Finding files in subdirectories created after a certain date - sql

I'm in the process of writing a bash script (just learning it) which needs to find files in subdirectories created after a certain date. I have a folder /images/ with jpegs in various subfolders - I want to find all jpegs uploaded to that directory (or any subdirectories) after a certain date. I know about the -mtime flag, but my "last import" date is stored in %Y-%m-%d format and it'd be nice to use that if possible?
Also, each file/pathname will then be used to generate a MySQL SELECT query. I know find generally outputs the filenames found, line-by-line. But if find isn't actually the command that I should be using, it'd be nice to have a similar output format I could use to generate the SELECT query (WHERE image.file_name IN (...))

Try below script:
DATE=`echo $DATE|sed 's/-//g'`
FILE=~/timecheck_${RANDOM}_$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M")
touch -t $DATE $FILE
find $SEARCH_PATH -newer $FILE 2>/dev/null|awk 'BEGIN{f=0}{if(f==1)printf("\"%s\", ",l);l=$0;f=1}END{printf("\"%s\"",l)}'
rm -f $FILE

You can convert your date into the "last X days" format that find -mtime expects.
find is the correct command for this task. Send its output somewhere, then parse the file into the query.
Beware of SQL injection attacks if the files were uploaded by users. Beware of special-character quoting even if they weren't.


How to rename photo files using awk, such that they are named (and hence ordered) by "date taken"?

I have 3 groups of photos, from 3 different cameras (with time sychronised onboard all cameras) but with different naming schemes (e.g.: IMG_3142.jpg, DCM_022.jpg). I would like to rename every photo file with the following naming convention:
1_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.jpg for earliest
2_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.jpg for next earliest, and so on,
until we reach around 5000_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.jpg for the last one (i.e. the most recent)
I would like the yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss field to be replaced by the “date and time taken” value for when this photo was taken. Which is saved in the metadata/properties of each file.
I have seen awk used to carry out similar operations but I'm not familiar enough to know how to access the “time taken” metadata, etc.
Also, not that this should make a difference: my computer is a mac.
You can use jhead for this. The command is:
jhead -n%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S *.jpg
Make a COPY of your files first before running it! You can install jhead with homebrew using:
brew install jhead
Or, if you don't have homebrew, download here for OS X.
That will get you the date in the filename as you wish. The sequence number is a little more difficult. Try what I am suggesting above and, if you are happy with that, we can work on the sequence number maybe. Basically, you would run jhead again to set the file modification times of your files to match the time they were shot - then the files can be made to show up in the listing in date order and we can put your sequence number on the front.
So, to get the file's date set on the computer to match the time it was taken, do:
jhead -ft *.jpg
Now all the files will be dated on your computer to match the time the photos were taken. Then we need to whizz through them in a loop with our script adding in the sequence number:
# List files in order, oldest first
for f in $(ls -rt *jpg)
# Work out new name
echo Rename $f as $new
# Remove "#" from start of following command if things look good so the renaming is actually done
# mv "$f" $new"
You would save that in your HOME directory as renamer, then you would go into Terminal and make the script executable like this:
chmod +x renamer
Then you need to go to where your photos are, say Desktop\Photos
cd "$HOME/Desktop/Photos"
and run the script
That should do it.
By the way, I wonder how wise it is to use a simple sequence number at the start of your filenames because that will not make them come up in order when you look at them in Finder.
Think of file 20 i.e. 20_2015_02_03_11:45:52.jpg. Now imagine that files starting with 100-199 will be listed BEFORE file 2o, also files 1000-1999 will also be listed before file 20 - because their leading 1s come before file 20's leading 2. So, you may want to name your files:
then they will come up in sequential order in Finder. If you want that, use this script instead:
for f in $(ls -rt *jpg)
# Generate new name with zero-padded sequence number
new=$(printf "%04d_$f" $seq)
echo Rename $f as $new
# Remove "#" from start of following command if things look good so the renaming is actually done
# mv "$f" $new"

