Replacing captions in Word documents with automated numbering, using VBA macro - vba

I have a large MS Word document with a lot of captions named like this:
"Map X. Map title.". The problem is that the "X" are not in ascending order. I'd like to fix it running VBA macro that will replace the "X" to a right number.
I have no problem with replacing strings but I would like to know what should I replace the "X" with (what is the type of object associated with automated numbering).
The numbers will go up for every type of Caption (e.g. "Map", "Chart"), without restarting inside chapters.

Okay, I found something that might help. There is a type of Field that you can add that will create a automatic number sequence for a given reference. So will we take your example above "Map X. Map title", if you can set you code to select 'X' and then follow it with...
MyRef = "Map"
Selection.Fields.Add(Selection.Range, , "SEQ " & MyRef, False).Update
Once that's done you may need to press ALT+F9, to hide/show the Field codes


Change Heading Number copied from another document

How can I change the Heading Number with VBA code?
For example, "1.1 Computer system"
I'd like to change "1.1" to "1.2".
I can read it with:
I can't find a way to change it.
Basic Function Test
1.1. LED Function Test Purpose: To make sure all the LED Functions are working as the Product Specification Resource Requirements:
The context is shown above. Sometimes, I copy from another document. The pasted heading number is not correct.
I tried to record the macro but the recorded macro is empty.
To force Heading 2 to start the numbering from 1.2, all you need is:
ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleHeading2).ListTemplate.ListLevels(2).StartAt = 2
Your update shows you're trying to do something quite different, however.
The only reliable way to retain the original numbering when copying/pasting between documents is to either:
convert the source numbering to static text before copying; or
paste the copied content as unformatted text.

Can I use the Shrink Method for the whole document in word

I don't know anything about code. I work with e-learnings in Storyline 3. I sometimes localize these e-learnings and use the translation tool in Articulate which basically exports an MS Word file. Sometimes the target languages are longer and I need to decrease the font size by percentage for the whole document. Usually, there are at least 3 different font sizes that I need to decrease accordingly. I am wan to develop a macro that I will use for multiple documents.
I couldn't find a way to do this by percentage, but looks like the Shrink or Grow Methods will do the work! I found this code in the reference page but looks like it works only for a selected object. The issue is that the exported MS Word file is in a table with each text box in the storyline separated to a cell. When I select the whole table it does not work.
If Selection.Type = wdSelectionNormal Then
MsgBox "You need to select some text."
End If
Could you please help me and let me know if this would be possible for the whole document, or the selected table? It would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
It is unclear from your question whether the table in the Word document contains the actual text boxes or just the text they contain.
If it is just the text then Shrink may work. I tested this on a document with a single table containing only text:

MS Word VB make check box control invisible when merge field is null

I have a query that pulls information I need to use in a mail merge document to email to people for verification of information. There are 8 fields they need to verify, preferably with a check box control, but some of the fields contain no information. I would like to make the check box next to merge fields that contain no data (or whatever I may need to write into the query to make this work) invisible. If this could be accomplished easier in a completely different way, that would be fine too. Thank you.
As Cindy said, this kind of thing is handled via field coding in the mailmerge main document, not via VB code. Such a field might be coded as:
{IF{MERGEFIELD myCheck}<> "" "[ ]"}
{IF«myCheck»<> "" "[ ]"}
where 'myCheck' is the field name and '[ ]' is the checkbox content control.
Note: The field brace pairs (i.e. '{ }') for the above examples are all created in the document itself, via Ctrl-F9 (Cmd-F9 on a Mac or, if you’re using a laptop, you might need to use Ctrl-Fn-F9); you can't simply type them or copy & paste them from this message. Nor is it practical to add them via any of the standard Word dialogues. Likewise, the chevrons (i.e. '« »') are part of the actual mergefields - which you can insert from the 'Insert Merge Field' dropdown (i.e. you can't type or copy & paste them from this message, either). The spaces represented in the field constructions are all required.

