CakePHP nesting select query - sql

I have 3 db tables: books(id, title, author,...) and orders(id, book_id, user_id,...) and users(id, name, username,...) and I would like to get the titles of the books ordered by given user.
I prepared query using query() method:
$this->set('user_orders', $this->Order->query("SELECT, orders.status,
(SELECT books.title FROM books WHERE = orders.book_id) as `titles`
FROM orders WHERE orders.user_id = ".$this->Auth->user('id').""));
Now, I would like to obtain the same result but using find() method:
$this->set('user_orders', $this->Order->find('all', array(
'fields' => array(
'Book.title' => $this->Book->find('first',array(
'fields' => 'Book.title',
'conditions'=> array(' =')
'conditions' => array('user_id' => $this->Auth->user('id')))));
However, it does not work. How it should be corrected to obtain the same effect like in code above?

You might want to read up on the ContainableBehavior for this:
And, as Kaklon suggested: please be more specific about what is/isn't working...


wordpress ajax relationship query

Using the relationship field from Advanced Custom Fields I link artists to events. Both these artist and events are custom post types. For each event, the post IDs of the related artists are stored in an array as a custom meta field (lineup_artists).
On each event page I list all the artists. When you click on an artist, I'd like to show all the events where you can find this artist (through an AJAX call which shows the results in a bootstrap modal). I've tested the AJAX call and it's working, but there's something wrong with the query (takes very long to complete).
In my function I have:
$ArtistID = $_POST['ArtistID']; // Gets the ArtistID from the AJAX call
$meta_query = array(
'key' => 'lineup_artists',
'value' => '"' . $ArtistID .'"',
'compare' => 'LIKE'
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'events',
'meta_query' => array($meta_query),
'posts_per_page' => 5,
'post_status' => 'publish',
If I dump the results of wp_query, I get the following sql query:
INNER JOIN yt_postmeta ON (yt_posts.ID = yt_postmeta.post_id)
AND yt_posts.post_type = 'events'
AND (yt_posts.post_status = 'publish')
AND ( (yt_postmeta.meta_key = 'lineup_artists' AND CAST(yt_postmeta.meta_value AS CHAR) LIKE '%\"17497\"%') )
GROUP BY yt_posts.ID ORDER BY yt_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 5
When I paste this query in phpmyadmin it takes very long to complete (I've never seen it finish because it takes so long).
Is this because the artist IDs are stored as an array? Someone told me that this is not very efficient and that these relations should be stored in a separate table (which I don't know how to do). Is there something wrong with my query or is this a very inefficient way of querying relations?

CakePHP SQL-query count

I have a problem concerning CakePHP SQL-queries. I need to fetch products from the database where shop_id is given and then count the products. All I need is Product.url and its count.
This will do the trick in plain SQL:
SELECT url,COUNT(*) as count FROM products GROUP BY url ORDER BY count DESC;
This one I used to get all products relating to shops:
$this->Product->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Product.shop_id'=>$id)));
That works correctly, but I need to convert that SQL-query above to CakePHP.
I tried something like this:
$this->Product->find('count', array('conditions' => array('Product.shop_id'=>$id),
'order'=>'count DESC',
That returns only an int. But if I run that SLQ-query presented above in mysql server, I get two columns: url and count. How do I get the same results with CakePHP?
You can try this:
$data = $this->Post->query(
"SELECT COUNT(id),MONTH(created) FROM posts GROUP BY YEAR(created), MONTH(created);"
The most easiest way to do this:
$this->Product->query("SELECT url,COUNT(*) as count FROM products GROUP BY url ORDER BY count DESC;"); least for me.
Try the following code:
$this->Product->virtualFields['CNT_PRODUCTS'] = 0;
$this->Product->find('count', array('conditions' => array('Product.shop_id' => $id),
'fields' => array('', 'Product.url', 'count(*) as CNT_PRODUCTS'),
'order' => array('CNT_PRODUCTS' => 'DESC'),
'group' => 'Product.url'));

Sequel -- can I alias subqueries in a join?

