Preventing flooding in WCF - wcf

I'm using WCF Web API. I want to prevent flooding on method calls. I've limited maxConcurrentCalls to 10. But I need more constraints. For example, if some client calls same method in 3 sec., it must throw an exception about flood call. Also if some client calls same method with same paramters for ten times per a minute, it must be prevented. How can I do that in a simple way?

There is nothing you can do on your service side to prevent clients from making requests. If you are anticipating high volume then you need to ensure your service endpoint is scaled out by putting a load balancer in front.
The best you could do is implement a per-session instance mode then return an exception if there are too many calls on the same session. This would still mean you would need to process the individual calls.
There may a way you can use a network load balancer to block surplus requests but I think this is unlikely.


Recommended WCF client channel lifetime with Message security

I have a question with regards to WCF client channel lifetime while using Message security, but first, a few notes on my company's setup and guidelines:
Our client-server applications are solely for intranet use
Our clients are WPF applications
Our company's guidelines for WCF usage are:
Use wsHttpBinding
Use Message Security
Service InstanceMode: PerCall
Service ConcurrencyMode: Multiple
It is the first time I have to use message security on an intranet setup. Here's how I typically use my client channels to limit the amount of resources kept on the client and server and literally just to keep things simple:
Instantiate + open channel (with ChannelFactory)
Make the WCF call
Close / dispose the channel asap
While monitoring this strategy with Fiddler 2, I noticed that because of Message Security, a single WCF call ended up causing 5 round-trips to my service:
3 initial round-trips for handshaking
1 round-trip for the actual WCF call
1 call to close the session (since I am using PerCall, I am assuming this is more a security session at the IIS level)
If I were to turn off Message Security, as one would expect, one WCF ended up being... A single round-trip.
As of now, I must use Message Security because that's our guideline. With this in mind and knowing that we make hundreds of WCF calls from each client WPF app a session, would you therefore advise to open the client channel and keep it open for re-use instead of disposing of it every time?
I would advise not to preemptively turn off features until you know they are a known problem. Preoptimization is needless work. Until you notice your clients having lagging problems, I would not worry about the message security. At that point, try a few things: one of your approaches of keeping a client open longer; two, try grouping requests together without turning off message security; three, consider caching, if you can; four, if the message security is the final culprit, then try a different method. I wouldn't just turn something off because I see a bit more network traffic until I knew it was the absolute last thing that I could do to improve performance.

Is a status method necessary for an API?

I am building an API and I was wondering is it worth having a method in an API that returns the status of the API whether its alive or not?
Or is this pointless, and its the API users job to be able to just make a call to the method that they need and if it doesn't return anything due to network issues they handle it as needed?
I think it's quite useful to have a status returned. On the one hand, you can provide more statuses than 'alive' or not and make your API more poweful, and on the other hand, it's more useful for the user, since you can tell him exactly what's going on (e.g. 'maintainance').
But if your WebService isn't available at all due to network issues, then, of course, it's up to the user to catch that exception. But that's not the point, I guess, and it's not something you could control with your API.
It's useless.
The information it returns is completely out of date the moment it is returned to you because the service may fail right after the status return call is dispatched.
Also, if you are load balancing the incoming requests and your status request gets routed to a failing node, the reply (or lack thereof) would look to the client like a problem with the whole API service. In the meantime, all the other nodes could be happily servicing requests. Now your client will think that the whole API service is down but subsequent requests would work just fine (assuming your load balancer would remove the failed node or restart it).
HTTP status codes returned from your application's requests are the correct way of indicating availability. Your clients of course have to be coded to tolerate and handle them.
What is wrong with standard HTTP response status codes? 503 Service Unavailable comes to mind. HTTP clients should already be able to handle that without writing any code special to your API.
Now, if the service is likely to be unavailable frequently and it is expensive for the client to discover that but cheap for the server, then it might be appropriate to have a separate 'health check' URL that can quickly let the client know that the service is available (at the time of the GET on the health check URL).
It is not necessary most of the time. At least when it returns simple true or false. It just makes client code more complicated because it has to call one more method. Even if your client received active=true from service, next useful call may still fail. Let you client make the calls that they need during normal execution and have them handle network, timeout and HTTP errors correctly. Very useful pattern for such cases is called Circuit Breaker.
The reasons where status check may be useful:
If all the normal calls are considered to be expensive there may be an advantage in first calling lightweight status-check method (just to avoid expensive call).
Service can have different statuses and client can change its behavior depending on these statuses.
It might also be worth looking into stateful protocols like XMPP.