Possible to manipulate text labels in report section headers using VBA? (MS-ACCESS)

Possible stupid question here...
But is it possible in MS-Access to programmatically manipulate text label captions in such a way that that a different caption will appear in the header of each report section?
Ie., The design view shows a text label object in the GroupLevel zero header, with a default caption of "blah"....but upon execution of a Report_Load() sub, the actual text displayed is different for each section in the report? Say, simply "Section 1", "Section 2', "Section 3" and so on?
My suspicion is that this is not possible, but just wondering if anyone has some creative ideas how to make it work.
I realize that there are other/better ways of accomplishing the same thing...but is such a thing possible using VBA and Label objects specifically (at the moment, this is an external constraint and one that I cant change).
EDIT 2: Original post specifically designated LABELS as the only object for an acceptable solution. Edit to include LABELS and TEXT BOXES...which of course makes the question nearly trivial. Apologies to #peakpeak for my lack of clarity!
You can change the caption with
Me.<name of header>.Caption = "whatever"
Select Properties for the header in design view and find out and/or change the Name property. Me assumes that the VBA code is located under Microsoft Access Class Objects in the form you want to manipulate.
Actually, thank you for your help, but I have found something that appears to function as a decent work-around within the constraints I described above. Strictly speaking, this does not satisfy the terms of the question as originally asked (-1 to me for lack of clarity, and apologies to #peakpeak, who admittedly had essentially zero chance of answering this question as asked), but it this is close enough that it solves my immediate problem:
Change the object intended to contain my dynamic text from a label to a text box (duh!), keep all formatting settings, etc. the same so that the graphical presentation is unchanged.
Set the Control Source of the new text box to a public function, where the argument of the function is the name of a relevant field in the underlying query ("tName" in the linked example), so that the dynamic text box has a control source "=GetText([tName])" and the GetText() function is defined in the appropriate module for the report, and defines the text as desired, e.g.:
GetText(tName as String) as string
SELECT Case tName
Case "Albert"
GetText = "Section 1"
Case "Barry"
GetText = "Section 2"
Case Else
GetText = "Section 3"
'and so on
End Select
End Function

Printing custom ranges or items in Word 2010 using VBA

I am fairly new to VBA (Word 2010) and I'm unsure if something I'd like to do is even possible in the way that I want to do it, or if I need to investigate completely different avenues. I want to be able to print ranges (or items) that are not currently enumerated as part of either wdPrintOutRange or wdPrintOutItem. Is it possible to define a member of a wd enumeration?
As an example, I'd like to be able to print comments by a particular user. wdPrintComments is a member of the wdPrintOutItem enumeration, but, I only want comments that have an Initial value of JQC. Can I define a wdPrintCommentsJQC constant? My code is reasonably simple; I have a userform that lets the user pick some settings (comments by user, endnotes only, etc.) and a Run button whose Click event should generate a PrintOut method with the proper attributes. Am I on the wrong track?
(If it matters, the Initial values will be known to me as I write the code. I have a discrete list.)
No, it's not possible to add a constant to a predefined enumeration type.
However, one possible way to do this would be to build a string of page numbers which contain the items you wish to print, open the print dialog in the "dialogs" collection, and set it to print a specified range, andinsert the string containing the list of pages (separate them with commas). Finally, execute the .show method of the print dialog to show it to the user and give them the opportunity to set any other items and click the "ok" button. I've done something very similar when I needed to print a specific chapter of a long document, and so I had to specify the "from" section and page and the "to" section and page for the user. Below I just show how to specify a list of pages instead of the ".form" and "to" I was using:
With Dialogs(wdDialogFilePrint)
.Range = wdPrintRangeOfPages
.Pages = "3,5,7-11"
end with
I'm not sure how you want to print the comments (or other elements), but you could create another document and insert what you want to print on this document.
According to what you want, you could insert them as they were (comments, footnotes, etc) or as plain text, or any other format.