What's the difference between adding pseudo-private ivars in a class extension or in the #implementation block? - objective-c

What's the difference between putting pseudo-private instance variables in a class extension inside the .m file, or putting them in the newly introduced #implementation brackets like shown below?
Are there consequences, pros, cons over one or the other way? Is internal2 treated differently than internal3 in a way a programmer must care of? (of course there is a difference McKay would say but the question is if you care in practice or not).
// MyClass.m
#interface MyClass () {
id internal2;
#implementation MyClass {
id internal3;
- (void)internalMethod {
NSLog(#"%# %#", internal2, internal3);
source: http://www.mcubedsw.com/blog/index.php/site/comments/new_objective-c_features/

The main difference between the two approaches is that you can include the class extension in a separate header, whereas the #implementation ivars obviously have to go with the #implementation block in the .m file (and there can only be one #implementation for a given class (extensions not included)). The practical result of this is that you can have multiple levels of "private" ivars:
MyClass.h: public ivars
MyClass+Private.h: semi-private ivars
MyClass.m: really private ivars
As a hypothetical example, pretend that MyClass is UIView. In that case, UIView.h is the header that we can all access, UIView+Private.h is the "private" header than only Apple can access, and UIView.m has stuff that only the people specifically responsible for UIView need to know about.

Personally, I prefer to put my ivars in a single class extension in the implementation file, I think it's cleaner that way. I don't think there are any performance advantages or consequences to using one or the other, it's more about being able to code the way you want to.


difference between public ivar and private proprety in objective c

May I know what is the difference between instance variable in .h file and property in .m file in objective c?
I know that both cannot be used outside the class. Any other difference?
A. You can add ivars inside the implementation, too:
#implementation AClass
id ivar;
Therefore the difference is not that ivars has to be in the header (interface). (But see below B.)
B. If an ivar should not be used outside, there is no reason to put it in the public header. Why do you want to inform somebody about an ivar, if he cannot use it? This is source code spamming.
C. A property adds (or uses) an ivar. Additionally it adds accessor methods.
D. A property provides additional semantic information, especially about atomicity and setter semantics, if it is declared in the header.
Up to here it should be clear that properties are usually the better way to model an object state. So why do we have ivars in headers?
This is for legacy. In former times we did not have declared properties. There has been some reasons for having ivars in the header (for example to tell the compiler the object size), but this are gone. The only meaning for declaring ivars in the header in nowadays is that you make them public and let others access them directly for performance reasons. You should have very good performance reasons to do so. I had never had them.
In addition to Jef's answer:
If you want to make ivars public to subclasses, you can put them into a class continuation in an extra file. Let's have an example:
// We do not put ivars in the public header. This is an implementation detail.
#interface MyClass : NSObject
// We do put ivars in an extra header with a class continuation, to make them visible for subclasses
#interface MyClass()
id ivar;
MyClass.m or MySubclass.m
// We use both headers in the implementation and subclass implementation:
#import "MyClass.h"
#import "MyClass_SubclassAddition.h
#implementation MyClass
You can get rid of the "subclass ivar problem", if you use setters in initializers. Whether this is wrong or not to do so, is a different discussion. Personally I prefer to use setters. But do not let us start that discussion again (and again and again …)
the biggest practical difference is that subclasses can see and use ivars which are declared in the .h, where if they are in an extension at top of the implementation file a subclass cannot access them.
I like to start with them in the .m file but i'll happily move one to the header in order to use it from a subclass.