Service instances in WCF

I'm using perfmon to examine my service behaviour. What I do is I launch 6 instances of client application on separate machines and send requests to server in 120 threads (20threads per client application).
I have examined counters and maximum number of instances (I use PerSession model and set number of instances to 100) is 12, what I consider strange as my response times from service revolve around 120 seconds... I thought that increasing number of instances will cause WCF to create more instances, and as a result response times would be quicker.
Any idea why WCF doesn't create even more instances of service?
Thanks Pawel
WCF services are throttled by default - it's a service behavior, which you can tweak easily.
See the MSDN docs on ServiceThrottling.
Here are the defaults:
maxConcurrentSessions="10" />
With these settings, you can easily control how many sessions or concurrent calls can be handled, and you can make sure your server isn't overwhelmed by (fraudulent) requests and brought to its knees.
Ufff, last attempt to understand that silly WCF.
What I did now is:
create client that starts 20 threads, every thread sends requests to service in a loop. Performance counter on server claims that only 2 instances of service object are created all the time. Average request time is about 40seconds (I start measuring before proxy call and finish after call returns).
modify that client to start 5 threads and launch 4 instances of that client (to simulate 20 threads behaviour from previous example). Performance monitor shows that 8 instances of service object are created all the time. Average request time is 20seconds.
Could somebody tell me what is going on? I thought that there is a problem with server that it doesn't want to handle more requests at concurently, but apparently it is client that causes a stir and don't want to send more requests concurently... Maybe there is some kind of configuration option that limits client from sending more then two requests at one time... (buffer,throttling etc...)
Channel factory is created in every thread.
You might want to refer to this article and make adjustment to your WCF configuration (specifically maxConnections) to get the number of connections you want.
Consider using something like to hit the service.
Also, perfmon will only get you so far. If you want to debug WCF service you should look at the SvcTraceViewer and SvcConfigEditor in the Windows SDK.
On your service binding what have you set the maxconnections to? Calls to connect will block once the limit is reached.
Default is 10 I think.

WCF Server Push connectivity test. Ping()?

Using techniques as hinted at in:
I am implementing a ServerPush setup for my API to get realtime notifications from a server of events (no polling). Basically, the Server has a RegisterMe() and UnregisterMe() method and the client has a callback method called Announcement(string message) that, through the CallbackContract mechanisms in WCF, the server can call. This seems to work well.
Unfortunately, in this setup, if the Server were to crash or is otherwise unavailable, the Client won't know since it is only listening for messages. Silence on the line could mean no Announcements or it could mean that the server is not available.
Since my goal is to reduce polling rather than immediacy, I don't mind adding a void Ping() method on the Server alongside RegisterMe() and UnregisterMe() that merely exists to test connectivity of to the server. Periodically testing this method would, I believe, ensure that we're still connected (and also that no Announcements have been dropped by the transport, since this is TCP)
But is the Ping() method necessary or is this connectivity test otherwise available as part of WCF by default - like serverProxy.IsStillConnected() or something. As I understand it, the channel's State would only return Faulted or Closed AFTER a failed Ping(), but not instead of it.
2) From a broader perspective, is this callback approach solid? This is not for http or ajax - the number of connected clients will be few (tens of clients, max). Are there serious problems with this approach? As this seems to be a mild risk, how can I limit a slow/malicious client from blocking the server by not processing it's callback queue fast enough? Is there a kind of timeout specific to the callback that I can set without affecting other operations?
Your approach sounds reasonable, here are some links that may or may not help (they are not quite exactly related):
Detecting Client Death in WCF Duplex Contracts
Having some health check built into your application protocol makes sense.
If you are worried about malicious clients, then add authorization.
The second link I shared above has a sample pub/sub server, you might be able to use this code. A couple things to watch out for -- consider pushing notifications via async calls or on a separate thread. And set the sendTimeout on the tcp binding.
I wrote a WCF application and encountered a similar problem. My server checked clients had not 'plug pulled' by periodically sending a ping to them. The actual send method (it was asynchronous being a server) had a timeout of 30 seconds. The client simply checked it received the data every 30 seconds, while the server would catch an exception if the timeout was reached.
Authorisation was required to connect to the server (by using the built-in feature of WCF that force the connecting person to call a particular method first) so from a malicious client perspective you could easily add code to check and ban their account if they do something suspicious, while disconnecting users who do not authenticate.
As the server I wrote was asynchronous, there wasn't any way to really block it. I guess that addresses your last point, as the asynchronous send method fires off the ping (and any other sending of data) and returns immediately. In the SendEnd method it would catch the timeout exception (sometimes multiple for the client) and disconnect them, without any blocking or freezing of the server.
Hope that helps.
You could use a publisher / subscriber service similar to the one suggested by Juval:
This would allow you to persist the subscribers if losing the server is a typical scenario. The publish method in this example also calls each subscribers on a separate thread, so a few dead subscribers will not block others...

