Best Practices in Protecting Amazon S3 Files? - amazon-s3

For example, I have a website with User A and B.
Both of them can login to my website using my own login system.
How do I make certain files from S3 accessible only to User A once he login to my website?
Note: I saw "Permission" in AWS Management Console with "Authenticated Users" option but it seems that it's meant for other S3 users only, is it something I can use to achieve my goal?

You need to use Amazon IAM - you can define what part of any S3 bucket A can see, as well as B and each will not have access to do 'anything'. In general you should never use the account ID and secret for anything, always make an IAM user have just whats needed to run your stuff. The admin user likely does not need EC2 or SQS, or SimpleDB, etc.
Federated access is great for allowing arbitrary users to sign into your website and only be granted access for say 12 hours. They get special AWSIDs for that access that will work only on the section of S3 you let them look at.


Multiple users uploading into the same storage account via desktop app

would love to hear your ideas.
In this project, multiple users (let's say 1000 users) will upload files into the same storage account (AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage or DigitalOcean Spaces) using a Windows desktop app C#
The desktop app does have user authentication from a Web API
Is it correct that each user will have his/her own bucket?
What is the best way to securely introduce API key and bucket information into the desktop app so that files will be uploaded to the correct bucket and storage account?
Think about the structure of your S3 bucket and how you would later identify each object, which a user uploaded.
I would create for each user an initial key, which a user is able to upload the files, e.g.
This will give you the possibility, if a user is deleted, that you can just delete all objects with that username too. If you are using a generated key to identify the user, than you also can use the keyID instead of username.
The most interesting question is on how you will secure this, so that no other user will be able to see objects from others. If you have a underlying API, than it's "easy"... give the API the access to the S3 bucket and secure the requests, that only those objects will be listed for which the username or keyID matches.
If you are using IAM users (or roles), than you have automatically generate a policy for each base key (username1 or keyID) for the specific actions.
If you set up something like that, please be really sure to harden your security and also try to enable logging of this bucket to be sure, that user1 can't access objects from user2.

Cross account codepipeline using pull method

I'm trying to create a cross account codepipeline and there is no appropriate document for this scenario.
AccounT - A has s3 bucket with yaml file
Account- B Will have Codepipeline
Account B codepipeline should have S3 as source in source stage from Account A and cloudformation deploy method in deploy stage. Can someone please help on what are the roles and other needs has to fulfilled to achieve this task.
There are two things that you need to make this work.
Your bucket needs to use a customer KMS key, not the default. This is because you can't grant permissions to another account to use the default key, meaning another account can't decrypt the data in the bucket. You need to grant permission in the key policy to allow the other account to decrypt using that key. Ideally not just to the entire account, but the role that is being used in your CodePipeline source step.
You have to grant access to the other account in your S3 bucket policy. Ideally not just to the entire account, but the role that is being used in your CodePipeline source step.
I have a project that does some of this using organizations. It isn't exactly what you want, in that the CodePipeline in my project lives in "AccountT" and the pipeline runs CloudFormation (or other things) run in "Account-B". So in my case only CloudFormation is reaching back to the bucket in "AccountT". I don't think it should be a big change to modify it to work the way you need it to work. My project is largely based off this AWS article.

How to create programmatically an AWS Console enabled user

I'm trying to add programmatically a "working" AWS account via API.
Actually I'm performing this operations:
CreateUser (login)
CreateLoginProfile (password)
When I go on "AWS" console I get an error an if I look to the Accounts linked to the Organization I can't find my new account.
But if I go on the user is there.
Do I'm missing something? Is there any difference between USER and ACCOUNT?
Of course USER and ACCOUNT are different. An account contains users and other resources (S3 bucket, EC2 instance).
If you want to create new AWS account, you need to use Organizations API.
create-account in the AWS CLI
CreateAccount documentation

Amazon S3 authentiaction model

What is the proper way of delegating file access authentication from S3 to our authentiation service?
For example: web site's user(he have our session id in headers) sending request to S3 to get file by url. S3 sends request to our authentication service asking if user with such headers can access that file, and if our auth service allow getting that file it will be downloaded.
There are a lot of information about presigned requests but absolutely nothing about s3 quering with "hidden" authentication.
If a file has been made public on S3, then of course anyone can download it, using a direct link to the file.
If the file is not public, then there needs to be some type of authentication. There are really only two ways a file from S3 can be obtained if it is not public, one is via a pre-signed url, and the other is to be an Amazon user who has access to S3. Obviously this is how it works when you yourself want to access an object on S3, you must provide your access key and a signature in the header of the GET request. You can grant other users access to S3 via Amazon IAM, which is more like the 'hidden' authentication you mentioned. Via the IAM route, there are different ways of providing access including Federated Users. Visit this link to learn more:
If you are simply trying to provide a authenticated user access to a file, the best and easiest way to do that would be to create a pre-signed url with an expiration time. The expiration time can be something short, like 10 minutes or even 1 minute, to prevent the user from passing the link to others.

What information do I need to give an external dev team to access and upload files to my Amazon S3 account?

I'm new to Amazon S3, and do not want to give more information than is necessary for the team to whom I'm outsourcing a project. They are building an image hosting site, and would need access to my S3 credentials - what exactly would the devs need to have access to? Just my Access Key ID?
They'll need an Access Key ID & corresponding Secret Access Key.
You can generate a unique one for them to use via the Security Credentials Page in the Account section of the website.
When they're done, you can delete there key and make a different one to use for the live site. Just make sure that when they develop the app they put the key information in a configuration file so you can change it when they're done.