Objective-C #interface and #implementation clarification

I'm still fairly new to Objective-C but I'd love to learn more about how it should be done.
I'm building a simple cheat sheet that I'd like to print and put on my office wall as a reminder.
Here's what I have so far:
// Headers (.h)
// Shows what's available to other classes
#interface ExampleViewController : UIViewController
// Declare public methods, ivars &
// properties that are synthesized.
// Implementation (.m)
// Defines the content of the class
#interface ExampleViewController ()
// Class extension allowing to declare
// private methods, ivars & properties that are synthesized.
#implementation ExampleViewController
// Private Properties
// Method definitions
One thing I don't understand is why have both #interface and #implementation inside the implementation .m file?
I get that we can declare private stuff but why not simply throw them in #implementation like:
#implementation ExampleViewController
UIView *view; // private property
- (void)...more code
#1 - Why should I ever use #interface from within my implementation .m file?
#2 - For header .h, why should I ever use #class more than #import?
#import actually gets the whole definition and #class tells the compiler that the symbol is a class. So I just don't see why I should ever use #class?
#3 - Otherwise, is there anything I should be adding somewhere in my .h or .m cheat sheet?
That's not a problem-related question but a more wiki-esque question so we everybody can look it up and completely and quickly understand those concepts as they are very hard to grasp for any newcomer.
Why should I ever use #interface from within my implementation .m file?
Because it's better to clearly separate public and private parts of the class.
For header .h, why should I ever use #class more than #import?
When forward-declaring classes for use in protocols. Like this:
#class Foo;
#protocol FooDelegate
// this wouldn't compile without a forward declaration of `Foo'
- (void)fooDidFinishAction:(Foo *)f;
Otherwise, is there anything I should be adding somewhere in my .h or .m cheat sheet?
That's way too general to be answered in one post.
1 - Why should I ever use #interface from within my implementation .m file?
When you do not intend to expose that interface to any other component. That's certainly the case for private class extensions but may also apply for something like a test which doesn't need a .h file at all because while it does define a class it does not need to expose an interface for any other component to use.
2 - For header .h, why should I ever use #class more than #import?
Invert your question; why should I ever use #import rather than #class?
#class informs the compiler that a class definition of that name will exist to be linked but says nothing about it's interface.
#import makes the class' interface available to you.
A forward declaration requires less work and can allow for faster builds. It is also not always possible to #import a class at all times (as in circular references like #H2CO3's protocol example). If all you need to know is that a class exists then just use the forward declaration. When you actually need to interact with its specific interface (usually in your class' implementation) then you need to #import.
3 - Otherwise, is there anything I should be adding somewhere in my .h or .m cheat sheet?
Unless you intend to actually expose ivars as a public interface (almost certainly not the case) leave them out of your .h and expose only properties instead.
Keep your public interface as simple as possible. Try not to reveal implementation details. However keep it informative enough that users of the class can verify its behavior using that public interface. (I find test driving the design of the class using only it's public interface a good tool for striking this balance.)
Imports and forward declarations expose dependencies. Keep them to the minimum you actually need so that you can understand what the class in question actually depends on.
Delegate protocols and block types are a common part of a class' interface but not part of the #interface. Include them in the .h if they are needed by other classes (e.g. to register callbacks).

How to send a message from an instance method to a object of another class

I tried to search for an answer about this (simple) question but nothing seems to work well, even books are not so specific (atleast the books I've read), or probably I'm simply missing something important, since I'm a little bit confused I've decided to try here.
Here's the question:
Say that I have a ClassA which contains one or many instance variables.
Then I have a ClassB which contains an Instance Method that modify ClassA variable (is this possible right?) the classes have NOT inheritance from each other, both inherits from NSObject
Then I want to call the method of the ClassB over the ClassA object on the UIViewController. I believe I need a reference between classes but i'm not sure on how to set them to make them works. Imagine I have a Paper which contains writes or numbers (in this case numbers) and a class erase to modify it's variable and erase numbers (for example by subtracting).
here's some code:
#interface Paper : NSObject
#property (nonatomic) int numbers;
#import "Paper.h"
#implementation Paper
#synthesize numbers;
and Eraser.h
#interface Eraser : NSObject
#import "Eraser.h"
#implementation Eraser
-(void)eraseMethod {
//here I want to make a subtraction of the ivar declared in Paper
and finally I'm trying to call it on the UIViewController like so
[paperObject eraseMethod];
I tried by declaring #class in each files as I've read somewhere but this won't help in any way... I hope this is clear as question
Ivars are just storage slots and they are private to the class when without specifying access conditions.You can use property for the purpose of accessing from another class. more info here
in order to achive what you speak of,make the method a class method
see here
#import "Eraser.h"
#implementation Eraser
+(void)eraseMethod {
//here I want to make a subtraction of the ivar declared in Paper
thus you can achieve the method in your VC.

Can we not declare methods in the header files?