WCF Design questions

I am designing a WCF service.
I am using netTCP binding.
The Service could be called from multi-threaded clients.
The multi-threaded clients are not sharing the proxy.
1. WCF Service design question.
Client has to sent these 2 values in every call: UserID and SourceSystemID. This will help the Service to identify the user and the system he belongs.
Instead of passing these 2 values in every call, I decided to have them cached with the Service for the duration of call from the client.
I decided to have a parameterized constructor for the Service and store these values in the ChannelContext as explained in this article.
Initially I wanted to go with storing the values in the Session and have a method for initialization and termination. But there I found that I need to manually clean up the session in each case. When I am storing values in the channel context, I don’t have to clean it up every time and when the channel closes the values stored are already destroyed.
Can somebody please make sure that I am correct in my assumption?
2. Should I use SessionMode?
For my contract, I used : [ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Required)] and without this service attribute.
Irrespective of my choice, I am always finding a value for : System.ServiceModel.OperationContext.Current.SessionId
How can this be explained?
When I say SessionMode.Required, does my InstanceContextMode automatically change to PerSession?
3. InstanceContextMode to be used?
My service is stateless except that I am storing some values in the Channel Context as mentioned in (1).
Should I use Percall or PerSession as InstanceContextMode?
The netTcp always has a transport-level session going - so that's why you always have a SessionId. So basically, no matter what you choose, with netTcp, you've got a session-ful connection right from the transport level on up.
As for InstanceContextMode - as long as you don't need anything else from a session except the SessionId - no reliable messaging etc. - then I'd typically pick Per-Call - it's more scalable, it typically performs better, it gives you less "glue" to worry about and less bits and pieces that you need to manage.
I would use an explicitly required session only if you need to turn on reliable messaging or something else that absolutely requires a WCF session. If you don't - then it's just unnecessary overhead, in my opinion.
Setting SessionMode to SessionMode.Required will enforce using bindings which support sessions, like NetTcpBinding, WSHttpBinding, etc. In fact if you try using a non-session-enabled binding , the runtime will throw an exception when you try to open the host.
Setting InstanceContextMode to PerSession means that only one instance of the service will be crated per session and that instance will serve all the requests coming from that session.
Having SessionId set by the runtime means that you might have a transport session or a reliable session or security session. Having those does not necessarily mean you have an application session , that is a single service object serving the requests per proxy. In other words, you might switch off application session by setting InstanceContextMode=PerCall forcing the creation of a new service object for every call, while maintaining a transport session due to using netTcpBinding, or a reliable or security session.
Think of the application session that is configured by InstanceContextMode and Session Mode as a higher level session, relying on a lower-level session /security, transport or reliable/. An application session cannot actually be established without having one of the other sessions in place, from there the requirement for the binding .
It is getting a bit long already, but for simple values I would recommend you to pass those values every time instead of creating application session. That will ensure the service objects have a short lifetime and no unnecessary resources will be kept alive on the server. It makes a lot sense with more clients, or proxies talking to your service. And you could always cache the values in the clients, even pass them as custom headers if you want.