Recursive rsync over ssh, include only one file extension

I'm trying to rsync files over ssh from a server to my machine. Files are in various subdirectories, but I only want to keep the ones that match a certain pattern (IE blah.txt). I have done extensive googling and searching on stackoverflow, and I've tried just about every permutation of --include and --excludes that have been suggested. No matter what I try, rsync grabs all files.
Just as an example of one of my attempts, I have used:
rsync -avze 'ssh' --include='*blah*.txt' --exclude='*' /path/to/local/directory
To troubleshoot, I tried this command:
rsync -avze 'ssh' --exclude='*' /path/to/local/directory
expecting it to not copy anything, but it still grabbed all of the files.
I am using rsync version 2.6.9 on OSX.
Is there something obvious I'm missing? I've been struggling with this for quite a while.
I was able to find a solution, with a caveat. Here is the working command:
rsync -vre 'ssh' --prune-empty-dirs --include='*/' --include='*blah*.txt' --exclude='*' /path/to/local/files
However! If I type this into my command line directly, it works. If I save it to a file, myfile.txt, and I try `cat myfile.txt` it no longer works! This makes no sense to me.
OSX follows BSD style rsync
-C, --cvs-exclude
This is a useful shorthand for excluding a broad range of files
that you often don't want to transfer between systems. It uses a
similar algorithm to CVS to determine if a file should be
The exclude list is initialized to exclude the following items
(these initial items are marked as perishable -- see the FILTER
RULES section):
RCS SCCS CVS CVS.adm RCSLOG cvslog.* tags TAGS
.make.state .nse_depinfo *~ #* .#* ,* _$* *$ *.old *.bak
*.BAK *.orig *.rej .del-* *.a *.olb *.o *.obj *.so *.exe
*.Z *.elc *.ln core .svn/ .git/ .bzr/
then, files listed in a $HOME/.cvsignore are added to the list
and any files listed in the CVSIGNORE environment variable (all
cvsignore names are delimited by whitespace).
Finally, any file is ignored if it is in the same directory as a
.cvsignore file and matches one of the patterns listed therein.
Unlike rsync's filter/exclude files, these patterns are split on
whitespace. See the cvs(1) manual for more information.
If you're combining -C with your own --filter rules, you should
note that these CVS excludes are appended at the end of your own
rules, regardless of where the -C was placed on the command-
line. This makes them a lower priority than any rules you spec-
ified explicitly. If you want to control where these CVS
excludes get inserted into your filter rules, you should omit
the -C as a command-line option and use a combination of --fil-
ter=:C and --filter=-C (either on your command-line or by
putting the ":C" and "-C" rules into a filter file with your
other rules). The first option turns on the per-directory scan-
ning for the .cvsignore file. The second option does a one-time
import of the CVS excludes mentioned above.
-f, --filter=RULE
This option allows you to add rules to selectively exclude cer-
tain files from the list of files to be transferred. This is
most useful in combination with a recursive transfer.
You may use as many --filter options on the command line as you
like to build up the list of files to exclude. If the filter
contains whitespace, be sure to quote it so that the shell gives
the rule to rsync as a single argument. The text below also
mentions that you can use an underscore to replace the space
that separates a rule from its arg.
See the FILTER RULES section for detailed information on this

How to split sql in MAC OSX?

Is there any app for mac to split sql files or even script?
I have a large files which i have to upload it to hosting that doesn't support files over 8 MB.
*I don't have SSH access
You can use this :
Use this command to split the sql file
split -l 5000 ./path/to/mysqldump.sql ./mysqldump/dbpart-
The split command takes a file and breaks it into multiple files. The -l 5000 part tells it to split the file every five thousand lines. The next bit is the path to your file, and the next part is the path you want to save the output to. Files will be saved as whatever filename you specify (e.g. “dbpart-”) with an alphabetical letter combination appended.
Now you should be able to import your files one at a time through phpMyAdmin without issue.
More info
This tool should do the trick: MySQLDumpSplitter
It's free and open source.
Unlike the accepted answer to this question, this app will always keep extended inserts intact so the precise form of your query doesn't matter; the resulting files will always have valid SQL syntax.
Full disclosure: I am a share holder of the company that hosts this program.
The UploadDir feature in phpMyAdmin could help you, if you have FTP access and can modify your phpMyAdmin's configuration (or are allowed to install your own instance of phpMyAdmin).
You can split into working SQL statements with:
csplit -s -f db-part db.sql "/^# Dump of table/" "{99}"
Which makes up to 99 files named 'db-part[n]' from db.sql
You can use "CREATE TABLE" or "INSERT INTO" instead of "# Dump of ..."
Also: Avoid installing any programs or uploading your data into any online service. You don't know what will be done with your information!

How to get a list of files modified since date/revision in Accurev

I have created a workspace backed by some collaboration stream. The stream is updated regularly by team members. My goal is to take modified files in a given path and put them to another repository (do it regularly).
The question is how to create a list of files which were modified since a revision or date or ..? (I don't know which approach is the best.) The command line is preferable.
Once I get the file list I create an automating script to take the files from one place and put them to another.
accurev hist -s Your_Stream -t "2013/05/16 01:00:00"-now -a -fl
You can run accurev stat -m -fx and then parse resulting XML. element elements will have modTime attribute, which is the UNIX timestamp when the file was modified.

Script for Testing with Input files and Output Solutions

I have a set of *.in files and a set of *.soln files with matching files names. I would like to run my program with the *.in file as input and compare the output to the ones found in the *.soln files. What would be the best way to go about this? I can think of 3 options.
Write some driver in Java to list files in the folder, run the program, and compare. This would be hard and difficult.
Write a bash script to do this. How?
Write a python script to do this?
I would go for a the bash solution. Also given that what you are doing is a test, I would always save the output of the myprogram so that if there are failures, that you always have the output to compare it to.
for infile in *.in; do
myprogram $infile > $basename.output
diff $basename.output $basename.soln
Adding the checking or exit statuses etc. as required by your report.
If the program exists, I suspect the bash script is the best bet.
If your soln files are named right, some kind of loop like
for file in base*.soln
myprogram > new_$file
diff $file new_$file
Of course, you can check the exit code of diff and
do various other things to create a test report . . .
That looks simplest to me . . .
This is primarily a problem that requires the use of the file-system with minimal logic. Bash isn't a bad choice for such problems. If it turns out you want to do something more complicated than just comparing for equality Python becomes a more attractive choice. Java doesn't seem like a good choice for a throwaway script such as this.
Basic bash implementation might look something like this:
cd dir_with_files
for file in *$from_extension; do
diff <("$program" "$i") "${file:0:$((${#file}-3))}$compare_to_ext"