ScintillaFramework/build/Release/Scintilla.framework (obviously I omitted the first part of the path).
After I did this I just added an #import statement in the AppDelegate of my further untouched new project. Upon hitting Cmd+R it says ScintillaView.h: no such file or directory...
I thought that if I added the framework to my only target it would pass the location of the header files to the compiler (and preprocessor). Obviously it doesn't, so I assume I'll have to add the paths of the header files (and maybe other files) to the Build Settings, but there are lots of Build Settings, so I don't have a clue where.
If you don't have access to XCode 3.2.x, please leave how you'd do it in a newer version. I've found a lot of information on other XCode matters for higher versions did that work well in XCode 3.2.5 too (with a little bit of searching for menu items and settings panels).
By looking at the ScintillaTest XCode project I discovered how it works: you have to import the XCode project called ScintillaFramework, which is the file named ScintillaFramework.xcodeproj (obviously). But that isn't enough, after that XCode still can't find the header files in the framework. I looked at the build settings in the ScintillaTest project and found 'Header Search Paths' set to ../../. Setting this failed in my project, it had to be one directory less back: ../. No I just need to get the compiler to accept the C++ constructs in the Scintilla framework.
Strangely, this stopped working. I do not understand it either. So I just right-clicked my target, from there: add existing framework...->add other...->[browse to ScintillaFramework/build/Release/Scintilla.framework]. This works partially, see my newest question.

Framework header not found in Xcode 4.2 but application runs fine

I have a Mac app that uses a framework.
In build phases, I've added the framework to Link Binary With Libraries and created a Copy Files build phase to copy the framework. Furthermore, I'ved added the framework search paths to Framework Search Paths, Header Search Paths, and User Header Search Paths. The path is as follows:
I can build and run the application however next to the header import statement #import "UMEKit/UMEKit.h", there is a red maker indicating that the header is not found.
I've also tried restarting Xcode and my computer a billion times and haven't been able to resolve the problem.
Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?
Do not use quotes when importing something from a framework. Use <> instead. For example
#import <UMEKit/UMEKit.h>
This will work.

Compile, Build or Archive problems with Xcode 4 (and dependencies)

This question has evolved over the past several weeks to cover more general issues with xcode4 (and upgrading projects form older xcodes).
However many of the issues can be solved by following the same set of instructions.
If you have any of the following issues, try the methods in the accepted answer:
Xcode 4 fails to archive an App
Xcode 4 creates an unusable archive
Xcode 4 does not create an .ipa
Xcode 4 fails to compile due to preprocessor errors
Xcode 4 cannot find headers
Xcode 4's code complete is not working
Project dependancies won't compile
Adding a dependancy causes any of the above issues
Original Question
Title: "lexical or preprocessor issue file not found" in Xcode 4
I have a project in Xcode 4 that will build fine and run on the device and simulator but when trying to Archive it errors when looking for headers files associated with a static library:
In file included from /Volumes/Development/Path/LBProject/LBProject/LBProject-Prefix.pch:15:
In file included from /Volumes/Development/Path/LBProject/LBFDefines.h:23:
In file included from /Volumes/Development/Path/LBProject/Classes/LBProjectAppDelegate.h:11:
In file included from /Volumes/Development/Path/LBProject/LBProject/../FKNDirectory/FKNDirectoryManager.h:10:
/Volumes/Development/Path/LBProject/LBProject/../FKNDirectory/FKNDataModel.h:11:9: fatal error: 'Merchant.h' file not found [1]
#import "Merchant.h"
1 error generated.
Xcode gives the error
lexical or preprocessor issue file not found
Much Googling has show many people are having this issue but no solution. Anyone got a fix or even a clue.
Update: The user header search paths are set to ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR} in all configurations. It builds fine using any configuration except when archiving.
Update 2: Merchant.h is a Core Data class that is auto-generated and therefore inside .xcdatamodeld package, however the headers are all copied to the public headers directory when the library is built.
NB: The steps below will solve 90% of your Xcode archive issues
however, from the comments it is suggested you try quitting Xcode
first. This may save you hours of setting tweaking.
Check the "user header paths" are correct (Add "" to paths for spaces, both in your project and dependencies)
Set "Always search user paths" to YES
Create a group call "Indexing headers" in your project and drag the headers to this group, DO NOT add to any targets when prompted. This includes any headers inside your .xcdatamodeld, you'll need to right-click and view package contents to find them.
For all dependencies set "Skip Install" build setting to "Yes"
Moving any "Public" headers in Build Phases to "Project"
Set the Build Setting "Installation Directory" on your Target to $(LOCAL_APPS_DIR)
Change the target build setting "scan all source files for includes" to YES. (link)
With newer versions of Xcode (> 4.2) you might want to read this question related to workspaces.
Manually delete the project.xcworkspace files form all referenced projects
I had the same problem in XCode 4: "Lexical or preprocessor issue MyFile.h not found". However, MyFile.m was not a static library, just a standard class. And MyFile.m and MyFile.h were included properly and indexed in the project.
So ... I quit XCode and the Simulator, then restarted them and the problem disappeared.
I found that the problem went away when I changed the target build setting "scan all source files for includes" from no to yes.
I was able to resolve this issue without any changes to any of the build settings by simply copying the .h files into the Project's directory in the finder. I did NOT add them to the project at all. Just having them in the project's filesystem directory seemed to be enough to allow Xcode's implicit linking to work properly. More details here.
I had a weird issue like this. Changing "Scan all resource files..." to Yes didn't help. I took a look at the Framework Search Paths and noticed that I had
It seemed right but was still failing. I then tried rearranging the order of 2 & 3 and all of a sudden it built fine. So not sure why that was the hickup, but wanted to add it to the list of things to try in case it helps someone else.
My solution was to change my
#import "HeaderFile.h"
#import <FrameworkName/HeaderFile.h>
and everything started working again.
What was unusual was that it had stopped working suddenly after building
a few times.
The problem resolved itself when I set
Build Settings->Project->Search Paths to Yes
I had the same — 2 targets in my project (Project and ProjectTest of GHUnit). When my scheme was set up to Project, the import of <GHUnitIOS/GHUnit.h> was problem of “lexical or preprocessor issue file not found”. But when I set as a scheme ProjectTest, everything was OK. So, I have added GHUnitIOS.framework in Project too.
Looks like your header search paths are incorrect not configured properly in your build settings for the active scheme. Verify them and update your question with the current setting.
I'm having similar issues on the simulator but not the device and my header search path fields are empty (Seems to be default). But changing Workspaces seems to have solved the issue. Maybe you could try creating a new Workspace, add your project to it and see if that helps. Now I'm investigating why.
I was getting this "file not found" error for one particular .h file in my project. I resolved the issue by removing that .h file from the project (selecting "Remove references") and re-adding it.
Adding on more variant: I had two instances of foo.m in the Compile Source build phase, which some how caused "Header not found" for foo.h.
Another chance:
In workspace project: watch in the Target for section Build Phases. As many manuals says you need to have a Copy Files Build Phase to copy all your headers to another place, as iOS Framework cannot contain header files to be shared (this is my case).
Choose for those Copy Files as Destination option "Products Directory". Or another directory of your like where the headers will reside.
That worked for me. Probably the build for Archive (or Release) directory is very different than expected in build for Debug .
Also check in your workspace settings your build directory.
For me, this issue occurred after I added new files to the project; a blank .m and .h derived from NSObject. Here's how I resolved it:
Closed and restarted xCode
Deleted the two new files via XCode
Recompiled successfully
I then Re-added them afterward and it also worked.
Definitely a bug in xCode...