Using Sequel I'd like to join two subqueries together that share some column names, and then table-qualify those columns in the select.
I understand how to do this if the two datasets are just tables. E.g. if I have a users table and an items table, with items belonging to users, and I want to list the items' names and their owners' names:
#db[:items].join(:users, :id => :user_id).
SELECT "items"."name", "users"."name" AS "user_name"
FROM "items"
INNER JOIN "users" ON ("users"."id" = "items"."user_id")
as desired.
However, I'm unsure how to do this if I'm joining two arbitrary datasets representing subqueries (call them my_items and my_users)
The syntax would presumably take the form
my_items.join(my_users, :id => :user_id).
select{[ ... , ... ]}
where I would supply qualified column names to access and What's the appropriate syntax to do this?
A partial solution is to use t1__name for the first argument, as it seems that the dataset supplied to a join is aliased with t1, t2, etc. But that doesn't help me qualify the item name, which I need to supply to the second argument.
I think the most desirable solution would enable me to provide aliases for the datasets in a join, e.g. like the following (though of course this doesn't work for a number of reasons), :id => :user_id).
select{[alias1__name, alias2__name ]}
Is there any way to do this?
I think from_self gets me part of the way there, e.g.
my_items.from_self(:alias => :alias1).join(my_users, :id => :user_id).
select{[alias1__name, t1__name]}
seems to do the right thing.
OK, thanks to Ronald Holshausen's hint, got it. The key is to use .from_self on the first dataset, and provide the :table_alias option in the join:
my_items.from_self(:alias => :alias1).
join(my_users, {:id => :user_id}, :table_alias => :alias2).
select(:alias1__name, :alias2__name)
yields the SQL
SELECT "alias1"."name", "alias2"."name"
FROM ( <my_items dataset> ) AS "alias1"
INNER JOIN ( <my_users dataset> ) AS "alias2"
ON ("alias2"."id" = "alias1"."user_id")
Note that the join hash (the second argument of join) needs explicit curly braces to distinguish it from the option hash that includes :table_alias.
The only way I found was to use the from method on the DB, and the :table_alias on the join method, but these don't work with models so I had to use the table_name from the model class. I.e.,
1.9.3p125 :018 > #db.from(Dw::Models::Contract.table_name => 'C1')
=> #<Sequel::SQLite::Dataset: "SELECT * FROM `vDimContract` AS 'C1'">
1.9.3p125 :019 > #db.from(Dw::Models::Contract.table_name => 'C1').join(Dw::Models::Contract.table_name, {:c1__id => :c2__id}, :table_alias => 'C2')
=> #<Sequel::SQLite::Dataset: "SELECT * FROM `vDimContract` AS 'C1' INNER JOIN `vDimContract` AS 'C2' ON (`C1`.`Id` = `C2`.`Id`)">
1.9.3p125 :020 > #db.from(Dw::Models::Contract.table_name => 'C1').join(Dw::Models::Product.table_name, {:product_id => :c1__product_id}, :table_alias => 'P1')
=> #<Sequel::SQLite::Dataset: "SELECT * FROM `vDimContract` AS 'C1' INNER JOIN `vDimProduct` AS 'P1' ON (`P1`.`ProductId` = `C1`.`ProductId`)">
The only thing I don't like about from_self is it uses a subquery:
1.9.3p125 :021 > Dw::Models::Contract.from_self(:alias => 'C1')
=> #<Sequel::SQLite::Dataset: "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM `vDimContract`) AS 'C1'">

