Mocking framework for osgi/eclipse applications? - eclipse-plugin

I am looking for mocking framework to use in my osgi/eclipse test fragments. I have looked at:
but since its not osgi I need to convert it manually. I have tried to google for some mocking frameworks that works with osgi out of the box but have not been able to find any, does osgi developers not use mocking?

One solution will be to create mock objects of OSGi objects (like BundleContext and ServiceReference). You can use any mocking framework for this and of course you don't have to run the test in an OSGi container. This will be OK for simple scenarios.
If you want to test inside a container, you have the following options:
Spring DM Testing facilities

Actually Mockito works quite good with OSGI applications, since it has OSGI manifest. You can simply add it to your target platform from the latest orbit repository. I managed to make Powermock also working for Eclipse Plugins and it is available as well as update site at


How should I set up a web project using Kotlin on the back-end and in the browser?

If I wanted to build a website which used Kotlin both on the back-end, and in the browser - how would I set this up? Is there a Maven archetype or a Gradle template that captures best-practices for something like this?
The easiest way is to keep the modules separate, and I guess conceptually you'd probably want to do that also. While IntelliJ IDEA for instance doesn't natively support the ability to output to JS and JVM with Kotlin, in principle with Gradle/Maven you could. Here are instructions on targeting JVM and JavaScript for Gradle

Using Google Guice within Eclipse plugins

Is there a comprehensive discussion of the approaches of using Google Guice in the context of Eclipse plugins? There is the Peaberry project that targets OSGi containers in general, but this seems not to be used much in production plugin projects, which makes me a bit skeptic to use it (someone correct me if I'm wrong).
The complete Xtext and Xtend wiring is done with Guice. This includes the non-Eclipse relevant parts but also the Eclipse plugins and UI components.

How does Arquillian compare to Pax Exam for OSGi (integration) testing?

I am currently investigating how best to test our OSGi application intended to run on Apache Karaf. The obvious option is Pax Exam with labs-paxexam-karaf (see for a tutorial). However, I am concerned about performance (since Pax Exam apparently starts a new framework for every test method). I've also found that Arquillian has some OSGi support, though that isn't its main focus. JUnit4osgi isn't an option, as it only supports JUnit 3.
For someone unfamiliar with either framework, which is better to start with? What are the tradeoffs?
Why use Arquillian if you're after proper OSGi support? =)
When looking at PaxExam make sure the docs refer to PaxExam 2 - there are substantial differences between v 1 and 2.
PaxExam will take a while to get to grips with, but you'll learn heaps about OSGi in the process (definitely a good thing, but can still hurt).
In parallel to #Dmytro's answer, the Test Containers include a Native container which is run with the same VM as the junit test - meaning you can launch with debug in Eclipse. This works especially well with the org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping maven eclipse plugin and the org.ops4j.pax.exam:maven-paxexam-plugin. This method is fantastic, complete IDE integration.
PaxExam documentation is a bit sparse, but there are some good examples (see the Native launcher with main method that provides interactive shell) and wiki doc. If you get stuck the mailing list people ( are very helpful.
Another alternative is to look at Karaf's paxexam, very slick and easy to get a Karaf instance up and running (features.xml etc).
Personally, I just use PaxExam2 as I'd prefer to have no explicit dependencies on the framework provider (nothing against Karaf at all, it rocks).
Based on Reactor Strategies Pax-Exam can run all test methods in the same OSGi container.
The EagerSingleStagedReactorFactory of Pax Exam 2.x (aliased to PerClass in Pax 3.0) lets you run all test methods of a given class in the same OSGi container.
With the PerSuite strategy introduced in Pax Exam 3.0.0.M1, all test classes of your suite run in the same container.
By the way, Pax Exam 3.0 supports Java EE and CDI containers in addition to OSGi, so there is even more functional similarity with Arquillian, only Pax Exam is coming from the opposite end.
With Pax Exam, there is no need to assemble deployments in ShrinkWrap style, they are built automatically from the classpath. Moreover, you can run suites of test classes with a shared configuration.

How to swap in mock services during Selenium ui testing?

We wish to introduce Selenium testing to our maven build process. Happily, there is a ton of information available on how to do this, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to handle one of our requirements.
In an effort to separate our testing layers, we want to use mock service objects for the ui tests. All of these objects are already defined in Spring configuration files that we use in unit tests. Wiring these services is easy in a unit test (we're using #ContextConfiguration), but I don't know how to handle this configuration swap when we're deploying the war to Jetty for Selenium tests.
We're using:
Spring MVC 3.0
Worst: introduce special user/interface parameter/checkbox/role. In an application remember to use mocks for this special case everywhere in the code. Horrible in maintenance, error-prone and, let's face it, pretty lame. Most common thou...
Easiest solution: develop conditional includes in your Spring application context:
<import resource="services-${env}.xml"/>
where ${env} comes from pom.xml:
<env>prd</env> <!-- or test depending on build profile -->
Remember to turn on resources filtering and use build profiles.
when doing Selenium tests. Switching can be done during Maven build or by some other filtering tool. Both files (services-prd.xml and services-test.xml) define same beans (same interfaces and/or ids), but of course the latter one uses mock implementations.
Best (IMHO): if you need to change the implementation at runtime, AOP + JMX will be great. Just wrap your real services with aspects and depending on some flag (accessible via JMX), use real services or mocks. Very clean and noninvasive.

I have servlet-api 2.5 provided, but want to use it during integration tests. Is this possible?

I am using the Jersey Test Framework, that includes servlet-api 2.5 in the test scope. Unfortunately, I have also written my own custom filter that requires me to have access to servlet-api at compile time. I don't want to elevate the scope to "compile" though, because I still don't want it in the war file. Is there any hope?
It is supposed to just work. To quote the reference:
This is much like compile, but
indicates you expect the JDK or a
container to provide the dependency at
runtime. For example, when building a
web application for the Java
Enterprise Edition, you would set the
dependency on the Servlet API and
related Java EE APIs to scope provided
because the web container provides
those classes. This scope is only
available on the compilation and test
classpath, and is not transitive.
Maven downloads the thing, adds it to test and compile classpaths, but does not include it in packaging.