I am watching the Stanford University iPad and iPhone application Developments course video. The instructor says in the video we can control-drag an UI object to the implementation files to create an action. But in this way the method will not declare in the header file. Does this mean it is ok to implement methods in the .m file but not declare in the .h file?
Depends on how you define "ok" :-)
Objective-C uses dynamic method lookup and does not really enforce access ("private", "public", etc.) specifiers. So you don't need to declare any method in a header file.
However you will end up fighting the compiler as it does do a fair amount of type-checking unless you persuade it not to, and you'll lose by doing so.
You are not required to declare in the header file all methods in the implementation. But if not in the header file obviously you cannot reference them by literal name in another file, nor can you "forward reference" them in the implementation file.
(Note that this is not that different from regular C, but is different from methods of a class in C++.)
It's "OK" to not declare methods in the header yes, under certain circumstances. For instance, if using ARC then the compiler generally needs to know the method signature so it can do the right thing. But basically all it means is that wherever you're using the method, it must already know about the method you're calling.
Since you're talking about Interface Builder, that's slightly different in that it will know about all methods since it can "see" the whole context of your header and implementation files and know that a method exists. i.e. in my terminology above, the method has been defined before it's used.
With regard to defining before use, the general accepted approach is to either:
Define a method in the interface file (.h). e.g.:
#interface MyClass : NSObject
- (void)someMethod;
#implementation MyClass
- (void)someMethod {
// do something
Define a method in a class continuation category. e.g.:
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#interface MyClass ()
- (void)someMethod;
#implementation MyClass
- (void)someMethod {
// do something

#synthesize ivarName = _ivarName convention, preference or performance? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Synthesized property and variable with underscore prefix: what does this mean?
The usage of Objective-C properties has always felt awkward to me. It's one of the "I know how to use them, but I'm not always sure why I'm using them." kind of things and recently I've been seeing a lot of this:
// in .h file
#interface MyObject : NSObject
id _coolIvar;
#property (assign) id coolIvar;
// in .m file
#synthesize coolIvar = _coolIvar;// <- whats the point of that.
So what is the point of declaring an ivar with an underscore and then using #synthesize to access it, Opposed to just declaring the #property with the same name as the ivar?
Side Question:
I've noticed that this convention has been becoming increasingly more popular since blocks started becoming the preferred approach for async callbacks opposed to the target/selector approach. Is that a coincidence or does the above #property declaration convention play nicer with block scopes?
It's preference.
It's also my preference to not declare the variables twice and just let them be synthesized like:
// in .h file
#interface MyObject : NSObject
#property (assign) id coolIvar;
// in .m file
#synthesize coolIvar = _coolIvar;
The two reasons I like to use the _ prefix is
I know when I am going through an accessor and when I am accessing the variable straight.
If it makes sense for me to call an ivar address it is more than likely that inside a method a similar variable would also be logically called address. If my ivar does not have an _ prefix then my local address will mask the ivar address.
I also like how xcode will autocomplete vaiables starting with an _ when you start typing your #synthesize myVar = _...
You may run into the odd name clash (I have only once) but the warning that the complier gives you makes it a pretty easy spot and simply changing the name is a quick win.
#isaac touched on not declaring ivars so that they are not publicly advertised but does not explain how/why. Basically you can declare #property's in a class extension to still give you the benefits of the #synthesized getter/setter but without making your public API look ugly.
Your previous example would look like this (if you wanted coolIvar to not be publicaly advertised):
// in .h file
#interface MyObject : NSObject
// in .m file
#interface MyObject () <-- Like a category but with no name
#property (assign) id coolIvar;
#synthesize coolIvar = _coolIvar;
I use the _ivar construct to make sure that I don't access the ivar directly (by mistake) when I really intend to go through the accessors.
With the modern runtime (iPhone applications and 64-bit programs on Mac OS X v10.5 and later) the ivar declaration is no longer required. So your code is reduced to:
// in .h file
#interface MyObject : NSObject
#property (assign) id coolIvar;
// in .m file
#synthesize coolIvar = _coolIvar;
Per #Monolo's answer, the _ivar is a good failsafe to make sure you don't inadvertently access the ivar directly. Remember, the #property and #synthesize is there to replace boilerplate code - without it you'd have to code getter and setter accessors.
There are a couple benefits to differentiating ivars from property accessors.
One is described by Monolo - it prevents mistakingly accessing an ivar when what you intended to access was a property.
Another is that in theory it guards against collisions - cases where you might name an ivar identically to another ivar that's beyond your implementation (ie, a superclass ivar name).
There are different thoughts on best practices, but lately I've read in several places I consider reliable that the best practice is actually to no longer to declare ivars at all in your interfaces (ivars are created implicitly via the property declaration).
Some people don't like "implicit" - but there are material benefits: Not declaring them avoids advertising ivars that aren't really public. It also goes even further in avoiding collisions - because in theory when a property is synthesized and the ivar generated, it will do so without introducing a convention that may itself collide with a private ivar naming convention (as may be the case with preceding or trailing underscore).
Preference. Some people like to prefix instance variables with a underscore (so one can easily tell if one is referencing a ivar, or a variable in a more local scope), and some don't.