CakePHP repeats same queries

I have a model structure: Category hasMany Product hasMany Stockitem belongsTo Warehouse, Manufacturer.
I fetch data with this code, using containable to be able to filter deeper in the associated models:
$this->Category->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $category_id),
'contain' => array(
'Product' => array(
'Stockitem' => array(
'conditions' => array('Stockitem.warehouse_id' => $warehouse_id),
Data structure is returned just fine, however, I get multiple repeating queries like, sometimes hundreds of such queries in a row, based on dataset.
SELECT `Warehouse`.`id`, `Warehouse`.`title` FROM `beta_warehouses` AS `Warehouse` WHERE `Warehouse`.`id` = 2
Basically, when building data structure Cake is fetching data from mysql over and over again, for each row. We have datasets of several thousand rows, and I have a feeling that it's going to impact performance. Is it possible to make it cache results and not repeat same queries?
Try this:
$this->Product->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $category_id, 'Stockitem.warehouse_id' => $warehouse_id),
'contain' => array(
, 'Stockitem' => array(
, 'Manufacturer'
If you remove Warehouse and Manufacturer you will find that Cakephp only executes one query.
Alternatively you can create database views for complex queries.

Pull back rows from multiple tables with a sub-select?

I have a script which generates queries in the following fashion (based on user input):
SELECT * FROM articles
WHERE (articles.skeywords_auto ilike '%pm2%')
AND spubid IN (
SELECT people.spubid FROM people
WHERE (people.slast ilike 'chow')
GROUP BY people.spubid)
The resulting data set:
Array ( [0] =>
Array (
[spubid] => A00603
[bactive] => t
[bbatch_import] => t
[bincomplete] => t
[scitation_vis] => I,X
[dentered] => 2009-07-24 17:07:27.241975
[sentered_by] => pubs_batchadd.php
[drev] => 2009-07-24 17:07:27.241975
[srev_by] => pubs_batchadd.php
[bpeer_reviewed] => t
[sarticle] => Errata: PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations from the Qalabotjha low-smoke fuels macro-scale experiment in South Africa (vol 69, pg 1, 2001)
[spublication] => Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
[ipublisher] =>
[svolume] => 71
[sissue] =>
[spage_start] => 207
[spage_end] => 210
[bon_cover] => f
[scover_location] =>
[scover_vis] => I,X
[sabstract] =>
[sabstract_vis] => I,X
[sarticle_url] =>
[sdoi] =>
[sfile_location] =>
[sfile_name] =>
[sfile_vis] => I
[sscience_codes] =>
[skeywords_manual] =>
[skeywords_auto] => 1,5,69,2001,africa,assessment,concentrations,environmental,errata,experiment,fuels,low-smoke,macro-scale,monitoring,pg,pm10,pm2,qalabotjha,south,vol
[saward_number] =>
[snotes] =>
The problem is that I also need all the columns from the 'people' table (as referenced in the sub select) to come back as part of the data set. I haven't (obviously) done much with sub selects in the past so this approach is very new to me. How do I pull back all the matching rows/columns from the articles table AS WELL as the rows/column from the people table?
Are you familiar with joins? Using ANSI syntax:
JOIN PEOPLE p ON p.spubid = t.spudid AND p.slast ILIKE 'chow'
WHERE t.skeywords_auto ILIKE'%pm2%'
The DISTINCT saves from having to define a GROUP BY for every column returned from both tables. I included it because you had the GROUP BY on your subquery; I don't know if it was actually necessary.
Could you not use a join instead of a sub-select in this case?
SELECT a.*, p.*
FROM articles as a
INNER JOIN people as p ON a.spubid = p.spubid
WHERE a.skeywords_auto ilike '%pm2%'
AND p.slast ilike 'chow'
Lets start from the beginning
You shouldn't need a group by. Use distinct instead (you aren't doing any aggregating in the inner query).
To see the contents of the inner table, you actually have to join it. The contents are not exposed unless it shows up in the from section. A left outer join from the people table to the articles table should be equivalent to an IN query :
FROM people
LEFT OUTER JOIN articles ON articles.spubid = people.spubid
WHERE people.slast ilike 'chow'
AND articles.skeywords_auto ilike '%pm2%'