create cascading dropdown in library of sharepoint 2010 - sharepoint-2010

Can anyone tell how to create cascading drop down in the library of share point 2010 without the help of java script and info path designer.i am trying through java script techniques,but its not working properly and i don't want to use info path designer.please help.

Without JavaScript and Infopath, you're into custom server side code. Without jQuery/Ajax then it's going to be a very clunky interface with multiple posts and screen redraws.
You may not be having much success with JavaScript but I can attest to using the SPServices and jQuery to achieve some very competent cascading dropdown solutions in SP207/2010 successfully. Have a look Here, there's plenty of sample code and advice.

I've had decent luck with using a 'custom field type' for such problems, if you need this to all be on an out of the box form. If you don't need this to be on an out of the box form, then it's no different than any other ASP.NET cascading drop down.
I haven't used custom field types a lot, and I've found them a bit awkward to get started with, but they're not really all that complicated once you have the basic template as most of the information is static; you can just take an unrelated example from someone else and change the few bits that apply to you.

You can make a custom form for the content type (if Visual Studio is an option) and do it like in any applications.
See here an example: provides best free solution which support multi level dropdown list with no limits.
It is javascript/jquery based solution with no page refreshes and involves only one look up list for multiple columns.
Saves data in single line text instead of Ids that are used by typical look up columns.
Very easy to use syntax too!

I have a simple solution without any JavaScript code: Cascading Drop Down Lists in SharePoint. Let me know if it solves your problem.


#fluent-ui/react vs #fluent-ui/react-northstar

I'm looking for some guideline what's the difference between #fluent-ui/react and #fluent-ui/react-northstar. This documentation (READMEs) are super imprecise. I'm don't understand which one to use for what.
I'm writing that react-component to be ran in webapp and the word plugin. Do you know which one to go for? They both look a bit different and feels that theming works a bit different.
You should use fluent-ui/react-northstar if you want to develop apps for Microsoft Teams, else you should use the normal fluent-ui.
If you look at a simple example of a dropdown, you will see that there is quite a lot of difference between the two. Northstar's dropdown combines the features of the dropdown with combobox.
Another to take into consideration is that Northstar's scope is limited to Web / Desktop at present.

Report and Invoice UWP Application

I design a UWP application.
In this one I am asked to make many reports that they are invoices or print delivery for example.
These can therefore have different models and these can be fixed or dynamic.
I explore different ideas:
   - In the old application in WPF, we used an old version of DevExpress but it's really not easy to make reports simply and scalable ways easily
   - There are indeed things like Telerik, ComponentOne but it's really expensive for what it does and I can not find an open source component.
   - I looked to be able to make the models in XAML and be able to print them which would be ideal, however it works well with text but with tables (listbox, listview, datagrid ...) I can not manage the pagination.
Do you have any ideas? I do not know Power Bi Embedded well but maybe be an idea? I would like something scalable and simple to implement and without having to pay exhobirating sums for this kind of component.
use all in one DataGrid for enterprise LOB apps on uwp platform, it offers you editing, filtering and sorting etc as well :
use Print helper to print stuff from your uwp app. :
Also please do look through other controls and helpers within windows community toolkit you might find some other stuff as well to help and simplify your uwp app developing experience :)

wxWidgets: How to find what translations are currently available for the application?

The application should offer switching the human language (the translation) via its menu. Unlike in the internat sample, the list of available languages should be created dynamically -- based on what translations are available. Is there any function to get the information?
The wanted behaviour is to reflect the situation when someone else adds the .mo catalog for another language, then the user can choose the language from the menu.
Thanks for your time and experience,
No, there is no way to get all the available catalogs now. It could be nice to add this to wxTranslations but for the moment it's not there.
Notice also that switching the language from a menu, as is done in many Windows programs, doesn't work really well with gettext approach neither as you need to recreate your entire UI to reflect the change in the language. This is why the language is usually only selected on the application launch anyhow.
Maybe this will help? wxTranslationHelper can display available catalogs.

How to use Ext-designer to create UI for multiple pages?

In the example section in extjs4 official site, the source code is clean and direct (on a single page). However the ext designer uses MVC architecture that I am quite confused.
If I want to create UI using extjs 4, for multiple page, am I supposed to create multiple projects in ext designer?
I think these are two seperate questions '1. should I use MVC' and '2. Why does Designer NOT use MVC'.
In my opinion that answer to 1. should be 'yes' unless you project is relatively small and you feel comfy managing the entire codebase in one long file. This quickly becomes unmanagable and there is a lot of searching needed to locate the section you're after.
The answer to 2. is that designer is aimed to provide designers (funnily enough!) who often won't have any coding experience the ability to create prototypes and templates that developers can pick apart and build into applications. At least that was true with designer version 1.
I believe designer 2 is aimed much much at being able to directly port code into applications but if you're talking about version 1 I think you will need to take the code generated by the designer and move it into an MVC style structure in order to build applications which are anything more than a couple of simple pages.

Free schedule/timetable GUI library for .NET

Does anyone know of any good free libraries providing Windows Forms controls for displaying schedules/timetables in .NET? I'm really looking for something similar to what the guy who asked this question was seeking, with a couple of differences:
I don't need any help organizing the underlying data or generating the schedule (that's all set) -- I just want a clean way of displaying it.
I'm actually looking for a custom control in Windows Forms, not an ASP.NET control.
One thing I've considered doing is just using a TableLayoutPanel control, but ideally I'm looking for something that will be more straightforward code-wise (as in, something actually designed for displaying a timetable) and sharper-looking visually.
How about this control? It is very similar to the calendar in Outlook. It does come with source code, so if it's not quite what you need you could maybe use this as a base for your own implementation.
Download the source code for
He built a control (CalWidget) that you can easily recompile in your own project that's pretty nice. I recompiled it in .net 4.0 with little problems.