Can't Find Framework .h File

I downloaded Andy Potion's "PFLetsMove" framework here and added the Xcode Project to my application's project. I then dragged the framework from that to the Link Binary with Libraries and Copy Files build phases.
Now, if I compile the application with a call to PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary() it works fine, so the framework is definitely there. But if I put the line #import "PFLetsMove/PFMoveApplication.h" in the app delegate, I get the following error: 'PFLetsMove/PFMoveApplication.h' file not found.
I've checked the compiled PFLetsMove.framework in the build folder, and PFMoveApplication.h is there. I did the exact same thing with the AquaticPrime framework (import the header) and it works fine. Where am I going wrong here, or is there potentially an issue with how the framework is built?
If you use a framework, you put the file name in angle brackets (i.e. <FrameworkName/FileName.h>), if it's a local file, you use quotes (i.e. "FileName.h"). Note that even if the source file is in a group or subfolder, it is not referenced as such.

How do I use a dynamically load library in a command line utility? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 13 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
using frameworks in a command line tool
I've written a command line 'foundation tool' that uses the RegexKit.framework extensively. Everything works when run in Xcode but if I compile the release build and try to run it in Terminal I get the following error:
dyld: Library not loaded: #executable_path/../Frameworks/RegexKit.framework/Versions/A/RegexKit
Closer inspection reveals that the RegexKit.framework bundle is sat in the same directory as my executable file... I've done some research and I'm thinking that as command line tools don't use application bundles there's no where for Xcode to copy the framework to. So I'm guessing that I need to compile the framework as a static library and include it in my code... am I right? If so, how do I go about doing this? Is there anything I can do in Terminal to point to the framework externally?
Any help would be very greatly received, I've been banging my head against this for a few days now!
Thanks in advance,
So... What I did in the end was to recompile the framework with a different Installation Directory (in the Deployment section, under the Build tab in the Target's Info) - I set it to just #executable_path.
I then compiled the framework and replaced the one in my Utilitie's project, I also changed the Copy Files build phase to copy the framework to "Executables" rather than Frameworks.
The good news is that this fixes my original problem - but obviously the framework has to be in the same directory as the executable.
So this got me unstuck but I'd still love to know how to compile RegexKit.framework statically!
You shouldn't be installing the framework in the Executable folder of your bundle. It should be in the Frameworks folder. You need a Copy Files phase in your project that copies the framework and you need to set the Destination to "Frameworks". "Copy only when installing" should be unchecked.
When testing this, you should make sure you perform a clean build. I typically delete the build folder rather than using Xcode's Clean menu option since it's quicker and more comprehensive.
Also: you cannot statically link to a framework. If you want to statically link to something, it needs to be a static library so in this case, you'd need to hack about with RegexKit. Bear in mind that static libraries cannot contain resources, whereas Frameworks, being bundles, can.